package org.infinispan; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator; import java.util.function.IntConsumer; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.function.IntPredicate; import java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction; import java.util.function.IntToLongFunction; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.ObjIntConsumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableBiConsumer; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntBinaryOperator; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntConsumer; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntFunction; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntPredicate; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntToDoubleFunction; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntToLongFunction; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableIntUnaryOperator; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableObjIntConsumer; import org.infinispan.util.function.SerializableSupplier; /** * A {@link IntStream} that has additional methods to allow for Serializable instances. Please see * {@link CacheStream} for additional details about various methods. * * @author wburns * @since 9.0 */ public interface IntCacheStream extends IntStream, BaseCacheStream<Integer, IntStream> { /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with parallel distribution disabled. */ IntCacheStream sequentialDistribution(); /** * @inheritDoc * @return a stream with parallel distribution enabled. */ IntCacheStream parallelDistribution(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with the segments filtered. */ IntCacheStream filterKeySegments(Set<Integer> segments); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with the keys filtered. */ IntCacheStream filterKeys(Set<?> keys); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with the batch size updated */ IntCacheStream distributedBatchSize(int batchSize); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with the listener registered. */ IntCacheStream segmentCompletionListener(SegmentCompletionListener listener); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with rehash awareness disabled. */ IntCacheStream disableRehashAware(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a stream with the timeout set */ IntCacheStream timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream filter(IntPredicate predicate); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#filter(IntPredicate)} except that the IntPredicate must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param predicate a non-interfering, stateless * predicate to apply to each element to determine if it * should be included * @return the new cache int stream */ IntCacheStream filter(SerializableIntPredicate predicate); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#map(IntUnaryOperator)} except that the IntUnaryOperator must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param mapper a non-interfering, stateless * function to apply to each element * @return the new cache int stream */ IntCacheStream map(SerializableIntUnaryOperator mapper); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache stream */ @Override <U> CacheStream<U> mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#mapToObj(IntFunction)} except that the IntFunction must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param <U> the element type of the new stream * @param mapper a non-interfering, stateless * function to apply to each element * @return the new cache stream */ <U> CacheStream<U> mapToObj(SerializableIntFunction<? extends U> mapper); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache double stream */ @Override DoubleCacheStream mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction mapper); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction)} except that the IntToIntFunction must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param mapper a non-interfering, stateless * function to apply to each element * @return the new cache double stream */ DoubleCacheStream mapToDouble(SerializableIntToDoubleFunction mapper); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache long stream */ @Override LongCacheStream mapToLong(IntToLongFunction mapper); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#mapToLong(IntToLongFunction)} except that the IntToLongFunction must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param mapper a non-interfering, stateless * function to apply to each element * @return the new cache long stream */ LongCacheStream mapToLong(SerializableIntToLongFunction mapper); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream flatMap(IntFunction<? extends IntStream> mapper); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#flatMap(IntFunction)} except that the IntFunction must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param mapper a non-interfering, stateless * function to apply to each element which produces a * {@code IntStream} of new values * @return the new cache int stream */ IntCacheStream flatMap(SerializableIntFunction<? extends IntStream> mapper); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream distinct(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream sorted(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream peek(IntConsumer action); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#flatMap(IntFunction)} except that the IntFunction must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param action a non-interfering action to perform on the elements as * they are consumed from the stream * @return the new cache int stream */ IntCacheStream peek(SerializableIntConsumer action); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream limit(long maxSize); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream skip(long n); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#forEach(IntConsumer)} except that the IntConsumer must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param action a non-interfering action to perform on the elements */ void forEach(SerializableIntConsumer action); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#forEach(IntConsumer)} except that it takes an {@link ObjIntConsumer} that * provides access to the underlying {@link Cache} that is backing this stream. * <p> * Note that the <code>CacheAware</code> interface is not supported for injection using this method as the cache * is provided in the consumer directly. * @param action consumer to be ran for each element in the stream * @param <K> key type of the cache * @param <V> value type of the cache */ <K, V> void forEach(ObjIntConsumer<Cache<K, V>> action); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#forEach(ObjIntConsumer)} except that the <code>BiConsumer</code> must also implement * <code>Serializable</code> * @param action consumer to be ran for each element in the stream * @param <K> key type of the cache * @param <V> value type of the cache */ <K, V> void forEach(SerializableObjIntConsumer<Cache<K, V>> action); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#reduce(int, IntBinaryOperator)} except that the IntBinaryOperator * must also implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param identity the identity value for the accumulating function * @param op an associative, non-interfering, stateless * function for combining two values * @return the result of the reduction */ int reduce(int identity, SerializableIntBinaryOperator op); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#reduce(IntBinaryOperator)} except that the IntBinaryOperator must * also implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param op an associative, non-interfering, stateless * function for combining two values * @return the result of the reduction */ OptionalInt reduce(SerializableIntBinaryOperator op); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#collect(Supplier, ObjIntConsumer, BiConsumer)} except that the arguments must also * implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param <R> type of the result * @param supplier a function that creates a new result container. For a * parallel execution, this function may be called * multiple times and must return a fresh value each time. * @param accumulator an associative, non-interfering, stateless * function for incorporating an additional element into a result * @param combiner an associative, non-interfering, stateless * function for combining two values, which must be * compatible with the accumulator function * @return the result of the reduction */ <R> R collect(SerializableSupplier<R> supplier, SerializableObjIntConsumer<R> accumulator, SerializableBiConsumer<R, R> combiner); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#anyMatch(IntPredicate)} except that the IntPredicate must * also implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param predicate a non-interfering, stateless * predicate to apply to elements of this stream * @return {@code true} if any elements of the stream match the provided * predicate, otherwise {@code false} */ boolean anyMatch(SerializableIntPredicate predicate); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#allMatch(IntPredicate)} except that the IntPredicate must * also implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param predicate a non-interfering, stateless * predicate to apply to elements of this stream * @return {@code true} if either all elements of the stream match the * provided predicate or the stream is empty, otherwise {@code false} */ boolean allMatch(SerializableIntPredicate predicate); /** * Same as {@link IntCacheStream#noneMatch(IntPredicate)} except that the IntPredicate must * also implement <code>Serializable</code> * <p> * The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them <code>Serializable</code> * @param predicate a non-interfering, stateless * predicate to apply to elements of this stream * @return {@code true} if either no elements of the stream match the * provided predicate or the stream is empty, otherwise {@code false} */ boolean noneMatch(SerializableIntPredicate predicate); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the new cache stream containing integers */ @Override CacheStream<Integer> boxed(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the cache double stream */ @Override DoubleCacheStream asDoubleStream(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return the cache long stream */ @Override LongCacheStream asLongStream(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a sequential cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream sequential(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a parallel cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream parallel(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return an unordered cache int stream */ @Override IntCacheStream unordered(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return a cache int stream with the handler applied */ @Override IntCacheStream onClose(Runnable closeHandler); }