package org.infinispan.distribution; import static org.infinispan.commons.util.Util.padString; import static org.infinispan.commons.util.Util.prettyPrintTime; import static org.infinispan.profiling.testinternals.Generator.generateAddress; import static org.infinispan.profiling.testinternals.Generator.getRandomByteArray; import static org.infinispan.profiling.testinternals.Generator.getRandomString; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.infinispan.commons.hash.Hash; import org.infinispan.commons.hash.MurmurHash3; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * This test benchmarks different hash functions. */ @Test (groups = "manual", testName = "distribution.HashFunctionComparisonTest") public class HashFunctionComparisonTest { private static final int MAX_STRING_SIZE = 16; private static final int MAX_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE = 16; private static final int NUM_KEYS_PER_TYPE = 1000 * 100; private static final int MODULUS_BASE = 1024; private static final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); private static List<Hash> getHashFunctions() { List<Hash> functions = new LinkedList<Hash>(); functions.add(MurmurHash3.getInstance()); functions.add(new SuperFastHash()); return functions; } public void doTest() { for (int i : Arrays.asList(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)) { System.out.printf("----------------- Testing with %s nodes -----------------%n", i); addressDistribution(i); } } /** * Tests how well JGroupsAddresses are distributed on a hash wheel. */ private void addressDistribution(int numAddresses) { int hashSpace = 10240; Collection<Hash> functions = getHashFunctions(); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s %s %n%n", padString("Function", 25), padString("Greatest dist", 15), padString("Smallest dist", 15), padString("Mean dist", 15), padString("Positions", 15)); for (Hash f : functions) { List<Address> addresses = new LinkedList<Address>(); for (int i=0; i<numAddresses; i++) addresses.add(generateAddress()); SortedMap<Integer, Address> positions = new TreeMap<Integer, Address>(); for (Address a : addresses) positions.put(f.hash(a.hashCode()) % hashSpace, a); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s %s %n%n", padString(f.getClass().getSimpleName(), 25), padString(greatestDist(positions, hashSpace), 15), padString(smallestDist(positions, hashSpace), 15), padString(meanDist(positions, hashSpace), 15), // positions); "-"); } System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s %s %n%n", padString("Perfectly Balanced", 25), padString("-", 15), padString("-", 15), padString(Integer.toString(hashSpace / numAddresses), 15), "-"); } private String greatestDist(SortedMap<Integer, Address> pos, int hashSpace) { // calc distances between entries 0 and n - 1 first. int largest = 0; int lastPos = lastEntry(pos).getKey(); int firstPos = -1; for (int currentPos: pos.keySet()) { if (firstPos == -1) firstPos = currentPos; largest = Math.max(largest, Math.abs(currentPos - lastPos)); lastPos = currentPos; } return String.valueOf(largest); } private String smallestDist(SortedMap<Integer, Address> pos, int hashSpace) { // calc distances between entries 0 and n - 1 first. int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int lastPos = lastEntry(pos).getKey(); int firstPos = -1; for (int currentPos: pos.keySet()) { if (firstPos == -1) firstPos = currentPos; smallest = Math.min(smallest, Math.abs(currentPos - lastPos)); lastPos = currentPos; } return String.valueOf(smallest); } private String meanDist(SortedMap<Integer, Address> pos, int hashSpace) { // calc distances between entries 0 and n - 1 first. int totalDist = 0; int lastPos = lastEntry(pos).getKey(); int firstPos = -1; for (int currentPos: pos.keySet()) { if (firstPos == -1) firstPos = currentPos; totalDist += Math.abs(currentPos - lastPos); lastPos = currentPos; } return String.valueOf(totalDist / pos.size()); } private Map.Entry<Integer, Address> lastEntry(SortedMap<Integer, Address> m) { Map.Entry<Integer, Address> last = null; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Address> e: m.entrySet()) last = e; return last; } public void testHashs() { Collection<Hash> functions = getHashFunctions(); Set<Object> objectKeys = new HashSet<Object>(NUM_KEYS_PER_TYPE); Set<String> stringKeys = new HashSet<String>(NUM_KEYS_PER_TYPE); Set<byte[]> byteArrayKeys = new HashSet<byte[]>(NUM_KEYS_PER_TYPE); // generate keys for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS_PER_TYPE; i++) { String s = getRandomString(MAX_STRING_SIZE); objectKeys.add(s); stringKeys.add(s); byteArrayKeys.add(getRandomByteArray(MAX_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE)); } perform(functions, objectKeys, stringKeys, byteArrayKeys, false); perform(functions, objectKeys, stringKeys, byteArrayKeys, true); } private void captureStats(int hash, DescriptiveStatistics stats) { // comment this impl out if measuring raw performance stats.addValue(hash % MODULUS_BASE); } private void perform(Collection<Hash> functions, Set<Object> objectKeys, Set<String> stringKeys, Set<byte[]> byteArrayKeys, boolean warmup) { if (!warmup) System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString("Function Impl", 25), padString("String keys", 18), padString("Byte array keys", 18), padString("Object keys", 18)); for (Hash f : functions) { long oRes = 0, sRes = 0, bRes = 0; DescriptiveStatistics oStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics sStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics bStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Object o : objectKeys) captureStats(f.hash(o.hashCode()), oStats); oRes = System.currentTimeMillis() - st; st = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String s : stringKeys) captureStats(f.hash(s), sStats); sRes = System.currentTimeMillis() - st; st = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (byte[] b : byteArrayKeys) captureStats(f.hash(b), bStats); bRes = System.currentTimeMillis() - st; if (!warmup) { System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString(f.getClass().getSimpleName(), 25), padString(prettyPrintTime(sRes), 18), padString(prettyPrintTime(bRes), 18), padString(prettyPrintTime(oRes), 18) ); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString(" mean", 25), padDouble(sStats.getMean()), padDouble(bStats.getMean()), padDouble(oStats.getMean()) ); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString(" median", 25), padDouble(sStats.getPercentile(50.0)), padDouble(bStats.getPercentile(50.0)), padDouble(oStats.getPercentile(50.0)) ); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString(" deviation", 25), padDouble(sStats.getStandardDeviation()), padDouble(bStats.getStandardDeviation()), padDouble(oStats.getStandardDeviation()) ); System.out.printf("%s %s %s %s%n", padString(" variance", 25), padDouble(sStats.getVariance()), padDouble(bStats.getVariance()), padDouble(oStats.getVariance()) ); } } } private String padDouble(double d) { return padString(nf.format(d), 18); } } class SuperFastHash implements Hash { public static final Charset CHARSET_UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); @Override public int hash(int hashcode) { byte[] b = new byte[4]; b[0] = (byte) hashcode; b[1] = (byte) (hashcode >> 8); b[2] = (byte) (hashcode >> 16); b[3] = (byte) (hashcode >> 24); return hash(b); } @Override public int hash(Object o) { if (o instanceof byte[]) return hash((byte[]) o); else if (o instanceof String) return hash(((String) o).getBytes(CHARSET_UTF8)); else return hash(o.hashCode()); } @Override public int hash(byte[] data) { if (data == null || data.length == 0) return 0; int len = data.length; int hash = len; int rem = len & 3; len >>= 2; int tmp; int offset = 0; /* Main loop */ for (; len > 0; len--) { hash += get16bits(data, offset); tmp = (get16bits(data, offset + 2) << 11) ^ hash; hash = (hash << 16) ^ tmp; offset += 4; hash += hash >> 11; } /* Handle end cases */ switch (rem) { case 3: hash += get16bits(data, offset); hash ^= hash << 16; hash ^= data[2] << 18; hash += hash >> 11; break; case 2: hash += get16bits(data, offset); hash ^= hash << 11; hash += hash >> 17; break; case 1: hash += data[0]; hash ^= hash << 10; hash += hash >> 1; } /* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */ hash ^= hash << 3; hash += hash >> 5; hash ^= hash << 4; hash += hash >> 17; hash ^= hash << 25; hash += hash >> 6; return hash; } private int get16bits(byte[] bytes, int offset) { short s = bytes[offset]; s &= bytes[offset + 1] << 8; return s; } }