package org.infinispan.query.dsl.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.Expression; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.FilterConditionContext; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.FilterConditionEndContext; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.QueryBuilder; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.QueryFactory; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.SortOrder; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.impl.logging.Log; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * @author * @since 6.0 */ public abstract class BaseQueryBuilder implements QueryBuilder, Visitable { private static final Log log = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, BaseQueryBuilder.class.getName()); protected final QueryFactory queryFactory; /** * The fully qualified name of the entity being queried. It can be a Java Class name or a Protobuf message type * name. */ protected final String rootTypeName; /** * The attribute paths for the projection. */ protected Expression[] projection; protected String[] groupBy; protected BaseCondition filterCondition; protected BaseCondition whereFilterCondition; protected BaseCondition havingFilterCondition; protected List<SortCriteria> sortCriteria; protected long startOffset = -1; protected int maxResults = -1; protected BaseQueryBuilder(QueryFactory queryFactory, String rootTypeName) { if (rootTypeName == null) { throw log.argumentCannotBeNull("rootTypeName"); } this.queryFactory = queryFactory; this.rootTypeName = rootTypeName; } protected String getRootTypeName() { return rootTypeName; } @Override public QueryBuilder orderBy(Expression pathExpression) { return orderBy(pathExpression, SortOrder.ASC); } @Override public QueryBuilder orderBy(Expression pathExpression, SortOrder sortOrder) { if (sortCriteria == null) { sortCriteria = new ArrayList<>(); } sortCriteria.add(new SortCriteria(pathExpression, sortOrder)); return this; } @Override public QueryBuilder orderBy(String attributePath) { return orderBy(attributePath, SortOrder.ASC); } @Override public QueryBuilder orderBy(String attributePath, SortOrder sortOrder) { return orderBy(, sortOrder); } protected List<SortCriteria> getSortCriteria() { return sortCriteria; } @Override public QueryBuilder select(String... attributePath) { if (attributePath == null || attributePath.length == 0) { throw log.projectionCannotBeNullOrEmpty(); } Expression[] projection = new Expression[attributePath.length]; for (int i = 0; i < attributePath.length; i++) { projection[i] =[i]); } return select(projection); } @Override public QueryBuilder select(Expression... projection) { if (projection == null || projection.length == 0) { throw log.projectionCannotBeNullOrEmpty(); } if (this.projection != null) { throw log.projectionCanBeSpecifiedOnlyOnce(); } this.projection = projection; return this; } protected Expression[] getProjection() { return projection; } protected String[] getProjectionPaths() { if (projection == null) { return null; } String[] _projection = new String[projection.length]; for (int i = 0; i < projection.length; i++) { _projection[i] = projection[i].toString(); } return _projection; } @Override public QueryBuilder groupBy(String... groupBy) { if (groupBy == null || groupBy.length == 0) { throw log.groupingCannotBeNullOrEmpty(); } if (this.groupBy != null) { throw log.groupingCanBeSpecifiedOnlyOnce(); } this.groupBy = groupBy; // reset this so we can start a new filter for havingFilterCondition filterCondition = null; return this; } protected String[] getGroupBy() { return groupBy; } @Override public QueryBuilder startOffset(long startOffset) { if (startOffset < 0) { throw log.startOffsetCannotBeLessThanZero(); } this.startOffset = startOffset; return this; } @Override public QueryBuilder maxResults(int maxResults) { if (maxResults <= 0) { throw log.maxResultMustBeGreaterThanZero(); } this.maxResults = maxResults; return this; } protected BaseCondition getWhereFilterCondition() { return whereFilterCondition; } protected BaseCondition getHavingFilterCondition() { return havingFilterCondition; } @Override public FilterConditionEndContext having(Expression expression) { if (filterCondition != null) { throw log.cannotUseOperatorAgain("having(..)"); } AttributeCondition attributeCondition = new AttributeCondition(queryFactory, expression); attributeCondition.setQueryBuilder(this); setFilterCondition(attributeCondition); return attributeCondition; } @Override public FilterConditionEndContext having(String attributePath) { return having(; } private void setFilterCondition(BaseCondition filterCondition) { this.filterCondition = filterCondition; if (groupBy == null) { whereFilterCondition = filterCondition; } else { havingFilterCondition = filterCondition; } } @Override public BaseCondition not() { if (filterCondition != null) { throw log.cannotUseOperatorAgain("not()"); } IncompleteCondition incompleteCondition = new IncompleteCondition(queryFactory); incompleteCondition.setQueryBuilder(this); setFilterCondition(incompleteCondition); return incompleteCondition.not(); } @Override public BaseCondition not(FilterConditionContext fcc) { if (fcc == null) { throw log.argumentCannotBeNull(); } if (filterCondition != null) { throw log.cannotUseOperatorAgain("not(..)"); } BaseCondition baseCondition = ((BaseCondition) fcc).getRoot(); if (baseCondition.queryFactory != queryFactory) { throw log.conditionWasCreatedByAnotherFactory(); } if (baseCondition.queryBuilder != null) { throw log.conditionIsAlreadyInUseByAnotherBuilder(); } NotCondition notCondition = new NotCondition(queryFactory, baseCondition); notCondition.setQueryBuilder(this); setFilterCondition(notCondition); return filterCondition; } @Override public <ReturnType> ReturnType accept(Visitor<ReturnType> visitor) { return visitor.visit(this); } }