package org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample; import java.util.Random; import org.infinispan.commons.api.BasicCache; import org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.entity.Book; import org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookService; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestResourceTracker; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.cache.CacheManager; import org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Abstract template for running a set of tests under different configurations, in order to illustrate how Spring handles * the caching aspects we added to {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookServiceImpl <code>CachedBookServiceImpl</code>}. * It calls each method defined in the class and verifies that book instances are indeed cached and removed from the * cache as specified. * * @author <a href="mailto:olaf DOT bergner AT gmx DOT de">Olaf Bergner</a> * @author Marius Bogoevici * @author Matej Cimbora ( */ @Test(groups = "functional") public abstract class AbstractTestTemplate extends AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); @BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeTest() { TestResourceTracker.testStarted(getClass().getName()); } @AfterTest(alwaysRun = true) public void afterTest() { TestResourceTracker.testFinished(getClass().getName()); } @AfterMethod public void clearBookCache() { booksCache().clear(); backupCache().clear(); } /** * Demonstrates that loading a {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.entity.Book <code>book</code>} via * {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookServiceImpl#findBook(Integer)} does indeed cache * the returned book instance under the supplied bookId. */ @Test public void demonstrateCachingLoadedBooks() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBook(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } /** * Demonstrate that removing a {@link Book <code>book</code>} from database via * {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookServiceImpl#deleteBook(Integer)} does indeed remove * it from cache also. */ @Test public void demonstrateRemovingBookFromCache() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId).equals(bookToDelete) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } /** * Demonstrates that updating a {@link Book <code>book</code>} that has already been persisted to * database via {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookServiceImpl (Book)} does indeed evict * that book from cache. */ @Test public void demonstrateCacheEvictionUponUpdate() { final Integer bookToUpdateId = Integer.valueOf(2); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToUpdateId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToUpdateId; this.log.infof("Caching book [ID = %d]", bookToUpdateId); final Book bookToUpdate = getBookService().findBook(bookToUpdateId); assert booksCache().get(bookToUpdateId).equals(bookToUpdate) : "findBook(" + bookToUpdateId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Updating book [%s] ...", bookToUpdate); bookToUpdate.setTitle("Work in Progress"); getBookService().updateBook(bookToUpdate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] updated", bookToUpdate); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToUpdateId) : "updateBook(" + bookToUpdate + ") should have removed updated book from cache"; } /** * Demonstrates that creating a new {@link Book <code>book</code>} via * {@link org.infinispan.spring.provider.sample.service.CachedBookServiceImpl#createBook(Book)} * does indeed cache returned book under its generated id. */ @Test public void demonstrateCachePutOnCreate() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBook(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert booksCache().get(bookToCreate.getId()).equals(bookToCreate) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testFindCustomCacheResolver() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !getCache("custom").containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCustomCacheResolver(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(getCache("custom").get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindCustomKeyGenerator() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCustomKeyGenerator(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindConditionMet() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCondition(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindConditionNotMet() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCondition(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should not have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindUnlessMet() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookUnless(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindUnlessNotMet() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookUnless(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should not have cached book"; } @Test public void testFindCustomCacheManager() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCustomCacheManager(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCacheId)) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testCreateCustomCacheManager() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookCustomCacheManager(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCreate.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateCustomCacheResolver() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookCustomCacheResolver(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.equals(getCache("custom").get(bookToCreate.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateCustomKeyGenerator() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookCustomKeyGenerator(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert booksCache().containsKey(bookToCreate) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateConditionMet() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); Book result = getBookService().createBookCondition(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.equals(booksCache().get(result.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateConditionNotMet() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Wrong Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookCondition(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.getId() != null : " should have been set."; assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCreate.getId()) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should not have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateUnlessMet() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("99-999-999", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookUnless(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCreate.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCreateUnlessNotMet() { final Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookUnless(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCreate.getId()) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should not have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testDeleteCustomCacheResolver() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !getCache("custom").containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBookCustomCacheResolver(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.getId() != null : " should have been set."; assert bookToDelete.equals(getCache("custom").get(bookToDelete.getId())) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBookCustomCacheResolver(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !getCache("custom").containsKey(bookToDelete.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteCustomKeyGenerator() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBookCustomKeyGenerator(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteConditionMet() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(2); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBookCondition(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteConditionNotMet() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBookCondition(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteAllEntries() { final Integer bookToDeleteId1 = Integer.valueOf(5); final Integer bookToDeleteId2 = Integer.valueOf(6); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId1): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId1; assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId2): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId2; final Book bookToDelete1 = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId1); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete1); assert bookToDelete1.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId1)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId1 + ") should have cached book"; final Book bookToDelete2 = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId2); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete2); assert bookToDelete2.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId2)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId2 + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete1); getBookService().deleteBookAllEntries(bookToDeleteId1); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete1.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete1 + ") should have evicted book from cache."; assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete2.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete2 + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteCustomCacheManager() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBookCustomCacheManager(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.getId() != null : " should have been set."; assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDelete.getId())) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); getBookService().deleteBookCustomCacheManager(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testDeleteBookBeforeInvocation() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId): "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete); assert bookToDelete.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDelete.getId())) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete); try { getBookService().deleteBookBeforeInvocation(bookToDeleteId); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // ok, expected } this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } @Test public void testCachingCreate() { Book bookToCreate = new Book("112-358-132", "Random Author", "Path to Infinispan Enlightenment"); this.log.infof("Creating book [%s] ...", bookToCreate); getBookService().createBookCachingBackup(bookToCreate); this.log.infof("Book [%s] created", bookToCreate); assert bookToCreate.equals(booksCache().get(bookToCreate.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; assert bookToCreate.equals(backupCache().get(bookToCreate.getId())) : "createBook(" + bookToCreate + ") should have inserted created book into cache"; } @Test public void testCachingFind() { final Integer bookToCacheId = Integer.valueOf(5); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; assert !backupCache().containsKey(bookToCacheId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToCacheId; final Book cachedBook = getBookService().findBookCachingBackup(bookToCacheId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", cachedBook); assert cachedBook.equals(booksCache().get(cachedBook.getId())) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; assert cachedBook.equals(backupCache().get(cachedBook.getId())) : "findBook(" + bookToCacheId + ") should have cached book"; } @Test public void testCachingDelete() { final Integer bookToDeleteId = Integer.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10) + 1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; assert !backupCache().containsKey(bookToDeleteId) : "Cache should not initially contain the book with id " + bookToDeleteId; final Book bookToDelete1 = getBookService().findBook(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete1); final Book bookToDelete2 = getBookService().findBookBackup(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] cached", bookToDelete2); assert bookToDelete1.equals(booksCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; assert bookToDelete1.equals(backupCache().get(bookToDeleteId)) : "findBook(" + bookToDeleteId + ") should have cached book"; this.log.infof("Deleting book [%s] ...", bookToDelete1); getBookService().deleteBookCachingBackup(bookToDeleteId); this.log.infof("Book [%s] deleted", bookToDelete1); assert !booksCache().containsKey(bookToDelete1.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete1 + ") should have evicted book from cache."; assert !backupCache().containsKey(bookToDelete1.getId()) : "deleteBook(" + bookToDelete2 + ") should have evicted book from cache."; } protected BasicCache<Object, Object> booksCache() { return (BasicCache<Object, Object>) getCacheManager().getCache("books").getNativeCache(); } protected BasicCache<Object, Object> backupCache() { return (BasicCache<Object, Object>) getCacheManager().getCache("backup").getNativeCache(); } protected BasicCache<Object, Object> getCache(String name) { return (BasicCache<Object, Object>) getCacheManager().getCache(name).getNativeCache(); } public abstract CachedBookService getBookService(); public abstract CacheManager getCacheManager(); }