package org.infinispan.configuration.cache; import static org.infinispan.configuration.cache.EvictionConfiguration.SIZE; import static org.infinispan.configuration.cache.EvictionConfiguration.STRATEGY; import static org.infinispan.configuration.cache.EvictionConfiguration.THREAD_POLICY; import static org.infinispan.configuration.cache.EvictionConfiguration.TYPE; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.Builder; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.AttributeSet; import; import org.infinispan.eviction.EvictionStrategy; import org.infinispan.eviction.EvictionThreadPolicy; import org.infinispan.eviction.EvictionType; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Controls the eviction settings for the cache. * @deprecated Use {@link MemoryConfiguration} instead */ @Deprecated public class EvictionConfigurationBuilder extends AbstractConfigurationChildBuilder implements Builder<EvictionConfiguration> { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EvictionConfigurationBuilder.class); private final AttributeSet attributes; public static final long EVICTION_MAX_SIZE = 0x00ffffffffffffffl; EvictionConfigurationBuilder(ConfigurationBuilder builder) { super(builder); attributes = EvictionConfiguration.attributeDefinitionSet(); } /** * Eviction strategy. Available options are 'UNORDERED', 'LRU', 'LIRS' and 'NONE' (to disable * eviction). * * @param evictionStrategy */ public EvictionConfigurationBuilder strategy(EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy) { attributes.attribute(STRATEGY).set(evictionStrategy); return this; } EvictionStrategy strategy() { return attributes.attribute(STRATEGY).get(); } /** * Threading policy for eviction. * * @param policy */ public EvictionConfigurationBuilder threadPolicy(EvictionThreadPolicy policy) { attributes.attribute(THREAD_POLICY).set(policy); return this; } /** * Maximum number of entries in a cache instance. Backward-compatible shortcut for * type(EvictionType.COUNT).size(maxEntries); * * @param maxEntries */ @Deprecated public EvictionConfigurationBuilder maxEntries(long maxEntries) { return type(EvictionType.COUNT).size(maxEntries); } @Deprecated public EvictionConfigurationBuilder maxEntries(int maxEntries) { return maxEntries((long)maxEntries); } /** * Defines the maximum size before eviction occurs. See {@link #type(EvictionType)} * * @param size */ public EvictionConfigurationBuilder size(long size) { attributes.attribute(SIZE).set(size); memory().size(size); return this; } /** * Sets the eviction type which can either be * <ul> * <li>COUNT - entries will be evicted when the number of entries exceeds the {@link #size(long)}</li> * <li>MEMORY - entries will be evicted when the approximate combined size of all values exceeds the {@link #size(long)}</li> * </ul> * * Cache size is guaranteed not to exceed upper * limit specified by max entries. However, due to the nature of eviction it is unlikely to ever * be exactly maximum number of entries specified here. * * @param type */ public EvictionConfigurationBuilder type(EvictionType type) { attributes.attribute(TYPE).set(type); memory().evictionType(type); return this; } @Override public void validate() { EvictionStrategy strategy = attributes.attribute(STRATEGY).get(); Long size = attributes.attribute(SIZE).get(); if (strategy == EvictionStrategy.FIFO) log.warnFifoStrategyIsDeprecated(); if (strategy.isEnabled() && size <= 0) throw log.invalidEvictionSize(); if (!strategy.isEnabled()) { if (size > 0) { strategy(EvictionStrategy.LIRS); log.debugf("Max entries configured (%d) without eviction strategy. Eviction strategy overriden to %s", size, strategy); } else if (getBuilder().persistence().passivation() && strategy != EvictionStrategy.MANUAL && !getBuilder().template()) { log.passivationWithoutEviction(); } } if (strategy == EvictionStrategy.LIRS && attributes.attribute(TYPE).get() == EvictionType.MEMORY) { throw log.memoryEvictionInvalidStrategyLIRS(); } if (size > EVICTION_MAX_SIZE) { throw log.evictionSizeTooLarge(size); } if (attributes.attribute(TYPE).get() == EvictionType.MEMORY) { String javaVM = SecurityActions.getSystemProperty(""); if (!javaVM.contains("HotSpot")) { log.memoryApproximationUnsupportedVM(javaVM); } } } @Override public void validate(GlobalConfiguration globalConfig) { } @Override public EvictionConfiguration create() { return new EvictionConfiguration(attributes.protect()); } @Override public EvictionConfigurationBuilder read(EvictionConfiguration template) {; return this; } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + attributes; } }