package org.infinispan.interceptors.distribution; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.infinispan.commands.CommandsFactory; import org.infinispan.commands.DataCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.FlagAffectedCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.VisitableCommand; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.commands.write.DataWriteCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateL1Command; import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutMapCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.write.RemoveCommand; import org.infinispan.commands.write.ReplaceCommand; import org.infinispan.commons.util.CollectionFactory; import org.infinispan.commons.util.EnumUtil; import org.infinispan.container.DataContainer; import org.infinispan.container.EntryFactory; import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry; import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContext; import org.infinispan.context.impl.FlagBitSets; import org.infinispan.distribution.L1Manager; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start; import org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.BaseRpcInterceptor; import org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.MultiSubCommandInvoker; import org.infinispan.interceptors.locking.ClusteringDependentLogic; import org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferLock; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Interceptor that handles L1 logic for non-transactional caches. * * @author Mircea Markus * @author William Burns */ public class L1NonTxInterceptor extends BaseRpcInterceptor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(L1NonTxInterceptor.class); private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); protected L1Manager l1Manager; protected ClusteringDependentLogic cdl; protected EntryFactory entryFactory; protected CommandsFactory commandsFactory; protected DataContainer dataContainer; protected StateTransferLock stateTransferLock; private long l1Lifespan; private long replicationTimeout; /** * This map holds all the current write synchronizers registered for a given key. This map is only added to when an * operation is invoked that would cause a remote get to occur (which is controlled by whether or not the * {@link L1NonTxInterceptor#skipL1Lookup(FlagAffectedCommand, Object)} method returns * true. This map <b>MUST</b> have the value inserted removed in a finally block after the remote get is done to * prevent reference leaks. * <p> * Having a value in this map allows for other concurrent operations that require a remote get to not have to * actually perform a remote get as the first thread is doing this. So in this case any subsequent operations * wanting the remote value can just call the * {@link L1WriteSynchronizer#get()} method or one of it's overridden * methods. Note the way to tell if another thread is performing the remote get is to use the * {@link ConcurrentMap#putIfAbsent(Object, Object)} method and check if the return value is null or not. * <p> * Having a value in this map allows for a concurrent write or L1 invalidation to try to stop the synchronizer from * updating the L1 value by invoking it's * {@link L1WriteSynchronizer#trySkipL1Update()} method. If this method * returns false, then the write or L1 invalidation <b>MUST</b> wait for the synchronizer to complete before * continuing to ensure it is able to remove the newly cached L1 value as it is now invalid. This waiting should be * done by calling {@link L1WriteSynchronizer#get()} method or one of it's * overridden methods. Failure to wait for the update to occur could cause a L1 data inconsistency as the * invalidation may not invalidate the new value. */ private final ConcurrentMap<Object, L1WriteSynchronizer> concurrentWrites = CollectionFactory.makeConcurrentMap(); @Inject public void init(L1Manager l1Manager, ClusteringDependentLogic cdl, EntryFactory entryFactory, DataContainer dataContainer, StateTransferLock stateTransferLock, CommandsFactory commandsFactory) { this.l1Manager = l1Manager; this.cdl = cdl; this.entryFactory = entryFactory; this.dataContainer = dataContainer; this.stateTransferLock = stateTransferLock; this.commandsFactory = commandsFactory; } @Start public void start() { l1Lifespan = cacheConfiguration.clustering().l1().lifespan(); replicationTimeout = cacheConfiguration.clustering().remoteTimeout(); } @Override public final Object visitGetKeyValueCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetKeyValueCommand command) throws Throwable { return visitDataReadCommand(ctx, command, false); } @Override public final Object visitGetCacheEntryCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetCacheEntryCommand command) throws Throwable { return visitDataReadCommand(ctx, command, true); } private Object visitDataReadCommand(InvocationContext ctx, AbstractDataCommand command, boolean isEntry) throws Throwable { return performCommandWithL1WriteIfAble(ctx, command, isEntry, false, true); } protected Object performCommandWithL1WriteIfAble(InvocationContext ctx, DataCommand command, boolean isEntry, boolean shouldAlwaysRunNextInterceptor, boolean registerL1) throws Throwable { if (ctx.isOriginLocal()) { Object key = command.getKey(); // If the command isn't going to return a remote value - just pass it down the interceptor chain if (!skipL1Lookup(command, key)) { return performL1Lookup(ctx, command, shouldAlwaysRunNextInterceptor, key, isEntry); } } else { // If this is a remote command, and we found a value in our cache // we store it so that we can later invalidate it if (registerL1) { l1Manager.addRequestor(command.getKey(), ctx.getOrigin()); } } return invokeNext(ctx, command); } private Object performL1Lookup(InvocationContext ctx, VisitableCommand command, boolean runInterceptorOnConflict, Object key, boolean isEntry) throws Throwable { // Most times the putIfAbsent will be successful, so not doing a get first L1WriteSynchronizer l1WriteSync = new L1WriteSynchronizer(dataContainer, l1Lifespan, stateTransferLock, cdl); L1WriteSynchronizer presentSync = concurrentWrites.putIfAbsent(key, l1WriteSync); // If the sync was null that means we are the first to register for the given key. If not that means there is // a concurrent request that also wants to do a remote get for the key. If there was another thread requesting // the key we should wait until they get the value instead of doing another remote get. if (presentSync == null) { // Note this is the same synchronizer we just created that is registered with the L1Manager l1Manager.registerL1WriteSynchronizer(key, l1WriteSync); return invokeNextAndFinally(ctx, command, (rCtx, rCommand, rv, t) -> { if (t != null) { l1WriteSync.retrievalEncounteredException(t); } // TODO Do we need try/finally here? l1Manager.unregisterL1WriteSynchronizer(key, l1WriteSync); concurrentWrites.remove(key); }); } else { if (trace) { log.tracef("Found current request for key %s, waiting for their invocation's response", key); } Object returnValue; try { returnValue = presentSync.get(replicationTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // This should never be required since the status is always set in a try catch above - but IBM // doesn't... log.warnf("Synchronizer didn't return in %s milliseconds - running command normally!", replicationTimeout); // Always run next interceptor if a timeout occurs return invokeNext(ctx, command); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw e.getCause(); } if (runInterceptorOnConflict) { // The command needs to write something. Execute the rest of the invocation chain. return invokeNext(ctx, command); } else if (!isEntry && returnValue instanceof InternalCacheEntry) { // The command is read-only, and we found the value in the L1 cache. Return it. returnValue = ((InternalCacheEntry) returnValue).getValue(); } return returnValue; } } protected boolean skipL1Lookup(FlagAffectedCommand command, Object key) { return command.hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL) || command.hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP) || command.hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES) || cdl.getCacheTopology().isWriteOwner(key) || dataContainer.containsKey(key); } @Override public Object visitPutKeyValueCommand(InvocationContext ctx, PutKeyValueCommand command) throws Throwable { return handleDataWriteCommand(ctx, command, true); } @Override public Object visitRemoveCommand(InvocationContext ctx, RemoveCommand command) throws Throwable { return handleDataWriteCommand(ctx, command, false); } @Override public Object visitReplaceCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ReplaceCommand command) throws Throwable { return handleDataWriteCommand(ctx, command, true); } @Override public Object visitPutMapCommand(InvocationContext ctx, PutMapCommand command) throws Throwable { Set<Object> keys = command.getMap().keySet(); Set<Object> toInvalidate = new HashSet<>(keys.size()); for (Object k : keys) { if (cdl.getCacheTopology().isWriteOwner(k)) { toInvalidate.add(k); } } Future<?> invalidationFuture = !toInvalidate.isEmpty() ? l1Manager.flushCache(toInvalidate, ctx.getOrigin(), true) : null; //we also need to remove from L1 the keys that are not ours Iterator<VisitableCommand> subCommands = command.getAffectedKeys().stream().filter( k -> !cdl.getCacheTopology().isWriteOwner(k)).map(k -> removeFromL1Command(ctx, k)).iterator(); return invokeNextThenApply(ctx, command, (rCtx, rCommand, rv) -> { PutMapCommand putMapCommand = (PutMapCommand) rCommand; processInvalidationResult(putMapCommand, invalidationFuture); return MultiSubCommandInvoker.invokeEach(rCtx, subCommands, this, rv); }); } @Override public Object visitInvalidateL1Command(InvocationContext ctx, InvalidateL1Command invalidateL1Command) throws Throwable { for (Object key : invalidateL1Command.getKeys()) { abortL1UpdateOrWait(key); // If our invalidation was sent when the value wasn't yet cached but is still being requested the context // may not have the value - if so we need to add it then now that we know we waited for the get response // to complete if (ctx.lookupEntry(key) == null) { entryFactory.wrapEntryForWriting(ctx, key, true, false); } } return invokeNext(ctx, invalidateL1Command); } private void abortL1UpdateOrWait(Object key) { L1WriteSynchronizer sync = concurrentWrites.remove(key); if (sync != null) { if (sync.trySkipL1Update()) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Aborted possible L1 update due to concurrent invalidation for key %s", key); } } else { if (trace) { log.tracef("L1 invalidation found a pending update for key %s - need to block until finished", key); } // We have to wait for the pending L1 update to complete before we can properly invalidate. Any additional // gets that come in after this invalidation we ignore for now. boolean success; try { sync.get(); success = true; } catch (InterruptedException e) { success = false; // Save the interruption status, but don't throw an explicit exception Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // We don't care what the L1 update exception was success = false; } if (trace) { log.tracef("Pending L1 update completed successfully: %b - L1 invalidation can occur for key %s", success, key); } } } } private Object handleDataWriteCommand(InvocationContext ctx, DataWriteCommand command, boolean assumeOriginKeptEntryInL1) { if (command.hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL)) { if (trace) { log.tracef("local mode forced, suppressing L1 calls."); } return invokeNext(ctx, command); } Future<?> l1InvalidationFuture = invalidateL1InCluster(ctx, command, assumeOriginKeptEntryInL1); return invokeNextThenApply(ctx, command, (rCtx, rCommand, rv) -> { DataWriteCommand dataWriteCommand = (DataWriteCommand) rCommand; processInvalidationResult(dataWriteCommand, l1InvalidationFuture); return removeFromLocalL1(rCtx, dataWriteCommand, rv); }); } private Object removeFromLocalL1(InvocationContext ctx, DataWriteCommand command, Object returnValue) { if (ctx.isOriginLocal() && !cdl.getCacheTopology().isWriteOwner(command.getKey())) { VisitableCommand removeFromL1Command = removeFromL1Command(ctx, command.getKey()); return invokeNextThenApply(ctx, removeFromL1Command, (rCtx, rCommand, rv) -> returnValue); } else if (trace) { log.trace("Allowing entry to commit as local node is owner"); } return returnValue; } private VisitableCommand removeFromL1Command(InvocationContext ctx, Object key) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Removing entry from L1 for key %s", key); } abortL1UpdateOrWait(key); ctx.removeLookedUpEntry(key); entryFactory.wrapEntryForWriting(ctx, key, true, false); return commandsFactory.buildInvalidateFromL1Command(EnumUtil.EMPTY_BIT_SET, Collections.singleton(key)); } private void processInvalidationResult(FlagAffectedCommand command, Future<?> l1InvalidationFuture) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { if (l1InvalidationFuture != null) { if (isSynchronous(command)) { l1InvalidationFuture.get(); } } } private Future<?> invalidateL1InCluster(InvocationContext ctx, DataWriteCommand command, boolean assumeOriginKeptEntryInL1) { Future<?> l1InvalidationFuture = null; if (cdl.getCacheTopology().isWriteOwner(command.getKey())) { l1InvalidationFuture = l1Manager.flushCache(Collections.singletonList(command.getKey()), ctx.getOrigin(), assumeOriginKeptEntryInL1); } else if (trace) { log.tracef("Not invalidating key '%s' as local node(%s) is not owner", command.getKey(), rpcManager.getAddress()); } return l1InvalidationFuture; } @Override protected Log getLog() { return log; } }