package org.infinispan.persistence.sifs; import; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Marshaller; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Component keeping the data about log file usage - as soon as entries from some file are overwritten so that the file * becomes cluttered with old records, the valid records are moved to another file and the old ones are dropped. * Expired records are moved as tombstones without values (records of entry removal). * * @author Radim Vansa <> */ class Compactor extends Thread { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Compactor.class); private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Stats> fileStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Stats>(); private final BlockingQueue<Integer> scheduledCompaction = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>(); private final BlockingQueue<IndexRequest> indexQueue; private final FileProvider fileProvider; private final TemporaryTable temporaryTable; private final Marshaller marshaller; private final TimeService timeService; private final int maxFileSize; private final double compactionThreshold; private Index index; // as processing single scheduled compaction takes a lot of time, we don't use the queue to signalize private volatile boolean clearSignal = false; private volatile boolean terminateSignal = false; private volatile CountDownLatch compactorResume; private volatile CountDownLatch compactorStop; public Compactor(FileProvider fileProvider, TemporaryTable temporaryTable, BlockingQueue<IndexRequest> indexQueue, Marshaller marshaller, TimeService timeService, int maxFileSize, double compactionThreshold) { super("BCS-Compactor"); this.fileProvider = fileProvider; this.temporaryTable = temporaryTable; this.indexQueue = indexQueue; this.marshaller = marshaller; this.timeService = timeService; this.maxFileSize = maxFileSize; this.compactionThreshold = compactionThreshold; this.start(); } public void setIndex(Index index) { this.index = index; } public void releaseStats(int file) { fileStats.remove(file); } public void free(int file, int size) { // entries expired from compacted file are reported with file = -1 if (file < 0) return; recordFreeSpace(getStats(file), file, size); } public void completeFile(int file) { Stats stats = getStats(file); stats.setCompleted(); if (stats.readyToBeScheduled(compactionThreshold, stats.getFree())) { schedule(file, stats); } } private Stats getStats(int file) { Stats stats = fileStats.get(file); if (stats == null) { int fileSize = (int) fileProvider.getFileSize(file); stats = new Stats(fileSize, 0); Stats other = fileStats.putIfAbsent(file, stats); if (other != null) { if (fileSize > other.getTotal()) { other.setTotal(fileSize); } return other; } } if (stats.getTotal() < 0) { int fileSize = (int) fileProvider.getFileSize(file); if (fileSize >= 0) { stats.setTotal(fileSize); } } return stats; } private void recordFreeSpace(Stats stats, int file, int size) { if (stats.addFree(size, compactionThreshold)) { schedule(file, stats); } } private void schedule(int file, Stats stats) { try { synchronized (stats) { if (!stats.isScheduled()) { log.debug(String.format("Scheduling file %d for compaction: %d/%d free", file,,; stats.setScheduled(); scheduledCompaction.put(file); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void run() { try { FileProvider.Log logFile = null; int currentOffset = 0; for(;;) { Integer scheduledFile = null; try { scheduledFile = scheduledCompaction.poll(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (terminateSignal) { if (logFile != null) { logFile.close(); completeFile(logFile.fileId); } break; } if (clearSignal) { pauseCompactor(logFile); logFile = null; continue; } if (scheduledFile == null) { if (logFile != null) { logFile.close(); completeFile(logFile.fileId); logFile = null; } continue; } log.debugf("Compacting file %d", scheduledFile); int scheduledOffset = 0; FileProvider.Handle handle = fileProvider.getFile(scheduledFile); if (handle == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Compactor should not get deleted file for compaction!"); } try { while (!clearSignal && !terminateSignal) { EntryHeader header = EntryRecord.readEntryHeader(handle, scheduledOffset); if (header == null) { break; } byte[] serializedKey = EntryRecord.readKey(handle, header, scheduledOffset); Object key = marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(serializedKey); int indexedOffset = header.valueLength() > 0 ? scheduledOffset : ~scheduledOffset; boolean drop = true; boolean truncate = false; EntryPosition entry = temporaryTable.get(key); if (entry != null) { synchronized (entry) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Key for %d:%d was found in temporary table on %d:%d", scheduledFile, scheduledOffset, entry.file, entry.offset); } if (entry.file == scheduledFile && entry.offset == indexedOffset) { // It's quite unlikely that we would compact a record that is not indexed yet, // but let's handle that if (header.expiryTime() >= 0 && header.expiryTime() <= timeService.wallClockTime()) { truncate = true; } } else { truncate = true; } } // When we have found the entry in temporary table, it's possible that the delete operation // (that was recorded in temporary table) will arrive to index after DROPPED - in that case // we could remove the entry and delete would not find it drop = false; } else { EntryInfo info = index.getInfo(key, serializedKey); assert info != null : String.format("Index does not recognize entry on %d:%d"); assert info.numRecords > 0; if (info.file == scheduledFile && info.offset == scheduledOffset) { assert header.valueLength() > 0; // live record with data truncate = header.expiryTime() >= 0 && header.expiryTime() <= timeService.wallClockTime(); if (trace) { log.tracef("Is %d:%d expired? %s, numRecords? %d", scheduledFile, scheduledOffset, truncate, info.numRecords); } if (!truncate || info.numRecords > 1) { drop = false; } // Drop only when it is expired and has single record } else if (info.file == scheduledFile && info.offset == ~scheduledOffset && info.numRecords > 1) { // just tombstone but there are more non-compacted records for this key so we have to keep it drop = false; } else if (trace) { log.tracef("Key for %d:%d was found in index on %d:%d, %d record => drop", scheduledFile, scheduledOffset, info.file, info.offset, info.numRecords); } } if (drop) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Drop %d:%d (%s)", scheduledFile, (Object)scheduledOffset, header.valueLength() > 0 ? "record" : "tombstone"); } indexQueue.put(IndexRequest.dropped(key, serializedKey, scheduledFile, scheduledOffset)); } else { if (logFile == null || currentOffset + header.totalLength() > maxFileSize) { if (logFile != null) { logFile.close(); completeFile(logFile.fileId); } currentOffset = 0; logFile = fileProvider.getFileForLog(); log.debugf("Compacting to %d", (Object) logFile.fileId); } byte[] serializedValue = null; byte[] serializedMetadata = null; int entryOffset; int writtenLength; if (header.valueLength() > 0 && !truncate) { if (header.metadataLength() > 0) { serializedMetadata = EntryRecord.readMetadata(handle, header, scheduledOffset); } serializedValue = EntryRecord.readValue(handle, header, scheduledOffset); entryOffset = currentOffset; writtenLength = header.totalLength(); } else { entryOffset = ~currentOffset; writtenLength = EntryHeader.HEADER_SIZE + header.keyLength(); } EntryRecord.writeEntry(logFile.fileChannel, serializedKey, serializedMetadata, serializedValue, header.seqId(), header.expiryTime()); TemporaryTable.LockedEntry lockedEntry = temporaryTable.replaceOrLock(key, logFile.fileId, entryOffset, scheduledFile, indexedOffset); if (lockedEntry == null) { if (trace) { log.trace("Found entry in temporary table"); } } else { boolean update = false; try { EntryInfo info = index.getInfo(key, serializedKey); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "%s was not found in index but it was not in temporary table and there's entry on %d:%d", key, scheduledFile, indexedOffset)); } else { update = info.file == scheduledFile && info.offset == indexedOffset; } if (trace) { log.tracef("In index the key is on %d:%d (%s)", info.file, info.offset, String.valueOf(update)); } } finally { if (update) { temporaryTable.updateAndUnlock(lockedEntry, logFile.fileId, entryOffset); } else { temporaryTable.removeAndUnlock(lockedEntry, key); } } } if (trace) { log.tracef("Update %d:%d -> %d:%d | %d,%d", scheduledFile, indexedOffset, logFile.fileId, entryOffset, logFile.fileChannel.position(), logFile.fileChannel.size()); } // entryFile cannot be used as we have to report the file due to free space statistics indexQueue.put(IndexRequest.moved(key, serializedKey, logFile.fileId, entryOffset, writtenLength, scheduledFile, indexedOffset)); currentOffset += writtenLength; } scheduledOffset += header.totalLength(); } } finally { handle.close(); } if (terminateSignal) { if (logFile != null) { logFile.close(); completeFile(logFile.fileId); } return; } else if (clearSignal) { pauseCompactor(logFile); logFile = null; } else { // The deletion must be executed only after the index is fully updated. log.debugf("Finished compacting %d, scheduling delete", scheduledFile); indexQueue.put(IndexRequest.deleteFileRequest(scheduledFile)); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Compactor failed.", e); } } private void pauseCompactor(FileProvider.Log logFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (logFile != null) { logFile.close(); completeFile(logFile.fileId); } compactorStop.countDown(); compactorResume.await(); } public void clearAndPause() throws InterruptedException { compactorResume = new CountDownLatch(1); compactorStop = new CountDownLatch(1); clearSignal = true; scheduledCompaction.put(-1); compactorStop.await(); scheduledCompaction.clear(); fileStats.clear(); } public void resumeAfterPause() { clearSignal = false; compactorResume.countDown(); } public void stopOperations() throws InterruptedException { terminateSignal = true; scheduledCompaction.put(-1); this.join(); } private static class Stats { private final AtomicInteger free; private volatile int total; /* File is not 'completed' when we have not loaded that yet completely. Files created by log appender/compactor are completed as soon as it closes them. File cannot be scheduled for compaction until it's completed. */ private volatile boolean completed = false; private volatile boolean scheduled = false; private Stats(int total, int free) { = new AtomicInteger(free); = total; } public int getTotal() { return total; } public void setTotal(int total) { = total; } public boolean addFree(int size, double compactionThreshold) { int free =; return readyToBeScheduled(compactionThreshold, free); } public int getFree() { return free.get(); } public boolean readyToBeScheduled(double compactionThreshold, int free) { int total =; return completed && !scheduled && total >= 0 && free > total * compactionThreshold; } public boolean isScheduled() { return scheduled; } public void setScheduled() { scheduled = true; } public boolean isCompleted() { return completed; } public void setCompleted() { this.completed = true; } } }