package; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertSame; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.infinispan.commons.hash.Hash; import org.infinispan.commons.hash.MurmurHash3; import org.infinispan.distribution.TestAddress; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Test the even distribution and number of moved segments after rebalance for {@link DefaultConsistentHashFactory} * * @author Dan Berindei * @since 5.2 */ @Test(groups = "unit", testName = "") public class DefaultConsistentHashFactoryTest extends AbstractInfinispanTest { private int iterationCount = 0; protected ConsistentHashFactory createConsistentHashFactory() { return new DefaultConsistentHashFactory(); } public void testConsistentHashDistribution() { int[] numSegments = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 50, 100, 500}; int[] numNodes = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 100}; int[] numOwners = {1, 2, 3, 5}; // Since the number of nodes changes, the capacity factors are repeated float[][] capacityFactors = {null, {1}, {2}, {1, 100}, {2, 0, 1}}; ConsistentHashFactory<DefaultConsistentHash> chf = createConsistentHashFactory(); Hash hashFunction = MurmurHash3.getInstance(); for (int nn : numNodes) { List<Address> nodes = new ArrayList<>(nn); for (int j = 0; j < nn; j++) { nodes.add(new TestAddress(j, "TA")); } for (int ns : numSegments) { if (nn < ns) { for (int no : numOwners) { for (float[] lf : capacityFactors) { Map<Address, Float> lfMap = null; if (lf != null) { lfMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { lfMap.put(nodes.get(i), lf[i % lf.length]); } } testConsistentHashModifications(chf, hashFunction, nodes, ns, no, lfMap); } } } } } } private void testConsistentHashModifications(ConsistentHashFactory<DefaultConsistentHash> chf, Hash hashFunction, List<Address> nodes, int ns, int no, Map<Address, Float> lfMap) { DefaultConsistentHash baseCH = chf.create(hashFunction, no, ns, nodes, lfMap); assertEquals(lfMap, baseCH.getCapacityFactors()); checkDistribution(baseCH, lfMap, false); // each element in the array is a pair of numbers: the first is the number of nodes to add // the second is the number of nodes to remove (the index of the removed nodes are pseudo-random) int[][] nodeChanges = {{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}, {10, 0}, {0, 10}}; // check that the base CH is already balanced List<Address> baseMembers = baseCH.getMembers(); assertSame(baseCH, chf.updateMembers(baseCH, baseMembers, lfMap)); assertSame(baseCH, chf.rebalance(baseCH)); // starting point, so that we don't confuse nodes int nodeIndex = baseMembers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeChanges.length; i++) { int nodesToAdd = nodeChanges[i][0]; int nodesToRemove = nodeChanges[i][1]; if (nodesToRemove > baseMembers.size()) break; if (nodesToRemove == baseMembers.size() && nodesToAdd == 0) break; List<Address> newMembers = new ArrayList<>(baseMembers); HashMap<Address, Float> newCapacityFactors = lfMap != null ? new HashMap<>(lfMap) : null; for (int k = 0; k < nodesToRemove; k++) { int indexToRemove = Math.abs(baseCH.getHashFunction().hash(k) % newMembers.size()); if (newCapacityFactors != null) { newCapacityFactors.remove(newMembers.get(indexToRemove)); } newMembers.remove(indexToRemove); } for (int k = 0; k < nodesToAdd; k++) { TestAddress address = new TestAddress(nodeIndex++, "TA"); newMembers.add(address); if (newCapacityFactors != null) { newCapacityFactors.put(address, lfMap.get(baseMembers.get(k % baseMembers.size()))); } } log.tracef("Testing consistent hash modifications iteration %d. Initial CH is %s. New members are %s", iterationCount, baseCH, newMembers); baseCH = checkModificationsIteration(chf, baseCH, nodesToAdd, nodesToRemove, newMembers, newCapacityFactors); iterationCount++; } } private DefaultConsistentHash checkModificationsIteration(ConsistentHashFactory<DefaultConsistentHash> chf, DefaultConsistentHash baseCH, int nodesToAdd, int nodesToRemove, List<Address> newMembers, Map<Address, Float> lfMap) { int actualNumOwners = computeActualNumOwners(baseCH.getNumOwners(), newMembers, lfMap); // first phase: just update the members list, removing the leavers // and adding new owners, but not necessarily assigning segments to them DefaultConsistentHash updatedMembersCH = chf.updateMembers(baseCH, newMembers, lfMap); assertEquals(lfMap, updatedMembersCH.getCapacityFactors()); if (nodesToRemove > 0) { for (int l = 0; l < updatedMembersCH.getNumSegments(); l++) { assertTrue(updatedMembersCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l).size() > 0); assertTrue(updatedMembersCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l).size() <= actualNumOwners); } } // second phase: rebalance with the new members list DefaultConsistentHash rebalancedCH = chf.rebalance(updatedMembersCH); checkDistribution(rebalancedCH, lfMap, false); for (int l = 0; l < rebalancedCH.getNumSegments(); l++) { assertTrue(rebalancedCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l).size() >= actualNumOwners); } checkMovedSegments(baseCH, rebalancedCH); // union doesn't have to keep the CH balanced, but it does have to include owners from both CHs DefaultConsistentHash unionCH = chf.union(updatedMembersCH, rebalancedCH); for (int l = 0; l < updatedMembersCH.getNumSegments(); l++) { assertTrue(unionCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l).containsAll(updatedMembersCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l))); assertTrue(unionCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l).containsAll(rebalancedCH.locateOwnersForSegment(l))); } // switch to the new CH in the next iteration assertEquals(rebalancedCH.getNumSegments(), baseCH.getNumSegments()); assertEquals(rebalancedCH.getNumOwners(), baseCH.getNumOwners()); assertEquals(rebalancedCH.getMembers(), newMembers); baseCH = rebalancedCH; return baseCH; } private void checkDistribution(ConsistentHash ch, Map<Address, Float> lfMap, boolean allowExtraOwners) { int numSegments = ch.getNumSegments(); List<Address> nodes = ch.getMembers(); int numNodes = nodes.size(); int actualNumOwners = computeActualNumOwners(ch.getNumOwners(), nodes, lfMap); OwnershipStatistics stats = new OwnershipStatistics(nodes); for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { List<Address> owners = ch.locateOwnersForSegment(i); if (!allowExtraOwners) { assertEquals(owners.size(), actualNumOwners); } else { assertTrue(owners.size() >= actualNumOwners); } stats.incPrimaryOwned(owners.get(0)); for (int j = 0; j < owners.size(); j++) { Address owner = owners.get(j); stats.incOwned(owner); assertEquals(owners.indexOf(owner), j, "Found the same owner twice in the owners list"); } } float totalCapacity = computeTotalCapacity(nodes, lfMap); float maxCapacityFactor = computeMaxCapacityFactor(nodes, lfMap); Map<Address, Float> expectedOwnedMap = computeExpectedOwned(numSegments, numNodes, actualNumOwners, nodes, lfMap); for (Address node : nodes) { float capacityFactor = lfMap != null ? lfMap.get(node) : 1; float expectedPrimaryOwned = expectedPrimaryOwned(numSegments, numNodes, totalCapacity, capacityFactor); float deviationPrimaryOwned = allowedDeviationPrimaryOwned(numSegments, numNodes, totalCapacity, maxCapacityFactor); int minPrimaryOwned = (int) Math.floor(expectedPrimaryOwned - deviationPrimaryOwned); int maxPrimaryOwned = (int) Math.ceil(expectedPrimaryOwned + deviationPrimaryOwned); if (!allowExtraOwners) { int primaryOwned = stats.getPrimaryOwned(node); assertTrue(minPrimaryOwned <= primaryOwned); assertTrue(primaryOwned <= maxPrimaryOwned); } float expectedOwned = expectedOwnedMap.get(node); float deviationOwned = allowedDeviationOwned(numSegments, actualNumOwners, numNodes, totalCapacity, maxCapacityFactor); int minOwned = (int) Math.floor(expectedOwned - deviationOwned); int maxOwned = (int) Math.ceil(expectedOwned + deviationOwned); int owned = stats.getOwned(node); assertTrue(Math.floor(minOwned) <= owned); if (!allowExtraOwners) { assertTrue(owned <= Math.ceil(maxOwned)); } } } public int computeActualNumOwners(int numOwners, List<Address> members, Map<Address, Float> capacityFactors) { if (capacityFactors == null) return Math.min(numOwners, members.size()); int nodesWithLoad = 0; for (Address node : members) { if (capacityFactors.get(node) != 0) { nodesWithLoad++; } } return Math.min(numOwners, nodesWithLoad); } protected float expectedPrimaryOwned(int numSegments, int numNodes, float totalCapacity, float nodeLoad) { return Math.min(numSegments * nodeLoad / totalCapacity, numSegments); } protected float allowedDeviationPrimaryOwned(int numSegments, int numNodes, float totalCapacity, float maxCapacityFactor) { return numNodes * maxCapacityFactor / totalCapacity; } protected Map<Address, Float> computeExpectedOwned(int numSegments, int numNodes, int actualNumOwners, Collection<Address> nodes, final Map<Address, Float> capacityFactors) { Map<Address, Float> expectedOwned = new HashMap<>(); if (capacityFactors == null) { float expected = Math.min(numSegments, (float) numSegments * actualNumOwners / numNodes); for (Address node : nodes) { expectedOwned.put(node, expected); } return expectedOwned; } List<Address> sortedNodes = new ArrayList<>(nodes); Collections.sort(sortedNodes, new Comparator<Address>() { @Override public int compare(Address o1, Address o2) { // Reverse order return (int) Math.signum(capacityFactors.get(o2) - capacityFactors.get(o1)); } }); float totalCapacity = computeTotalCapacity(nodes, capacityFactors); int remainingCopies = actualNumOwners * numSegments; for (Address node : sortedNodes) { float nodeLoad = capacityFactors.get(node); float nodeSegments; if (remainingCopies * nodeLoad / totalCapacity > numSegments) { nodeSegments = numSegments; totalCapacity -= nodeLoad; remainingCopies -= nodeSegments; } else { nodeSegments = nodeLoad != 0 ? remainingCopies * nodeLoad / totalCapacity : 0; } expectedOwned.put(node, nodeSegments); } return expectedOwned; } protected float allowedDeviationOwned(int numSegments, int actualNumOwners, int numNodes, float totalCapacity, float maxCapacityFactor) { return numNodes * maxCapacityFactor / totalCapacity; } private float computeTotalCapacity(Collection<Address> nodes, Map<Address, Float> capacityFactors) { if (capacityFactors == null) return nodes.size(); float totalCapacity = 0; for (Address node : nodes) { totalCapacity += capacityFactors.get(node); } return totalCapacity; } private float computeMaxCapacityFactor(Collection<Address> nodes, Map<Address, Float> capacityFactors) { if (capacityFactors == null) return 1; float maxCapacityFactor = 0; for (Address node : nodes) { Float capacityFactor = capacityFactors.get(node); if (capacityFactor > maxCapacityFactor) { maxCapacityFactor = capacityFactor; } } return maxCapacityFactor; } protected int allowedExtraMoves(DefaultConsistentHash oldCH, DefaultConsistentHash newCH, int leaverSegments) { return (int) Math.ceil(0.25 * oldCH.getNumSegments()); } private void checkMovedSegments(DefaultConsistentHash oldCH, DefaultConsistentHash newCH) { int numSegments = oldCH.getNumSegments(); int numOwners = oldCH.getNumOwners(); Set<Address> oldMembers = new HashSet<>(oldCH.getMembers()); Set<Address> newMembers = new HashSet<>(newCH.getMembers()); // Compute the number of segments owned by members that left int leaverSegments = 0; for (Address node : oldMembers) { if (!newMembers.contains(node)) { leaverSegments += oldCH.getSegmentsForOwner(node).size(); } } // Compute the number of segments where an old node became an owner int oldMembersAddedSegments = 0; for (int segment = 0; segment < numSegments; segment++) { ArrayList<Address> oldMembersAdded = new ArrayList<>(newCH.locateOwnersForSegment(segment)); oldMembersAdded.removeAll(oldCH.locateOwnersForSegment(segment)); oldMembersAdded.retainAll(oldMembers); oldMembersAddedSegments += oldMembersAdded.size(); } int movedSegments = oldMembersAddedSegments - leaverSegments; int expectedExtraMoves = allowedExtraMoves(oldCH, newCH, leaverSegments); if (movedSegments > expectedExtraMoves) { log.debugf("%d of %d segments moved, %d (%fx) more than expected (%d)", movedSegments, numSegments, movedSegments - expectedExtraMoves, (float) movedSegments / expectedExtraMoves, expectedExtraMoves); } assert movedSegments <= expectedExtraMoves : String.format("Two many moved segments between %s and %s: expected %d, got %d", oldCH, newCH, expectedExtraMoves, oldMembersAddedSegments); } protected <T> Set<T> symmetricalDiff(Collection<T> set1, Collection<T> set2) { HashSet<T> commonMembers = new HashSet<>(set1); commonMembers.retainAll(set2); HashSet<T> symDiffMembers = new HashSet<>(set1); symDiffMembers.addAll(set2); symDiffMembers.removeAll(commonMembers); return symDiffMembers; } public void test1() { DefaultConsistentHashFactory chf = new DefaultConsistentHashFactory(); TestAddress A = new TestAddress(0, "A"); TestAddress B = new TestAddress(1, "B"); TestAddress C = new TestAddress(2, "C"); TestAddress D = new TestAddress(3, "D"); DefaultConsistentHash ch1 = chf.create(MurmurHash3.getInstance(), 2, 60, Arrays.asList(A), null); //System.out.println(ch1); DefaultConsistentHash ch2 = chf.updateMembers(ch1, Arrays.asList(A, B), null); ch2 = chf.rebalance(ch2); //System.out.println(ch2); DefaultConsistentHash ch3 = chf.updateMembers(ch2, Arrays.asList(A, B, C), null); ch3 = chf.rebalance(ch3); //System.out.println(ch3); DefaultConsistentHash ch4 = chf.updateMembers(ch3, Arrays.asList(A, B, C, D), null); ch4 = chf.rebalance(ch4); //System.out.println(ch4); } }