package org.infinispan.container.offheap; import; import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Marshaller; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.WrappedByteArray; import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.WrappedBytes; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration; import org.infinispan.container.InternalEntryFactory; import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry; import org.infinispan.container.versioning.EntryVersion; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject; import org.infinispan.metadata.EmbeddedMetadata; import org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; /** * Factory that can create CacheEntry instances from off-heap memory. * * @author wburns * @since 9.0 */ public class OffHeapEntryFactoryImpl implements OffHeapEntryFactory { private static final UnsafeWrapper UNSAFE = UnsafeWrapper.INSTANCE; private Marshaller marshaller; private OffHeapMemoryAllocator allocator; private TimeService timeService; private InternalEntryFactory internalEntryFactory; private boolean evictionEnabled; // If custom than we just store the metadata as is (no other bits should be used) private static final byte CUSTOM = 1; // Version can be set with any combination of the following types private static final byte HAS_VERSION = 2; // Only one of the following should ever be set private static final byte IMMORTAL = 1 << 2; private static final byte MORTAL = 1 << 3; private static final byte TRANSIENT = 1 << 4; private static final byte TRANSIENT_MORTAL = 1 << 5; private static final int BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class); /** * HEADER is composed of hashCode (int), keyLength (int), metadataLength (int), valueLength (int), type (byte) */ private static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1; @Inject public void inject(Marshaller marshaller, OffHeapMemoryAllocator allocator, TimeService timeService, InternalEntryFactory internalEntryFactory, Configuration configuration) { this.marshaller = marshaller; this.allocator = allocator; this.timeService = timeService; this.internalEntryFactory = internalEntryFactory; this.evictionEnabled = configuration.memory().size() > 0; } /** * Create an entry off-heap. The first 8 bytes will always be 0, reserved for a future reference to another entry * @param key the key to use * @param value the value to use * @param metadata the metadata to use * @return the address of the entry created off heap */ @Override public long create(WrappedBytes key, WrappedBytes value, Metadata metadata) { byte type; byte[] metadataBytes; if (metadata instanceof EmbeddedMetadata) { EntryVersion version = metadata.version(); byte[] versionBytes; if (version != null) { type = HAS_VERSION; try { versionBytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(version); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw new CacheException(e); } } else { type = 0; versionBytes = new byte[0]; } long lifespan = metadata.lifespan(); long maxIdle = metadata.maxIdle(); if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) { type |= IMMORTAL; metadataBytes = versionBytes; } else if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) { type |= MORTAL; metadataBytes = new byte[16 + versionBytes.length]; Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 0, lifespan); Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 8, timeService.wallClockTime()); System.arraycopy(metadataBytes, 0, versionBytes, 16, versionBytes.length); } else if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) { type |= TRANSIENT; metadataBytes = new byte[16 + versionBytes.length]; Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 0, maxIdle); Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 8, timeService.wallClockTime()); System.arraycopy(metadataBytes, 0, versionBytes, 16, versionBytes.length); } else { type |= TRANSIENT_MORTAL; metadataBytes = new byte[32 + versionBytes.length]; Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 0, maxIdle); Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 8, lifespan); Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 16, timeService.wallClockTime()); Bits.putLong(metadataBytes, 24, timeService.wallClockTime()); System.arraycopy(metadataBytes, 0, versionBytes, 16, versionBytes.length); } } else { type = CUSTOM; try { metadataBytes = marshaller.objectToByteBuffer(metadata); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw new CacheException(e); } } int keySize = key.getLength(); int valueSize = value.getLength(); int metadataSize = metadataBytes.length; long totalSize = 8 + HEADER_LENGTH + keySize + metadataSize + valueSize; long memoryAddress; long memoryOffset; // Eviction requires an additional memory pointer at the beginning that points to // its linked node if (evictionEnabled) { memoryAddress = allocator.allocate(totalSize + 8); memoryOffset = memoryAddress + 8; } else { memoryAddress = allocator.allocate(totalSize); memoryOffset = memoryAddress; } int offset = 0; byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_LENGTH]; Bits.putInt(header, offset, key.hashCode()); offset += 4; Bits.putInt(header, offset, key.getLength()); offset += 4; Bits.putInt(header, offset, metadataBytes.length); offset += 4; Bits.putInt(header, offset, value.getLength()); offset += 4; header[offset++] = type; // Write the empty linked address pointer first UNSAFE.putLong(memoryOffset, 0); memoryOffset += 8; UNSAFE.copyMemory(header, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, null, memoryOffset, HEADER_LENGTH); memoryOffset += HEADER_LENGTH; UNSAFE.copyMemory(key.getBytes(), key.backArrayOffset() + BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, null, memoryOffset, keySize); memoryOffset += keySize; UNSAFE.copyMemory(metadataBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, null, memoryOffset, metadataSize); memoryOffset += metadataSize; UNSAFE.copyMemory(value.getBytes(), value.backArrayOffset() + BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, null, memoryOffset, valueSize); return memoryAddress; } @Override public long determineSize(long address) { int beginningOffset = evictionEnabled ? 16 : 8; byte[] header = readHeader(beginningOffset + address); int keyLength = Bits.getInt(header, 4); int metadataLength = Bits.getInt(header, 8); int valueLength = Bits.getInt(header, 12); return beginningOffset + HEADER_LENGTH + keyLength + metadataLength + valueLength; } @Override public long getNextLinkedPointerAddress(long address) { return UNSAFE.getLong(evictionEnabled ? address + 8 : address); } @Override public void updateNextLinkedPointerAddress(long address, long value) { UNSAFE.putLong(evictionEnabled ? address + 8 : address, value); } @Override public int getHashCodeForAddress(long address) { // 8 bytes for eviction if needed (optional) // 8 bytes for linked pointer byte[] header = readHeader(evictionEnabled ? address + 16 : address + 8); return Bits.getInt(header, 0); } /** * Assumes the address doesn't contain the linked pointer at the beginning * @param address the address to read the entry from * @return the entry at the memory location */ @Override public InternalCacheEntry<WrappedBytes, WrappedBytes> fromMemory(long address) { address += (evictionEnabled ? 16 : 8); byte[] header = readHeader(address); int offset = 0; int hashCode = Bits.getInt(header, offset); offset += 4; byte[] keyBytes = new byte[Bits.getInt(header, offset)]; offset += 4; byte[] metadataBytes = new byte[Bits.getInt(header, offset)]; offset += 4; byte[] valueBytes = new byte[Bits.getInt(header, offset)]; offset += 4; byte metadataType = header[offset++]; long memoryOffset = address + offset; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, memoryOffset, keyBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, keyBytes.length); memoryOffset += keyBytes.length; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, memoryOffset, metadataBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, metadataBytes.length); memoryOffset += metadataBytes.length; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, memoryOffset, valueBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, valueBytes.length); memoryOffset += valueBytes.length; Metadata metadata; // This is a custom metadata if ((metadataType & 1) == 1) { try { metadata = (Metadata) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(metadataBytes); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new CacheException(e); } return internalEntryFactory.create(new WrappedByteArray(keyBytes), new WrappedByteArray(valueBytes), metadata); } else { long lifespan; long maxIdle; long created; long lastUsed; offset = 0; boolean hasVersion = (metadataType & 2) == 2; // Ignore CUSTOM and VERSION to find type switch (metadataType & 0xFC) { case IMMORTAL: lifespan = -1; maxIdle = -1; created = -1; lastUsed = -1; break; case MORTAL: maxIdle = -1; lifespan = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset++); created = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset += 8); lastUsed = -1; break; case TRANSIENT: lifespan = -1; maxIdle = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset++); created = -1; lastUsed = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset += 8); break; case TRANSIENT_MORTAL: lifespan = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset++); maxIdle = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset += 8); created = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset += 8); lastUsed = Bits.getLong(metadataBytes, offset += 8); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + metadataType); } if (hasVersion) { try { EntryVersion version = (EntryVersion) marshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(metadataBytes, offset, metadataBytes.length - offset); return internalEntryFactory.create(new WrappedByteArray(keyBytes, hashCode), new WrappedByteArray(valueBytes), version, created, lifespan, lastUsed, maxIdle); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new CacheException(e); } } else { return internalEntryFactory.create(new WrappedByteArray(keyBytes, hashCode), new WrappedByteArray(valueBytes), (Metadata) null, created, lifespan, lastUsed, maxIdle); } } } @Override public WrappedBytes getKey(long address) { address += (evictionEnabled ? 16 : 8); byte[] header = readHeader(address); int keyLength = Bits.getInt(header, 4); byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyLength]; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, address + HEADER_LENGTH, keyBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, keyBytes.length); return new WrappedByteArray(keyBytes); } private byte[] readHeader(long address) { byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_LENGTH]; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, address, header, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, header.length); return header; } /** * Assumes the address points to the entry excluding the pointer reference at the beginning * @param address the address of an entry to read * @param wrappedBytes the key to check if it equals * @return whether the key and address are equal */ @Override public boolean equalsKey(long address, WrappedBytes wrappedBytes) { address += evictionEnabled ? 16 : 8; byte[] header = readHeader(address); int hashCode = wrappedBytes.hashCode(); if (hashCode != Bits.getInt(header, 0)) { return false; } int keyLength = Bits.getInt(header, 4); byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyLength]; UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, address + HEADER_LENGTH, keyBytes, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET, keyLength); return new WrappedByteArray(keyBytes, hashCode).equalsWrappedBytes(wrappedBytes); } }