package org.infinispan.atomic; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.context.Flag; import org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey; import org.infinispan.test.MultipleCacheManagersTest; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.infinispan.transaction.LockingMode; import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionMode; import org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup; import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.IsolationLevel; import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Extracted originally from FineGrainedAtomicMapAPITest * * @author Vladimir Blagojevic (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc. * @author Sanne Grinovero (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc. * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 7.0 */ @Test(groups = "functional") public abstract class BaseAtomicHashMapAPITest extends MultipleCacheManagersTest { @Override protected void createCacheManagers() throws Throwable { ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = getDefaultClusteredCacheConfig(CacheMode.REPL_SYNC, true); configurationBuilder.clustering().hash().numSegments(60); configurationBuilder.transaction() .transactionMode(TransactionMode.TRANSACTIONAL).transactionManagerLookup(new EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup()) .lockingMode(LockingMode.PESSIMISTIC) .locking().lockAcquisitionTimeout(TestingUtil.shortTimeoutMillis()); createClusteredCaches(2, "atomic", configurationBuilder); } public void testMultipleTx() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final TransactionManager tm1 = tm(cache1); final Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testMultipleTx", true); final Map<String, String> map2 = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testMultipleTx", false); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = Collections.emptyMap(); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); tm1.begin(); map1.put("k1", "initial"); tm1.commit(); expectedMap = createMap("k1", "initial"); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); tm1.begin(); map1.put("k1", "v1"); map1.put("k2", "v2"); map1.put("k3", "v3"); tm1.commit(); expectedMap = createMap("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2", "k3", "v3"); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); tm1.begin(); map1.put("k4", "v4"); map1.put("k5", "v5"); map1.put("k6", "v6"); tm1.commit(); expectedMap = createMap("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2", "k3", "v3", "k4", "v4", "k5", "v5", "k6", "v6"); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); } public void testSizeOnCache() throws Exception { final Cache<Object, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final TransactionManager tm1 = tm(0, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); cache1.put(new MagicKey("Hi", cache1), "Someone"); assertSize(cache1, 1); tm1.begin(); assertSize(cache1, 1); cache1.put(new MagicKey("Need", cache1), "Read Consistency"); assertSize(cache1, 2); tm1.commit(); assertSize(cache1, 2); tm1.begin(); assertSize(cache1, 2); cache1.put(new MagicKey("Need Also", cache1), "Speed"); assertSize(cache1, 3); tm1.rollback(); assertSize(cache1, 2); Map<Object, Object> atomicMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, new MagicKey("testSizeOnCache", cache1), true); assertSize(cache1, 3); atomicMap.put("mm", "nn"); assertSize(cache1, 3); tm1.begin(); assertSize(cache1, 3); atomicMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, new MagicKey("testSizeOnCache-second", cache1), true); assertSize(cache1, 4); atomicMap.put("mm", "nn"); assertSize(cache1, 4); tm1.commit(); assertSize(cache1, 4); tm1.begin(); assertSize(cache1, 4); atomicMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, new MagicKey("testSizeOnCache-third", cache1), true); assertSize(cache1, 5); atomicMap.put("mm", "nn"); assertSize(cache1, 5); atomicMap.put("ooo", "weird!"); assertSize(cache1, 5); atomicMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, new MagicKey("testSizeOnCache-onemore", cache1), true); assertSize(cache1, 6); atomicMap.put("even less?", "weird!"); assertSize(cache1, 6); tm1.rollback(); assertSize(cache1, 4); } public void testConcurrentReadsOnExistingMap() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentReadsOnExistingMap", true); map.put("the-1", "my preciousss"); final Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("the-1", "my preciousss"); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); map.put("the-2", "a minor"); Future<Void> f = fork(TestingUtil.withTxCallable(tm(0, "atomic"), (Callable<Void>) () -> { Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentReadsOnExistingMap", true); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertNotContainsKey(map1, "the-2"); return null; })); f.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); tm(0, "atomic").commit(); } public void testConcurrentWritesOnExistingMap() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentReadsOnExistingMap", true); map.put("the-1", "my preciousss"); final Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("the-1", "my preciousss"); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); map.put("the-2", "a minor"); Future<Void> f = fork(TestingUtil.withTxCallable(tm(0, "atomic"), (Callable<Void>) () -> { Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentReadsOnExistingMap", true); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertNotContainsKey(map1, "the-2"); map1.put("the-2", "a minor-different"); // We're in pessimistic locking, so this put is going to block return null; })); try { f.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); fail("We should have received a wrapped TimeoutException"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable t = e; do { // We should have gotten a timeout exception since lock was held in other transaction if (t instanceof TimeoutException) { break; } } while ((t = t.getCause()) != null); assertNotNull("We should have found a TimeoutException!", t); } tm(0, "atomic").commit(); } public void testConcurrentWritesAndIteration() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentWritesAndIteration", true); assertSize(map, 0); Callable<Void> c1 = () -> { Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentWritesAndIteration", true); for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { map1.put("key-" + i, "value-" + i); } return null; }; Callable<Void> c2 = () -> { Map<String, String> map12 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentWritesAndIteration", true); for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { map12.keySet(); } return null; }; CompletionService<Void> cs = runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(c1, c2); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Future<Void> future = cs.poll(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // No timeout since it is guaranteed to be done if (future == null) { fail("Execution of forked tasks didn't complete within 1 minute"); } future.get(); } } public void testRollback() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testRollback", true); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); map1.put("k1", "v"); map1.put("k2", "v2"); tm(0, "atomic").rollback(); Map<Object, Object> instance = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testRollback", true); assertMap(Collections.emptyMap(), instance); assertMap(Collections.emptyMap(), map1); } public void testRollbackAndThenCommit() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testRollbackAndThenCommit", true); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); map1.put("k1", "v"); map1.put("k2", "v2"); tm(0, "atomic").rollback(); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = Collections.emptyMap(); Map<Object, Object> map2 = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testRollbackAndThenCommit", true); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); map1.put("k3", "v3"); map1.put("k4", "v4"); tm(0, "atomic").commit(); expectedMap = createMap("k3", "v3", "k4", "v4"); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); } public void testCreateMapInTx() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); tm(0, "atomic").begin(); Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testCreateMapInTx", true); map1.put("k1", "v1"); tm(0, "atomic").commit(); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("k1", "v1"); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); final Map<String, String> map2 = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testCreateMapInTx", true); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public void testNoTx() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testNoTx", true); map.put("existing", "existing"); map.put("blah", "blah"); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("existing", "existing", "blah", "blah"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public void testReadUncommittedValues() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); tm(cache1).begin(); map.put("key one", "value one"); map.put("blah", "blah"); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("key one", "value one", "blah", "blah"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); Map<String, String> sameAsMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); assertMap(expectedMap, sameAsMap); tm(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, sameAsMap); expectedMap = createMap("blah", "blah"); //now remove one of the elements in a transaction: tm(cache1).begin(); map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); String removed = map.remove("key one"); assertEquals("Wrong value removed.", "value one", removed); assertNotContainsKey(map, "key one"); assertNotContainsValue(map, "value one"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); tm(cache1).commit(); //verify state after commit: map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); removed = map.remove("key one"); assertNull("Wrong value removed.", removed); assertNotContainsKey(map, "key one"); assertNotContainsValue(map, "value one"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); expectedMap = createMap("key one", "value one", "blah", "blah"); //add the removed element back: tm(cache1).begin(); map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); map.put("key one", "value one"); tm(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); expectedMap = createMap("key one", "value two", "blah", "blah"); //now test for element replacement: tm(cache1).begin(); map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); map.put("key one", "value two"); assertNotContainsValue(map, "value one"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); tm(cache1).commit(); //verify state after commit: map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReadUncommittedValues"); assertNotContainsValue(map, "value one"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public void testCommitReadUncommittedValues() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testCommitReadUncommittedValues"); tm(cache1).begin(); map.put("existing", "existing"); map.put("hey", "blah"); tm(cache1).commit(); tm(cache1).begin(); map.put("key one", "fake one"); map.put("key one", "value one"); map.put("blah", "montevideo"); map.put("blah", "buenos aires"); map.remove("blah"); map.put("blah", "toronto"); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("key one", "value one", "blah", "toronto", "existing", "existing", "hey", "blah"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); Map<String, String> sameAsMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testCommitReadUncommittedValues"); assertMap(expectedMap, sameAsMap); tm(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, sameAsMap); } public void testConcurrentTx() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final TransactionManager tm1 = tm(cache1); final TransactionManager tm2 = tm(cache2); final Map<String, String> map1 = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testConcurrentTx", true); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("k1", "initial"); tm1.begin(); map1.put("k1", "initial"); tm1.commit(); final Map<String, String> map2 = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testConcurrentTx", false); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); Future<Void> t1 = fork(TestingUtil.withTxCallable(tm1, (Callable<Void>) () -> { map1.put("k1", "tx1Value"); return null; })); Future<Void> t2 = fork(TestingUtil.withTxCallable(tm2, (Callable<Void>) () -> { map2.put("k2", "tx2Value"); return null; })); t2.get(); t1.get(); expectedMap = createMap("k1", "tx1Value", "k2", "tx2Value"); assertMap(expectedMap, map1); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); } public void testReplicationPutCommit() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReplicationPutCommit"); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("existing", "existing", "blah", "blah"); tm(cache1).begin(); map.put("existing", "existing"); map.put("blah", "blah"); tm(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); final Map<Object, Object> other = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testReplicationPutCommit", false); assertMap(expectedMap, other); //ok, do another tx with delta changes tm(cache2).begin(); other.put("existing", "not existing"); other.put("not existing", "peace on Earth"); tm(cache2).commit(); expectedMap = createMap("blah", "blah", "existing", "not existing", "not existing", "peace on Earth"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, other); } public void testReplicationRemoveCommit() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "testReplicationRemoveCommit"); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("existing", "existing", "blah", "blah"); tm(cache1).begin(); map.put("existing", "existing"); map.put("blah", "blah"); tm(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); final Map<Object, Object> other = createAtomicMap(cache2, "testReplicationRemoveCommit", false); assertMap(expectedMap, other); //ok, do another tx with delta changes tm(cache2).begin(); String removed = map.remove("existing"); assertEquals("Wrong value removed from map '" + map + "'.", "existing", removed); tm(cache2).commit(); expectedMap = createMap("blah", "blah"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, other); } public void testReplicationPutAndClearCommit() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache1, "map"); final Map<String, String> map2 = createAtomicMap(cache2, "map", false); Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("existing", "existing", "blah", "blah"); TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).begin(); map.put("existing", "existing"); map.put("blah", "blah"); map.size(); TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).commit(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); //ok, do another tx with clear delta changes tm(cache2).begin(); map2.clear(); tm(cache2).commit(); expectedMap = Collections.emptyMap(); assertMap(expectedMap, map); assertMap(expectedMap, map2); } public void testInsertDeleteInsertCycle() throws Exception { final Cache<MagicKey, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); testInsertDeleteCycle(new MagicKey(cache2)); } public void testInsertDeleteInsertCyclePrimaryOwner() throws Exception { final Cache<MagicKey, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); testInsertDeleteCycle(new MagicKey(cache1)); } private void testInsertDeleteCycle(MagicKey key) throws Exception { final Cache<MagicKey, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<MagicKey, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); { TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).begin(); Map<String, Object> am = createAtomicMap(cache1, key); am.put("k1", "v1"); TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).commit(); } { TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).begin(); Map<String, Object> am = createAtomicMap(cache1, key); am.put("k3", "v3"); removeAtomicMap(cache1, key); //! am = createAtomicMap(cache1, key); am.put("k2", "v2"); TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).commit(); } final boolean fails; { TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).begin(); Map<String, Object> am = createAtomicMap(cache1, key); //'k1' should no longer exist as we had killed the whole am instance in previous transaction fails = am.containsKey("k1"); TestingUtil.getTransactionManager(cache1).commit(); } assertFalse(fails); } public void testDuplicateValue() { final Cache<String, Object> cache = cache(0, "atomic"); assertSize(cache, 0); final Map<String, String> map = createAtomicMap(cache, "duplicateValues", true); map.put("k1", "value"); map.put("k2", "value"); map.put("k3", "value"); map.put("k4", "value"); final Map<Object, Object> expectedMap = createMap("k1", "value", "k2", "value", "k3", "value", "k4", "value"); assertMap(expectedMap, map); } public void testReadEntriesCommittedInConcurrentTx() throws Exception { final Cache<String, Object> cache1 = cache(0, "atomic"); final Cache<String, Object> cache2 = cache(1, "atomic"); assertSize(cache1, 0); assertSize(cache2, 0); if (cache1.getCacheConfiguration().locking().isolationLevel() != IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ || cache2.getCacheConfiguration().locking().isolationLevel() != IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ) { //this test only makes sense with Repeatable Read! return; } final TransactionManager tm1 = tm(cache1); final TransactionManager tm2 = tm(cache2); final Map<String, String> writeMap = createAtomicMap(cache1, "repeatableReadMap", true); Map<Object, Object> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap(); assertMap(emptyMap, writeMap); // tx1 tm1.begin(); writeMap.put("k1", "initial"); tm1.commit(); Map<Object, Object> initialMap = createMap("k1", "initial"); assertMap(initialMap, writeMap); // tx2 tm2.begin(); Map<String, String> readMap = createAtomicMap(cache2, "repeatableReadMap", false); assertMap(initialMap, readMap); Transaction tx2 = tm2.suspend(); // tx3 tm1.begin(); writeMap.put("k1", "v1"); writeMap.put("k2", "v2"); writeMap.put("k3", "v3"); Map<Object, Object> modifiedMap = createMap("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2", "k3", "v3"); assertMap(modifiedMap, writeMap); tm1.commit(); // tx2 tm2.resume(tx2); // a new FGAM referring to the same key should not see the entries committed by tx3 assertMap(initialMap, readMap); tm2.commit(); // tx4 assertMap(modifiedMap, writeMap); assertMap(modifiedMap, readMap); } private void assertSize(Map<?, ?> map, int expectedSize) { final int size; if (map instanceof Cache) { size = ((Cache)map).getAdvancedCache().withFlags(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL).size(); } else { size = map.size(); } assertEquals("Wrong size in map '" + map + "'.", expectedSize, size); if (size == 0) { assertEmpty(map); } else { assertNotEmpty(map); } } private void assertEmpty(Map<?, ?> map) { assertTrue("Map '" + map + "' should be empty.", map.isEmpty()); } private void assertNotEmpty(Map<?, ?> map) { assertFalse("Map '" + map + "' should *not* be empty.", map.isEmpty()); } private void assertKeyValue(Map<?, ?> map, Object key, Object expectedValue) { assertEquals("Wrong value for key '" + key + "' on map '" + map + "'.", expectedValue, map.get(key)); } private void assertKeysValues(Map<?, ?> expected, Map<?, ?> atomicMap) { for (Entry<?, ?> entry : expected.entrySet()) { assertKeyValue(atomicMap, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private void assertNotContainsKey(Map<?, ?> map, Object key) { assertFalse("Map '" + map + "' should *not* contain key '" + key + "'.", map.containsKey(key)); } private void assertContainsKey(Map<?, ?> map, Object key) { assertTrue("Map '" + map + "' should contain key '" + key + "'.", map.containsKey(key)); } private void assertNotContainsValue(Map<?, ?> map, Object value) { assertFalse("Map '" + map + "' should *not* contain value '" + value + "'.", map.containsValue(value)); } private void assertContainsValue(Map<?, ?> map, Object value) { assertTrue("Map '" + map + "' should contain value '" + value + "'.", map.containsValue(value)); } protected void assertMap(Map<?, ?> expected, Map<?, ?> atomicMap) { // do a simple equals() check first assertEquals(expected, new HashMap<Object, Object>(atomicMap)); //check size() and isEmpty() assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.size()", expected.size(), atomicMap.size()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.isEmpty()", expected.isEmpty(), atomicMap.isEmpty()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.keySet().size()", expected.keySet().size(), atomicMap.keySet().size()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.keySet().isEmpty()", expected.keySet().isEmpty(), atomicMap.keySet().isEmpty()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.values().size()", expected.values().size(), atomicMap.values().size()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.values().isEmpty()", expected.values().isEmpty(), atomicMap.values().isEmpty()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.entrySet().size()", expected.entrySet().size(), atomicMap.entrySet().size()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.entrySet().isEmpty()", expected.entrySet().isEmpty(), atomicMap.entrySet().isEmpty()); //check the collections content assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.keySet() content.", expected.keySet(), atomicMap.keySet()); assertEquals("Wrong map '" + atomicMap + "'.values() content.", new HashSet<Object>(expected.values()), new HashSet<Object>(atomicMap.values())); for (Entry<?, ?> entry : atomicMap.entrySet()) { assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + entry.getKey(), expected.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } //check the containsKey() for (Object key : expected.keySet()) { assertContainsKey(atomicMap, key); } //check the containsValue() for (Object value : expected.values()) { assertContainsValue(atomicMap, value); } //check the get() assertKeysValues(expected, atomicMap); } /** * @param keysAndValues Alternating keys and values. */ protected Map<Object, Object> createMap(Object... keysAndValues) { assertEquals("Wrong parameters in createMap() method.", 0, keysAndValues.length % 2); Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < keysAndValues.length; i += 2) { map.put(keysAndValues[i], keysAndValues[i + 1]); } return map; } protected abstract <CK, K, V> Map<K, V> createAtomicMap(Cache<CK, Object> cache, CK key, boolean createIfAbsent); protected final <CK, K, V> Map<K, V> createAtomicMap(Cache<CK, Object> cache, CK key) { return createAtomicMap(cache, key, true); } protected <CK> void removeAtomicMap(Cache<CK, Object> cache, CK key) { AtomicMapLookup.removeAtomicMap(cache, key); } }