package org.infinispan.server.cli.handlers; import org.infinispan.server.cli.CliInterpreterException; import org.infinispan.server.cli.util.CliCommandBuffer; import org.infinispan.server.cli.util.InfinispanUtil; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; /** * It represents the no-arg Infinispan CLI command. It should be used as a base class for other commands * with arguments Infinispan CLI command. * <p/> * The Infinispan CLI command is only available when connected and the prefix contains the * {@code cache-container}. * <p/> * The commands are sent to the Infinispan interpreted to be processed and the result is printed. * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 6.1 */ public class NoArgumentsCliCommandHandler extends CliCommandHandler { protected final CliCommandBuffer buffer; public NoArgumentsCliCommandHandler(CacheCommand cacheCommand, CliCommandBuffer buffer) { super(cacheCommand); this.buffer = buffer; } @Override public boolean isAvailable(CommandContext ctx) { return ctx.getModelControllerClient() != null && InfinispanUtil.getCacheInfo(ctx).getContainer() != null; } @Override public boolean isBatchMode(CommandContext ctx) { return false; } @Override public void cliHandle(CommandContext ctx) throws CommandLineException { if (buffer.append(buildCommandString(ctx), cacheCommand.getNesting())) { try { invokeCliRequestIfNeeded(ctx); } catch (CliInterpreterException e) { ctx.printLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } protected void printResult(ModelNode result, CommandContext context) throws CommandLineException { if (result == null || !result.has("result")) { return; } context.printLine(result.get("result").asString()); } private void invokeCliRequestIfNeeded(CommandContext context) throws CommandLineException, CliInterpreterException { printResult(InfinispanUtil.cliRequest(context, buffer.getCommandAndReset()), context); } private String buildCommandString(CommandContext ctx) { StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(cacheCommand.getName()); if (ctx.getArgumentsString() != null) { command.append(' ').append(ctx.getArgumentsString()); } command.append('\n'); return command.toString(); } public static class AbortProvider implements CommandHandlerProvider { @Override public CommandHandler createCommandHandler(CommandContext ctx) { return new NoArgumentsCliCommandHandler(CacheCommand.ABORT, CliCommandBuffer.INSTANCE); } @Override public boolean isTabComplete() { return true; } @Override public String[] getNames() { return new String[] { CacheCommand.ABORT.getName() }; } } public static class EndProvider implements CommandHandlerProvider { @Override public CommandHandler createCommandHandler(CommandContext ctx) { return new NoArgumentsCliCommandHandler(CacheCommand.END, CliCommandBuffer.INSTANCE); } @Override public boolean isTabComplete() { return true; } @Override public String[] getNames() { return new String[] { CacheCommand.END.getName() }; } } }