package org.infinispan.configuration.cache; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.Attribute; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.AttributeDefinition; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.AttributeSet; import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.IsolationLevel; /** * Defines the local, in-VM locking and concurrency characteristics of the cache. * * @author pmuir * */ public class LockingConfiguration { public static final AttributeDefinition<Integer> CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = AttributeDefinition.builder("concurrencyLevel", 32).immutable().build(); public static final AttributeDefinition<IsolationLevel> ISOLATION_LEVEL = AttributeDefinition.builder("isolationLevel", IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ).xmlName("isolation").immutable().build(); public static final AttributeDefinition<Long> LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT = AttributeDefinition.builder("lockAcquisitionTimeout", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)).xmlName("acquire-timeout").build(); public static final AttributeDefinition<Boolean> USE_LOCK_STRIPING = AttributeDefinition.builder("striping", false).immutable().build(); public static final AttributeDefinition<Boolean> WRITE_SKEW_CHECK = AttributeDefinition.builder("writeSkewCheck", true).xmlName("write-skew").immutable().build(); static AttributeSet attributeDefinitionSet() { return new AttributeSet(LockingConfiguration.class, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL, ISOLATION_LEVEL, LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT, USE_LOCK_STRIPING, WRITE_SKEW_CHECK); } private final Attribute<Integer> concurrencyLevel; private final Attribute<IsolationLevel> isolationLevel; private final Attribute<Long> lockAcquisitionTimeout; private final Attribute<Boolean> useLockStriping; private final AttributeSet attributes; LockingConfiguration(AttributeSet attributes) { attributes.checkProtection(); this.attributes = attributes; concurrencyLevel = attributes.attribute(CONCURRENCY_LEVEL); isolationLevel = attributes.attribute(ISOLATION_LEVEL); lockAcquisitionTimeout = attributes.attribute(LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT); useLockStriping = attributes.attribute(USE_LOCK_STRIPING); } /** * Concurrency level for lock containers. Adjust this value according to the number of concurrent * threads interacting with Infinispan. Similar to the concurrencyLevel tuning parameter seen in * the JDK's ConcurrentHashMap. */ public int concurrencyLevel() { return concurrencyLevel.get(); } /** * This option applies to non-transactional caches only (both clustered and local): if set to true(default value) the cache * keeps data consistent in the case of concurrent updates. For clustered caches this comes at the cost of an additional RPC, so if you don't expect your * application to write data concurrently, disabling this flag increases performance. * * @deprecated this option is always <code>true</code> and cannot be modified since version 5.3 */ @Deprecated public boolean supportsConcurrentUpdates() { return true; } /** * Cache isolation level. Infinispan only supports READ_COMMITTED or REPEATABLE_READ isolation * levels. See <a href= * ''></a * > for a discussion on isolation levels. */ public IsolationLevel isolationLevel() { return isolationLevel.get(); } /** * Maximum time to attempt a particular lock acquisition */ public long lockAcquisitionTimeout() { return lockAcquisitionTimeout.get(); } public LockingConfiguration lockAcquisitionTimeout(long timeout) { lockAcquisitionTimeout.set(timeout); return this; } /** * If true, a pool of shared locks is maintained for all entries that need to be locked. * Otherwise, a lock is created per entry in the cache. Lock striping helps control memory * footprint but may reduce concurrency in the system. */ public boolean useLockStriping() { return useLockStriping.get(); } /** * This setting is only applicable in the case of REPEATABLE_READ. When write skew check is set * to false, if the writer at commit time discovers that the working entry and the underlying * entry have different versions, the working entry will overwrite the underlying entry. If true, * such version conflict - known as a write-skew - will throw an Exception. * @deprecated since 9.0. */ @Deprecated public boolean writeSkewCheck() { return true; } public AttributeSet attributes() { return attributes; } @Override public String toString() { return "LockingConfiguration [attributes=" + attributes + "]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; LockingConfiguration other = (LockingConfiguration) obj; if (attributes == null) { if (other.attributes != null) return false; } else if (!attributes.equals(other.attributes)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((attributes == null) ? 0 : attributes.hashCode()); return result; } }