package org.infinispan.stats.container; import static org.infinispan.stats.container.ExtendedStatistic.NO_INDEX; import static org.infinispan.stats.container.ExtendedStatistic.getLocalStatsSize; import static org.infinispan.stats.container.ExtendedStatistic.getRemoteStatsSize; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; /** * Thread safe cache statistics that allows multiple writers and reader at the same time. * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 5.2 */ public final class ConcurrentGlobalContainer { private static final int LOCAL_STATS_OFFSET = 1; private static final int REMOTE_STATS_OFFSET = LOCAL_STATS_OFFSET + getLocalStatsSize(); private static final int LOCAL_SIZE = getLocalStatsSize(); private static final int REMOTE_SIZE = getRemoteStatsSize(); private static final int TOTAL_SIZE = 1 + LOCAL_SIZE + REMOTE_SIZE; private final AtomicBoolean flushing; private final BlockingQueue<Mergeable> queue; private final TimeService timeService; private volatile double[] values; private volatile boolean reset; public ConcurrentGlobalContainer(TimeService timeService) { this.timeService = timeService; flushing = new AtomicBoolean(false); queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Mergeable>(); values = create(); values[0] = timeService.time(); } public final void add(ExtendedStatistic stat, double value, boolean local) { queue.add(new SingleOperation(local ? getLocalIndex(stat) : getRemoteIndex(stat), value)); tryFlush(); } public final void merge(double[] toMerge, boolean local) { final int expectedSize = local ? LOCAL_SIZE : REMOTE_SIZE; final int offset = local ? LOCAL_STATS_OFFSET : REMOTE_STATS_OFFSET; if (toMerge.length != expectedSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size mismatch to merge transaction statistic"); } queue.add(new Transaction(toMerge, offset)); tryFlush(); } public final StatisticsSnapshot getSnapshot() { tryFlush(); return new StatisticsSnapshot(values); } public final void reset() { reset = true; tryFlush(); } public static int getLocalIndex(ExtendedStatistic stat) { final int index = stat.getLocalIndex(); if (index == NO_INDEX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should never happen. Statistic " + stat + " is not local"); } return LOCAL_STATS_OFFSET + index; } public static int getRemoteIndex(ExtendedStatistic stat) { final int index = stat.getRemoteIndex(); if (index == NO_INDEX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should never happen. Statistic " + stat + " is not remote"); } return REMOTE_STATS_OFFSET + index; } /** * @return TEST ONLY!! */ public final BlockingQueue<?> queue() { return queue; } /** * @return TEST ONLY!! */ public final AtomicBoolean flushing() { return flushing; } /** * @return TEST ONLY!! */ public final boolean isReset() { return reset; } public final void dumpTo(PrintWriter writer) { final double[] snapshot = values; writer.println("Global Statistics:"); for (ExtendedStatistic statistic : ExtendedStatistic.values()) { if (statistic.isLocal()) { writer.print(; writer.print(" [local]="); writer.println(snapshot[getLocalIndex(statistic)]); } if (statistic.isRemote()) { writer.print(; writer.print(" [remote]="); writer.println(snapshot[getLocalIndex(statistic)]); } } writer.print("LAST_RESET="); writer.println(snapshot[0]); writer.flush(); } private void tryFlush() { if (flushing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { flush(); } } private void flush() { if (reset) { values = create(); queue.clear(); reset = false; values[0] = timeService.time(); flushing.set(false); return; } final double[] copy = create(); System.arraycopy(values, 0, copy, 0, copy.length); List<Mergeable> drain = new ArrayList<Mergeable>(); queue.drainTo(drain); for (Mergeable mergeable : drain) { try { mergeable.mergeTo(copy); } catch (Throwable throwable) { //ignore } } values = copy; flushing.set(false); } private double[] create() { return new double[TOTAL_SIZE]; } private interface Mergeable { void mergeTo(double[] values); } private class Transaction implements Mergeable { private final double[] toMerge; private final int offset; private Transaction(double[] toMerge, int offset) { this.toMerge = toMerge; this.offset = offset; } @Override public void mergeTo(double[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { values[offset + i] += toMerge[i]; } } } private class SingleOperation implements Mergeable { private final int index; private final double value; private SingleOperation(int index, double value) { this.value = value; this.index = index; } @Override public void mergeTo(double[] values) { values[index] += value; } } }