package org.infinispan.partitionhandling.impl; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.infinispan.commons.util.InfinispanCollections; import; import org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityMode; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.topology.CacheStatusResponse; import org.infinispan.topology.CacheTopology; import org.infinispan.topology.PersistentUUIDManager; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; import; import; public class PreferConsistencyStrategy implements AvailabilityStrategy { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PreferConsistencyStrategy.class); private final EventLogManager eventLogManager; private final PersistentUUIDManager persistentUUIDManager; public PreferConsistencyStrategy(EventLogManager eventLogManager, PersistentUUIDManager persistentUUIDManager) { this.eventLogManager = eventLogManager; this.persistentUUIDManager = persistentUUIDManager; } @Override public void onJoin(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, Address joiner) { if (context.getAvailabilityMode() != AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE) { log.debugf("Cache %s not available (%s), postponing rebalance for joiner %s", context.getCacheName(), context.getAvailabilityMode(), joiner); return; } context.queueRebalance(context.getExpectedMembers()); } @Override public void onGracefulLeave(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, Address leaver) { CacheTopology currentTopology = context.getCurrentTopology(); List<Address> newMembers = new ArrayList<>(currentTopology.getMembers()); newMembers.remove(leaver); if (newMembers.isEmpty()) { log.debugf("The last node of cache %s left", context.getCacheName()); context.updateCurrentTopology(newMembers); return; } if (context.getAvailabilityMode() != AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE) { log.debugf("Cache %s is not available, ignoring graceful leaver %s", context.getCacheName(), leaver); return; } if (isDataLost(context.getStableTopology().getCurrentCH(), newMembers)) { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).warn(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.enteringDegradedModeGracefulLeaver(leaver)); context.updateAvailabilityMode(newMembers, AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE, true); return; } updateMembersAndRebalance(context, newMembers, newMembers); } @Override public void onClusterViewChange(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, List<Address> clusterMembers) { CacheTopology currentTopology = context.getCurrentTopology(); List<Address> newMembers = new ArrayList<>(currentTopology.getMembers()); if (!newMembers.retainAll(clusterMembers)) { log.debugf("Cache %s did not lose any members, ignoring view change", context.getCacheName()); return; } if (context.getAvailabilityMode() != AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE) { log.debugf("Cache %s is not available, updating the actual members only", context.getCacheName()); context.updateAvailabilityMode(newMembers, context.getAvailabilityMode(), false); return; } // We could keep track of the members that left gracefully and avoid entering degraded mode in some cases. // But the information about graceful leavers would be lost when the coordinator changes anyway, making // the results of the strategy harder to reason about. CacheTopology stableTopology = context.getStableTopology(); List<Address> stableMembers = stableTopology.getMembers(); List<Address> lostMembers = new ArrayList<>(stableMembers); lostMembers.removeAll(newMembers); if (isDataLost(stableTopology.getCurrentCH(), newMembers)) { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).error(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.enteringDegradedModeLostData(lostMembers)); context.updateAvailabilityMode(newMembers, AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE, true); return; } if (isMinorityPartition(stableMembers, lostMembers)) { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).error(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.enteringDegradedModeMinorityPartition(newMembers, lostMembers, stableMembers)); context.updateAvailabilityMode(newMembers, AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE, true); return; } // We got back to available mode (e.g. because there was a merge before, but the merge coordinator didn't // finish installing the merged topology). updateMembersAndRebalance(context, newMembers, newMembers); } protected boolean isMinorityPartition(List<Address> stableMembers, List<Address> lostMembers) { return lostMembers.size() >= Math.ceil(stableMembers.size() / 2d); } @Override public void onPartitionMerge(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, Collection<CacheStatusResponse> statusResponses) { // Because of the majority check in onAbruptLeave, we assume that at most one partition was able to evolve // and install new cache topologies. The other(s) would have entered degraded mode, and they would keep // the original topology. // One scenario not covered is if two partitions started separately and they have completely different topologies. // In that case, there is no way to prevent the two partitions from having inconsistent data. int maxTopologyId = 0; CacheTopology maxStableTopology = null; CacheTopology maxActiveTopology = null; Set<CacheTopology> degradedTopologies = new HashSet<>(); CacheTopology maxDegradedTopology = null; for (CacheStatusResponse response : statusResponses) { CacheTopology partitionStableTopology = response.getStableTopology(); if (partitionStableTopology == null) { // The node hasn't properly joined yet. continue; } if (maxStableTopology == null || maxStableTopology.getTopologyId() < partitionStableTopology.getTopologyId()) { maxStableTopology = partitionStableTopology; } CacheTopology partitionTopology = response.getCacheTopology(); if (partitionTopology == null) { // The node hasn't properly joined yet. continue; } if (partitionTopology.getTopologyId() > maxTopologyId) { maxTopologyId = partitionTopology.getTopologyId(); } if (response.getAvailabilityMode() == AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE) { if (maxActiveTopology == null || maxActiveTopology.getTopologyId() < partitionTopology.getTopologyId()) { maxActiveTopology = partitionTopology; } } else if (response.getAvailabilityMode() == AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE) { degradedTopologies.add(partitionTopology); if (maxDegradedTopology == null || maxDegradedTopology.getTopologyId() < partitionTopology.getTopologyId()) { maxDegradedTopology = partitionTopology; } } else { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).error(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.unexpectedAvailabilityMode(context.getAvailabilityMode(), response.getCacheTopology())); } } if (maxStableTopology != null) { log.tracef("Max stable partition topology: %s", maxStableTopology); } if (maxActiveTopology != null) { log.tracef("Max active partition topology: %s", maxActiveTopology); } if (maxDegradedTopology != null) { log.tracef("Max degraded partition topology: %s, all degraded: %s", maxDegradedTopology, degradedTopologies); } List<Address> actualMembers = new ArrayList<>(context.getExpectedMembers()); CacheTopology mergedTopology; AvailabilityMode mergedAvailabilityMode; if (maxActiveTopology != null) { log.debugf("One of the partitions is available, using that partition's topology"); mergedTopology = maxActiveTopology; actualMembers.retainAll(mergedTopology.getMembers()); mergedAvailabilityMode = AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE; } else if (!degradedTopologies.isEmpty()) { log.debugf("No active partitions, so all the partitions must be in degraded mode."); // Once a partition enters degraded mode its CH won't change, but it could be that a partition managed to // rebalance before losing another member and entering degraded mode. mergedTopology = maxDegradedTopology; actualMembers.retainAll(mergedTopology.getMembers()); mergedAvailabilityMode = AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE; } else { log.debugf("No current topology, recovered only joiners for cache %s. Skipping availability update.", context.getCacheName()); return; } // Increment the topology id so that it's bigger than any topology that might have been sent by the old // coordinator. // +1 is enough because nodes wait for the new JGroups view before answering the // status request, and then they can't process topology updates from the old view. // Also cancel any pending rebalance by removing the pending CH, because we don't recover the rebalance // confirmation status (yet). if (mergedTopology != null) { // There's no pendingCH, therefore the topology is in stable phase mergedTopology = new CacheTopology(maxTopologyId + 1, mergedTopology.getRebalanceId(), mergedTopology.getCurrentCH(), null, CacheTopology.Phase.NO_REBALANCE, actualMembers, persistentUUIDManager.mapAddresses(actualMembers)); } context.updateTopologiesAfterMerge(mergedTopology, maxStableTopology, mergedAvailabilityMode); // Now check if the availability mode should change AvailabilityMode newAvailabilityMode = computeAvailabilityAfterMerge(context, maxStableTopology, actualMembers, mergedAvailabilityMode); // It shouldn't be possible to recover from unavailable mode without user action if (newAvailabilityMode == AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE) { log.debugf("After merge, cache %s is staying in degraded mode", context.getCacheName()); context.updateAvailabilityMode(actualMembers, newAvailabilityMode, true); } else { // AVAILABLE log.debugf("After merge, cache %s has recovered and is entering available mode", context.getCacheName()); updateMembersAndRebalance(context, actualMembers, context.getExpectedMembers()); } } protected AvailabilityMode computeAvailabilityAfterMerge(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, CacheTopology maxStableTopology, List<Address> newMembers, AvailabilityMode initialMode) { if (maxStableTopology != null) { List<Address> stableMembers = maxStableTopology.getMembers(); List<Address> lostMembers = new ArrayList<>(stableMembers); lostMembers.removeAll(context.getExpectedMembers()); if (isDataLost(maxStableTopology.getCurrentCH(), newMembers)) { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).error(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.keepingDegradedModeAfterMergeDataLost(newMembers, lostMembers, stableMembers)); return AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE; } if (lostMembers.size() >= Math.ceil(stableMembers.size() / 2d)) { eventLogManager.getEventLogger().context(context.getCacheName()).warn(EventLogCategory.CLUSTER, MESSAGES.keepingDegradedModeAfterMergeMinorityPartition(newMembers, lostMembers, stableMembers)); return AvailabilityMode.DEGRADED_MODE; } } return AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE; } @Override public void onRebalanceEnd(AvailabilityStrategyContext context) { // We may have a situation where 2 nodes leave in sequence, and the rebalance for the first leave only finishes // after the second node left (and we entered degraded mode). // For now, we ignore the rebalance and we keep the cache in degraded mode. // Don't need to queue another rebalance, if we need another rebalance it's already in the queue } @Override public void onManualAvailabilityChange(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, AvailabilityMode newAvailabilityMode) { List<Address> actualMembers = context.getCurrentTopology().getActualMembers(); List<Address> newMembers = context.getExpectedMembers(); if (newAvailabilityMode == AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE) { // Update the topology to remove leavers - the current topology may not have been updated for a while context.updateCurrentTopology(actualMembers); context.updateAvailabilityMode(actualMembers, newAvailabilityMode, false); // Then queue a rebalance to include the joiners as well context.queueRebalance(newMembers); } else { context.updateAvailabilityMode(actualMembers, newAvailabilityMode, true); } } private void updateMembersAndRebalance(AvailabilityStrategyContext context, List<Address> actualMembers, List<Address> newMembers) { // Change the availability mode if needed context.updateAvailabilityMode(actualMembers, AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE, false); // Update the topology to remove leavers - in case there is a rebalance in progress, or rebalancing is disabled context.updateCurrentTopology(newMembers); // Then queue a rebalance to include the joiners as well context.queueRebalance(context.getExpectedMembers()); } private boolean isDataLost(ConsistentHash currentCH, List<Address> newMembers) { for (int i = 0; i < currentCH.getNumSegments(); i++) { if (!InfinispanCollections.containsAny(newMembers, currentCH.locateOwnersForSegment(i))) return true; } return false; } }