package; import*; import lejos.pc.comm.*; /** * Contains the logic for connecting to RConsole on the NXT and downloading data. * Can be used by different user interfaces. * * @author Roger Glassey and Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class ConsoleViewComms { private InputStream is = null; private OutputStream os = null; private NXTConnector con; private ConsoleViewerUI viewer; private Reader reader; private boolean connected = false; private boolean daemon; private boolean lcd; public ConsoleViewComms(ConsoleViewerUI viewer, boolean daemon, boolean lcd) { this.daemon = daemon; this.viewer = viewer; this.lcd = lcd; reader = new Reader(); reader.setDaemon(daemon); reader.start(); } /** * Connect to RConsole on the NXT uusing either USB or Bluetooth * * @param name the name of the NXT or null * @param address the address of the NXT or null * @param useUSB use USB if true, else use Bluetooth * @return true iff the connection was successful */ public boolean connectTo(String name, String address, boolean useUSB) { return connectTo(name, address, (useUSB ? NXTCommFactory.USB : NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH)); } /** * Connect to RConsole on the NXT using the specified protocols * * @param name the name of the NXT or null * @param address the address of the NXT or null * @param protocol USB or Bluetooth or both * @return true iff the connection was successful */ public boolean connectTo(String name, String address, int protocol) { con = new NXTConnector(); con.addLogListener(new ToolsLogger()); if (!con.connectTo(name, address, protocol)) { return false; } is = con.getInputStream(); os = con.getOutputStream(); if (is == null || os == null) return false; try // handshake { byte[] hello = new byte[] { 'C', 'O', (byte)(lcd ? 'O' : 'N') }; os.write(hello); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { viewer.logMessage("Handshake failed to write: " + e.getMessage()); connected = false; return false; } name = con.getNXTInfo().name; address = con.getNXTInfo().deviceAddress; viewer.connectedTo(name, address); viewer.logMessage("Connected to " + name + " " + address); connected = true; return connected; } /** * Close the connection */ public void close() { try { if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} connected = false; } /** * Thread to read the RConsole data and send it to the viewer append method */ private class Reader extends Thread { byte [] lcdBuffer = new byte[100*64/8]; private int readBuffer() throws IOException { int cnt = 0; while (cnt < lcdBuffer.length) { int len =, cnt, lcdBuffer.length - cnt); //System.out.println("cnt " + cnt + " len " + len); if (len < 0) return -1; cnt += len; } return cnt; } public void run() { while (true) { if (connected) { try { int input; while ((input = >= 0) { if (input == 0xff) { //System.out.println("Got 255 marker"); if (readBuffer()< 0) break; viewer.updateLCD(lcdBuffer); } else viewer.append("" + (char) input); } close(); if (!daemon) return; } catch (IOException e) { close(); if (!daemon) return; } } Thread.yield(); } } } }