package org.infinispan.server.hotrod; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import org.infinispan.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util; import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager; import org.infinispan.server.core.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.server.core.transport.ExtendedByteBufJava; import org.infinispan.server.core.transport.NettyTransport; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder; /** * Decoder that will decode hotrod messages and then send a {@link CacheDecodeContext} down the pipeline. * * @author wburns * @since 9.0 */ public class HotRodDecoder extends ByteToMessageDecoder { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HotRodDecoder.class, Log.class); private final EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager; private final NettyTransport transport; private final Predicate<? super String> ignoreCache; private final HotRodServer server; CacheDecodeContext decodeCtx; Throwable previousException; private HotRodDecoderState state = HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_HEADER; private boolean resetRequested = true; public HotRodDecoder(EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager, NettyTransport transport, HotRodServer server, Predicate<? super String> ignoreCache) { this.cacheManager = cacheManager; this.transport = transport; this.ignoreCache = ignoreCache; this.server = server; this.decodeCtx = new CacheDecodeContext(server); } public NettyTransport getTransport() { return transport; } void resetNow() { decodeCtx = new CacheDecodeContext(server); decodeCtx.header = new HotRodHeader(); state = HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_HEADER; resetRequested = false; } /** * Should be called when state is transferred. This also marks the buffer read position so when we can't read bytes * it will be reset to here. * * @param newState new hotrod decoder state * @param buf the byte buffer to mark */ protected void state(HotRodDecoderState newState, ByteBuf buf) { buf.markReaderIndex(); state = newState; } @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { try { if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Decode buffer %s using instance @%x", dumpHexByteBuf(in), System.identityHashCode(this)); } if (resetRequested) { if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) log.tracef("Reset cached decoder data: %s", decodeCtx); resetNow(); } // Mark the index to the beginning, just in case in.markReaderIndex(); switch (state) { // These are all fall through cases which means they call to the one below if they needed additional // processing case DECODE_HEADER: if (!decodeHeader(((InetSocketAddress), in, out)) { break; } state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_KEY, in); case DECODE_KEY: if (!decodeKey(in, out)) { break; } state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_PARAMETERS, in); case DECODE_PARAMETERS: if (!decodeParameters(in, out)) { break; } state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_VALUE, in); case DECODE_VALUE: if (!decodeValue(in, out)) { break; } state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_HEADER, in); break; // These are terminal cases, meaning they only perform this operation and break case DECODE_HEADER_CUSTOM: readCustomHeader(in, out); break; case DECODE_KEY_CUSTOM: readCustomKey(in, out); break; case DECODE_VALUE_CUSTOM: readCustomValue(in, out); break; } } catch (Throwable t) { previousException = t; resetRequested = true; // Faster than throwing exception ctx.pipeline().fireExceptionCaught(new HotRodException(decodeCtx.createExceptionResponse(t), t.getMessage(), t)); } } private static String dumpHexByteBuf(ByteBuf in) { int maxLength = 32; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(maxLength * 2 + 20); sb.append('(').append(in.readableBytes()).append(')'); int startIndex; if (in.readableBytes() < maxLength) { startIndex = in.readerIndex(); } else { startIndex = in.writerIndex() - maxLength; sb.append("..."); } for (int i = startIndex; i < in.writerIndex(); i++) { Util.addHexByte(sb, in.getByte(i)); } return sb.toString(); } boolean decodeHeader(boolean isLoopBack, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { boolean shouldContinue = readHeader(in); // If there was nothing present it means we throw this decoding away and start fresh if (!shouldContinue) { return false; } HotRodHeader header = decodeCtx.header; // Check if this cache can be accessed or not if (ignoreCache.test(header.cacheName)) { throw new CacheUnavailableException(); } decodeCtx.obtainCache(cacheManager, isLoopBack); HotRodOperation op = header.op; switch (op.getDecoderRequirements()) { case HEADER_CUSTOM: state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_HEADER_CUSTOM, in); readCustomHeader(in, out); return false; case HEADER: // If all we needed was header, we have everything already! out.add(decodeCtx); resetRequested = true; return false; default: // Continue to key return true; } } /** * Reads the header and returns whether we should try to continue * * @param buffer the buffer to read the header from * @return whether or not we should continue * @throws Exception */ boolean readHeader(ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { VersionedDecoder decoder = decodeCtx.decoder; HotRodHeader header = decodeCtx.header; if (decoder == null) { if (buffer.readableBytes() < 1) { buffer.resetReaderIndex(); return false; } short magic = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) log.tracef("Header magic: %d", magic); if (magic != Constants.MAGIC_REQ) { if (previousException == null) { dumpBuffer("Invalid magic id", buffer); throw new InvalidMagicIdException("Error reading magic byte or message id: " + magic); } else { if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Error happened previously, ignoring %d byte until we find the magic number again", magic); } return false; } } else { previousException = null; } long messageId = ExtendedByteBufJava.readMaybeVLong(buffer); if (messageId == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return false; } if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Header message id: %d", messageId); } header.messageId = messageId; if (buffer.readableBytes() < 1) { buffer.resetReaderIndex(); return false; } byte version = (byte) buffer.readUnsignedByte(); header.version = version; if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Header version: %d", version); } if (Constants.isVersion2x(version)) { decoder = new Decoder2x(); } else if (Constants.isVersion1x(version)) { decoder = new Decoder10(); } else { throw new UnknownVersionException("Unknown version:" + version, version, messageId); } decodeCtx.decoder = decoder; // This way we won't have to reread the decoder related material again buffer.markReaderIndex(); } try { if (!decoder.readHeader(buffer, header.version, header.messageId, header)) { return false; } if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Decoded header %s", header); } return true; } catch (HotRodUnknownOperationException | SecurityException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RequestParsingException("Unable to parse header", header.version, header.messageId, e); } } private static void dumpBuffer(String prefix, ByteBuf in) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { String dump = ByteBufUtil.hexDump(in).toUpperCase(); log.tracef("%s error encountered, the buffer contains: %s", prefix, dump); } } private void readCustomHeader(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { decodeCtx.decoder.customReadHeader(decodeCtx.header, in, decodeCtx, out); // If out was written to, it means we read everything, else we have to reread again if (!out.isEmpty()) { resetRequested = true; } } boolean decodeKey(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { HotRodOperation op = decodeCtx.header.op; // If we want a single key read that - else we do try for custom read if (op.requiresKey()) { byte[] bytes = ExtendedByteBufJava.readMaybeRangedBytes(in); // If the bytes don't exist then we need to reread if (bytes != null) { if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Body key: %s", Util.toHexString(bytes)); } decodeCtx.key = bytes; } else { return false; } } switch (op.getDecoderRequirements()) { case KEY_CUSTOM: state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_KEY_CUSTOM, in); readCustomKey(in, out); return false; case KEY: out.add(decodeCtx); resetRequested = true; return false; default: return true; } } private void readCustomKey(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { decodeCtx.decoder.customReadKey(decodeCtx.header, in, decodeCtx, out); // If out was written to, it means we read everything, else we have to reread again if (!out.isEmpty()) { resetRequested = true; } } boolean decodeParameters(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { CacheDecodeContext.RequestParameters params = decodeCtx.decoder.readParameters(decodeCtx.header, in); if (params != null) { if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Body parameters: %s", params); } decodeCtx.params = params; if (decodeCtx.header.op.getDecoderRequirements() == DecoderRequirements.PARAMETERS) { out.add(decodeCtx); resetRequested = true; return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } boolean decodeValue(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { HotRodOperation op = decodeCtx.header.op; if (op.requireValue()) { int valueLength = decodeCtx.params.valueLength; if (in.readableBytes() < valueLength) { return false; } byte[] bytes = new byte[valueLength]; in.readBytes(bytes); decodeCtx.operationDecodeContext = bytes; if (CacheDecodeContext.isTrace) { log.tracef("Body value: %s", Util.toHexString(bytes)); } } switch (op.getDecoderRequirements()) { case VALUE_CUSTOM: state(HotRodDecoderState.DECODE_VALUE_CUSTOM, in); readCustomValue(in, out); return false; case VALUE: out.add(decodeCtx); resetRequested = true; return false; } return true; } private void readCustomValue(ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) { decodeCtx.decoder.customReadValue(decodeCtx.header, in, decodeCtx, out); // If out was written to, it means we read everything, else we have to reread again if (!out.isEmpty()) { resetRequested = true; } } }