package org.infinispan.lock.singlelock.pessimistic; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static; import javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException; import javax.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException; import javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException; import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.lock.singlelock.AbstractLockOwnerCrashTest; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.CleanupAfterMethod; import org.infinispan.transaction.LockingMode; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * @author Mircea Markus * @since 5.1 */ @Test (groups = "functional", testName = "lock.singlelock.pessimistic.LockOwnerCrashPessimisticTest") @CleanupAfterMethod public class LockOwnerCrashPessimisticTest extends AbstractLockOwnerCrashTest { public LockOwnerCrashPessimisticTest() { super(CacheMode.DIST_SYNC, LockingMode.PESSIMISTIC, false); } public void testLockOwnerCrashesBeforePrepare() throws Exception { final Object k = getKeyForCache(2); inNewThread(() -> { try { tm(1).begin(); cache(1).put(k, "v"); transaction = (EmbeddedTransaction) tm(1).getTransaction(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.errorf(e, "Error starting transaction for key %s", k); } }); eventually(() -> checkTxCount(0, 0, 1) && checkTxCount(1, 1, 0) && checkTxCount(2, 0, 1)); eventually(() -> !checkLocked(0, k) && !checkLocked(1, k) && checkLocked(2, k)); killMember(2); assert caches().size() == 2; tm(1).resume(transaction); tm(1).commit(); assertEquals("v", cache(0).get(k)); assertEquals("v", cache(1).get(k)); assertNotLocked(k); eventually(() -> checkTxCount(0, 0, 0) && checkTxCount(1, 0, 0)); } public void testLockOwnerCrashesBeforePrepareAndLockIsStillHeld() throws Exception { final Object k = getKeyForCache(2); inNewThread(() -> { try { tm(1).begin(); cache(1).put(k, "v"); transaction = (EmbeddedTransaction) tm(1).getTransaction(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.errorf(e, "Error starting transaction for key %s", k); } }); eventually(() -> !checkLocked(0, k) && !checkLocked(1, k) && checkLocked(2, k)); killMember(2); assert caches().size() == 2; tm(0).begin(); try { cache(0).put(k, "v1"); assert false; } catch (Exception e) { tm(0).rollback(); } tm(1).resume(transaction); tm(1).commit(); assertEquals("v", cache(0).get(k)); assertEquals("v", cache(1).get(k)); assertNotLocked(k); eventually(() -> checkTxCount(0, 0, 0) && checkTxCount(1, 0, 0)); } public void lockOwnerCrasherBetweenPrepareAndCommit1() throws Exception { testCrashBeforeCommit(true); } public void lockOwnerCrasherBetweenPrepareAndCommit2() throws Exception { testCrashBeforeCommit(false); } private void testCrashBeforeCommit(final boolean crashBeforePrepare) throws NotSupportedException, SystemException, InvalidTransactionException, HeuristicMixedException, RollbackException, HeuristicRollbackException { final Object k = getKeyForCache(2); inNewThread(() -> { try { tm(1).begin(); cache(1).put(k, "v"); transaction = (EmbeddedTransaction) tm(1).getTransaction(); if (!crashBeforePrepare) { transaction.runPrepare(); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.errorf(e, "Error preparing transaction for key %s", k); } }); eventually(() -> checkTxCount(0, 0, 1) && checkTxCount(1, 1, 0) && checkTxCount(2, 0, 1)); eventually(() -> !checkLocked(0, k) && !checkLocked(1, k) && checkLocked(2, k)); killMember(2); assertEquals(2, caches().size()); tm(1).begin(); try { cache(1).put(k, "v2"); fail("Exception expected as lock cannot be acquired on k=" + k); } catch (Exception e) { tm(1).rollback(); } tm(0).begin(); try { cache(0).put(k, "v3"); fail("Exception expected as lock cannot be acquired on k=" + k); } catch (Exception e) { tm(0).rollback(); } tm(1).resume(transaction); if (!crashBeforePrepare) { transaction.runCommit(false); } else { tm(1).commit(); } assertEquals("v", cache(0).get(k)); assertEquals("v", cache(1).get(k)); assertNotLocked(k); } }