package org.infinispan.server.hotrod; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import org.infinispan.CacheSet; import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.iteration.IterableIterationResult; /** * A basic responses. The rest of this file contains other response types. * * @author Galder ZamarreƱo * @since 4.1 */ public abstract class Response { protected final byte version; protected final long messageId; protected final String cacheName; protected final short clientIntel; protected final HotRodOperation operation; protected final OperationStatus status; protected final int topologyId; protected Response(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId) { this.version = version; this.messageId = messageId; this.cacheName = cacheName; this.clientIntel = clientIntel; this.operation = operation; this.status = status; this.topologyId = topologyId; } public byte getVersion() { return version; } public long getMessageId() { return messageId; } public String getCacheName() { return cacheName; } public short getClientIntel() { return clientIntel; } public HotRodOperation getOperation() { return operation; } public OperationStatus getStatus() { return status; } public int getTopologyId() { return topologyId; } @Override public String toString() { return "Response{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + '}'; } } class ResponseWithPrevious extends Response { protected final Optional<byte[]> previous; ResponseWithPrevious(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId, Optional<byte[]> previous) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId); this.previous = previous; } @Override public String toString() { return "ResponseWithPrevious{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", previous=" + Util.printArray(previous.orElse(null), true) + '}'; } } class GetResponse extends Response { protected final byte[] data; GetResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId, byte[] data) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId); = data; } @Override public String toString() { return "GetResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", data=" + Util.printArray(data, true) + '}'; } } class BulkGetResponse extends Response { protected final int count; protected final CacheSet<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>> entries; BulkGetResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, int count, CacheSet<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>> entries) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.BULK_GET, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.count = count; this.entries = entries; } @Override public String toString() { return "BulkGetResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", count=" + count + ", entries=" + entries + '}'; } } class BulkGetKeysResponse extends Response { protected final int scope; protected final Iterator<byte[]> iterator; BulkGetKeysResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, int scope, Iterator<byte[]> iterator) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.BULK_GET_KEYS, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.scope = scope; this.iterator = iterator; } @Override public String toString() { return "BulkGetKeysResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", scope=" + scope + '}'; } } class GetAllResponse extends Response { protected final Map<byte[], byte[]> entries; GetAllResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, Map<byte[], byte[]> entries) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.GET_ALL, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.entries = entries; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("GetAllResponse").append("{") .append("version=").append(version) .append(", messageId=").append(messageId) .append(", operation=").append(operation) .append(", status=").append(status) .append(", entries=["); entries.forEach((k, v) -> { sb.append(Util.printArray(k, true)); sb.append('='); sb.append(Util.printArray(v, true)); }); return sb.append("]}").toString(); } } class IterationStartResponse extends Response { protected final String iterationId; IterationStartResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, String iterationId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.ITERATION_START, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.iterationId = iterationId; } @Override public String toString() { return "IterationStartResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", iterationId=" + iterationId + '}'; } } class IterationNextResponse extends Response { protected final IterableIterationResult iterationResult; IterationNextResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, IterableIterationResult iterationResult) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.ITERATION_NEXT, iterationResult.getStatusCode(), topologyId); this.iterationResult = iterationResult; } @Override public String toString() { return "IterationNextResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + '}'; } } class EmptyResponse extends Response { protected EmptyResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId); } @Override public String toString() { return "EmptyResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + '}'; } } class GetWithVersionResponse extends GetResponse { protected final long dataVersion; GetWithVersionResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId, byte[] data, long dataVersion) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId, data); this.dataVersion = dataVersion; } @Override public String toString() { return "GetWithVersionResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", data=" + Util.printArray(data, true) + ", dataVersion=" + dataVersion + '}'; } } class GetWithMetadataResponse extends GetResponse { protected final long dataVersion; protected final long created; protected final int lifespan; protected final long lastUsed; protected final int maxIdle; GetWithMetadataResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId, byte[] data, long dataVersion, long created, int lifespan, long lastUsed, int maxIdle) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId, data); this.dataVersion = dataVersion; this.created = created; this.lifespan = lifespan; this.lastUsed = lastUsed; this.maxIdle = maxIdle; } GetWithMetadataResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId) { this(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId, null, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); } @Override public String toString() { return "GetWithMetadataResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", data=" + Util.printArray(data, true) + ", dataVersion=" + dataVersion + ", created=" + created + ", lifespan=" + lifespan + ", lastUsed=" + lastUsed + ", maxIdle=" + maxIdle + '}'; } } class GetStreamResponse extends GetWithMetadataResponse { protected final int offset; GetStreamResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId, byte[] data, int offset, long dataVersion, long created, int lifespan, long lastUsed, int maxIdle) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId, data, dataVersion, created, lifespan, lastUsed, maxIdle); this.offset = offset; } GetStreamResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, HotRodOperation operation, OperationStatus status, int topologyId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, operation, status, topologyId); offset = 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "GetStreamResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", data=" + Util.printArray(data, true) + ", offset=" + offset + ", dataVersion=" + dataVersion + ", created=" + created + ", lifespan=" + lifespan + ", lastUsed=" + lastUsed + ", maxIdle=" + maxIdle + '}'; } } class StatsResponse extends Response { final Map<String, String> stats; StatsResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, Map<String, String> stats, int topologyId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.STATS, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.stats = stats; } @Override public String toString() { return "StatsResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", stats=" + stats + '}'; } } class QueryResponse extends Response { final byte[] result; QueryResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, byte[] result) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.QUERY, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.result = result; } @Override public String toString() { return "QueryResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", result=" + Util.printArray(result, true) + '}'; } } class AuthMechListResponse extends Response { final Set<String> mechs; AuthMechListResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, Set<String> mechs, int topologyId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.AUTH_MECH_LIST, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.mechs = mechs; } @Override public String toString() { return "AuthMechListResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", mechs=" + mechs + '}'; } } class AuthResponse extends Response { final byte[] challenge; AuthResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, byte[] challenge, int topologyId) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.AUTH, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.challenge = challenge; } @Override public String toString() { return "AuthResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", challenge=" + Util.printArray(challenge, true) + '}'; } } class SizeResponse extends Response { final long size; SizeResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, long size) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.SIZE, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.size = size; } @Override public String toString() { return "SizeResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", size=" + size + '}'; } } class ExecResponse extends Response { final byte[] result; ExecResponse(byte version, long messageId, String cacheName, short clientIntel, int topologyId, byte[] result) { super(version, messageId, cacheName, clientIntel, HotRodOperation.EXEC, OperationStatus.Success, topologyId); this.result = result; } @Override public String toString() { return "ExecResponse{" + "version=" + version + ", messageId=" + messageId + ", cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' + ", clientIntel=" + clientIntel + ", operation=" + operation + ", status=" + status + ", topologyId=" + topologyId + ", result=" + Util.printArray(result, true) + '}'; } } abstract class AbstractTopologyResponse { final int topologyId; final Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap; final int numSegments; protected AbstractTopologyResponse(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numSegments) { this.topologyId = topologyId; this.serverEndpointsMap = serverEndpointsMap; this.numSegments = numSegments; } } abstract class AbstractHashDistAwareResponse extends AbstractTopologyResponse { final int numOwners; final byte hashFunction; final int hashSpace; protected AbstractHashDistAwareResponse(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numSegments, int numOwners, byte hashFunction, int hashSpace) { super(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, numSegments); this.numOwners = numOwners; this.hashFunction = hashFunction; this.hashSpace = hashSpace; } } class TopologyAwareResponse extends AbstractTopologyResponse { protected TopologyAwareResponse(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numSegments) { super(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, numSegments); } } class HashDistAwareResponse extends AbstractHashDistAwareResponse { protected HashDistAwareResponse(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numSegments, int numOwners, byte hashFunction, int hashSpace) { super(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, numSegments, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace); } } class HashDistAware11Response extends AbstractHashDistAwareResponse { final int numVNodes; protected HashDistAware11Response(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numOwners, byte hashFunction, int hashSpace, int numVNodes) { super(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, 0, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace); this.numVNodes = numVNodes; } } class HashDistAware20Response extends AbstractTopologyResponse { final byte hashFunction; protected HashDistAware20Response(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, int numSegments, byte hashFunction) { super(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, numSegments); this.hashFunction = hashFunction; } }