package; import; import; import org.infinispan.Cache; /** * @author Bela Ban * @author Marko Luksa * @author Manik Surtani */ public class GridOutputStream extends OutputStream { private int index; // index into the file for writing private int localIndex; private final byte[] currentBuffer; private int numberOfChunksWhenOpened; private final FileChunkMapper fileChunkMapper; private final int chunkSize; // Guaranteed to be a power of 2 private GridFile file; private boolean streamClosed; GridOutputStream(GridFile file, boolean append, Cache<String, byte[]> cache) { fileChunkMapper = new FileChunkMapper(file, cache); chunkSize = fileChunkMapper.getChunkSize(); this.file = file; index = append ? (int) file.length() : 0; localIndex = append && isLastChunkFull() ? chunkSize : ModularArithmetic.mod(index, chunkSize); currentBuffer = append ? fetchLastChunk() : createEmptyChunk(); numberOfChunksWhenOpened = getLastChunkNumber() + 1; } private byte[] createEmptyChunk() { return new byte[chunkSize]; } private boolean isLastChunkFull() { long bytesRemainingInLastChunk = ModularArithmetic.mod(file.length(), chunkSize); return bytesRemainingInLastChunk == 0; } private byte[] fetchLastChunk() { byte[] chunk = fileChunkMapper.fetchChunk(getLastChunkNumber()); return createFullSizeCopy(chunk); } private byte[] createFullSizeCopy(byte[] val) { byte chunk[] = createEmptyChunk(); if (val != null) { System.arraycopy(val, 0, chunk, 0, val.length); } return chunk; } private int getLastChunkNumber() { return getChunkNumber((int) file.length() - 1); } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { assertOpen(); int remaining = getBytesRemainingInChunk(); if (remaining == 0) { flush(); localIndex = 0; } currentBuffer[localIndex] = (byte) b; localIndex++; index++; } private void assertOpen() throws IOException { if (streamClosed) throw new IOException("Stream is closed"); } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { assertOpen(); if (b != null) write(b, 0, b.length); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { assertOpen(); while (len > 0) { int bytesWritten = writeToChunk(b, off, len); off += bytesWritten; len -= bytesWritten; } } private int writeToChunk(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int remaining = getBytesRemainingInChunk(); if (remaining == 0) { flush(); localIndex = 0; remaining = chunkSize; } int bytesToWrite = Math.min(remaining, len); System.arraycopy(b, off, currentBuffer, localIndex, bytesToWrite); localIndex += bytesToWrite; index += bytesToWrite; return bytesToWrite; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (streamClosed) return; flush(); removeExcessChunks(); reset(); streamClosed = true; } private void removeExcessChunks() { for (int i = getLastChunkNumber()+1; i<numberOfChunksWhenOpened; i++) { fileChunkMapper.removeChunk(i); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { storeChunk(); file.setLength(index); } private void storeChunk() { fileChunkMapper.storeChunk(getChunkNumber(index - 1), currentBuffer, localIndex); } private int getBytesRemainingInChunk() { return chunkSize - localIndex; } private int getChunkNumber(int position) { return position / chunkSize; } private void reset() { index = localIndex = 0; } }