package js.tinyvm; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import js.common.AbstractTool; import js.common.ToolProgressMonitor; import; import; import; /** * Tiny VM. */ public class TinyVMTool extends AbstractTool { // /** // * Constructor. // */ // public TinyVMTool (ToolProgressMonitor monitor) // { // super(monitor); // } /** * Execute tiny vm. * * @param classpath classpath * @param classes main classes to compile * @param all * @param stream output stream to write binary to * @param bigEndian write big endian output? * @param options * @param debug true to add debug monitor * @throws TinyVMException */ public void link (String classpath, String[] classes, boolean all, OutputStream stream, boolean bigEndian, int options, boolean debug) throws TinyVMException { assert classpath != null: "Precondition: classpath != null"; assert classes != null: "Precondition: classes != null"; assert stream != null: "Precondition: stream != null"; Binary binary = link(classpath, classes, all, options, debug); for(ToolProgressMonitor monitor : _monitors) { binary.log(monitor); } //binary.log(getProgressMonitor()); dump(binary, stream, bigEndian); } /** * Link classes. * * @param classpath class path * @param entryClassNames entry class names to link * @param all do not filter classes? * @param options * @param debug * @return binary * @throws TinyVMException */ public Binary link (String classpath, String[] entryClassNames, boolean all, int options, boolean debug) throws TinyVMException { assert classpath != null: "Precondition: classpath != null"; assert entryClassNames != null: "Precondition: entryClassNames != null"; if (entryClassNames.length >= 255) { throw new TinyVMException("Too many entry classes (max is 254!)"); } if (debug) { // Insert the debug monitor class as the first entry class int names = entryClassNames.length; String [] newNames = new String[names+1]; System.arraycopy(entryClassNames, 0, newNames, 1, names); entryClassNames = newNames; entryClassNames[0] = "lejos.nxt.debug.DebugMonitor"; } ClassPath computedClasspath = new ClassPath(classpath); for (int i = 0; i < entryClassNames.length; i++) { entryClassNames[i] = entryClassNames[i].replace('.', '/'); } Binary result = Binary.createFromClosureOf(entryClassNames, computedClasspath, all); for (int i = 0; i < entryClassNames.length; i++) { if (!result.hasMain(entryClassNames[i])) { throw new TinyVMException("Class " + entryClassNames[i] + " doesn't have a static void main(String[]) method"); } } result.setRunTimeOptions(options); assert result != null: "Postconditon: result != null"; return result; } /** * Dump binary to stream. * * @param binary binary * @param stream stream to write to * @param bigEndian use big endian encoding? * @throws TinyVMException */ public void dump (Binary binary, OutputStream stream, boolean bigEndian) throws TinyVMException { assert binary != null: "Precondition: binary != null"; assert stream != null: "Precondition: stream != null"; try { OutputStream bufferedStream = new BufferedOutputStream(stream, 4096); IByteWriter byteWriter = bigEndian ? (IByteWriter) new BEByteWriter(bufferedStream) : (IByteWriter) new LEByteWriter(bufferedStream); binary.dump(byteWriter); bufferedStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TinyVMException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger("TinyVM"); static { _logger.setLevel(Level.OFF); } }