package org.infinispan.query.remote.impl.indexing; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.protostream.MessageContext; import org.infinispan.protostream.TagHandler; import org.infinispan.protostream.descriptors.Descriptor; import org.infinispan.protostream.descriptors.FieldDescriptor; import org.infinispan.protostream.descriptors.JavaType; import org.infinispan.protostream.descriptors.Type; import org.infinispan.query.remote.impl.QueryFacadeImpl; /** * Extracts and indexes all tags (fields) from a protobuf encoded message. * * @author * @since 6.0 */ final class IndexingTagHandler implements TagHandler { private static final NullMarkerCodec NULL_TOKEN_CODEC = new LuceneStringNullMarkerCodec(new ToStringNullMarker(IndexingMetadata.DEFAULT_NULL_TOKEN)); private static final LuceneOptions NOT_STORED_NOT_ANALYZED = new LuceneOptionsImpl( new DocumentFieldMetadata.Builder(BackReference.empty(), BackReference.empty(), null, null, Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.NO) .indexNullAs(NULL_TOKEN_CODEC) .boost(1.0F) .build(), 1.0F, 1.0F); private static final LuceneOptions STORED_NOT_ANALYZED = new LuceneOptionsImpl( new DocumentFieldMetadata.Builder(BackReference.empty(), BackReference.empty(), null, null, Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.NO) .indexNullAs(NULL_TOKEN_CODEC) .boost(1.0F) .build(), 1.0F, 1.0F); private final Document document; private MessageContext<? extends MessageContext> messageContext; IndexingTagHandler(Descriptor messageDescriptor, Document document) { this.document = document; this.messageContext = new MessageContext<>(null, null, messageDescriptor); } @Override public void onStart() { // add the type discriminator field NOT_STORED_NOT_ANALYZED.addFieldToDocument(QueryFacadeImpl.TYPE_FIELD_NAME, messageContext.getMessageDescriptor().getFullName(), document); } @Override public void onTag(int fieldNumber, FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor, Object tagValue) { messageContext.markField(fieldNumber); // Unknown fields are not indexed. if (fieldDescriptor != null) { IndexingMetadata indexingMetadata = messageContext.getMessageDescriptor().getProcessedAnnotation(IndexingMetadata.INDEXED_ANNOTATION); FieldMapping fieldMapping = indexingMetadata != null ? indexingMetadata.getFieldMapping(fieldDescriptor.getName()) : null; if (indexingMetadata == null || fieldMapping != null && fieldMapping.index()) { //TODO [anistor] should we still store if isStore==true but isIndexed==false? addFieldToDocument(fieldDescriptor, tagValue, fieldMapping); } } } private void addFieldToDocument(FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor, Object value, FieldMapping fieldMapping) { Type type = fieldDescriptor.getType(); LuceneOptions luceneOptions; boolean isSortable = false; if (fieldMapping == null) { // TODO [anistor] this behaviour is deprecated and will be removed in Infinispan 10.0 // WE DO NOT HAVE A FIELD MAPPING! // This comes from a message definition that does not have any annotations and is treated as if // everything is indexed, stored, and not analyzed for compatibility reasons with first version of remote query. // All null values (regardless of type) are indexed as string as if indexNullAs == "_null_" if (value == null) { value = IndexingMetadata.DEFAULT_NULL_TOKEN; type = Type.STRING; // we add a string to the index even if the field is numeric! luceneOptions = NOT_STORED_NOT_ANALYZED; } else { luceneOptions = STORED_NOT_ANALYZED; } } else { luceneOptions = fieldMapping.luceneOptions(); isSortable = fieldMapping.sortable(); if (value == null) { if (fieldMapping.indexNullAs() == null || fieldMapping.analyze()) { // a missing or null field will never get indexed as the 'null token' if it is analyzed return; } value = fieldMapping.indexNullAs(); } } // We always use fully qualified field names because Lucene does not allow two identically named fields defined by // different entity types to have different field types or different indexing options in the same index. String fullFieldName = messageContext.getFullFieldName(); fullFieldName = fullFieldName != null ? fullFieldName + "." + fieldDescriptor.getName() : fieldDescriptor.getName(); switch (type) { case DOUBLE: case FLOAT: case INT64: case UINT64: case INT32: case FIXED64: case FIXED32: case UINT32: case SFIXED32: case SFIXED64: case SINT32: case SINT64: case ENUM: if (isSortable) { luceneOptions.addNumericDocValuesFieldToDocument(fullFieldName, (Number) value, document); } luceneOptions.addNumericFieldToDocument(fullFieldName, value, document); break; default: String indexedString = String.valueOf(value); if (isSortable) { luceneOptions.addSortedDocValuesFieldToDocument(fullFieldName, indexedString, document); } luceneOptions.addFieldToDocument(fullFieldName, indexedString, document); } } @Override public void onStartNested(int fieldNumber, FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor) { messageContext.markField(fieldNumber); pushContext(fieldDescriptor.getName(), fieldDescriptor.getMessageType()); } @Override public void onEndNested(int fieldNumber, FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor) { popContext(); } @Override public void onEnd() { indexMissingFields(); } private void pushContext(String fieldName, Descriptor messageDescriptor) { messageContext = new MessageContext<>(messageContext, fieldName, messageDescriptor); } private void popContext() { indexMissingFields(); messageContext = messageContext.getParentContext(); } /** * All fields that were not seen until the end of this message are missing and will be indexed with their default * value or null if none was declared. The null value is replaced with a special null token placeholder because * Lucene cannot index nulls. */ private void indexMissingFields() { for (FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor : messageContext.getMessageDescriptor().getFields()) { if (!messageContext.isFieldMarked(fieldDescriptor.getNumber())) { Object defaultValue = fieldDescriptor.getJavaType() == JavaType.MESSAGE || fieldDescriptor.hasDefaultValue() ? fieldDescriptor.getDefaultValue() : null; IndexingMetadata indexingMetadata = messageContext.getMessageDescriptor().getProcessedAnnotation(IndexingMetadata.INDEXED_ANNOTATION); FieldMapping fieldMapping = indexingMetadata != null ? indexingMetadata.getFieldMapping(fieldDescriptor.getName()) : null; if (indexingMetadata == null || fieldMapping != null && fieldMapping.index()) { addFieldToDocument(fieldDescriptor, defaultValue, fieldMapping); } } } } }