package; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.LongSummaryStatistics; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.PrimitiveIterator; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Spliterator; import java.util.Spliterators; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer; import java.util.function.IntConsumer; import java.util.function.LongConsumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.function.ToIntFunction; import; import; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.CacheCollection; import org.infinispan.CacheSet; import org.infinispan.CacheStream; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.container.entries.ImmortalCacheEntry; import; import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager; import org.infinispan.marshall.core.ExternalPojo; import org.infinispan.test.MultipleCacheManagersTest; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestCacheManagerFactory; import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionMode; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableToDoubleFunction; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableToIntFunction; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableToLongFunction; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Base test class for streams to verify proper behavior of all of the terminal operations for all of the various * stream classes */ @Test(groups="functional") public abstract class BaseStreamTest extends MultipleCacheManagersTest { protected final String CACHE_NAME = getClass().getName(); protected ConfigurationBuilder builderUsed; protected final boolean tx; protected final CacheMode cacheMode; static final Map<Integer, Object> forEachStructure = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); static final AtomicInteger forEachOffset = new AtomicInteger(); static int populateNextForEachStructure(Object obj) { int offset = forEachOffset.getAndIncrement(); forEachStructure.put(offset, obj); return offset; } static <R> R getForEachObject(int offset) { return (R) forEachStructure.get(offset); } static void clearForEachObject(int offset) { forEachStructure.remove(offset); } public BaseStreamTest(boolean tx, CacheMode mode) { this.tx = tx; cacheMode = mode; } protected void enhanceConfiguration(ConfigurationBuilder builder) { // Do nothing to config by default, used by people who extend this } protected abstract <E> CacheStream<E> createStream(CacheCollection<E> cacheCollection); @Override protected void createCacheManagers() throws Throwable { builderUsed = new ConfigurationBuilder(); builderUsed.clustering().cacheMode(cacheMode); if (tx) { builderUsed.transaction().transactionMode(TransactionMode.TRANSACTIONAL); } if (cacheMode.isClustered()) { builderUsed.clustering().hash().numOwners(2); builderUsed.clustering().stateTransfer().chunkSize(50); enhanceConfiguration(builderUsed); createClusteredCaches(3, CACHE_NAME, builderUsed); } else { enhanceConfiguration(builderUsed); EmbeddedCacheManager cm = TestCacheManagerFactory.createCacheManager(builderUsed); cacheManagers.add(cm); cm.defineConfiguration(CACHE_NAME,; } } protected <K, V> Cache<K, V> getCache(int index) { return cache(index, CACHE_NAME); } public void testObjAllMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).allMatch(e -> e.getValue().endsWith("-value"))); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).allMatch(e -> e.getKey() % 2 == 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).allMatch(e -> e.getKey() < 10 && e.getKey() >= 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).allMatch(e -> e.getKey().toString().equals(e.getValue().substring(0, 1)))); } public void testObjAnyMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).anyMatch(e -> e.getValue().endsWith("-value"))); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).anyMatch(e -> e.getKey() % 2 == 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).anyMatch(e -> e.getKey() < 10 && e.getKey() >= 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).anyMatch(e -> e.getValue().equals("4-value"))); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).anyMatch(e -> e.getKey() > 12)); } public void testObjCollectorIntAverager() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(4.5, createStream(entrySet).collect(CacheCollectors.serializableCollector( () -> Collectors.averagingInt(Map.Entry::getKey)))); } public void testObjCollectorIntStatistics() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); IntSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).collect(CacheCollectors.serializableCollector( () -> Collectors.summarizingInt(Map.Entry::getKey))); assertEquals(10, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(4.5, stats.getAverage()); assertEquals(0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(9, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(45, stats.getSum()); } public void testObjCollectorGroupBy() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); ConcurrentMap<Boolean, List<Map.Entry<Integer, String>>> grouped = createStream(entrySet).collect( CacheCollectors.serializableCollector( () -> Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(k -> k.getKey() % 2 == 0))); grouped.get(true).parallelStream().forEach(e -> assertTrue(e.getKey() % 2 == 0)); grouped.get(false).parallelStream().forEach(e -> assertTrue(e.getKey() % 2 == 1)); } public void testObjCollect() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> list = createStream(entrySet).collect(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add, ArrayList::addAll); assertEquals(cache.size(), list.size()); list.parallelStream().forEach(e -> assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue())); } public void testObjSortedCollector() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> list = createStream(entrySet).sorted( (e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).collect( CacheCollectors.serializableCollector(Collectors::toList)); assertEquals(cache.size(), list.size()); AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); list.forEach(e -> { assertEquals(i.getAndIncrement(), e.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); }); } public void testObjCount() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 12; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(range, createStream(entrySet).count()); } public void testObjFindAny() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).filter(e -> e.getValue().endsWith("-value")).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).filter(e -> e.getKey() % 2 == 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).filter(e -> e.getKey() < 10 && e.getKey() >= 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).filter(e -> e.getValue().equals("4-value")).findAny().isPresent()); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).filter(e -> e.getKey() > 12).findAny().isPresent()); } public void testObjFindFirst() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).sorted( (e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).findFirst().get().getKey().intValue()); } public void testObjForEach() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).forEach(e -> { AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e.getKey()); }); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(offset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } private static class ForEachInjected<E> implements Consumer<E>, CacheAware<Integer, String>, Serializable, ExternalPojo { private transient Cache<?, ?> cache; private final int cacheOffset; private final int atomicOffset; private final ToIntFunction<? super E> function; private ForEachInjected(int cacheOffset, int atomicOffset, SerializableToIntFunction<? super E> function) { this.cacheOffset = cacheOffset; this.atomicOffset = atomicOffset; this.function = function; } @Override public void injectCache(Cache<Integer, String> cache) { this.cache = cache; } @Override public void accept(E entry) { Cache<?, ?> cache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (cache != null && this.cache != null && cache.getName().equals(this.cache.getName())) { ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).addAndGet(function.applyAsInt(entry)); } else { fail("Did not receive correct cache!"); } } } public void testObjForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).forEach(new ForEachInjected<>(cacheOffset, atomicOffset, Map.Entry::getKey)); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testObjForEachBiConsumer() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).forEach((c, e) -> { Cache<?, ?> localCache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (c != null && localCache != null && c.getName().equals(localCache.getName())) { ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).addAndGet(e.getKey()); } else { fail("Did not receive correct cache!"); } }); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testObjKeySetForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.keySet()).forEach(new ForEachInjected<>(cacheOffset, atomicOffset, Integer::intValue)); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testObjValuesForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.values()).forEach(new ForEachInjected<>(cacheOffset, atomicOffset, e -> Integer.valueOf(e.substring(0, 1)))); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testObjFlatMapForEach() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Queue<String> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); int queueOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(queue); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5) .flatMap(e ->"a"))) .forEach(e -> { Queue<String> localQueue = getForEachObject(queueOffset); localQueue.add(e); }); assertEquals(range * 2, queue.size()); int lueCount = 0; for (String string : queue) { if (string.equals("lue")) lueCount++; } assertEquals(10, lueCount); } finally { clearForEachObject(queueOffset); } } public void testObjForEachOrdered() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> list = new ArrayList<>(range); // we sort inverted order createStream(entrySet).sorted((e1, e2) ->, e1.getKey())).forEachOrdered( list::add); assertEquals(range, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) { // 0 based so we have to also subtract by 1 assertEquals(range - i - 1, list.get(i).getKey().intValue()); } } public void testObjMax() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9), createStream(entrySet).max((e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).get().getKey()); } public void testObjMin() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(0), createStream(entrySet).min((e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).get().getKey()); } public void testObjNoneMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).noneMatch(e -> e.getValue().endsWith("-value"))); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).noneMatch(e -> e.getKey() % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).noneMatch(e -> e.getKey() < 10 && e.getKey() >= 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).noneMatch(e -> e.getKey().toString().equals(e.getValue().substring(0, 1)))); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).noneMatch(e -> e.getKey() > 12)); } public void testObjReduce1() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example Optional<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> optional = createStream(entrySet).reduce( (e1, e2) -> new ImmortalCacheEntry(e1.getKey() + e2.getKey(), e1.getValue() + e2.getValue())); assertTrue(optional.isPresent()); Map.Entry<Integer, String> result = optional.get(); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(range * 7, result.getValue().length()); } public void testObjReduce2() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example Map.Entry<Integer, String> result = createStream(entrySet).reduce(new ImmortalCacheEntry(0, ""), (e1, e2) -> new ImmortalCacheEntry(e1.getKey() + e2.getKey(), e1.getValue() + e2.getValue())); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(range * 7, result.getValue().length()); } public void testObjReduce2WithMap() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example Integer result = createStream(entrySet).map(Map.Entry::getKey).reduce(0, (e1, e2) -> e1 + e2); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result.intValue()); } public void testObjReduce3() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example Integer result = createStream(entrySet).reduce(0, (e1, e2) -> e1 + e2.getKey(), (i1, i2) -> i1 + i2); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result.intValue()); } public void testObjIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); testIntOperation(() -> { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> iterator = createStream(cache.entrySet()).iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); count.addAndGet(e.getKey());}); return count.get(); }, cache); } public void testObjSortedIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> iterator = createStream(entrySet).sorted( (e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).iterator(); AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { assertEquals(i.getAndIncrement(), e.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); }); } public void testObjMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = createStream(entrySet).map(Map.Entry::getValue).iterator(); Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(range); iterator.forEachRemaining(set::add); assertEquals(range, set.size()); IntStream.range(0, range).forEach(i -> assertTrue(set.contains(i + "-value"))); } public void testObjFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = createStream(entrySet).flatMap(e ->"a"))).iterator(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(range * 2); iterator.forEachRemaining(list::add); assertEquals(range * 2, list.size()); } public void testObjToArray1() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Object[] array = createStream(entrySet).toArray(); assertEquals(cache.size(), array.length); Spliterator<Map.Entry<Integer,String>> spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(array, Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.NONNULL);, false).forEach(e -> assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue())); } public void testObjToArray2() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Map.Entry<Integer, String>[] array = createStream(entrySet).toArray(Map.Entry[]::new); assertEquals(cache.size(), array.length); Spliterator<Map.Entry<Integer,String>> spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(array, Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.NONNULL);, false).forEach(e -> assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue())); } public void testObjSortedSkipIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> iterator = createStream(entrySet).sorted( (e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).skip(i).iterator(); AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(i); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { assertEquals(atomicInteger.getAndIncrement(), e.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); }); assertEquals(range, atomicInteger.get()); } } public void testObjSortedLimitIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 1; i < range; ++i) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> iterator = createStream(entrySet).sorted( (e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())).limit(i).iterator(); AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { assertEquals(atomicInteger.getAndIncrement(), e.getKey().intValue()); assertEquals(cache.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); }); assertEquals(i, atomicInteger.get()); } } public void testObjPointlessSortMap() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); IntSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).sorted((e1, e2) ->, e2.getKey())) .mapToInt(Map.Entry::getKey).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(range, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(9, stats.getMax()); } // IntStream tests static final SerializableToIntFunction<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> toInt = Map.Entry::getKey; public void testIntAllMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).allMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).allMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).allMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testIntAnyMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).anyMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).anyMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).anyMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testIntAverage() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(4.5, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).average().getAsDouble()); } public void testIntCollect() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); HashSet<Integer> set = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).collect(HashSet::new, Set::add, Set::addAll); assertEquals(10, set.size()); } public void testIntCount() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(10, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).count()); } public void testIntFindAny() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).filter(e -> e % 2 == 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).filter(e -> e < 10 && e >= 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).filter(e -> e > 12).findAny().isPresent()); } public void testIntFindFirst() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).sorted().findFirst().getAsInt()); } public void testIntForEach() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToInt(toInt).forEach(e -> { AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(offset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testIntFlatMapForEach() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToInt(toInt).flatMap(i -> IntStream.of(i, 2)) .forEach(e -> { AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2) + 2 * range, atomic.get()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testIntForEachOrdered() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(range); // we sort inverted order createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).sorted().forEachOrdered( list::add); assertEquals(range, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) { // 0 based so we have to also subtract by 1 assertEquals(i, list.get(i).intValue()); } } private static class ForEachIntInjected implements IntConsumer, CacheAware<Integer, String>, Serializable, ExternalPojo { private transient Cache<?, ?> cache; private final int cacheOffset; private final int atomicOffset; private ForEachIntInjected(int cacheOffset, int atomicOffset) { this.cacheOffset = cacheOffset; this.atomicOffset = atomicOffset; } @Override public void injectCache(Cache<Integer, String> cache) { this.cache = cache; } @Override public void accept(int value) { Cache<?, ?> cache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (cache != null && this.cache != null && cache.getName().equals(this.cache.getName())) { ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).addAndGet(value); } else { fail("Did not receive correct cache!"); } } } private void testIntOperation(Supplier<Integer> intSupplier, Cache<Integer, String> cache) { int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), intSupplier.get().intValue()); } public void testIntForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToInt(toInt).forEach(new ForEachIntInjected(cacheOffset, atomicOffset)); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testIntForEachBiConsumer() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { testIntOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToInt(toInt).forEach((c, i) -> { Cache<?, ?> localCache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (c != null && localCache != null && c.getName().equals(localCache.getName())) { AtomicInteger atomicInteger = getForEachObject(atomicOffset); atomicInteger.addAndGet(i); } }); return ((AtomicInteger) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testIntFlatMapObjConsumerForEach() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); String cacheName = cache.getName(); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicInteger()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToInt(toInt).flatMap(i -> IntStream.of(i, 2)) .forEach((c, e) -> { assertEquals(cacheName, c.getName()); AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); AtomicInteger atomic = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2) + 2 * range, atomic.get()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testIntIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); testIntOperation(() -> { PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToInt(toInt).iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining((int e) -> { assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e)); count.addAndGet(e); }); return count.get(); }, cache); } public void testIntSortedIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).sorted().iterator(); AtomicLong i = new AtomicLong(); iterator.forEachRemaining((int e) -> assertEquals(i.getAndIncrement(), e)); } public void testIntFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(entrySet).flatMapToInt( e -> IntStream.of(e.getKey(), e.getValue().length())).iterator(); int pos = 0; int halfCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { int next = iterator.nextInt(); pos++; if (next == 7) { halfCount++; } assertTrue(cache.containsKey(next)); } assertEquals(range + 1, halfCount); assertEquals(range * 2, pos); } public void testIntNoneMatch() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).noneMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).noneMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).noneMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testIntReduce1() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0 so multiplying them together should be 0 assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).reduce(1, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); assertEquals(362880, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).filter(i -> i != 0).reduce(1, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); } public void testIntReduce2() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0 so multiplying them together should be 0 assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2).getAsInt()); assertEquals(362880, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).filter(i -> i != 0).reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2) .getAsInt()); } public void testIntSummaryStatistics() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); IntSummaryStatistics statistics = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(0, statistics.getMin()); assertEquals(9, statistics.getMax()); assertEquals(4.5, statistics.getAverage()); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), statistics.getSum()); assertEquals(10, statistics.getCount()); } public void testIntToArray() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int[] array = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).toArray(); assertEquals(cache.size(), array.length); Spliterator.OfInt spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(array, Spliterator.DISTINCT); StreamSupport.intStream(spliterator, true).forEach(e -> assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e))); } public void testIntSum() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example int result = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).sum(); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result); } public void testIntMax() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(9, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).max().getAsInt()); } public void testIntMin() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt).min().getAsInt()); } public void testIntSortedSkip() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { IntSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt) .sorted().skip(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(range - i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(i, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(range - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(IntStream.range(i, range).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } public void testIntSortedLimit() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 1; i < range; i++) { IntSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToInt(toInt) .sorted().limit(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(i - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(IntStream.range(0, i).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } // LongStream tests static final SerializableToLongFunction<Map.Entry<Long, String>> toLong = Map.Entry::getKey; public void testLongAllMatch() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).allMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).allMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).allMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testLongAnyMatch() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).anyMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).anyMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).anyMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testLongAverage() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(4.5, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).average().getAsDouble()); } public void testLongCollect() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); HashSet<Long> set = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).collect(HashSet::new, Set::add, Set::addAll); assertEquals(10, set.size()); } public void testLongCount() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(10, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).count()); } public void testLongFindAny() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).filter(e -> e % 2 == 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).filter(e -> e < 10 && e >= 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).filter(e -> e > 12).findAny().isPresent()); } public void testLongFindFirst() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).sorted().findFirst().getAsLong()); } public void testLongForEach() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicLong()); try { testLongOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToLong(toLong).forEach(e -> { AtomicLong atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); return ((AtomicLong) getForEachObject(offset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testLongFlatMapForEach() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicLong()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToLong(toLong).flatMap(i -> LongStream.of(i, 2)) .forEach(e -> { AtomicLong atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); AtomicLong atomic = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2) + 2 * range, atomic.get()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testLongForEachOrdered() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Long> list = new ArrayList<>(range); // we sort inverted order createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).sorted().forEachOrdered( list::add); assertEquals(range, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) { // 0 based so we have to also subtract by 1 assertEquals(i, list.get(i).longValue()); } } private static class ForEachLongInjected implements LongConsumer, CacheAware<Long, String>, Serializable, ExternalPojo { private transient Cache<?, ?> cache; private final int cacheOffset; private final int atomicOffset; private ForEachLongInjected(int cacheOffset, int atomicOffset) { this.cacheOffset = cacheOffset; this.atomicOffset = atomicOffset; } @Override public void injectCache(Cache<Long, String> cache) { this.cache = cache; } @Override public void accept(long value) { Cache<?, ?> cache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (cache != null && this.cache != null && cache.getName().equals(this.cache.getName())) { ((AtomicLong) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).addAndGet(value); } else { fail("Did not receive correct cache!"); } } } private void testLongOperation(Supplier<Long> longSupplier, Cache<Long, String> cache) { int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), longSupplier.get().longValue()); } public void testLongForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicLong()); try { testLongOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToLong(toLong).forEach(new ForEachLongInjected(cacheOffset, atomicOffset)); return ((AtomicLong) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testLongForEachBiConsumer() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int atomicOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicLong()); try { testLongOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToLong(toLong).forEach((c, i) -> { Cache<?, ?> localCache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (c != null && localCache != null && c.getName().equals(localCache.getName())) { AtomicLong atomicLong = getForEachObject(atomicOffset); atomicLong.addAndGet(i); } }); return ((AtomicLong) getForEachObject(atomicOffset)).get(); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(atomicOffset); } } public void testLongFlatMapObjConsumerForEach() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); String cacheName = cache.getName(); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new AtomicLong()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToLong(toLong).flatMap(i -> LongStream.of(i, 2)) .forEach((c, e) -> { assertEquals(cacheName, c.getName()); AtomicLong atomic = getForEachObject(offset); atomic.addAndGet(e); }); AtomicLong atomic = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2) + 2 * range, atomic.get()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testLongIterator() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); testLongOperation(() -> { PrimitiveIterator.OfLong iterator = createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToLong(toLong).iterator(); AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong(); iterator.forEachRemaining((long e) -> { assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e)); count.addAndGet(e); }); return count.get(); }, cache); } public void testLongSortedIterator() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfLong iterator = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).sorted().iterator(); AtomicLong i = new AtomicLong(); iterator.forEachRemaining((long e) -> assertEquals(i.getAndIncrement(), e)); } public void testLongFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfLong iterator = createStream(entrySet).flatMapToLong( e -> LongStream.of(e.getKey(), e.getValue().length())).iterator(); int pos = 0; int halfCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { long next = iterator.nextLong(); pos++; if (next == 7) { halfCount++; } assertTrue(cache.containsKey(next)); } assertEquals(range + 1, halfCount); assertEquals(range * 2, pos); } public void testLongNoneMatch() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).noneMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).noneMatch(i -> i > 10 && i < 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).noneMatch(i -> i < 12)); } public void testLongReduce1() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0 so multiplying them together should be 0 assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).reduce(1, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); assertEquals(362880, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).filter(i -> i != 0).reduce(1, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); } public void testLongReduce2() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0 so multiplying them together should be 0 assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2).getAsLong()); assertEquals(362880, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).filter(i -> i != 0).reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2) .getAsLong()); } public void testLongSummaryStatistics() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); LongSummaryStatistics statistics = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(0, statistics.getMin()); assertEquals(9, statistics.getMax()); assertEquals(4.5, statistics.getAverage()); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), statistics.getSum()); assertEquals(10, statistics.getCount()); } public void testLongToArray() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); long[] array = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).toArray(); assertEquals(cache.size(), array.length); Spliterator.OfLong spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(array, Spliterator.DISTINCT); StreamSupport.longStream(spliterator, true).forEach(e -> assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e))); } public void testLongSum() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example long result = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).sum(); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), result); } public void testLongMax() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(9, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).max().getAsLong()); } public void testLongMin() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0, createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong).min().getAsLong()); } public void testLongSortedSkip() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { LongSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong) .sorted().skip(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(range - i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(i, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(range - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(IntStream.range(i, range).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } public void testLongSortedLimit() { Cache<Long, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values LongStream.range(0, range).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Long, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 1; i < range; i++) { LongSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToLong(toLong) .sorted().limit(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(i - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(IntStream.range(0, i).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } // DoubleStream tests static final SerializableToDoubleFunction<Map.Entry<Double, String>> toDouble = Map.Entry::getKey; public void testDoubleAllMatch() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).allMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).allMatch(i -> i > 5 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).allMatch(i -> i < 5)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).allMatch(i -> Math.floor(i) == i)); } public void testDoubleAnyMatch() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).anyMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).anyMatch(i -> i > 5 && i < 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).anyMatch(i -> i < 5)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).anyMatch(i -> Math.floor(i) == i)); } public void testDoubleAverage() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(2.25, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).average().getAsDouble()); } public void testDoubleCollect() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); HashSet<Double> set = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).collect(HashSet::new, Set::add, Set::addAll); assertEquals(10, set.size()); } public void testDoubleCount() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(10, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).count()); } public void testDoubleFindAny() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).filter(e -> e % 2 == 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).filter(e -> e < 5 && e >= 0).findAny().isPresent()); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).filter(e -> e > 5).findAny().isPresent()); } public void testDoubleFindFirst() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0.0, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).sorted().findFirst().getAsDouble()); } public void testDoubleForEach() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new DoubleSummaryStatistics()); try { testDoubleOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToDouble(toDouble).forEach(e -> { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); synchronized (stats) { stats.accept(e); } }); return getForEachObject(offset); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testDoubleFlatMapForEach() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new DoubleSummaryStatistics()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToDouble(toDouble).flatMap(e -> DoubleStream.of(e, 2.25)) .forEach(e -> { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); synchronized (stats) { stats.accept(e); } }); DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals(2.25, stats.getAverage()); assertEquals(0.0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(4.5, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(20, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(45.0, stats.getSum()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testDoubleForEachOrdered() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>(range); // we sort inverted order createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).sorted().forEachOrdered( list::add); assertEquals(range, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) { // 0 based so we have to also subtract by 1 assertEquals((double) i / 2, list.get(i)); } } private static class ForEachDoubleInjected<E> implements DoubleConsumer, CacheAware<Double, String>, Serializable, ExternalPojo { private transient Cache<?, ?> cache; private final int cacheOffset; private final int atomicOffset; private ForEachDoubleInjected(int cacheOffset, int atomicOffset) { this.cacheOffset = cacheOffset; this.atomicOffset = atomicOffset; } @Override public void injectCache(Cache<Double, String> cache) { this.cache = cache; } @Override public void accept(double value) { Cache<?, ?> cache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (cache != null && this.cache != null && cache.getName().equals(this.cache.getName())) { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(atomicOffset); synchronized (stats) { stats.accept(value); } } else { fail("Did not receive correct cache!"); } } } private void testDoubleOperation(Supplier<DoubleSummaryStatistics> statisticsSupplier, Cache<Double, String> cache) { int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = statisticsSupplier.get(); assertEquals(2.25, stats.getAverage()); assertEquals(0.0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(4.5, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(10, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(22.5, stats.getSum()); } public void testDoubleForEachCacheInjected() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new DoubleSummaryStatistics()); try { testDoubleOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToDouble(toDouble).forEach(new ForEachDoubleInjected<>(cacheOffset, offset)); return getForEachObject(offset); }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testDoubleForEachBiConsumer() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int cacheOffset = populateNextForEachStructure(cache); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new DoubleSummaryStatistics()); try { testDoubleOperation(() -> { createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToDouble(toDouble).forEach((c, d) -> { Cache<?, ?> localCache = getForEachObject(cacheOffset); if (c != null && localCache != null && c.getName().equals(localCache.getName())) { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); synchronized (stats) { stats.accept(d); } } }); DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); return stats; }, cache); } finally { clearForEachObject(cacheOffset); clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testDoubleFlatMapObjConsumerForEach() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); String cacheName = cache.getName(); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); int offset = populateNextForEachStructure(new DoubleSummaryStatistics()); try { createStream(entrySet).distributedBatchSize(5).mapToDouble(toDouble).flatMap(e -> DoubleStream.of(e, 2.25)) .forEach((c, e) -> { assertEquals(cacheName, c.getName()); DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); synchronized (stats) { stats.accept(e); } }); DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = getForEachObject(offset); assertEquals(2.25, stats.getAverage()); assertEquals(0.0, stats.getMin()); assertEquals(4.5, stats.getMax()); assertEquals(20, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(45.0, stats.getSum()); } finally { clearForEachObject(offset); } } public void testDoubleIterator() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); testDoubleOperation(() -> { PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToDouble(toDouble).iterator(); DoubleSummaryStatistics doubleSummaryStatistics = new DoubleSummaryStatistics(); iterator.forEachRemaining((double e) -> { assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e)); doubleSummaryStatistics.accept(e); }); return doubleSummaryStatistics; }, cache); } public void testDoubleSortedIterator() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).sorted().iterator(); AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining((double e) -> assertEquals((double) i.getAndIncrement() / 2, e)); } public void testDoubleFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator = createStream(entrySet).flatMapToDouble( e -> DoubleStream.of(e.getKey(), .5)).iterator(); int pos = 0; int halfCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { double next = iterator.nextDouble(); pos++; if (next == 0.5) { halfCount++; } assertTrue(cache.containsKey(next)); } assertEquals(range + 1, halfCount); assertEquals(range * 2, pos); } public void testDoubleNoneMatch() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).noneMatch(i -> i % 2 == 0)); assertTrue(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).noneMatch(i -> i > 5 && i < 0)); assertFalse(createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).noneMatch(i -> i < 5)); } public void testDoubleReduce1() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0.0 so multiplying them together should be 0.0 assertEquals(0.0, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).reduce(1.0, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); assertEquals(708.75, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).filter(i -> i != 0).reduce(1.0, (i1, i2) -> i1 * i2)); } public void testDoubleReduce2() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // One value is 0.0 so multiplying them together should be 0.0 assertEquals(0.0, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2).getAsDouble()); assertEquals(708.75, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).filter(i -> i != 0) .reduce((i1, i2) -> i1 * i2).getAsDouble()); } public void testDoubleSummaryStatistics() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); testDoubleOperation(() -> createStream(cache.entrySet()).mapToDouble(toDouble).summaryStatistics(), cache); } public void testDoubleToArray() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); double[] array = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).toArray(); assertEquals(cache.size(), array.length); Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(array, Spliterator.DISTINCT); StreamSupport.doubleStream(spliterator, true).forEach(e -> assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e))); } public void testDoubleSum() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // This isn't the best usage of this, but should be a usable example double result = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).sum(); assertEquals((double) (range - 1) * (range / 2) / 2, result); } public void testDoubleMax() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(4.5, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).max().getAsDouble()); } public void testDoubleMin() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values DoubleStream.iterate(0.0, d -> d + .5).limit(10).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); assertEquals(0.0, createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble).min().getAsDouble()); } public void testDoubleSortedSkip() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).mapToDouble(value -> value).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble) .sorted().skip(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(range - i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals((double) i, stats.getMin()); assertEquals((double) range - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals((double) IntStream.range(i, range).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } public void testDoubleSortedLimit() { Cache<Double, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).mapToDouble(value -> value).forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Double, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); for (int i = 1; i < range; i++) { DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = createStream(entrySet).mapToDouble(toDouble) .sorted().limit(i).summaryStatistics(); assertEquals(i, stats.getCount()); assertEquals(0d, stats.getMin()); assertEquals((double) i - 1, stats.getMax()); assertEquals((double) IntStream.range(0, i).sum(), stats.getSum()); } } // KeySet Tests public void testObjKeySetMax() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Integer> keySet = cache.keySet(); assertEquals(9, createStream(keySet).max(Integer::compare).get().intValue()); } public void testKeySetIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Integer> keySet = cache.keySet(); Iterator<Integer> iterator = createStream(keySet).iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e)); count.addAndGet(e);}); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), count.get()); } public void testKeySetMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Integer> keySet = cache.keySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = createStream(keySet).map(i -> i + "-value").iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(e.substring(0, 1)); assertEquals(cache.get(key), e); count.addAndGet(key); }); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), count.get()); } public void testKeySetFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Integer> keySet = cache.keySet(); PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(keySet).flatMapToInt( i -> IntStream.of(i, 3)).iterator(); int pos = 0; int halfCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { int next = iterator.nextInt(); if (next == 3) { halfCount++; } pos++; assertTrue(cache.containsKey(next)); } assertEquals(range + 1, halfCount); assertEquals(range * 2, pos); } // Values Tests public void testObjValuesMax() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheCollection<String> keySet = cache.values(); assertEquals("9-value", createStream(keySet).max((e1, e2) -> Integer.valueOf(e1.substring(0, 1)), Integer.valueOf(e2.substring(0, 1)))).get()); } public void testObjValuesIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheCollection<String> values = cache.values(); Iterator<String> iterator = createStream(values).iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining(e -> { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(e.substring(0, 1)); assertEquals(cache.get(key), e); count.addAndGet(key); }); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), count.get()); } public void testValuesMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheCollection<String> values = cache.values(); PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(values).mapToInt( e -> Integer.valueOf(e.substring(0, 1))).iterator(); AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); iterator.forEachRemaining((int e) -> { assertTrue(cache.containsKey(e)); count.addAndGet(e); }); assertEquals((range - 1) * (range / 2), count.get()); } public void testValuesFlatMapIterator() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 10; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheCollection<String> values = cache.values(); PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator = createStream(values).flatMapToInt( e -> IntStream.of(Integer.valueOf(e.substring(0, 1)), e.length())).iterator(); int pos = 0; int halfCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { int next = iterator.nextInt(); if (next == 7) { halfCount++; } pos++; assertTrue(cache.containsKey(next)); } assertEquals(range + 1, halfCount); assertEquals(range * 2, pos); } public void testKeySegmentFilter() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 12; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); // Take the first half of the segments int segments = cache.getCacheConfiguration().clustering().hash().numSegments() / 2; AtomicInteger realCount = new AtomicInteger(); KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner = cache.getAdvancedCache().getComponentRegistry().getComponent(KeyPartitioner.class); cache.forEach((k, v) -> { if (segments >= keyPartitioner.getSegment(k)) { realCount.incrementAndGet(); } }); assertEquals(realCount.get(), createStream(entrySet).filterKeySegments( IntStream.range(0, segments).boxed().collect(Collectors.toSet())).count()); } public void testKeyFilter() { Cache<Integer, String> cache = getCache(0); int range = 12; // First populate the cache with a bunch of values IntStream.range(0, range).boxed().forEach(i -> cache.put(i, i + "-value")); assertEquals(range, cache.size()); CacheSet<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = cache.entrySet(); Set<Integer> keys = IntStream.of(2, 5, 8, 3, 1, range + 2).boxed().collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(keys.size() - 1, createStream(entrySet).filterKeys(keys).count()); } }