package org.infinispan.server.hotrod; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache; import org.infinispan.commons.hash.Hash; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration; import org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.server.hotrod.transport.ExtendedByteBuf; import org.infinispan.util.KeyValuePair; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; /** * Hot Rod encoder for protocol version 1.1 * * @author Galder ZamarreƱo * @since 5.2 */ public abstract class AbstractTopologyAwareEncoder1x extends AbstractEncoder1x { @Override protected AbstractHashDistAwareResponse createHashDistAwareResp(int topologyId, Map<Address, ServerAddress> serverEndpointsMap, Configuration cfg) { return new HashDistAware11Response(topologyId, serverEndpointsMap, cfg.clustering().hash().numOwners(), Constants.DEFAULT_CONSISTENT_HASH_VERSION_1x, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1); } @Override void writeHashTopologyUpdate(AbstractHashDistAwareResponse h, HotRodServer server, Response r, ByteBuf buffer) { if (h instanceof HashDistAware11Response) { writeHashTopologyUpdate11((HashDistAware11Response) h, server, r, buffer); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Expected version 1.1 specific response: " + h); } } void writeHashTopologyUpdate11(HashDistAware11Response h, HotRodServer server, Response r, ByteBuf buf) { log.tracef("Write hash distribution change response header %s", h); if (h.hashFunction == 0) { writeLimitedHashTopologyUpdate(h, buf); return; } AdvancedCache<byte[], byte[]> cache = server.getCacheInstance(r.cacheName, server.getCacheManager(), false, true); // This is not quite correct, as the ownership of segments on the 1.0/1.1 clients is not exactly // the same as on the server. But the difference appears only for (numSegment*numOwners/MAX_INT) // of the keys (at the "segment borders"), so it's still much better than having no hash information. // The idea here is to be able to be compatible with clients running version 1.0 of the protocol. // With time, users should migrate to version 1.2 capable clients. DistributionManager distManager = cache.getDistributionManager(); ConsistentHash ch = distManager.getReadConsistentHash(); int numSegments = ch.getNumSegments(); // Collect all the hash ids in a collection so we can write the correct size. // There will be more than one hash id for each server, so we can't use a map. List<KeyValuePair<ServerAddress, Integer>> hashIds = new ArrayList<>(numSegments); List<Integer>[] allDenormalizedHashIds = denormalizeSegmentHashIds(ch); for (int segmentIdx = 0; segmentIdx < numSegments; ++segmentIdx) { List<Integer> denormalizedSegmentHashIds = allDenormalizedHashIds[segmentIdx]; List<Address> segmentOwners = ch.locateOwnersForSegment(segmentIdx); for (int ownerIdx = 0; ownerIdx < segmentOwners.size(); ++ownerIdx) { Address address = segmentOwners.get(ownerIdx % segmentOwners.size()); ServerAddress serverAddress = h.serverEndpointsMap.get(address); if (serverAddress != null) { Integer hashId = denormalizedSegmentHashIds.get(ownerIdx); hashIds.add(new KeyValuePair<>(serverAddress, hashId)); } else { log.tracef("Could not find member %s in the address cache", address); } } } writeCommonHashTopologyHeader(buf, h.topologyId, h.numOwners, h.hashFunction, h.hashSpace, hashIds.size()); ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedInt(1, buf); // Num virtual nodes for (KeyValuePair<ServerAddress, Integer> serverHash : hashIds) { // TODO: why need cast to Object.... log.tracef("Writing hash id %d for %s:%s", (Object) serverHash.getValue(), serverHash.getKey().getHost(), serverHash.getKey().getPort()); ExtendedByteBuf.writeString(serverHash.getKey().getHost(), buf); ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedShort(serverHash.getKey().getPort(), buf); buf.writeInt(serverHash.getValue()); } } @Override void writeLimitedHashTopologyUpdate(AbstractTopologyResponse t, ByteBuf buffer) { log.tracef("Return limited hash distribution aware header in spite of having a hash aware client %s", t); writeCommonHashTopologyHeader(buffer, t.topologyId, 0, (byte) 0, 0, t.serverEndpointsMap.size()); ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedInt(1, buffer); // Num virtual nodes for (ServerAddress address : t.serverEndpointsMap.values()) { ExtendedByteBuf.writeString(address.getHost(), buffer); ExtendedByteBuf.writeUnsignedShort(address.getPort(), buffer); buffer.writeInt(0); // Address' hash id } } // "Denormalize" the segments - for each hash segment, find numOwners integer values that map on the hash wheel // to the interval [segmentIdx*segmentSize, segmentIdx*segmentSize+leeway], leeway being hardcoded // on the first line of the function // TODO This relies on implementation details (segment layout) of DefaultConsistentHash, and won't work with any other CH List<Integer>[] denormalizeSegmentHashIds(ConsistentHash ch) { // This is the fraction of keys we allow to have "wrong" owners. The algorithm below takes longer // as this value decreases, and at some point it starts hanging (checked with an assert below) double leewayFraction = 0.0002; int numOwners = ch.getNumOwners(); int numSegments = ch.getNumSegments(); int segmentSize = (int) Math.ceil((double) Integer.MAX_VALUE / numSegments); int leeway = (int) (leewayFraction * segmentSize); assert (leeway > 2 * numOwners); Map<Integer, Integer>[] ownerHashes = new Map[numSegments]; for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) { ownerHashes[i] = new HashMap<>(); } KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner = ((PartitionerConsistentHash) ch).getKeyPartitioner(); extractHash(keyPartitioner).ifPresent(h -> { int i = 0; int segmentsLeft = numSegments; while (segmentsLeft != 0) { int normalizedHash = h.hash(i) & Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (normalizedHash % segmentSize < leeway) { int nextSegmentIdx = normalizedHash / segmentSize; int segmentIdx = (nextSegmentIdx - 1 + numSegments) % numSegments; Map<Integer, Integer> segmentHashes = ownerHashes[segmentIdx]; if (segmentHashes.size() < numOwners) { segmentHashes.put(normalizedHash, i); if (segmentHashes.size() == numOwners) { segmentsLeft -= 1; } } } // Allows overflow, if we didn't find all segments in the 0..MAX_VALUE range i += 1; } }); log.tracef("Found denormalized hashes: %s", ownerHashes); List<Integer>[] results = new List[ownerHashes.length]; // Sort each list of hashes by the normalized hash and then return a list with only the denormalized hash int i = 0; for (Map<Integer, Integer> ownerHash : ownerHashes) { results[i++] = ownerHash.entrySet().stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Map.Entry::getKey)) .map(Map.Entry::getValue) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } return results; } Optional<Hash> extractHash(KeyPartitioner keyPartitioner) { if (keyPartitioner instanceof HashFunctionPartitioner) { return Optional.of(((HashFunctionPartitioner) keyPartitioner).getHash()); } else if (keyPartitioner instanceof GroupingPartitioner) { return extractHash(((GroupingPartitioner) keyPartitioner).unwrap()); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } }