package org.infinispan.stats.impl; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject; import org.infinispan.jmx.JmxStatisticsExposer; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.DataType; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.DisplayType; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.MBean; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.MeasurementType; import org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.Units; import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager; import org.infinispan.stats.CacheContainerStats; import org.infinispan.stats.Stats; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; /** * Cache container statistics needed for admin console * * @author Vladimir Blagojevic * @since 7.1 * */ @MBean(objectName = CacheContainerStats.OBJECT_NAME, description = "General cache container statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc.") public class CacheContainerStatsImpl implements CacheContainerStats, JmxStatisticsExposer { private EmbeddedCacheManager cm; private final AtomicLong resetNanoseconds = new AtomicLong(0); private boolean statisticsEnabled = false; private TimeService timeService; public CacheContainerStatsImpl(EmbeddedCacheManager cm) { = cm; cm.getGlobalComponentRegistry().registerComponent(this, CacheContainerStats.class); boolean globalJmxStatsEnabled = cm.getCacheManagerConfiguration().globalJmxStatistics().enabled(); setStatisticsEnabled(globalJmxStatsEnabled); } @Inject public void setDependencies(TimeService timeService) { this.timeService = timeService; } @Override public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.statisticsEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { //yes technically we do not reset stats but we initialize them resetNanoseconds.set(timeService.time()); } } @Override public boolean getStatisticsEnabled() { return statisticsEnabled; } @Override public void resetStatistics() { if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { getEnabledStats().forEach( stats -> stats.reset()); resetNanoseconds.set(timeService.time()); } } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component", displayName = "Statistics enabled", dataType = DataType.TRAIT, writable = true) public boolean isStatisticsEnabled() { return getStatisticsEnabled(); } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Cache container total average number of milliseconds for all read operation in this cache container", displayName = "Cache container total average read time", units = Units.MILLISECONDS, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY) @Override public long getAverageReadTime() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateAverageReadTime(); } return result; } protected long calculateAverageReadTime() { long totalAverageReadTime = 0; int includedCacheCounter = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long averageReadTime = stats.getAverageReadTime(); if (averageReadTime > 0) { includedCacheCounter++; totalAverageReadTime += averageReadTime; } } if (includedCacheCounter > 0) { totalAverageReadTime = totalAverageReadTime / includedCacheCounter; } return totalAverageReadTime; } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Cache container total average number of milliseconds for all remove operation in this cache container", displayName = "Cache container total average remove time", units = Units.MILLISECONDS, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY) @Override public long getAverageRemoveTime() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateAverageRemoveTime(); } return result; } protected long calculateAverageRemoveTime() { long totalAverageRemoveTime = 0; int includedCacheCounter = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long averageRemoveTime = stats.getAverageRemoveTime(); if (averageRemoveTime > 0) { includedCacheCounter++; totalAverageRemoveTime += averageRemoveTime; } } if (includedCacheCounter > 0) { totalAverageRemoveTime = totalAverageRemoveTime / includedCacheCounter; } return totalAverageRemoveTime; } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Cache container average number of milliseconds for all write operation in this cache container", displayName = "Cache container average write time", units = Units.MILLISECONDS, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY) @Override public long getAverageWriteTime() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateAverageWriteTime(); } return result; } protected long calculateAverageWriteTime() { long totalAverageWriteTime = 0; int includedCacheCounter = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long averageWriteTime = stats.getAverageWriteTime(); if (averageWriteTime > 0) { includedCacheCounter++; totalAverageWriteTime += averageWriteTime; } } if (includedCacheCounter > 0) { totalAverageWriteTime = totalAverageWriteTime / includedCacheCounter; } return totalAverageWriteTime; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache eviction operations", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache evictions", measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public long getEvictions() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateEvictions(); } return result; } protected long calculateEvictions() { long totalEvictions = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long evictions = stats.getEvictions(); if (evictions > 0) { totalEvictions += evictions; } } return totalEvictions; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache attribute hits", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache hits", measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY) @Override public long getHits() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateHits(); } return result; } protected long calculateHits() { long totalHits = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long hits = stats.getHits(); if (hits > 0) { totalHits += hits; } } return totalHits; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total percentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for this cache", displayName = "Cache container total hit ratio", units = Units.PERCENTAGE, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public double getHitRatio() { double result = -1d; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateHitRatio(); } return result; } protected double calculateHitRatio() { long totalHits = 0; double totalRequests = 0; double rwRatio = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long requests = stats.getRetrievals(); if (requests > 0) { totalHits += stats.getHits(); totalRequests += requests; } } if (totalRequests > 0) { rwRatio = totalHits / totalRequests; } return rwRatio; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache attribute misses", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache misses", measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public long getMisses() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateMisses(); } return result; } protected long calculateMisses() { long totalMisess = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long misses = stats.getMisses(); if (misses > 0) { totalMisess += misses; } } return totalMisess; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of entries currently in all caches from this cache container", displayName = "Cache container total number of all cache entries", displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) public int getNumberOfEntries() { int result = statisticsEnabled ? 0 : -1; if (statisticsEnabled) { for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { int numOfEntries = stats.getCurrentNumberOfEntries(); if (numOfEntries > 0) { result += numOfEntries; } } } return result; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of entries currently in-memory for all caches in this cache container", displayName = "Cache container total number of in-memory cache entries", displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) public int getCurrentNumberOfEntriesInMemory() { int result = statisticsEnabled ? 0 : -1; if (statisticsEnabled) { for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { int numOfEntries = stats.getCurrentNumberOfEntriesInMemory(); if (numOfEntries > 0) { result += numOfEntries; } } } return result; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container read/writes ratio in all caches from this cache container", displayName = "Cache container read/write ratio", units = Units.PERCENTAGE, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public double getReadWriteRatio() { double result = -1d; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateReadWriteRatio(); } return result; } protected double calculateReadWriteRatio() { long sumOfAllReads = 0; long sumOfAllWrites = 0; double rwRatio = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long stores = stats.getStores(); if (stores > 0) { sumOfAllReads += stats.getRetrievals(); sumOfAllWrites += stores; } } if (sumOfAllWrites > 0) { rwRatio = (double) sumOfAllReads / sumOfAllWrites; } return rwRatio; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache removal hits", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache removal hits", measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public long getRemoveHits() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateRemoveHits(); } return result; } protected long calculateRemoveHits() { long totalRemoveHits = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long removeHits = stats.getRemoveHits(); if (removeHits > 0) { totalRemoveHits += removeHits; } } return totalRemoveHits; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache removals where keys were not found", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache removal misses", measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public long getRemoveMisses() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateRemoveMisses(); } return result; } protected long calculateRemoveMisses() { long totalRemoveMisses = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long removeMisses = stats.getRemoveMisses(); if (removeMisses > 0) { totalRemoveMisses += removeMisses; } } return totalRemoveMisses; } @ManagedAttribute( description = "Cache container total number of cache attribute put operations", displayName = "Cache container total number of cache puts" , measurementType = MeasurementType.TRENDSUP, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) @Override public long getStores() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateStores(); } return result; } @Override @ManagedAttribute( description = "Number of seconds since the cache container statistics were last reset", displayName = "Seconds since cache container statistics were reset", units = Units.SECONDS, displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) public long getTimeSinceReset() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = timeService.timeDuration(resetNanoseconds.get(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } return result; } protected long calculateStores() { long totalStores = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long stores = stats.getStores(); if (stores > 0) { totalStores+= stores; } } return totalStores; } @Override public long getTimeSinceStart() { long result = -1; if (getStatisticsEnabled()) { result = calculateTimeSinceStart(); } return result; } protected long calculateTimeSinceStart() { long longestRunning = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long runningTime = stats.getTimeSinceStart(); if (runningTime > longestRunning) { longestRunning = runningTime; } } return longestRunning; } @Override public int getCurrentNumberOfEntries() { return getNumberOfEntries(); } @Override public long getTotalNumberOfEntries() { return getStores(); } @Override @ManagedAttribute( description = "Amount in bytes of off-heap memory used by this cache container", displayName = "Off-Heap memory used", displayType = DisplayType.SUMMARY ) public long getOffHeapMemoryUsed() { return calculateOffHeapUsed(); } protected long calculateOffHeapUsed() { long totalOffHeapUsed = 0; for (Stats stats : getEnabledStats()) { long offHeapUsed = stats.getOffHeapMemoryUsed(); if (offHeapUsed > 0) { totalOffHeapUsed += offHeapUsed; } } return totalOffHeapUsed; } @Override public long getRetrievals() { return getHits() + getMisses(); } @Override public void reset() { resetStatistics(); } private Set<Stats> getEnabledStats() { Set<Stats> stats = new HashSet<Stats>(); for (String cn : cm.getCacheNames()) { if (cm.cacheExists(cn)) { AdvancedCache cache = cm.getCache(cn).getAdvancedCache(); Configuration cfg = SecurityActions.getCacheConfiguration(cache); if (cfg.jmxStatistics().enabled()) { stats.add(cache.getStats()); } } } return stats; } }