package org.infinispan.query.dsl.impl.logging; import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger; /** * Log abstraction for the query DSL. For this module, message ids * ranging from 14801 to 15000 inclusively have been reserved. * * @author * @since 8.2 */ @MessageLogger(projectCode = "ISPN") public interface Log extends BasicLogger { @Message(value = "Argument cannot be null", id = 14801) IllegalArgumentException argumentCannotBeNull(); @Message(value = "'%s' must be an instance of java.lang.Comparable", id = 14802) IllegalArgumentException argumentMustBeComparable(String argName); @Message(value = "Parameter name cannot be null or empty", id = 14803) IllegalArgumentException parameterNameCannotBeNulOrEmpty(); @Message(value = "Query does not have parameters", id = 14804) IllegalStateException queryDoesNotHaveParameters(); @Message(value = "No parameter named '%s' was found", id = 14805) IllegalArgumentException parameterNotFound(String paramName); @Message(value = "No parameters named '%s' were found", id = 14806) IllegalArgumentException parametersNotFound(String unknownParams); @Message(value = "The list of values for 'in(..)' cannot be null or empty", id = 14807) IllegalArgumentException listOfValuesForInCannotBeNulOrEmpty(); @Message(value = "operator was already specified", id = 14808) IllegalStateException operatorWasAlreadySpecified(); @Message(value = "The given condition was created by another factory", id = 14809) IllegalArgumentException conditionWasCreatedByAnotherFactory(); @Message(value = "The given condition is already in use by another builder", id = 14810) IllegalArgumentException conditionIsAlreadyInUseByAnotherBuilder(); @Message(value = "Sentence already started. Cannot use '%s' again.", id = 14811) IllegalStateException cannotUseOperatorAgain(String operatorName); @Message(value = "%s cannot be null", id = 14812) IllegalArgumentException argumentCannotBeNull(String argName); @Message(value = "This query already belongs to another query builder", id = 14813) IllegalStateException queryAlreadyBelongsToAnotherBuilder(); @Message(value = "This sub-query does not belong to a parent query builder yet", id = 14814) IllegalStateException subQueryDoesNotBelongToAParentQueryBuilder(); @Message(value = "Grouping cannot be null or empty", id = 14815) IllegalArgumentException groupingCannotBeNullOrEmpty(); @Message(value = "Grouping can be specified only once", id = 14816) IllegalStateException groupingCanBeSpecifiedOnlyOnce(); @Message(value = "Expecting a Collection or an array of Object", id = 14817) IllegalArgumentException expectingCollectionOrArray(); @Message(value = "Incomplete sentence. Missing attribute path or operator.", id = 14818) IllegalStateException incompleteSentence(); @Message(value = "Cannot visit an incomplete condition.", id = 14819) IllegalStateException incompleteCondition(); @Message(value = "Old child condition not found in parent condition", id = 14820) IllegalStateException conditionNotFoundInParent(); @Message(value = "Projection cannot be null or empty", id = 14821) IllegalArgumentException projectionCannotBeNullOrEmpty(); @Message(value = "Projection can be specified only once", id = 14822) IllegalStateException projectionCanBeSpecifiedOnlyOnce(); @Message(value = "maxResults must be greater than 0", id = 14823) IllegalArgumentException maxResultMustBeGreaterThanZero(); @Message(value = "startOffset cannot be less than 0", id = 14824) IllegalArgumentException startOffsetCannotBeLessThanZero(); @Message(value = "Query parameter '%s' was not set", id = 14825) IllegalStateException queryParameterNotSet(String paramName); }