package org.infinispan.lucene; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util; import; import org.infinispan.lucene.impl.DirectoryBuilderImpl; import org.infinispan.lucene.impl.DirectoryExtensions; import org.infinispan.lucene.impl.InfinispanIndexOutput; import org.infinispan.lucene.readlocks.DistributedSegmentReadLocker; import org.infinispan.lucene.readlocks.SegmentReadLocker; import org.infinispan.lucene.testutils.RepeatableLongByteSequence; import org.infinispan.manager.CacheContainer; import org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * @author Lukasz Moren * @author Davide Di Somma * @author Sanne Grinovero */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(groups = {"functional", "smoke"}, testName = "lucene.InfinispanDirectoryIOTest", singleThreaded = true) public class InfinispanDirectoryIOTest extends AbstractInfinispanTest { /** The Test index name */ private static final String INDEXNAME = "index"; private CacheContainer cacheManager; private File indexDir = new File(TestingUtil.tmpDirectory(this.getClass()), INDEXNAME); @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void prepareCacheManager() { cacheManager = CacheTestSupport.createTestCacheManager(); } @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true) public void killCacheManager() { TestingUtil.killCacheManagers(cacheManager); } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void clearCache() { if (cacheManager != null) { cacheManager.getCache().clear(); } Util.recursiveFileRemove(indexDir); } @Test public void testWriteUsingSeekMethod() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create(); String fileName = "SomeText.txt"; IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT); RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); //It writes repeatable text final int REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1501; for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { io.writeByte(bytesGenerator.nextByte()); } ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).flush(); assert ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).length() == REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; //Text to write on file with repeatable text final String someText = "This is some text"; final byte[] someTextAsBytes = someText.getBytes(); //4 points in random order where writing someText: at begin of file, at end of file, within a single chunk, //between 2 chunks final int[] pointers = {0, 635, REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE, 135}; for(int i=0; i < pointers.length; i++) { ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).seek(pointers[i]); io.writeBytes(someTextAsBytes, someTextAsBytes.length); } ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).flush(); ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).close(); bytesGenerator.reset(); final long finalSize = REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; assert ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).length() == finalSize; assert ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).length() == DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME,fileName, -1), cache, -1); int indexPointer = 0; Arrays.sort(pointers); byte[] buffer = null; int chunkIndex = -1; //now testing the stream is equal to the produced repeatable but including the edits at pointed positions for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; i++) { if (i % BUFFER_SIZE == 0) { buffer = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName, ++chunkIndex, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); } byte predictableByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte(); if (i < pointers[indexPointer]) { //Assert predictable text AssertJUnit.assertEquals(predictableByte, buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]); } else if (pointers[indexPointer] <= i && i < pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) { //Assert someText AssertJUnit.assertEquals(someTextAsBytes[i - pointers[indexPointer]], buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]); } if (i == pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) { //Change pointer indexPointer++; } } dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } @Test public void testReadWholeFile() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME) .chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE) .overrideSegmentReadLocker(makeTestableReadLocker(cache, INDEXNAME)) .create(); verifyOnBuffer("SingleChunk.txt", 61, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 15); final int VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE = 10000; assert BUFFER_SIZE < VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE; verifyOnBuffer("MultipleChunks.txt", VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 33); final int LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE = 256; assert (LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE % BUFFER_SIZE) == 0; verifyOnBuffer("LastChunkFilled.txt", LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 11); assertHasNChunks(4, cache, INDEXNAME, "LastChunkFilled.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); final int LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE = 257; assert (LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE % BUFFER_SIZE) == 1; verifyOnBuffer("LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt", LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 12); assertHasNChunks(5, cache, INDEXNAME, "LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } private SegmentReadLocker makeTestableReadLocker(Cache cache, String indexName) { return new DistributedSegmentReadLocker(cache, cache, cache, indexName, -1 ,true); } /** * Helper for testReadWholeFile test: * creates a file and then verifies it's readability in specific corner cases. * Then reuses the same parameters to verify the file rename capabilities. */ private void verifyOnBuffer(final String fileName, final int fileSize, final int bufferSize, Cache cache, Directory dir, final int readBuffer) throws IOException { createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, fileName, fileSize); assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(dir, fileName, fileSize); assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(dir, fileName, fileSize, readBuffer); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); final String newFileName = fileName+".bak"; ((DirectoryExtensions)dir).renameFile(fileName, newFileName); assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(dir, newFileName, fileSize); assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(dir, newFileName, fileSize, readBuffer); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); List<String> fileList = Arrays.asList(dir.listAll()); assert fileList.contains(newFileName); assert !fileList.contains(fileName); } @Test public void testReadRandomSampleFile() throws IOException { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create(); final int FILE_SIZE = 1000; assert BUFFER_SIZE < FILE_SIZE; createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, "RandomSampleFile.txt", FILE_SIZE); IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput("RandomSampleFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert indexInput.length() == FILE_SIZE; RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); Random r = new Random(); long seekPoint = 0; // Now it reads some random byte and it compares to the expected byte for (int i = 0; i < FILE_SIZE; i++) { if (seekPoint == i) { byte expectedByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte(); byte actualByte = indexInput.readByte(); assert expectedByte == actualByte; seekPoint = indexInput.getFilePointer() + r.nextInt(10);; } else { bytesGenerator.nextByte(); } } indexInput.close(); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } /** * Used to verify that IndexInput.readBytes method reads correctly the whole file content comparing the * result with the expected sequence of bytes * * @param dir * The Directory containing the file to verify * @param fileName * The file name to read * @param contentFileSizeExpected * The size content file expected * @param arrayLengthToRead * The length of byte array to read * @throws IOException */ private void assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSizeExpected, final int arrayLengthToRead) throws IOException { IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length()); RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); byte[] readBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead]; byte[] expectedBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead]; long toRead = contentFileSizeExpected; while (toRead > 0) { // the condition is satisfied when the file is close to the end if (toRead < arrayLengthToRead) { readBytes = new byte[(int) toRead]; expectedBytes = new byte[(int) toRead]; } int nextBytesToRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, arrayLengthToRead); bytesGenerator.nextBytes(expectedBytes); indexInput.readBytes(readBytes, 0, nextBytesToRead); assert Arrays.equals(expectedBytes, readBytes); toRead = toRead - nextBytesToRead; } indexInput.close(); } /** * Used to verify that IndexInput.readByte method reads correctly the whole file content comparing the * result with the expected sequence of bytes * * @param dir * The Directory containing the file to verify * @param fileName * The file name to read * @param contentFileSizeExpected * The size content file expected * @throws IOException */ private void assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSizeExpected) throws IOException { IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length()); RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSizeExpected; i++) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(bytesGenerator.nextByte(), indexInput.readByte()); } indexInput.close(); } /** * Verifies a file is divided in N chunks */ private void assertHasNChunks(int expectedChunks, Cache cache, String index, String fileName, int bufferSize) { int i=0; for (; i<expectedChunks; i++) { ChunkCacheKey key = new ChunkCacheKey(index, fileName, i, bufferSize, -1); AssertJUnit.assertTrue("should contain key " + key, cache.containsKey(key)); } ChunkCacheKey key = new ChunkCacheKey(index, fileName, i, bufferSize, -1); AssertJUnit.assertFalse("should NOT contain key " + key, cache.containsKey(key)); } /** * It creates a file with fixed size using a RepeatableLongByteSequence object to generate a * repeatable content * * @param dir * The Directory containing the file to create * @param fileName * The file name to create * @param contentFileSize * The size content file to create * @throws IOException */ private void createFileWithRepeatableContent(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSize) throws IOException { IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT); RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSize; i++) { indexOutput.writeByte(bytesGenerator.nextByte()); } indexOutput.close(); } @Test(groups = "unstable") public void testReadChunks() throws Exception { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create(); // create file headers FileMetadata file1 = new FileMetadata(5); FileCacheKey key1 = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", -1); cache.put(key1, file1); FileMetadata file2 = new FileMetadata(5); FileCacheKey key2 = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", -1); cache.put(key2, file2); // byte array for Hello.txt String helloText = "Hello world. This is some text."; cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1), helloText.getBytes()); // byte array for World.txt - should be in at least 2 chunks. String worldText = "This String should contain more than sixty four characters but less than one hundred and twenty eight."; assert worldText.getBytes().length > BUFFER_SIZE; assert worldText.getBytes().length < (2 * BUFFER_SIZE); byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(worldText.getBytes(), 0, buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1), buf); String part1 = new String(buf); buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(worldText.getBytes(), BUFFER_SIZE, buf, 0, worldText.length() - BUFFER_SIZE); cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE, -1), buf); String part2 = new String(buf); // make sure the generated bytes do add up! AssertJUnit.assertEquals(part1 + part2.trim(), worldText); file1.setSize(helloText.length()); file2.setSize(worldText.length()); Set<String> s = new HashSet<>(); s.add("Hello.txt"); s.add("World.txt"); Set other = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(dir.listAll())); // ok, file listing works. AssertJUnit.assertEquals(s, other); IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("Hello.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.length() == helloText.length(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < ii.length(); i++) { baos.write(ii.readByte()); } assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(helloText); ii = dir.openInput("World.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.length() == worldText.length(); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < ii.length(); i++) { baos.write(ii.readByte()); } assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText); // now with buffered reading ii = dir.openInput("Hello.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.length() == helloText.length(); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long toRead = ii.length(); while (toRead > 0) { buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); toRead = toRead - bytesRead; baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead); } assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(helloText); ii = dir.openInput("World.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.length() == worldText.length(); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); toRead = ii.length(); while (toRead > 0) { buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); toRead = toRead - bytesRead; baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead); } assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText); dir.deleteFile("Hello.txt"); assert null == cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", -1)); assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); Object ob1 = cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", -1)); Object ob2 = cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); Object ob3 = cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); ((DirectoryExtensions)dir).renameFile("World.txt", "HelloWorld.txt"); assert null == cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", -1)); assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); assert cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt", -1)).equals(ob1); assert cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)).equals(ob2); assert cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)).equals(ob3); // test that contents survives a move ii = dir.openInput("HelloWorld.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.length() == worldText.length(); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); toRead = ii.length(); while (toRead > 0) { buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead); toRead = toRead - bytesRead; baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead); } assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } public void testWriteChunks() throws Exception { final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create(); IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); io.writeByte((byte) 66); io.writeByte((byte) 69); io.close(); assert Arrays.asList(dir.listAll()).contains("MyNewFile.txt"); assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); // test contents by reading: byte[] buf = new byte[9]; IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); ii.readBytes(buf, 0, (int) ii.length()); ii.close(); assert new String(new byte[] { 66, 69 }).equals(new String(buf).trim()); String testText = "This is some rubbish again that will span more than one chunk - one hopes. Who knows, maybe even three or four chunks."; io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); ((InfinispanIndexOutput)io).seek(0); io.writeBytes(testText.getBytes(), 0, testText.length()); io.close(); // now compare. byte[] chunk1 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); byte[] chunk2 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); assert null != chunk1; assert null != chunk2; assert testText.equals(new String(chunk1) + new String(chunk2).trim()); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } @Test public void testWriteChunksDefaultChunks() throws Exception { Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).create(); final String testText = "This is some rubbish"; final byte[] testTextAsBytes = testText.getBytes(); IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); io.writeByte((byte) 1); io.writeByte((byte) 2); io.writeByte((byte) 3); io.writeBytes(testTextAsBytes, testTextAsBytes.length); io.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); FileCacheKey fileCacheKey = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", -1); assert null != cache.get(fileCacheKey); FileMetadata metadata = (FileMetadata) cache.get(fileCacheKey); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(testTextAsBytes.length + 3, metadata.getSize()); assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, DirectoryBuilderImpl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, -1)); // test contents by reading: IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT); assert ii.readByte() == 1; assert ii.readByte() == 2; assert ii.readByte() == 3; byte[] buf = new byte[testTextAsBytes.length]; ii.readBytes(buf, 0, testTextAsBytes.length); ii.close(); assert testText.equals(new String(buf).trim()); dir.close(); DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME); } @Test public void testChunkBordersOnInfinispan() throws IOException { Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); cache.clear(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(13).create(); testChunkBorders(dir, cache); cache.clear(); } @Test public void testChunkBordersOnRAMDirectory() throws IOException { RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory(); testChunkBorders(dir, null); } /** * Useful to verify the Infinispan Directory has similar behaviour * to standard Lucene implementations regarding reads out of ranges. */ private void testChunkBorders(Directory dir, Cache cache) throws IOException { //numbers are chosen to be multiples of the chunksize set for the InfinispanDirectory //so that we test the borders of it. testOn(dir, 0 ,0, cache); testOn(dir, 0 ,1, cache); testOn(dir, 1 ,1, cache); testOn(dir, 1 ,0, cache); // all equal: testOn(dir, 13 ,13, cache); // one less: testOn(dir, 12 ,13, cache); testOn(dir, 13 ,12, cache); testOn(dir, 12 ,12, cache); // one higher testOn(dir, 13 ,14, cache); testOn(dir, 14 ,13, cache); testOn(dir, 14 ,14, cache); // now repeat in multi-chunk scenario: // all equal: testOn(dir, 39 ,39, cache); // one less: testOn(dir, 38 ,38, cache); testOn(dir, 38 ,39, cache); testOn(dir, 39 ,38, cache); // one higher testOn(dir, 40 ,40, cache); testOn(dir, 40 ,39, cache); testOn(dir, 39 ,40, cache); // quite bigger testOn(dir, 600, 600, cache); } private void testOn(Directory dir, int writeSize, int readSize, Cache cache) throws IOException { if (cache != null) cache.clear();//needed to make sure no chunks are left over in case of Infinispan implementation final String filename = "chunkTest"; IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT); byte[] toWrite = fillBytes(writeSize); indexOutput.writeBytes(toWrite, writeSize); indexOutput.close(); if (cache != null) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(writeSize, DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, filename, -1), cache, -1)); } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(writeSize, indexOutput.getFilePointer()); byte[] results = new byte[readSize]; IndexInput openInput = dir.openInput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT); try { openInput.readBytes(results, 0, readSize); for (int i = 0; i < writeSize && i < readSize; i++) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(results[i], toWrite[i]); } if (readSize > writeSize)"should have thrown an IOException for reading past EOF"); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (readSize <= writeSize)"should not have thrown an IOException" + ioe.getMessage()); } } public void multipleFlushTest() throws IOException { final String filename = "longFile.writtenInMultipleFlushes"; final int bufferSize = 300; Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(); cache.clear(); Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(13).create(); byte[] manyBytes = fillBytes(bufferSize); IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { indexOutput.writeBytes(manyBytes, bufferSize); } indexOutput.close(); IndexInput input = dir.openInput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT); final int finalSize = (10 * bufferSize); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(finalSize, input.length()); final byte[] resultingBuffer = new byte[finalSize]; input.readBytes(resultingBuffer, 0, finalSize); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bufferSize; j++) AssertJUnit.assertEquals(resultingBuffer[index++], manyBytes[j]); } } private byte[] fillBytes(int size) { byte[] b = new byte[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { b[i]=(byte)i; } return b; } }