package org.infinispan.server.cli.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.infinispan.server.cli.CliInterpreterException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; /** * Some utility methods. * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 6.1 */ public class InfinispanUtil { private static final String SUBSYSTEM = "subsystem"; private static final String INFINISPAN = "datagrid-infinispan"; private static final String INFINISPAN_SUBSYSTEM = "/" + SUBSYSTEM + "=" + INFINISPAN; private static final String CONTAINER_TYPE = "cache-container"; private static final String CONTAINER_ADDRESS = INFINISPAN_SUBSYSTEM + "/" + CONTAINER_TYPE; private InfinispanUtil() { } public static List<String> getContainerNames(CommandContext ctx) throws OperationFormatException { OperationRequestAddress address = buildOperationRequest(ctx, INFINISPAN_SUBSYSTEM); return Util.getNodeNames(ctx.getModelControllerClient(), address, CONTAINER_TYPE); } public static boolean containsContainer(CommandContext ctx, String container) throws OperationFormatException { return new HashSet<String>(getContainerNames(ctx)).contains(container); } public static void changeToContainer(CommandContext ctx, String container) throws CommandLineException { if (!containsContainer(ctx, container)) { throw new CommandLineException("No such container: " + container); } OperationRequestAddress address = ctx.getCurrentNodePath(); address.reset(); address.toNode("subsystem", INFINISPAN); address.toNode(CONTAINER_TYPE, container); } public static Map<String, List<String>> getCachesNames(CommandContext ctx, String container) throws CommandLineException { if (!containsContainer(ctx, container)) { throw new CommandLineException("No such container: " + container); } OperationRequestAddress address = buildOperationRequest(ctx, CONTAINER_ADDRESS + "=" + container); List<String> cacheModes = Util.getNodeTypes(ctx.getModelControllerClient(), address); Map<String, List<String>> caches = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String cacheMode : cacheModes) { caches.put(cacheMode, Util.getNodeNames(ctx.getModelControllerClient(), address, cacheMode)); } return caches; } public static void changeToCache(CommandContext ctx, String container, String cache) throws CommandLineException { Map<String, List<String>> caches = getCachesNames(ctx, container); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : caches.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains(cache)) { changeToContainer(ctx, container); OperationRequestAddress address = ctx.getCurrentNodePath(); address.toNode(entry.getKey(), cache); return; } } } public static void connect(CommandContext ctx, String container, String cache) throws CommandLineException { if (container == null) { List<String> containers = getContainerNames(ctx); if (containers.isEmpty()) { throw new CommandLineException("No containers found!"); } container = containers.get(0); } try { if (cache != null) { changeToCache(ctx, container, cache); cliRequest(ctx, "cache " + cache + "\n"); } else { changeToContainer(ctx, container); } } catch (CommandLineException e) { ctx.getCurrentNodePath().reset(); throw e; } catch (CliInterpreterException e) { ctx.getCurrentNodePath().reset(); throw new CommandLineException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public static void disconnect(CommandContext ctx) { ctx.getCurrentNodePath().reset(); } public static ModelNode cliRequest(CommandContext ctx, String command) throws CommandLineException, CliInterpreterException { final ModelNode request = buildCliRequest(ctx, command); final ModelControllerClient client = ctx.getModelControllerClient(); final ModelNode response; try { response = client.execute(request); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CommandFormatException("Failed to perform operation: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (!Util.isSuccess(response)) { throw new CommandFormatException(Util.getFailureDescription(response)); } if (!response.has(Util.RESULT)) { return null; } ModelNode result = response.get(Util.RESULT); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(result.get("isError").asString())) { throw new CliInterpreterException(result.get("result").asString()); } updateStateFromResponse(result, ctx); return result; } public static ModelNode buildCliRequest(CommandContext ctx, String command) throws CommandLineException { final CacheInfo cacheInfo = getCacheInfo(ctx); OperationRequestAddress requestAddress = getContainerAddress(ctx, cacheInfo.getContainer()); ModelNode req = Util.buildRequest(ctx, requestAddress, "cli-interpreter"); updateRequest(req, ctx, command, cacheInfo); return req; } public static void updateStateFromResponse(ModelNode node, CommandContext context) { if (node.has("sessionId")) { context.set(getCacheInfo(context).getContainer() + "-sessionId", node.get("sessionId").asString()); } } public static OperationRequestAddress buildOperationRequest(CommandContext ctx, String address) throws OperationFormatException { DefaultCallbackHandler handler = new DefaultCallbackHandler(); ctx.getCommandLineParser().parse(address, handler); return handler.getAddress(); } /** * @return the container and cache name. */ public static CacheInfo getCacheInfo(CommandContext context) { String container = null; String cache = null; final Iterator<OperationRequestAddress.Node> iterator = context.getCurrentNodePath().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < 3 && iterator.hasNext(); ++i) { OperationRequestAddress.Node node =; if (node.getType().equals(CONTAINER_TYPE)) { container = node.getName(); } else if (node.getType().endsWith("-cache")) { cache = node.getName(); } } return new CacheInfo(container, cache); } private static void updateRequest(ModelNode request, CommandContext context, String command, CacheInfo cacheInfo) { setInModelNode(request, "cacheName", cacheInfo.getCache()); setInModelNode(request, "sessionId", (String) context.get(cacheInfo.getContainer() + "-sessionId")); setInModelNode(request, "command", command); } private static void setInModelNode(ModelNode node, String key, String value) { if (value != null) { node.get(key).set(value); } } private static OperationRequestAddress getContainerAddress(CommandContext ctx, String container) throws CommandLineException { if (container == null) { throw new CommandLineException("Container does not exists"); } return buildOperationRequest(ctx, CONTAINER_ADDRESS + "=" + container); } public static class CacheInfo { private final String container; private final String cache; public CacheInfo(String container, String cache) { this.container = container; this.cache = cache; } public String getContainer() { return container; } public String getCache() { return cache; } } }