package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.infinispan.commands.CommandsFactory; import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException; import; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start; import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.Response; import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcManager; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException; import org.infinispan.util.RangeSet; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Cluster stream manager that sends all requests using the {@link RpcManager} to do the underlying communications. * @param <K> the cache key type */ public class ClusterStreamManagerImpl<K> implements ClusterStreamManager<K> { protected final Map<String, RequestTracker> currentlyRunning = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected final AtomicInteger requestId = new AtomicInteger(); protected RpcManager rpc; protected CommandsFactory factory; protected Address localAddress; protected final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterStreamManagerImpl.class); @Inject public void inject(RpcManager rpc, CommandsFactory factory) { this.rpc = rpc; this.factory = factory; } @Start public void start() { localAddress = rpc.getAddress(); } @Override public <R> Object remoteStreamOperation(boolean parallelDistribution, boolean parallelStream, ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments, Set<K> keysToInclude, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean includeLoader, TerminalOperation<R> operation, ResultsCallback<R> callback, Predicate<? super R> earlyTerminatePredicate) { return commonRemoteStreamOperation(parallelDistribution, parallelStream, ch, segments, keysToInclude, keysToExclude, includeLoader, operation, callback, StreamRequestCommand.Type.TERMINAL, earlyTerminatePredicate); } @Override public <R> Object remoteStreamOperationRehashAware(boolean parallelDistribution, boolean parallelStream, ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments, Set<K> keysToInclude, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean includeLoader, TerminalOperation<R> operation, ResultsCallback<R> callback, Predicate<? super R> earlyTerminatePredicate) { return commonRemoteStreamOperation(parallelDistribution, parallelStream, ch, segments, keysToInclude, keysToExclude, includeLoader, operation, callback, StreamRequestCommand.Type.TERMINAL_REHASH, earlyTerminatePredicate); } private <R> Object commonRemoteStreamOperation(boolean parallelDistribution, boolean parallelStream, ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments, Set<K> keysToInclude, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean includeLoader, SegmentAwareOperation operation, ResultsCallback<R> callback, StreamRequestCommand.Type type, Predicate<? super R> earlyTerminatePredicate) { Map<Address, Set<Integer>> targets = determineTargets(ch, segments); String id; if (!targets.isEmpty()) { id = localAddress.toString() + requestId.getAndIncrement(); log.tracef("Performing remote operations %s for id %s", targets, id); RequestTracker<R> tracker = new RequestTracker<>(callback, targets, earlyTerminatePredicate); currentlyRunning.put(id, tracker); if (parallelDistribution) { submitAsyncTasks(id, targets, keysToExclude, parallelStream, keysToInclude, includeLoader, type, operation); } else { for (Map.Entry<Address, Set<Integer>> targetInfo : targets.entrySet()) { // TODO: what if this throws exception? Set<Integer> targetSegments = targetInfo.getValue(); Set<K> keysExcluded = determineExcludedKeys(keysToExclude, targetSegments); rpc.invokeRemotely(Collections.singleton(targetInfo.getKey()), factory.buildStreamRequestCommand(id, parallelStream, type, targetSegments, keysToInclude, keysExcluded, includeLoader, operation), rpc.getDefaultRpcOptions(true)); } } } else { log.tracef("Not performing remote operation for request as no valid targets found"); id = null; } return id; } @Override public <R> Object remoteStreamOperation(boolean parallelDistribution, boolean parallelStream, ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments, Set<K> keysToInclude, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean includeLoader, KeyTrackingTerminalOperation<K, R, ?> operation, ResultsCallback<Collection<R>> callback) { return commonRemoteStreamOperation(parallelDistribution, parallelStream, ch, segments, keysToInclude, keysToExclude, includeLoader, operation, callback, StreamRequestCommand.Type.TERMINAL_KEY, null); } @Override public <R2> Object remoteStreamOperationRehashAware(boolean parallelDistribution, boolean parallelStream, ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments, Set<K> keysToInclude, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean includeLoader, KeyTrackingTerminalOperation<K, ?, R2> operation, ResultsCallback<Map<K, R2>> callback) { Map<Address, Set<Integer>> targets = determineTargets(ch, segments); String id; if (!targets.isEmpty()) { id = localAddress.toString() + "-" + requestId.getAndIncrement(); log.tracef("Performing remote rehash key aware operations %s for id %s", targets, id); RequestTracker<Map<K, R2>> tracker = new RequestTracker<>(callback, targets, null); currentlyRunning.put(id, tracker); if (parallelDistribution) { submitAsyncTasks(id, targets, keysToExclude, parallelStream, keysToInclude, includeLoader, StreamRequestCommand.Type.TERMINAL_KEY_REHASH, operation); } else { for (Map.Entry<Address, Set<Integer>> targetInfo : targets.entrySet()) { Address dest = targetInfo.getKey(); Set<Integer> targetSegments = targetInfo.getValue(); try { // Keys to exclude is never empty since it utilizes a custom map solution Set<K> keysExcluded = determineExcludedKeys(keysToExclude, targetSegments); log.tracef("Submitting task to %s for %s excluding keys %s", dest, id, keysExcluded); Response response = rpc.invokeRemotely(Collections.singleton(dest), factory.buildStreamRequestCommand( id, parallelStream, StreamRequestCommand.Type.TERMINAL_KEY_REHASH, targetSegments, keysToInclude, keysExcluded, includeLoader, operation), rpc.getDefaultRpcOptions(true)).values().iterator().next(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { log.tracef("Unsuccessful response for %s from %s - making segments %s suspect", id, dest, targetSegments); receiveResponse(id, dest, true, targetSegments, null); } } catch (Exception e) { boolean wasSuspect = containedSuspectException(e); if (!wasSuspect) { log.tracef(e, "Encounted exception for %s from %s", id, dest); throw e; } else { log.tracef("Exception from %s contained a SuspectException, making all segments %s suspect", dest, targetSegments); receiveResponse(id, dest, true, targetSegments, null); } } } } } else { log.tracef("Not performing remote rehash key aware operation for request as no valid targets found"); id = null; } return id; } private void submitAsyncTasks(String id, Map<Address, Set<Integer>> targets, Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, boolean parallelStream, Set<K> keysToInclude, boolean includeLoader, StreamRequestCommand.Type type, Object operation) { for (Map.Entry<Address, Set<Integer>> targetInfo : targets.entrySet()) { Set<Integer> segments = targetInfo.getValue(); Set<K> keysExcluded = determineExcludedKeys(keysToExclude, segments); Address dest = targetInfo.getKey(); log.tracef("Submitting async task to %s for %s excluding keys %s", dest, id, keysExcluded); CompletableFuture<Map<Address, Response>> completableFuture = rpc.invokeRemotelyAsync( Collections.singleton(dest), factory.buildStreamRequestCommand(id, parallelStream, type, segments, keysToInclude, keysExcluded, includeLoader, operation), rpc.getDefaultRpcOptions(true)); completableFuture.whenComplete((v, e) -> { if (v != null) { Response response = v.values().iterator().next(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { log.tracef("Unsuccessful response for %s from %s - making segments suspect", id, targetInfo.getKey()); receiveResponse(id, targetInfo.getKey(), true, targetInfo.getValue(), null); } } else if (e != null) { boolean wasSuspect = containedSuspectException(e); if (!wasSuspect) { log.tracef(e, "Encounted exception for %s from %s", id, targetInfo.getKey()); RequestTracker tracker = currentlyRunning.get(id); if (tracker != null) { markTrackerWithException(tracker, dest, e, id); } else { log.warnf("Unhandled remote stream exception encountered", e); } } else { log.tracef("Exception contained a SuspectException, making all segments %s suspect", targetInfo.getValue()); receiveResponse(id, targetInfo.getKey(), true, targetInfo.getValue(), null); } } }); } } private boolean containedSuspectException(Throwable e) { Throwable cause = e; boolean wasSuspect = false; // Unwrap the exception do { if (cause instanceof SuspectException) { wasSuspect = true; break; } } while ((cause = cause.getCause()) != null); return wasSuspect; } protected static void markTrackerWithException(RequestTracker<?> tracker, Address dest, Throwable e, Object uuid) { log.tracef("Marking tracker to have exception"); tracker.throwable = e; if (dest == null || tracker.lastResult(dest, null)) { if (uuid != null) { log.tracef("Tracker %s completed with exception, waking sleepers!", uuid); } else { log.trace("Tracker completed due to outside cause, waking sleepers! "); } tracker.completionLock.lock(); try { tracker.completionCondition.signalAll(); } finally { tracker.completionLock.unlock(); } } } private Set<K> determineExcludedKeys(Map<Integer, Set<K>> keysToExclude, Set<Integer> segmentsToUse) { if (keysToExclude.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } // Special map only supports get operations return -> { Set<K> keysForSegment = keysToExclude.get(s); if (keysForSegment != null) { return; } return null; }).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private Map<Address, Set<Integer>> determineTargets(ConsistentHash ch, Set<Integer> segments) { if (segments == null) { segments = new RangeSet(ch.getNumSegments()); } // This has to be a concurrent hash map in case if a node completes operation while we are still iterating // over the map and submitting to others Map<Address, Set<Integer>> targets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (Integer segment : segments) { Address owner = ch.locatePrimaryOwnerForSegment(segment); if (owner.equals(localAddress)) { continue; } Set<Integer> targetSegments = targets.get(owner); if (targetSegments == null) { targetSegments = new HashSet<>(); targets.put(owner, targetSegments); } targetSegments.add(segment); } return targets; } @Override public boolean isComplete(Object id) { return !currentlyRunning.containsKey(id); } @Override public boolean awaitCompletion(Object id, long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { if (time <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time must be greater than 0"); } Objects.requireNonNull(id, "Identifier must be non null"); log.tracef("Awaiting completion of %s", id); boolean completed = false; long target = System.nanoTime() + unit.toNanos(time); Throwable throwable = null; while (target - System.nanoTime() > 0) { RequestTracker tracker = currentlyRunning.get(id); if (tracker == null) { completed = true; break; } if ((throwable = tracker.throwable) != null) { break; } tracker.completionLock.lock(); try { // Check inside lock again just in case if we had a concurrent notification before we got // into the lock if (!currentlyRunning.containsKey(id)) { completed = true; throwable = tracker.throwable; break; } if (!tracker.completionCondition.await(target - System.nanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) { throwable = tracker.throwable; completed = false; break; } } finally { tracker.completionLock.unlock(); } } log.tracef("Returning back to caller due to %s being completed: %s", id, completed); if (throwable != null) { if (throwable instanceof RuntimeException) { throw ((RuntimeException) throwable); } throw new CacheException(throwable); } return completed; } @Override public void forgetOperation(Object id) { if (id != null) { RequestTracker<?> tracker = currentlyRunning.remove(id); if (tracker != null) { tracker.completionLock.lock(); try { tracker.completionCondition.signalAll(); } finally { tracker.completionLock.unlock(); } } } } @Override public <R1> boolean receiveResponse(Object id, Address origin, boolean complete, Set<Integer> missingSegments, R1 response) { log.tracef("Received response from %s with a completed response %s for id %s with %s suspected segments.", origin, complete, id, missingSegments); RequestTracker tracker = currentlyRunning.get(id); if (tracker != null) { boolean notify = false; // TODO: need to reorganize the tracker to reduce synchronization so it only contains missing segments // and completing the tracker synchronized(tracker) { if (tracker.awaitingResponse.containsKey(origin)) { if (!missingSegments.isEmpty()) { tracker.missingSegments(missingSegments); } if (complete) { notify = tracker.lastResult(origin, response); } else { tracker.intermediateResults(origin, response); } } } if (notify) { log.tracef("Marking %s as completed!", id); tracker.completionLock.lock(); try { currentlyRunning.remove(id); tracker.completionCondition.signalAll(); } finally { tracker.completionLock.unlock(); } } return !notify; } else { log.tracef("Ignoring response as we already received a completed response for %s from %s", id, origin); return false; } } static class RequestTracker<R> { final ResultsCallback<R> callback; final Map<Address, Set<Integer>> awaitingResponse; final Lock completionLock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition completionCondition = completionLock.newCondition(); final Predicate<? super R> earlyTerminatePredicate; Set<Integer> missingSegments; volatile Throwable throwable; RequestTracker(ResultsCallback<R> callback, Map<Address, Set<Integer>> awaitingResponse, Predicate<? super R> earlyTerminatePredicate) { this.callback = callback; this.awaitingResponse = awaitingResponse; this.earlyTerminatePredicate = earlyTerminatePredicate; } public void intermediateResults(Address origin, R intermediateResult) { callback.onIntermediateResult(origin, intermediateResult); } /** * * @param origin * @param result * @return Whether this was the last expected response */ public boolean lastResult(Address origin, R result) { Set<Integer> completedSegments = awaitingResponse.get(origin); if (missingSegments != null) { completedSegments.removeAll(missingSegments); } callback.onCompletion(origin, completedSegments, result); synchronized (this) { if (earlyTerminatePredicate != null && earlyTerminatePredicate.test(result)) { awaitingResponse.clear(); } else { awaitingResponse.remove(origin); } return awaitingResponse.isEmpty(); } } public void missingSegments(Set<Integer> segments) { synchronized (this) { if (missingSegments == null) { missingSegments = segments; } else { missingSegments.addAll(segments); } } callback.onSegmentsLost(segments); } } }