package org.infinispan.lock.singlelock; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry; import org.infinispan.distribution.LocalizedCacheTopology; import org.infinispan.test.MultipleCacheManagersTest; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.CleanupAfterMethod; import org.infinispan.transaction.LockingMode; import org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Main owner changes due to state transfer in a distributed cluster using pessimistic locking. * * @since 5.2 */ @Test(groups = "functional", testName = "lock.singlelock.MainOwnerChangesPessimisticLockTest") @CleanupAfterMethod public class MainOwnerChangesPessimisticLockTest extends MultipleCacheManagersTest { public static final int NUM_KEYS = 10; private ConfigurationBuilder dccc; @Override protected void createCacheManagers() throws Throwable { dccc = getDefaultClusteredCacheConfig(CacheMode.DIST_SYNC, true, true); dccc.transaction() .transactionManagerLookup(new EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup()) .lockingMode(LockingMode.PESSIMISTIC) .locking().lockAcquisitionTimeout(TestingUtil.shortTimeoutMillis()) .clustering().hash().numOwners(1).numSegments(3) .l1().disable() .stateTransfer().fetchInMemoryState(true); createCluster(dccc, 2); waitForClusterToForm(); } public void testLocalLockMigrationTxCommit() throws Exception { testLockMigration(0, true); } public void testLocalLockMigrationTxRollback() throws Exception { testLockMigration(0, false); } public void testRemoteLockMigrationTxCommit() throws Exception { testLockMigration(1, true); } public void testRemoteLockMigrationTxRollback() throws Exception { testLockMigration(1, false); } private void testLockMigration(int nodeThatPuts, boolean commit) throws Exception { Map<Object, Transaction> key2Tx = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i++) { Object key = getKeyForCache(0); if (key2Tx.containsKey(key)) continue; // put a key to have some data in cache cache(nodeThatPuts).put(key, key); // start a TX that locks the key and then we suspend it tm(nodeThatPuts).begin(); Transaction tx = tm(nodeThatPuts).getTransaction(); advancedCache(nodeThatPuts).lock(key); tm(nodeThatPuts).suspend(); key2Tx.put(key, tx); assertLocked(0, key); } log.trace("Lock transfer happens here"); // add a third node hoping that some of the previously created keys will be migrated to it addClusterEnabledCacheManager(dccc); waitForClusterToForm(); // search for a key that was migrated to third node and the suspended TX that locked it Object migratedKey = null; Transaction migratedTransaction = null; LocalizedCacheTopology cacheTopology = advancedCache(2).getDistributionManager().getCacheTopology(); for (Object key : key2Tx.keySet()) { if (cacheTopology.getDistribution(key).isPrimary()) { migratedKey = key; migratedTransaction = key2Tx.get(key); log.trace("Migrated key = " + migratedKey); log.trace("Migrated transaction = " + ((EmbeddedTransaction) migratedTransaction).getEnlistedResources()); break; } } // we do not focus on the other transactions so we commit them now log.trace("Committing all transactions except the migrated one."); for (Object key : key2Tx.keySet()) { if (!key.equals(migratedKey)) { Transaction tx = key2Tx.get(key); tm(nodeThatPuts).resume(tx); tm(nodeThatPuts).commit(); } } if (migratedKey == null) { // this could happen in extreme cases log.trace("No key migrated to new owner - test cannot be performed!"); } else { // the migrated TX is resumed and committed or rolled back. we expect the migrated key to be unlocked now tm(nodeThatPuts).resume(migratedTransaction); if (commit) { tm(nodeThatPuts).commit(); } else { tm(nodeThatPuts).rollback(); } // there should not be any locks assertEventuallyNotLocked(cache(0), migratedKey); assertEventuallyNotLocked(cache(1), migratedKey); assertEventuallyNotLocked(cache(2), migratedKey); // if a new TX tries to write to the migrated key this should not fail, the key should not be locked tm(nodeThatPuts).begin(); cache(nodeThatPuts).put(migratedKey, "someValue"); // this should not result in TimeoutException due to key still locked tm(nodeThatPuts).commit(); } log.trace("Checking the values from caches..."); for (Object key : key2Tx.keySet()) { log.tracef("Checking key: %s", key); Object expectedValue = key; if (key.equals(migratedKey)) { expectedValue = "someValue"; } // check them directly in data container InternalCacheEntry d0 = advancedCache(0).getDataContainer().get(key); InternalCacheEntry d1 = advancedCache(1).getDataContainer().get(key); InternalCacheEntry d2 = advancedCache(2).getDataContainer().get(key); int c = 0; if (d0 != null && !d0.isExpired(TIME_SERVICE.wallClockTime())) { assertEquals(expectedValue, d0.getValue()); c++; } if (d1 != null && !d1.isExpired(TIME_SERVICE.wallClockTime())) { assertEquals(expectedValue, d1.getValue()); c++; } if (d2 != null && !d2.isExpired(TIME_SERVICE.wallClockTime())) { assertEquals(expectedValue, d2.getValue()); c++; } assertEquals(1, c); // look at them also via cache API assertEquals(expectedValue, cache(0).get(key)); assertEquals(expectedValue, cache(1).get(key)); assertEquals(expectedValue, cache(2).get(key)); } } }