package org.infinispan.counter.api; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.AdvancedExternalizer; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Ids; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.MarshallUtil; /** * The possible states for a counter value. * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 9.0 */ public enum CounterState { /** * The counter value is valid. */ VALID, /** * The counter value has reached its min threshold, i.e. no thresholds has been reached. */ LOWER_BOUND_REACHED, /** * The counter value has reached its max threshold. */ UPPER_BOUND_REACHED; private static final CounterState[] CACHED_VALUES = CounterState.values(); public static final AdvancedExternalizer<CounterState> EXTERNALIZER = new Externalizer(); public static CounterState valueOf(int index) { return CACHED_VALUES[index]; } private static class Externalizer implements AdvancedExternalizer<CounterState> { @Override public Set<Class<? extends CounterState>> getTypeClasses() { return Collections.singleton(CounterState.class); } @Override public Integer getId() { return Ids.COUNTER_STATE; } @Override public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, CounterState object) throws IOException { MarshallUtil.marshallEnum(object, output); } @Override public CounterState readObject(ObjectInput input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { return MarshallUtil.unmarshallEnum(input, CounterState::valueOf); } } }