package org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.ConfigurationProperties; import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.TypedProperties; import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.Builder; import org.infinispan.commons.util.StringPropertyReplacer; import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util; /** * AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder. * * @author Tristan Tarrant * @since 7.0 */ public class AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder extends AbstractSecurityConfigurationChildBuilder implements Builder<AuthenticationConfiguration> { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder.class); private CallbackHandler callbackHandler; private boolean enabled = false; private String serverName; private Map<String, String> saslProperties = new HashMap<>(); private String saslMechanism; private Subject clientSubject; private String username; private char[] password; private String realm; public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder(SecurityConfigurationBuilder builder) { super(builder); } /** * Specifies a {@link CallbackHandler} to be used during the authentication handshake. * The {@link Callback}s that need to be handled are specific to the chosen SASL mechanism. */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder callbackHandler(CallbackHandler callbackHandler) { this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler; return this; } /** * Configures whether authentication should be enabled or not */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder enabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; return this; } /** * Enables authentication */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder enable() { this.enabled = true; return this; } /** * Disables authentication */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder disable() { this.enabled = false; return this; } /** * Selects the SASL mechanism to use for the connection to the server */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder saslMechanism(String saslMechanism) { this.saslMechanism = saslMechanism; return this; } /** * Sets the SASL properties */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder saslProperties(Map<String, String> saslProperties) { this.saslProperties = saslProperties; return this; } /** * Sets the SASL QOP property. If multiple values are specified they will determine preference order */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder saslQop(SaslQop... qop) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i < qop.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { s.append(","); } s.append(qop[i].toString()); } this.saslProperties.put(Sasl.QOP, s.toString()); return this; } /** * Sets the SASL strength property. If multiple values are specified they will determine preference order */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder saslStrength(SaslStrength... strength) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i < strength.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { s.append(","); } s.append(strength[i].toString()); } this.saslProperties.put(Sasl.STRENGTH, s.toString()); return this; } /** * Sets the name of the server as expected by the SASL protocol */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder serverName(String serverName) { this.serverName = serverName; return this; } /** * Sets the client subject, necessary for those SASL mechanisms which require it to access client credentials (i.e. GSSAPI) */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder clientSubject(Subject clientSubject) { this.clientSubject = clientSubject; return this; } /** * Specifies the username to be used for authentication. This will use a simple CallbackHandler. * This is mutually exclusive with explicitly providing the CallbackHandler */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder username(String username) { this.username = username; return this; } /** * Specifies the password to be used for authentication. A username is also required */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder password(String password) { this.password = password != null ? password.toCharArray() : null; return this; } /** * Specifies the password to be used for authentication. A username is also required */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder password(char[] password) { this.password = password; return this; } /** * Specifies the realm to be used for authentication. Username and password also need to be supplied. */ public AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder realm(String realm) { this.realm = realm; return this; } @Override public AuthenticationConfiguration create() { String mech = saslMechanism == null ? "DIGEST-MD5" : saslMechanism; CallbackHandler cbh; if (username != null) { cbh = new BasicCallbackHandler(username, realm, password); } else if ("EXTERNAL".equals(mech) && callbackHandler == null) { cbh = new VoidCallbackHandler(); } else { cbh = callbackHandler; } return new AuthenticationConfiguration(cbh, clientSubject, enabled, mech, saslProperties, serverName); } @Override public Builder<?> read(AuthenticationConfiguration template) { this.callbackHandler = template.callbackHandler(); this.clientSubject = template.clientSubject(); this.enabled = template.enabled(); this.saslMechanism = template.saslMechanism(); this.saslProperties = template.saslProperties(); this.serverName = template.serverName(); return this; } @Override public void validate() { if (enabled) { if (callbackHandler == null && clientSubject == null && username == null && !"EXTERNAL".equals(saslMechanism)) { throw log.invalidCallbackHandler(); } if (callbackHandler != null && username != null) { throw log.callbackHandlerAndUsernameMutuallyExclusive(); } if (saslMechanism == null) { throw log.invalidSaslMechanism(saslMechanism); } } } @Override public ConfigurationBuilder withProperties(Properties properties) { TypedProperties typed = TypedProperties.toTypedProperties(properties); this.enabled(typed.getBooleanProperty(ConfigurationProperties.USE_AUTH, enabled, true)); this.saslMechanism(typed.getProperty(ConfigurationProperties.SASL_MECHANISM, saslMechanism, true)); Object prop = typed.get(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_CALLBACK_HANDLER); if (prop instanceof String) { String cbhClassName = StringPropertyReplacer.replaceProperties((String) prop); CallbackHandler handler = Util.getInstance(cbhClassName, builder.getBuilder().classLoader()); this.callbackHandler(handler); } else { this.callbackHandler((CallbackHandler) prop); } this.username(typed.getProperty(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_USERNAME, username, true)); if (typed.containsKey(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_PASSWORD)) this.password(typed.getProperty(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_PASSWORD, null, true)); this.realm(typed.getProperty(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_REALM)); this.serverName(typed.getProperty(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_SERVER_NAME, serverName, true)); this.clientSubject((Subject) typed.get(ConfigurationProperties.AUTH_CLIENT_SUBJECT)); Map<String, String> saslProperties = typed.entrySet().stream() .filter(e -> ((String) e.getKey()).startsWith(ConfigurationProperties.SASL_PROPERTIES_PREFIX)) .collect(Collectors.toMap( e -> ConfigurationProperties.SASL_PROPERTIES_PREFIX_REGEX .matcher((String) e.getKey()).replaceFirst(""), e -> StringPropertyReplacer.replaceProperties((String) e.getValue()))); this.saslProperties(saslProperties); return builder.getBuilder(); } }