package org.infinispan.atomic; import static org.infinispan.commons.util.Immutables.immutableMapWrap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.atomic.impl.AtomicHashMap; import org.infinispan.atomic.impl.AtomicHashMapProxy; import org.infinispan.atomic.impl.FineGrainedAtomicHashMapProxy; import org.infinispan.context.Flag; /** * A helper that locates or safely constructs and registers atomic maps with a given cache. This should be the * <b>only</b> way AtomicMaps are created/retrieved, to prevent concurrent creation, registration and possibly * overwriting of such a map within the cache. * * @author Manik Surtani * @see AtomicMap * @since 4.0 */ public class AtomicMapLookup { /** * Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key. If an atomic map did not exist, one is * created and registered in an atomic fashion. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param <MK> key param of the cache * @param <K> key param of the AtomicMap * @param <V> value param of the AtomicMap * @return an AtomicMap */ public static <MK, K, V> AtomicMap<K, V> getAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key) { return getAtomicMap(cache, key, true); } /** * Retrieves a fine grained atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key. If a fine grained atomic map did * not exist, one is created and registered in an atomic fashion. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param <MK> key param of the cache * @param <K> key param of the AtomicMap * @param <V> value param of the AtomicMap * @return an AtomicMap */ public static <MK, K, V> FineGrainedAtomicMap<K, V> getFineGrainedAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key) { return getFineGrainedAtomicMap(cache, key, true); } /** * Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param createIfAbsent if true, a new atomic map is created if one doesn't exist; otherwise null is returned if the * map didn't exist. * @param <MK> key param of the cache * @param <K> key param of the AtomicMap * @param <V> value param of the AtomicMap * @return an AtomicMap, or null if one did not exist. */ public static <MK, K, V> AtomicMap<K, V> getAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key, boolean createIfAbsent) { return (AtomicMap<K, V>) getMap(cache, key, createIfAbsent, false); } /** * Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param createIfAbsent if true, a new atomic map is created if one doesn't exist; otherwise null is returned if the * map didn't exist. * @param <MK> key param of the cache * @param <K> key param of the AtomicMap * @param <V> value param of the AtomicMap * @return an AtomicMap, or null if one did not exist. */ public static <MK, K, V> FineGrainedAtomicMap<K, V> getFineGrainedAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key, boolean createIfAbsent) { return (FineGrainedAtomicMap<K, V>) getMap(cache, key, createIfAbsent, true); } /** * Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key. * * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param createIfAbsent if true, a new atomic map is created if one doesn't exist; otherwise null is returned if the * map didn't exist. * @param fineGrained if true, and createIfAbsent is true then created atomic map will be fine grained. * @return an AtomicMap, or null if one did not exist. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <MK, K, V> Map<K, V> getMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key, boolean createIfAbsent, boolean fineGrained) { Object value = cache.get(key); if (value == null) { if (createIfAbsent) value = AtomicHashMap.newInstance((Cache<Object,Object>) cache, key, fineGrained ? AtomicHashMap.ProxyMode.FINE : AtomicHashMap.ProxyMode.COARSE); else return null; } AtomicHashMap<K, V> castValue = (AtomicHashMap<K, V>) value; AtomicHashMapProxy<K, V> proxy = castValue.getProxy((AdvancedCache<Object,Object>) cache.getAdvancedCache(), key); boolean typeSwitchAttempt = proxy instanceof FineGrainedAtomicHashMapProxy != fineGrained; if (typeSwitchAttempt) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot switch type of previously used " + value + " from " + (fineGrained ? "regular to fine-grained!" : "fine-grained to regular!")); } return proxy; } /** * Retrieves an atomic map from a given cache, stored under a given key, for reading only. The atomic map returned * will not support updates, and if the map did not in fact exist, an empty map is returned. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param <MK> key param of the cache * @param <K> key param of the AtomicMap * @param <V> value param of the AtomicMap * @return an immutable, read-only map */ public static <MK, K, V> Map<K, V> getReadOnlyAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key) { AtomicMap<K, V> am = getAtomicMap(cache, key, false); if (am == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); else return immutableMapWrap(am); } /** * Removes the atomic map associated with the given key from the underlying cache. * * @param cache underlying cache * @param key key under which the atomic map exists * @param <MK> key param of the cache */ public static <MK> void removeAtomicMap(Cache<MK, ?> cache, MK key) { cache.getAdvancedCache().withFlags(Flag.IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES).remove(key); } }