package org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.SortField; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.ql.AggregationFunction; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.ql.JoinType; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.ql.PropertyPath; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.ql.QueryRendererDelegate; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.ComparisonExpr; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.ConstantValueExpr; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.IndexedFieldProvider; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * Transform the parsed tree into a {@link IckleParsingResult} containing the {@link * org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.BooleanExpr}s representing the WHERE and HAVING clauses of the query. * * @author Adrian Nistor * @since 9.0 */ final class QueryRendererDelegateImpl<TypeMetadata> implements QueryRendererDelegate<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> { private static final Log log = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, QueryRendererDelegateImpl.class.getName()); private enum Phase { SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP_BY, HAVING, ORDER_BY } /** * The current parsing phase */ private Phase phase; private String targetTypeName; private TypeMetadata targetEntityMetadata; private IndexedFieldProvider.FieldIndexingMetadata fieldIndexingMetadata; private PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> propertyPath; private AggregationFunction aggregationFunction; private final ExpressionBuilder<TypeMetadata> whereBuilder; private final ExpressionBuilder<TypeMetadata> havingBuilder; /** * Persister space: keep track of aliases and entity names. */ private final Map<String, String> aliasToEntityType = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> aliasToPropertyPath = new HashMap<>(); private String alias; private final Map<String, Object> namedParameters = new HashMap<>(5); private final ObjectPropertyHelper<TypeMetadata> propertyHelper; private List<PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> groupBy; private List<SortField> sortFields; private List<PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> projections; private List<Class<?>> projectedTypes; private final String queryString; QueryRendererDelegateImpl(String queryString, ObjectPropertyHelper<TypeMetadata> propertyHelper) { this.queryString = queryString; this.propertyHelper = propertyHelper; this.whereBuilder = new ExpressionBuilder<>(propertyHelper); this.havingBuilder = new ExpressionBuilder<>(propertyHelper); } /** * See rule entityName */ @Override public void registerPersisterSpace(String entityName, Tree aliasTree) { String aliasText = aliasTree.getText(); String previous = aliasToEntityType.put(aliasText, entityName); if (previous != null && !previous.equalsIgnoreCase(entityName)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Alias reuse currently not supported: alias " + aliasText + " already assigned to type " + previous); } if (targetTypeName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't target multiple types: " + targetTypeName + " already selected before " + entityName); } targetTypeName = entityName; targetEntityMetadata = propertyHelper.getEntityMetadata(targetTypeName); if (targetEntityMetadata == null) { throw log.getUnknownEntity(targetTypeName); } fieldIndexingMetadata = propertyHelper.getIndexedFieldProvider().get(targetEntityMetadata); whereBuilder.setEntityType(targetEntityMetadata); havingBuilder.setEntityType(targetEntityMetadata); } public void registerEmbeddedAlias(String alias, PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> propertyPath) { PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> previous = aliasToPropertyPath.put(alias, propertyPath); if (previous != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Alias reuse currently not supported: alias " + alias + " already assigned to type " + previous); } } @Override public boolean isUnqualifiedPropertyReference() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPersisterReferenceAlias() { return aliasToEntityType.containsKey(alias); } @Override public void activateFromStrategy(JoinType joinType, Tree associationFetchTree, Tree propertyFetchTree, Tree alias) { phase = Phase.FROM; this.alias = alias.getText(); } @Override public void activateSelectStrategy() { phase = Phase.SELECT; } @Override public void activateWhereStrategy() { phase = Phase.WHERE; } @Override public void activateGroupByStrategy() { phase = Phase.GROUP_BY; } @Override public void activateHavingStrategy() { phase = Phase.HAVING; } @Override public void activateOrderByStrategy() { phase = Phase.ORDER_BY; } @Override public void deactivateStrategy() { phase = null; alias = null; propertyPath = null; aggregationFunction = null; } @Override public void activateOR() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pushOr(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.pushOr(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void activateAND() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pushAnd(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.pushAnd(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void activateNOT() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pushNot(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.pushNot(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateLess(String value) { addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.LESS); } @Override public void predicateLessOrEqual(String value) { addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.LESS_OR_EQUAL); } /** * This implements the equality predicate; the comparison * predicate could be a constant, a subfunction or * some random type parameter. * The tree node has all details but with current tree rendering * it just passes it's text so we have to figure out the options again. */ @Override public void predicateEquals(String value) { addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.EQUAL); } @Override public void predicateNotEquals(String value) { activateNOT(); addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.EQUAL); deactivateBoolean(); } @Override public void predicateGreaterOrEqual(String value) { addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.GREATER_OR_EQUAL); } @Override public void predicateGreater(String value) { addComparisonPredicate(value, ComparisonExpr.Type.GREATER); } private void addComparisonPredicate(String value, ComparisonExpr.Type comparisonType) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } Object comparisonValue = parameterValue(value); checkAnalyzed(property, false); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addComparison(property, comparisonType, comparisonValue); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addComparison(property, comparisonType, comparisonValue); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateIn(List<String> list) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (String string : list) { values.add(parameterValue(string)); } PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addIn(property, values); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addIn(property, values); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateBetween(String lowerValue, String upperValue) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); Object lowerComparisonValue = parameterValue(lowerValue); Object upperComparisonValue = parameterValue(upperValue); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } checkAnalyzed(property, false); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addRange(property, lowerComparisonValue, upperComparisonValue); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addRange(property, lowerComparisonValue, upperComparisonValue); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateLike(String patternValue, Character escapeCharacter) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); Object pattern = parameterValue(patternValue); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } checkAnalyzed(property, false); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addLike(property, pattern, escapeCharacter); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addLike(property, pattern, escapeCharacter); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateIsNull() { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } checkAnalyzed(property, false); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addIsNull(property); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addIsNull(property); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateConstantBoolean(boolean booleanConstant) { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.addConstantBoolean(booleanConstant); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.addConstantBoolean(booleanConstant); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateFullTextTerm(String term, String fuzzyFlop) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } String comparisonValue = (String) parameterValue(term); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { checkAnalyzed(property, true); whereBuilder.addFullTextTerm(property, comparisonValue, fuzzyFlop == null ? null : (fuzzyFlop.equals("~") ? 2 : Integer.parseInt(fuzzyFlop))); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateFullTextRegexp(String term) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { checkAnalyzed(property, true); whereBuilder.addFullTextRegexp(property, term); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void predicateFullTextRange(boolean includeLower, String lower, String upper, boolean includeUpper) { ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath(); if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); if (property.isEmpty()) { throw log.getPredicatesOnEntityAliasNotAllowedException(propertyPath.asStringPath()); } Object from = lower != null ? parameterValue(lower) : null; Object to = upper != null ? parameterValue(upper) : null; checkIndexed(property); whereBuilder.addFullTextRange(property, includeLower, from, to, includeUpper); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private void checkAnalyzed(PropertyPath<?> propertyPath, boolean expectAnalyzed) { if (fieldIndexingMetadata.isAnalyzed(propertyPath.asArrayPath())) { if (!expectAnalyzed) { throw log.getQueryOnAnalyzedPropertyNotSupportedException(targetTypeName, propertyPath.asStringPath()); } } else { if (expectAnalyzed) { throw log.getFullTextQueryOnNotAalyzedPropertyNotSupportedException(targetTypeName, propertyPath.asStringPath()); } } } private void checkIndexed(PropertyPath<?> propertyPath) { if (!fieldIndexingMetadata.isIndexed(propertyPath.asArrayPath())) { throw log.getFullTextQueryOnNotIndexedPropertyNotSupportedException(targetTypeName, propertyPath.asStringPath()); } } @Override public void activateFullTextBoost(float boost) { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pushFullTextBoost(boost); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void deactivateFullTextBoost() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pop(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void activateFullTextOccur(Occur occur) { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pushFullTextOccur(occur); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public void deactivateFullTextOccur() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pop(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { throw log.getFullTextQueriesNotAllowedInHavingClauseException(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * Sets a property path representing one property in the SELECT, GROUP BY, WHERE or HAVING clause of a given query. * * @param propertyPath the property path to set */ @Override public void setPropertyPath(PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> propertyPath) { if (aggregationFunction != null) { if (propertyPath == null && aggregationFunction != AggregationFunction.COUNT && aggregationFunction != AggregationFunction.COUNT_DISTINCT) { throw log.getAggregationCanOnlyBeAppliedToPropertyReferencesException(; } propertyPath = new AggregationPropertyPath<>(aggregationFunction, propertyPath.getNodes()); } if (phase == Phase.SELECT) { if (projections == null) { projections = new ArrayList<>(5); projectedTypes = new ArrayList<>(5); } PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> projection; Class<?> propertyType; if (propertyPath.getLength() == 1 && propertyPath.isAlias()) { projection = new PropertyPath<>(Collections.singletonList(new PropertyPath.PropertyReference<>("__HSearch_This", null, true))); //todo [anistor] this is a leftover from hsearch ???? this represents the entity itself. see propertyType = null; } else { projection = resolveAlias(propertyPath); propertyType = propertyHelper.getPrimitivePropertyType(targetEntityMetadata, projection.asArrayPath()); } projections.add(projection); projectedTypes.add(propertyType); } else { this.propertyPath = propertyPath; } } @Override public void activateAggregation(AggregationFunction aggregationFunction) { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { throw log.getNoAggregationsInWhereClauseException(; } if (phase == Phase.GROUP_BY) { throw log.getNoAggregationsInGroupByClauseException(; } this.aggregationFunction = aggregationFunction; propertyPath = null; } @Override public void deactivateAggregation() { aggregationFunction = null; } /** * Add field sort criteria. * * @param collateName optional collation name * @param isAscending sort direction */ @Override public void sortSpecification(String collateName, boolean isAscending) { // collationName is ignored for now PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> property = resolveAlias(propertyPath); checkAnalyzed(property, false); //todo [anistor] cannot sort on analyzed field? if (sortFields == null) { sortFields = new ArrayList<>(5); } sortFields.add(new IckleParsingResult.SortFieldImpl<>(property, isAscending)); } /** * Add 'group by' criteria. * * @param collateName optional collation name */ @Override public void groupingValue(String collateName) { // collationName is ignored for now if (groupBy == null) { groupBy = new ArrayList<>(5); } groupBy.add(resolveAlias(propertyPath)); } private Object parameterValue(String value) { if (value.startsWith(":")) { // it's a named parameter String paramName = value.substring(1).trim(); //todo [anistor] trim should not be required! ConstantValueExpr.ParamPlaceholder namedParam = (ConstantValueExpr.ParamPlaceholder) namedParameters.get(paramName); if (namedParam == null) { namedParam = new ConstantValueExpr.ParamPlaceholder(paramName); namedParameters.put(paramName, namedParam); } return namedParam; } else { // it's a literal value given in the query string List<String> path = propertyPath.getNodeNamesWithoutAlias(); // create the complete path in case it's a join PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> fullPath = propertyPath; while (fullPath.isAlias()) { PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> resolved = aliasToPropertyPath.get(fullPath.getFirst().getPropertyName()); if (resolved == null) { break; } path.addAll(0, resolved.getNodeNamesWithoutAlias()); fullPath = resolved; } return propertyHelper.convertToPropertyType(targetEntityMetadata, path.toArray(new String[path.size()]), value); } } @Override public void deactivateBoolean() { if (phase == Phase.WHERE) { whereBuilder.pop(); } else if (phase == Phase.HAVING) { havingBuilder.pop(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> resolveAlias(PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> path) { List<PropertyPath.PropertyReference<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> resolved = resolveAliasPath(path); return path instanceof AggregationPropertyPath ? new AggregationPropertyPath<>(((AggregationPropertyPath) path).getAggregationFunction(), resolved) : new PropertyPath<>(resolved); } private List<PropertyPath.PropertyReference<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> resolveAliasPath(PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> path) { if (path.isAlias()) { String alias = path.getFirst().getPropertyName(); if (aliasToEntityType.containsKey(alias)) { // Alias for entity return path.getNodesWithoutAlias(); } else if (aliasToPropertyPath.containsKey(alias)) { // Alias for embedded PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> propertyPath = aliasToPropertyPath.get(alias); List<PropertyPath.PropertyReference<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>>> resolvedAlias = resolveAliasPath(propertyPath); resolvedAlias.addAll(path.getNodesWithoutAlias()); return resolvedAlias; } else { // Alias not found throw log.getUnknownAliasException(alias); } } // It does not start with an alias return path.getNodesWithoutAlias(); } @Override public void registerJoinAlias(Tree alias, PropertyPath<TypeDescriptor<TypeMetadata>> path) { if (!aliasToPropertyPath.containsKey(alias.getText())) { aliasToPropertyPath.put(alias.getText(), path); } } private void ensureLeftSideIsAPropertyPath() { if (propertyPath == null) { throw log.getLeftSideMustBeAPropertyPath(); } } public IckleParsingResult<TypeMetadata> getResult() { return new IckleParsingResult<>( queryString, Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(namedParameters.keySet())),,, targetTypeName, targetEntityMetadata, projections == null ? null : projections.toArray(new PropertyPath[projections.size()]), projectedTypes == null ? null : projectedTypes.toArray(new Class<?>[projectedTypes.size()]), groupBy == null ? null : groupBy.toArray(new PropertyPath[groupBy.size()]), sortFields == null ? null : sortFields.toArray(new SortField[sortFields.size()])); } }