package org.infinispan.server.hotrod.test; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.OperationStatus.NotExecutedWithPrevious; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.OperationStatus.Success; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.OperationStatus.SuccessWithPrevious; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.readString; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.readUnsignedInt; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.readUnsignedShort; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.writeRangedBytes; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.writeString; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedInt; import static org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedLong; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.WrappedByteArray; import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util; import org.infinispan.server.core.transport.NettyInitializer; import org.infinispan.server.core.transport.NettyInitializers; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.Constants; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.HotRodOperation; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.OperationStatus; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ProtocolFlag; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.Response; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ServerAddress; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestResourceTracker; import org.infinispan.util.KeyValuePair; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.ReplayingDecoder; import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler; import io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future; /** * A very simple Hot Rod client for testing purposes. It's a quick and dirty client implementation. As a result, it * might not be very readable, particularly for readers not used to scala. * <p> * Reasons why this should not really be a trait: Storing var instances in a trait cause issues with TestNG, see: * * * @author Galder ZamarreƱo * @author Tristan Tarrant * @since 4.1 */ public class HotRodClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HotRodClient.class, Log.class); final static AtomicLong idCounter = new AtomicLong(); final String host; final int port; final String defaultCacheName; final int rspTimeoutSeconds; final byte protocolVersion; final SSLEngine sslEngine; final Channel ch; Map<Long, Op> idToOp = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, new DefaultThreadFactory(TestResourceTracker.getCurrentTestShortName() + "-Client")); public HotRodClient(String host, int port, String defaultCacheName, int rspTimeoutSeconds, byte protocolVersion) { this(host, port, defaultCacheName, rspTimeoutSeconds, protocolVersion, null); } public HotRodClient(String host, int port, String defaultCacheName, int rspTimeoutSeconds, byte protocolVersion, SSLEngine sslEngine) { = host; this.port = port; this.defaultCacheName = defaultCacheName; this.rspTimeoutSeconds = rspTimeoutSeconds; this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; this.sslEngine = sslEngine; ch = initializeChannel(); } public String defaultCacheName() { return defaultCacheName; } private Channel initializeChannel() { Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();; bootstrap.handler(new NettyInitializers(new ClientChannelInitializer(this, rspTimeoutSeconds, sslEngine, protocolVersion)));; bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true); bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true); // Make a new connection. ChannelFuture connectFuture = bootstrap.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); // Wait until the connection is made successfully. Channel ch = connectFuture.syncUninterruptibly().channel(); assertTrue(connectFuture.isSuccess()); return ch; } public Future<?> stop() { return eventLoopGroup.shutdownGracefully(100, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public TestResponse put(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x01, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse put(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, byte clientIntelligence, int topologyId) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x01, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, clientIntelligence, topologyId); } private boolean assertStatus(TestResponse resp, OperationStatus expected) { OperationStatus status = resp.getStatus(); boolean isSuccess = status == expected; if (resp instanceof TestErrorResponse) { assertTrue(String.format("Status should have been '%s' but instead was: '%s', and the error message was: %s", expected, status, ((TestErrorResponse) resp).msg), isSuccess); } else { assertTrue(String.format( "Status should have been '%s' but instead was: '%s'", expected, status), isSuccess); } return isSuccess; } private byte[] k(Method m) { return k(m, "k-"); } private byte[] k(Method m, String prefix) { byte[] bytes = (prefix + m.getName()).getBytes(); log.tracef("String %s is converted to %s bytes", prefix + m.getName(), Util.printArray(bytes, true)); return bytes; } private byte[] v(Method m) { return v(m, "v-"); } private byte[] v(Method m, String prefix) { return k(m, prefix); } public void assertPut(Method m) { assertStatus(put(k(m), 0, 0, v(m)), Success); } public void assertPutFail(Method m) { Op op = new Op(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x01, defaultCacheName, k(m), 0, 0, v(m), 0, 1, (byte) 0, 0); idToOp.put(, op); ChannelFuture future = ch.writeAndFlush(op); future.awaitUninterruptibly(); assertFalse(future.isSuccess()); } public void assertPut(Method m, String kPrefix, String vPrefix) { assertStatus(put(k(m, kPrefix), 0, 0, v(m, vPrefix)), Success); } public void assertPut(Method m, int lifespan, int maxIdle) { assertStatus(put(k(m), lifespan, maxIdle, v(m)), Success); } public TestResponse put(String k, String v) { return put(k.getBytes(), 0, 0, v.getBytes()); } public TestResponse put(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x01, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, flags); } public TestResponse putIfAbsent(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x05, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse putIfAbsent(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x05, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, flags); } public TestResponse replace(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x07, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse replace(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x07, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, (byte) 0, flags); } public TestResponse replaceIfUnmodified(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x09, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, dataVersion, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse replaceIfUnmodified(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x09, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, dataVersion, flags); } public TestResponse remove(byte[] k) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x0B, defaultCacheName, k, 0, 0, null, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse remove(byte[] k, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x0B, defaultCacheName, k, 0, 0, null, 0, flags); } public TestResponse removeIfUnmodified(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x0D, defaultCacheName, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, dataVersion, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse removeIfUnmodified(byte[] k, long dataVersion, int flags) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x0D, defaultCacheName, k, 0, 0, new byte[0], dataVersion, flags); } public TestResponse execute(int magic, byte code, String name, byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion, byte clientIntelligence, int topologyId) { Op op = new Op(magic, protocolVersion, code, name, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, dataVersion, clientIntelligence, topologyId); return execute(op,; } public TestErrorResponse executeExpectBadMagic(int magic, byte code, String name, byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long version) { Op op = new Op(magic, protocolVersion, code, name, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, version, (byte) 1, 0); return (TestErrorResponse) execute(op, 0); } public TestErrorResponse executePartial(int magic, byte code, String name, byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long version) { Op op = new PartialOp(magic, protocolVersion, code, name, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, 0, version, (byte) 1, 0); return (TestErrorResponse) execute(op,; } public TestResponse execute(int magic, byte code, String name, byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion, int flags) { Op op = new Op(magic, protocolVersion, code, name, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, flags, dataVersion, (byte) 1, 0); return execute(op,; } private TestResponse execute(Op op, long expectedResponseMessageId) { writeOp(op); ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return handler.getResponse(expectedResponseMessageId); } public boolean writeOp(Op op) { return writeOp(op, true); } public boolean writeOp(Op op, boolean assertSuccess) { idToOp.put(, op); ChannelFuture future = ch.writeAndFlush(op); future.awaitUninterruptibly(); if (assertSuccess) assertTrue(future.isSuccess()); return future.isSuccess(); } public TestGetResponse get(byte[] k, int flags) { return (TestGetResponse) get((byte) 0x03, k, flags); } public TestResponse get(String k) { return get((byte) 0x03, k.getBytes(), 0); } public TestGetResponse assertGet(Method m) { return assertGet(m, 0); } public TestGetResponse assertGet(Method m, int flags) { return get(k(m), flags); } public TestResponse containsKey(byte[] k, int flags) { return get((byte) 0x0F, k, flags); } public TestGetWithVersionResponse getWithVersion(byte[] k, int flags) { return (TestGetWithVersionResponse) get((byte) 0x11, k, flags); } public TestGetWithMetadataResponse getWithMetadata(byte[] k, int flags) { return (TestGetWithMetadataResponse) get((byte) 0x1B, k, flags); } private TestResponse get(byte code, byte[] k, int flags) { Op op = new Op(0xA0, protocolVersion, code, defaultCacheName, k, 0, 0, null, flags, 0, (byte) 1, 0); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); if (code == 0x03 || code == 0x11 || code == 0x0F || code == 0x1B) { return handler.getResponse(; } else { return null; } } public TestResponse clear() { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x13, defaultCacheName, null, 0, 0, null, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public Map<String, String> stats() { StatsOp op = new StatsOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x15, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, null); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); TestStatsResponse resp = (TestStatsResponse) handler.getResponse(; return resp.stats; } public TestResponse ping() { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x17, defaultCacheName, null, 0, 0, null, 0, (byte) 1, 0); } public TestResponse ping(byte clientIntelligence, int topologyId) { return execute(0xA0, (byte) 0x17, defaultCacheName, null, 0, 0, null, 0, clientIntelligence, topologyId); } public TestBulkGetResponse bulkGet() { return bulkGet(0); } public TestBulkGetResponse bulkGet(int count) { BulkGetOp op = new BulkGetOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x19, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, count); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestBulkGetResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestBulkGetKeysResponse bulkGetKeys() { return bulkGetKeys(0); } public TestBulkGetKeysResponse bulkGetKeys(int scope) { BulkGetKeysOp op = new BulkGetKeysOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x1D, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, scope); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestBulkGetKeysResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestQueryResponse query(byte[] query) { QueryOp op = new QueryOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, query); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestQueryResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestAuthMechListResponse authMechList() { AuthMechListOp op = new AuthMechListOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x21, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestAuthMechListResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestAuthResponse auth(SaslClient sc) throws SaslException { SaslClient saslClient = sc; byte[] saslResponse = saslClient.hasInitialResponse() ? saslClient.evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]) : new byte[0]; ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); AuthOp op = new AuthOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x23, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, saslClient.getMechanismName(), saslResponse); writeOp(op); TestAuthResponse response = (TestAuthResponse) handler.getResponse(; while (!saslClient.isComplete() || !response.complete) { saslResponse = saslClient.evaluateChallenge(response.challenge); op = new AuthOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, (byte) 0x23, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, "", saslResponse); writeOp(op); response = (TestAuthResponse) handler.getResponse(; } saslClient.dispose(); return response; } public TestResponse addClientListener(TestClientListener listener, boolean includeState, Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> filterFactory, Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> converterFactory, boolean useRawData) { AddClientListenerOp op = new AddClientListenerOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, listener.getId(), includeState, filterFactory, converterFactory, useRawData); ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); handler.addClientListener(listener); writeOp(op); return handler.getResponse(; } public TestResponse removeClientListener(byte[] listenerId) { RemoveClientListenerOp op = new RemoveClientListenerOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, listenerId); ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); writeOp(op); TestResponse response = handler.getResponse(; if (response.getStatus() == Success) handler.removeClientListener(listenerId); return response; } public TestSizeResponse size() { SizeOp op = new SizeOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0); boolean writeFuture = writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestSizeResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestGetWithMetadataResponse getStream(byte[] key, int offset) { GetStreamOp op = new GetStreamOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, key, 0, (byte) 1, 0, offset); writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestGetWithMetadataResponse) handler.getResponse(; } public TestResponse putStream(byte[] key, byte[] value, long version, int lifespan, int maxIdle) { PutStreamOp op = new PutStreamOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, key, value, lifespan, maxIdle, version, (byte)1, 0); writeOp(op); ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return handler.getResponse(; } /*public TestPutStreamResponse putStream(byte[] k, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] v, long dataVersion) { PutStreamOp op = new PutStreamOp(0xA0, protocolVersion, defaultCacheName, (byte) 1, 0, k, lifespan, maxIdle, v, dataVersion); writeOp(op); // Get the handler instance to retrieve the answer. ClientHandler handler = (ClientHandler) ch.pipeline().last(); return (TestPutStreamResponse) handler.getResponse(; }*/ } class ClientChannelInitializer implements NettyInitializer { private final HotRodClient client; private final int rspTimeoutSeconds; private final SSLEngine sslEngine; private final byte protocolVersion; ClientChannelInitializer(HotRodClient client, int rspTimeoutSeconds, SSLEngine sslEngine, byte protocolVersion) { this.client = client; this.rspTimeoutSeconds = rspTimeoutSeconds; this.sslEngine = sslEngine; this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; } @Override public void initializeChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline(); if (sslEngine != null) pipeline.addLast("ssl", new SslHandler(sslEngine)); pipeline.addLast("decoder", new Decoder(client)); pipeline.addLast("encoder", new Encoder(protocolVersion)); pipeline.addLast("handler", new ClientHandler(rspTimeoutSeconds)); } } class Encoder extends MessageToByteEncoder<Object> { private final byte protocolVersion; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Encoder.class, Log.class); Encoder(byte protocolVersion) { this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; } @Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { log.tracef("Encode %s so that it's sent to the server", msg); if (msg instanceof PartialOp) { PartialOp partial = (PartialOp) msg; buffer.writeByte((byte) partial.magic); // magic writeUnsignedLong(, buffer); // message id buffer.writeByte(partial.version); // version buffer.writeByte(partial.code); // opcode } else if (msg instanceof AddClientListenerOp) { AddClientListenerOp op = (AddClientListenerOp) msg; writeHeader(op, buffer); writeRangedBytes(op.listenerId, buffer); buffer.writeByte(op.includeState ? 1 : 0); writeNamedFactory(op.filterFactory, buffer); writeNamedFactory(op.converterFactory, buffer); if (protocolVersion >= 21) buffer.writeByte(op.useRawData ? 1 : 0); } else if (msg instanceof RemoveClientListenerOp) { RemoveClientListenerOp op = (RemoveClientListenerOp) msg; writeHeader(op, buffer); writeRangedBytes(op.listenerId, buffer); } else if (msg instanceof Op) { Op op = (Op) msg; writeHeader(op, buffer); if (protocolVersion < 20) writeRangedBytes(new byte[0], buffer); // transaction id if (op.code != 0x13 && op.code != 0x15 && op.code != 0x17 && op.code != 0x19 && op.code != 0x1D && op.code != 0x1F && op.code != 0x21 && op.code != 0x23 && op.code != 0x29) { // if it's a key based op... writeRangedBytes(op.key, buffer); // key length + key if (op.code == 0x37) { // GetStream has an offset writeUnsignedInt(((GetStreamOp)op).offset, buffer); } if (op.value != null) { if (op.code != 0x0D) { // If it's not removeIfUnmodified... if (protocolVersion >= 22) { if (op.lifespan > 0 || op.maxIdle > 0) { buffer.writeByte(0); // seconds for both writeUnsignedInt(op.lifespan, buffer); // lifespan writeUnsignedInt(op.maxIdle, buffer); // maxIdle } else { buffer.writeByte(0x88); } } else { writeUnsignedInt(op.lifespan, buffer); // lifespan writeUnsignedInt(op.maxIdle, buffer); // maxIdle } } if (op.code == 0x09 || op.code == 0x0D || op.code == 0x39) { buffer.writeLong(op.dataVersion); } if (op.code == 0x39) { // Chunk the value for(int offset = 0; offset < op.value.length; ) { int chunk = Math.min(op.value.length - offset, 8192); writeUnsignedInt(chunk, buffer); buffer.writeBytes(op.value, offset, chunk); offset += chunk; } writeUnsignedInt(0, buffer); } else if (op.code != 0x0D) { // If it's not removeIfUnmodified... writeRangedBytes(op.value, buffer); // value length + value } } } else if (op.code == 0x19) { writeUnsignedInt(((BulkGetOp) op).count, buffer); // Entry count } else if (op.code == 0x1D) { writeUnsignedInt(((BulkGetKeysOp) op).scope, buffer); // Bulk Get Keys Scope } else if (op.code == 0x1F) { writeRangedBytes(((QueryOp) op).query, buffer); } else if (op.code == 0x23) { AuthOp authop = (AuthOp) op; if (!authop.mech.isEmpty()) { writeRangedBytes(authop.mech.getBytes(), buffer); } else { writeUnsignedInt(0, buffer); } writeRangedBytes(((AuthOp) op).response, buffer); } } } private void writeNamedFactory(Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> namedFactory, ByteBuf buffer) { if (namedFactory.isPresent()) { KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>> factory = namedFactory.get(); writeString(factory.getKey(), buffer); buffer.writeByte(factory.getValue().size()); factory.getValue().forEach(bytes -> writeRangedBytes(bytes, buffer)); } else { buffer.writeByte(0); } } private void writeHeader(Op op, ByteBuf buffer) { buffer.writeByte(op.magic); // magic writeUnsignedLong(, buffer); // message id buffer.writeByte(op.version); // version buffer.writeByte(op.code); // opcode if (!op.cacheName.isEmpty()) { writeRangedBytes(op.cacheName.getBytes(), buffer); // cache name length + cache name } else { writeUnsignedInt(0, buffer); // Zero length } writeUnsignedInt(op.flags, buffer); // flags buffer.writeByte(op.clientIntel); // client intelligence writeUnsignedInt(op.topologyId, buffer); // topology id } } class Decoder extends ReplayingDecoder<Void> { private final HotRodClient client; private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Decoder.class, Log.class); Decoder(HotRodClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buf, List<Object> out) throws Exception { log.trace("Decode response from server"); buf.readUnsignedByte(); // magic byte long id = ExtendedByteBuf.readUnsignedLong(buf); HotRodOperation opCode = HotRodOperation.fromResponseOpCode((byte) buf.readUnsignedByte()); OperationStatus status = OperationStatus.fromCode((byte) buf.readUnsignedByte()); short topologyChangeMarker = buf.readUnsignedByte(); Op op = client.idToOp.get(id); AbstractTestTopologyAwareResponse topologyChangeResponse; if (topologyChangeMarker == 1) { int topologyId = readUnsignedInt(buf); if (op.clientIntel == Constants.INTELLIGENCE_TOPOLOGY_AWARE) { int numberClusterMembers = readUnsignedInt(buf); ServerAddress[] viewArray = new ServerAddress[numberClusterMembers]; for (int i = 0; i < numberClusterMembers; i++) { String host = readString(buf); int port = readUnsignedShort(buf); viewArray[i] = new ServerAddress(host, port); } topologyChangeResponse = new TestTopologyAwareResponse(topologyId, Arrays.asList(viewArray)); } else if (op.clientIntel == Constants.INTELLIGENCE_HASH_DISTRIBUTION_AWARE) { if (op.version < 20) topologyChangeResponse = read1xHashDistAwareHeader(buf, topologyId, op); else topologyChangeResponse = read2xHashDistAwareHeader(buf, topologyId, op); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Client intelligence " + op.clientIntel + " not supported"); } } else { topologyChangeResponse = null; } Response resp; switch (opCode) { case STATS: int size = readUnsignedInt(buf); Map<String, String> stats = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { stats.put(readString(buf), readString(buf)); } resp = new TestStatsResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, stats); break; case PUT: case PUT_IF_ABSENT: case REPLACE: case REPLACE_IF_UNMODIFIED: case REMOVE: case REMOVE_IF_UNMODIFIED: case PUT_STREAM: boolean checkPrevious; if (op.version >= 10 && op.version <= 13) { checkPrevious = (op.flags & ProtocolFlag.ForceReturnPreviousValue.getValue()) == 1; } else { checkPrevious = status == SuccessWithPrevious || status == NotExecutedWithPrevious; } if (checkPrevious) { int length = readUnsignedInt(buf); if (length == 0) { resp = new TestResponseWithPrevious(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, Optional.empty()); } else { byte[] previous = new byte[length]; buf.readBytes(previous); resp = new TestResponseWithPrevious(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, Optional.of(previous)); } } else { resp = new TestResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse); } break; case CONTAINS_KEY: case CLEAR: case PING: case ADD_CLIENT_LISTENER: case REMOVE_CLIENT_LISTENER: resp = new TestResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse); break; case GET_WITH_VERSION: if (status == Success) { long version = buf.readLong(); Optional<byte[]> data = Optional.of(ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf)); resp = new TestGetWithVersionResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, data, version); } else { resp = new TestGetWithVersionResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, Optional.empty(), 0); } break; case GET_WITH_METADATA: case GET_STREAM: if (status == Success) { long created = -1; int lifespan = -1; long lastUsed = -1; int maxIdle = -1; byte flags = buf.readByte(); if ((flags & 0x01) != 0x01) { created = buf.readLong(); lifespan = readUnsignedInt(buf); } if ((flags & 0x02) != 0x02) { lastUsed = buf.readLong(); maxIdle = readUnsignedInt(buf); } long version = buf.readLong(); Optional<byte[]> data = Optional.of(ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf)); resp = new TestGetWithMetadataResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, data, version, created, lifespan, lastUsed, maxIdle); } else { resp = new TestGetWithMetadataResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, Optional.empty(), 0, -1, -1, -1, -1); } break; case GET: if (status == Success) { Optional<byte[]> data = Optional.of(ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf)); resp = new TestGetResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, data); } else { resp = new TestGetResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, opCode, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, Optional.empty()); } break; case BULK_GET: byte done = buf.readByte(); Map<byte[], byte[]> bulkBuffer = new HashMap<>(); while (done == 1) { bulkBuffer.put(ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf), ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf)); done = buf.readByte(); } resp = new TestBulkGetResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, bulkBuffer); break; case BULK_GET_KEYS: done = buf.readByte(); Set<byte[]> bulkKeys = new HashSet<>(); while (done == 1) { bulkKeys.add(ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf)); done = buf.readByte(); } resp = new TestBulkGetKeysResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, bulkKeys); break; case QUERY: byte[] result = ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf); resp = new TestQueryResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, result); break; case AUTH_MECH_LIST: size = readUnsignedInt(buf); Set<String> mechs = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { mechs.add(readString(buf)); } resp = new TestAuthMechListResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, mechs); break; case AUTH: { boolean complete = buf.readBoolean(); byte[] challenge = ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf); resp = new TestAuthResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, complete, challenge); break; } case CACHE_ENTRY_CREATED_EVENT: case CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED_EVENT: case CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED_EVENT: byte[] listenerId = ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf); byte isCustom = buf.readByte(); boolean isRetried = buf.readByte() == 1; if (isCustom == 1 || isCustom == 2) { byte[] eventData = ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf); resp = new TestCustomEvent(client.protocolVersion, id, client.defaultCacheName, opCode, listenerId, isRetried, eventData); } else { byte[] key = ExtendedByteBuf.readRangedBytes(buf); if (opCode == HotRodOperation.CACHE_ENTRY_REMOVED_EVENT) { resp = new TestKeyEvent(client.protocolVersion, id, client.defaultCacheName, listenerId, isRetried, key); } else { long dataVersion = buf.readLong(); resp = new TestKeyWithVersionEvent(client.protocolVersion, id, client.defaultCacheName, opCode, listenerId, isRetried, key, dataVersion); } } break; case SIZE: long lsize = ExtendedByteBuf.readUnsignedLong(buf); resp = new TestSizeResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, lsize); break; case ERROR: if (op == null) resp = new TestErrorResponse((byte) 10, id, "", (short) 0, status, 0, topologyChangeResponse, readString(buf)); else resp = new TestErrorResponse(op.version, id, op.cacheName, op.clientIntel, status, op.topologyId, topologyChangeResponse, readString(buf)); break; default: resp = null; break; } if (resp != null) { log.tracef("Got response from server: %s", resp); out.add(resp); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { log.exceptionReported(cause); } private AbstractTestTopologyAwareResponse read2xHashDistAwareHeader(ByteBuf buf, int topologyId, Op op) { int numServersInTopo = readUnsignedInt(buf); List<ServerAddress> members = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numServersInTopo; ++i) { ServerAddress node = new ServerAddress(readString(buf), readUnsignedShort(buf)); members.add(node); } byte hashFunction = buf.readByte(); int numSegments = readUnsignedInt(buf); List<Iterable<ServerAddress>> segments = new ArrayList<>(); if (hashFunction > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= numSegments; ++i) { byte owners = buf.readByte(); List<ServerAddress> membersInSegment = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 1; j <= owners; ++j) { int index = readUnsignedInt(buf); membersInSegment.add(members.get(index)); } segments.add(membersInSegment); } } return new TestHashDistAware20Response(topologyId, members, segments, hashFunction); } private AbstractTestTopologyAwareResponse read1xHashDistAwareHeader(ByteBuf buf, int topologyId, Op op) { int numOwners = readUnsignedShort(buf); byte hashFunction = buf.readByte(); int hashSpace = readUnsignedInt(buf); int numServersInTopo = readUnsignedInt(buf); if (op.version == 10) { return read10HashDistAwareHeader(buf, topologyId, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace, numServersInTopo); } else { return read11HashDistAwareHeader(buf, topologyId, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace, numServersInTopo); } } private AbstractTestTopologyAwareResponse read10HashDistAwareHeader(ByteBuf buf, int topologyId, int numOwners, byte hashFunction, int hashSpace, int numServersInTopo) { // The exact number of topology addresses in the list is unknown // until we loop through the entire list and we figure out how // hash ids are per HotRod server (i.e. num virtual nodes > 1) Set<ServerAddress> members = new HashSet<>(); Map<ServerAddress, List<Integer>> allHashIds = new HashMap<>(); List<Integer> hashIdsOfAddr = new ArrayList<>(); ServerAddress prevNode = null; for (int i = 1; i <= numServersInTopo; ++i) { ServerAddress node = new ServerAddress(readString(buf), readUnsignedShort(buf)); int hashId = buf.readInt(); if (prevNode == null || node.equals(prevNode)) { // First time node has been seen, so cache it if (prevNode == null) prevNode = node; // Add current hash id to list hashIdsOfAddr.add(hashId); } else { // A new node has been detected, so create the topology // address and store it in the view allHashIds.put(prevNode, hashIdsOfAddr); members.add(prevNode); prevNode = node; hashIdsOfAddr = new ArrayList<>(); hashIdsOfAddr.add(hashId); } // Check for last server hash in which case just add it if (i == numServersInTopo) { allHashIds.put(prevNode, hashIdsOfAddr); members.add(prevNode); } } return new TestHashDistAware10Response(topologyId, members, allHashIds, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace); } private AbstractTestTopologyAwareResponse read11HashDistAwareHeader(ByteBuf buf, int topologyId, int numOwners, Byte hashFunction, int hashSpace, int numServersInTopo) { int numVirtualNodes = readUnsignedInt(buf); Map<ServerAddress, Integer> hashToAddress = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= numServersInTopo; ++i) { hashToAddress.put(new ServerAddress(readString(buf), readUnsignedShort(buf)), buf.readInt()); } return new TestHashDistAware11Response(topologyId, hashToAddress, numOwners, hashFunction, hashSpace, numVirtualNodes); } } class ClientHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClientHandler.class, Log.class); final int rspTimeoutSeconds; ClientHandler(int rspTimeoutSeconds) { this.rspTimeoutSeconds = rspTimeoutSeconds; } private Map<Long, TestResponse> responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<WrappedByteArray, TestClientListener> clientListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); void addClientListener(TestClientListener listener) { clientListeners.put(new WrappedByteArray(listener.getId()), listener); } void removeClientListener(byte[] listenerId) { clientListeners.remove(new WrappedByteArray(listenerId)); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof TestKeyWithVersionEvent) { TestKeyWithVersionEvent e = (TestKeyWithVersionEvent) msg; switch (e.getOperation()) { case CACHE_ENTRY_CREATED_EVENT: clientListeners.get(new WrappedByteArray(e.listenerId)).onCreated(e); break; case CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED_EVENT: clientListeners.get(new WrappedByteArray(e.listenerId)).onModified(e); break; } } else if (msg instanceof TestKeyEvent) { TestKeyEvent e = (TestKeyEvent) msg; clientListeners.get(new WrappedByteArray(e.listenerId)).onRemoved(e); } else if (msg instanceof TestCustomEvent) { TestCustomEvent e = (TestCustomEvent) msg; clientListeners.get(new WrappedByteArray(e.listenerId)).onCustom(e); } else if (msg instanceof TestResponse) { TestResponse resp = (TestResponse) msg; log.tracef("Put %s in responses", resp); responses.put(resp.getMessageId(), resp); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupport object: " + msg); } } TestResponse getResponse(long messageId) { // Very TODO very primitive way of waiting for a response. Convert to a Future int i = 0; TestResponse v; do { v = responses.get(messageId); if (v == null) { TestingUtil.sleepThread(100); i += 1; } } while (v == null && i < (rspTimeoutSeconds * 10)); return v; } } class PartialOp extends Op { public PartialOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte[] key, int lifespan, int maxIdle, byte[] value, int flags, long dataVersion, byte clientIntel, int topologyId) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, key, lifespan, maxIdle, value, flags, dataVersion, clientIntel, topologyId); } } abstract class AbstractOp extends Op { public AbstractOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, clientIntel, topologyId); } } class StatsOp extends AbstractOp { final String statName; public StatsOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, String statName) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.statName = statName; } } class BulkGetOp extends AbstractOp { final int count; public BulkGetOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, int count) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.count = count; } } class BulkGetKeysOp extends AbstractOp { final int scope; public BulkGetKeysOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, int scope) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.scope = scope; } } class QueryOp extends AbstractOp { final byte[] query; public QueryOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, byte[] query) { super(magic, version, (byte) 0x1F, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.query = query; } } class AddClientListenerOp extends AbstractOp { final byte[] listenerId; final boolean includeState; final Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> filterFactory; final Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> converterFactory; final boolean useRawData; public AddClientListenerOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, byte[] listenerId, boolean includeState, Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> filterFactory, Optional<KeyValuePair<String, List<byte[]>>> converterFactory, boolean useRawData) { super(magic, version, (byte) 0x25, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.listenerId = listenerId; this.includeState = includeState; this.filterFactory = filterFactory; this.converterFactory = converterFactory; this.useRawData = useRawData; } } class RemoveClientListenerOp extends AbstractOp { final byte[] listenerId; public RemoveClientListenerOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, byte[] listenerId) { super(magic, version, (byte) 0x27, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.listenerId = listenerId; } } class AuthMechListOp extends AbstractOp { public AuthMechListOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); } } class AuthOp extends AbstractOp { final String mech; final byte[] response; public AuthOp(int magic, byte version, byte code, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, String mech, byte[] response) { super(magic, version, code, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); this.mech = mech; this.response = response; } } class SizeOp extends AbstractOp { public SizeOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte clientIntel, int topologyId) { super(magic, version, (byte) 0x29, cacheName, clientIntel, topologyId); } } class GetStreamOp extends Op { final int offset; public GetStreamOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte[] key, int flags, byte clientIntel, int topologyId, int offset) { super(magic, version, (byte)0x37, cacheName, key, -1, -1, null, flags, 0, clientIntel, topologyId); this.offset = offset; } } class PutStreamOp extends Op { public PutStreamOp(int magic, byte version, String cacheName, byte[] key, byte[] value, int lifespan, int maxIdle, long dataVersion, byte clientIntel, int topologyId) { super(magic, version, (byte)0x39, cacheName, key, lifespan, maxIdle, value, 0, dataVersion, clientIntel, topologyId); } } class ServerNode { final String host; final int port; ServerNode(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; } }