package org.infinispan.objectfilter.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.FilterSubscription; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.Matcher; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.ObjectFilter; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.RowMatcher; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser.RowPropertyHelper; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.test.model.Person; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.Query; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; /** * @author * @since 8.0 */ public class RowMatcherTest { @Rule public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); private final FilterQueryFactory queryFactory = new FilterQueryFactory(); private Object[] createPerson1() throws Exception { // id, name, surname, age, gender return new Object[]{1, "John", "Batman", 40, Person.Gender.MALE, null}; } private Object[] createPerson2() throws Exception { // id, name, surname, age, gender return new Object[]{2, "Cat", "Woman", 27, Person.Gender.FEMALE, null}; } private RowMatcher createMatcher() { RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata[] columns = new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata[]{ new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(0, "id", Integer.class), new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(1, "name", String.class), new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(2, "surname", String.class), new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(3, "age", Integer.class), new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(4, "gender", Person.Gender.class), new RowPropertyHelper.ColumnMetadata(5, "license", String.class), }; return new RowMatcher(columns); } protected boolean match(String queryString, Object obj) throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); int[] matchCount = {0}; matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[0]++); matcher.match(null, null, obj); return matchCount[0] == 1; } protected boolean match(Query query, Object obj) throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); int[] matchCount = {0}; matcher.registerFilter(query, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[0]++); matcher.match(null, null, obj); return matchCount[0] == 1; } @Test public void shouldRaiseExceptionDueToUnknownAlias() throws Exception { expectedException.expect(ParsingException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("ISPN028502"); String queryString = "from Row p where = 'John'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIntervalOverlap1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age <= 50 and age <= 40"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIntervalOverlap2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age <= 50 and age = 40"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIntervalOverlap3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age > 50 and age = 40"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testNoOpFilter3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row"; // this should match ALL assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttribute1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where name = 'John'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttribute2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where = 'John'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testEnum() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where p.gender = 'MALE'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testMissingProperty1() throws Exception { expectedException.expect(ParsingException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("ISPN028501"); String queryString = "from Row where missingProp is null"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testMissingProperty2() throws Exception { expectedException.expect(ParsingException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("ISPN028501"); String queryString = "from Row p where p.missingProp is null"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIsNull1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where p.surname is null"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIsNull2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where p.license is null"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIsNotNull() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where p.surname is not null"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttribute3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where = 'George'"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttribute4() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where not( != 'George')"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttribute5() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where != 'George'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttributeInterval1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where > 'G'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testSimpleAttributeInterval2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where < 'G'"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testFilterInterference() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); int[] matchCount = {0, 0}; String queryString1 = "from Row p where = 'John'"; matcher.registerFilter(queryString1, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[0]++); String queryString2 = "from Row p where p.age = 40"; matcher.registerFilter(queryString2, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[1]++); matcher.match(null, null, createPerson1()); // assert that only one of the filters matched and the callback of the other was not invoked assertEquals(1, matchCount[0]); assertEquals(1, matchCount[1]); } @Test public void testOrderBy() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); List<Comparable[]> sortProjections = new ArrayList<>(); String queryString1 = "from Row p where p.age > 18 order by, p.surname"; FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(queryString1, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> sortProjections.add(sortProjection)); matcher.match(null, null, createPerson1()); matcher.match(null, null, createPerson2()); assertEquals(2, sortProjections.size()); sortProjections.sort(filterSubscription.getComparator()); assertEquals("Cat", sortProjections.get(0)[0]); assertEquals("Woman", sortProjections.get(0)[1]); assertEquals("John", sortProjections.get(1)[0]); assertEquals("Batman", sortProjections.get(1)[1]); } @Test public void testDSL() throws Exception { Query q = queryFactory.from(Person.class) .having("name").eq("John").build(); assertTrue(match(q, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testObjectFilterWithExistingSubscription() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where = 'John'"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); int[] matchCount = {0}; FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[0]++); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(filterSubscription); matcher.match(null, null, person); assertEquals(1, matchCount[0]); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); assertEquals(1, matchCount[0]); // check that the object filter did not also mistakenly trigger a match in the parent matcher } @Test public void testObjectFilterWithJPA() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where = 'John'"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(queryString); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); } @Test public void testObjectFilterWithDSLSamePredicate1() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); // use the same '< 1000' predicate on two different attributes to demonstrate they do not interfere (see ISPN-4654) Query q = queryFactory.from(Person.class) .having("id").lt(1000) .and() .having("age").lt(1000) .build(); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(q); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); } @Test public void testObjectFilterWithDSLSamePredicate2() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); // use the same "like 'Jo%'" predicate (in positive and negative form) on the same attribute to demonstrate they do not interfere (see ISPN-4654) Query q = queryFactory.from(Person.class) .having("name").like("Jo%") .and(queryFactory.not().having("name").like("Jo%").or().having("id").lt(1000)) .build(); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(q); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); } @Test public void testMatcherAndObjectFilterWithDSL() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); Query q = queryFactory.from(Person.class) .having("name").eq("John").build(); boolean b[] = {false}; FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(q, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> b[0] = true); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(filterSubscription); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); matcher.match(null, null, person); assertTrue(b[0]); } @Test public void testObjectFilterWithDSL() throws Exception { Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); Query q = queryFactory.from(Person.class) .having("name").eq("John").build(); ObjectFilter objectFilter = matcher.getObjectFilter(q); ObjectFilter.FilterResult result = objectFilter.filter(person); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result.getInstance() == person); } @Test public void testUnregistration() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where = 'John'"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); int matchCount[] = new int[1]; FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> matchCount[0]++); matcher.match(null, null, person); assertEquals(1, matchCount[0]); matcher.unregisterFilter(filterSubscription); matcher.match(null, null, person); // check that unregistration really took effect assertEquals(1, matchCount[0]); } @Test public void testAnd1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where p.age < 44 and = 'John'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testAnd2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age > 10 and age < 30"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testAnd3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age > 30 and name >= 'John'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testAnd4() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where surname = 'X' and age > 10"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testOr1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age < 30 or age > 10"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testOr2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where surname = 'X' or name like 'Joh%'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testOr3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where (p.gender = 'MALE' or = 'John' or p.gender = 'FEMALE') and p.surname = 'Batman'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike1() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Jo%'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike2() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Ja%'"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike3() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Jo%'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike4() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Joh_'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike5() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Joh_nna'"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike6() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like '_oh_'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike7() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like '_oh_noes'"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike8() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like '%hn%'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike9() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like '%hn'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testLike10() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row p where like 'Jo%hn'"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testIn() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age between 22 and 42"; assertTrue(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testNotIn() throws Exception { String queryString = "from Row where age not between 22 and 42"; assertFalse(match(queryString, createPerson1())); } @Test public void testProjections() throws Exception { String queryString = "select, p.age from Row p where = 'John'"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>(); FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> result.add(projection)); assertNotNull(filterSubscription.getProjection()); assertEquals(2, filterSubscription.getProjection().length); assertEquals("name", filterSubscription.getProjection()[0]); assertEquals("age", filterSubscription.getProjection()[1]); matcher.match(null, null, person); matcher.unregisterFilter(filterSubscription); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertEquals(2, result.get(0).length); assertEquals("John", result.get(0)[0]); assertEquals(40, result.get(0)[1]); } @Test public void testDuplicateProjections() throws Exception { String queryString = "select,, p.age from Row p where = 'John'"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); Object person = createPerson1(); List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>(); FilterSubscription filterSubscription = matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> result.add(projection)); assertNotNull(filterSubscription.getProjection()); assertEquals(3, filterSubscription.getProjection().length); assertEquals("name", filterSubscription.getProjection()[0]); assertEquals("name", filterSubscription.getProjection()[1]); assertEquals("age", filterSubscription.getProjection()[2]); matcher.match(null, null, person); matcher.unregisterFilter(filterSubscription); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertEquals(3, result.get(0).length); assertEquals("John", result.get(0)[0]); assertEquals("John", result.get(0)[1]); assertEquals(40, result.get(0)[2]); } @Test public void testDisallowGroupingAndAggregations() throws Exception { expectedException.expect(ParsingException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("Filters cannot use grouping or aggregations"); String queryString = "SELECT sum(p.age) " + "from Row p " + "WHERE p.age <= 99 " + "GROUP BY " + "HAVING count(p.age) > 3"; Matcher matcher = createMatcher(); matcher.registerFilter(queryString, (userContext, eventType, instance, projection, sortProjection) -> { }); } }