package org.infinispan.test; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.ChainMethodInterceptor; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.NamedTestMethod; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestResourceTracker; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestSelector; import org.infinispan.util.DefaultTimeService; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; import org.testng.IMethodInstance; import org.testng.IMethodInterceptor; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Listeners; import org.testng.internal.MethodInstance; /** * AbstractInfinispanTest is a superclass of all Infinispan tests. * * @author Vladimir Blagojevic * @author * @since 4.0 */ @Listeners(ChainMethodInterceptor.class) @TestSelector(interceptors = AbstractInfinispanTest.OrderByInstance.class) public class AbstractInfinispanTest { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private final ThreadFactory defaultThreadFactory = getTestThreadFactory("ForkThread"); private final ThreadPoolExecutor defaultExecutorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<>(), defaultThreadFactory); public static final TimeService TIME_SERVICE = new DefaultTimeService(); public static class OrderByInstance implements IMethodInterceptor { @Override public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) { Map<Object, List<IMethodInstance>> methodsByInstance = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (IMethodInstance method : methods) { methodsByInstance.computeIfAbsent(method.getInstance(), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(method); } List<IMethodInstance> newOrder = new ArrayList<>(methods.size()); for (Map.Entry<Object, List<IMethodInstance>> instanceAndMethods : methodsByInstance.entrySet()) { Object instance = instanceAndMethods.getKey(); if (instance instanceof AbstractInfinispanTest) { String parameters = ((AbstractInfinispanTest) instance).parameters(); if (parameters != null) { for (IMethodInstance method : instanceAndMethods.getValue()) { // TestNG calls intercept twice (bug?) so this prevents adding the parameters two times if (method.getMethod() instanceof NamedTestMethod) { newOrder.add(method); } else { newOrder.add(new MethodInstance(new NamedTestMethod(method.getMethod(), method.getMethod().getMethodName() + parameters))); } } continue; } } newOrder.addAll(instanceAndMethods.getValue()); } return newOrder; } } protected String parameters() { return null; } @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) protected final void testClassStarted(ITestContext context) { String fullName = context.getName(); String simpleName = fullName.substring(fullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); Class testClass = context.getCurrentXmlTest().getXmlClasses().get(0).getSupportClass(); if (!simpleName.equals(testClass.getSimpleName()) && !Thread.currentThread().getName().equals("main")) { log.warnf("Wrong test name %s for class %s", simpleName, testClass.getSimpleName()); } TestResourceTracker.testStarted(getTestName()); } @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true) protected final void testClassFinished() { killSpawnedThreads(); TestResourceTracker.testFinished(getTestName()); } public String getTestName() { // will qualified test name and parameters, thread names can be quite long when debugging if (Boolean.getBoolean("test.infinispan.shortTestName")) { return "test"; } String parameters = parameters(); return parameters == null ? getClass().getName() : getClass().getName() + parameters; } protected void killSpawnedThreads() { List<Runnable> runnables = defaultExecutorService.shutdownNow(); if (!runnables.isEmpty()) { log.errorf("There were runnables %s left uncompleted in test %s", runnables, getClass().getSimpleName()); } } @AfterMethod protected void checkThreads() { int activeTasks = defaultExecutorService.getActiveCount(); if (activeTasks != 0) { log.errorf("There were %d active tasks found in the test executor service for class %s", activeTasks, getClass().getSimpleName()); } } protected <T> void eventuallyEquals(T expected, Supplier<T> supplier) { eventually(() -> "expected:<" + expected + ">, got:<" + supplier.get() + ">", () -> Objects.equals(expected, supplier.get())); } protected <T> void eventuallyEquals(String message, T expected, Supplier<T> supplier) { eventually(() -> message + " expected:<" + expected + ">, got:<" + supplier.get() + ">", () -> Objects.equals(expected, supplier.get())); } protected void eventually(Supplier<String> messageSupplier, BooleanSupplier condition) { eventually(messageSupplier, condition, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } protected void eventually(Supplier<String> messageSupplier, BooleanSupplier condition, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { try { long timeoutNanos = timeUnit.toNanos(timeout); // We want the sleep time to increase in arithmetic progression // 30 loops with the default timeout of 30 seconds means the initial wait is ~ 65 millis int loops = 30; int progressionSum = loops * (loops + 1) / 2; long initialSleepNanos = timeoutNanos / progressionSum; long sleepNanos = initialSleepNanos; long expectedEndTime = System.nanoTime() + timeoutNanos; while (expectedEndTime - System.nanoTime() > 0) { if (condition.getAsBoolean()) return; LockSupport.parkNanos(sleepNanos); sleepNanos += initialSleepNanos; } if (!condition.getAsBoolean()) { fail(messageSupplier.get()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected!", e); } } protected void eventually(Condition ec, long timeoutMillis) { eventually(ec, timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #eventually(Condition, long, long, TimeUnit)} instead. */ @Deprecated protected void eventually(Condition ec, long timeoutMillis, int loops) { eventually(null, ec, timeoutMillis, loops); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #eventually(String, Condition, long, long, TimeUnit)} instead. */ @Deprecated protected void eventually(String message, Condition ec, long timeoutMillis, int loops) { if (loops <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of loops must be positive"); } long sleepDuration = timeoutMillis / loops + 1; eventually(message, ec, timeoutMillis, sleepDuration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } protected void eventually(Condition ec, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { eventually(null, ec, unit.toMillis(timeout), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } protected void eventually(Condition ec, long timeout, long pollInterval, TimeUnit unit) { eventually(null, ec, timeout, pollInterval, unit); } protected void eventually(String message, Condition ec, long timeout, long pollInterval, TimeUnit unit) { if (pollInterval <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Check interval must be positive"); } try { long expectedEndTime = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(timeout, unit); long sleepMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(pollInterval, unit); while (expectedEndTime - System.nanoTime() > 0) { if (ec.isSatisfied()) return; Thread.sleep(sleepMillis); } assertTrue(message, ec.isSatisfied()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected!", e); } } /** * This method will actually spawn a fresh thread and will not use underlying pool. The * {@link org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest#fork(Runnable)} should be preferred * unless you require explicit access to the thread. * @param r The runnable to run * @return The created thread */ protected Thread inNewThread(Runnable r) { final Thread t = defaultThreadFactory.newThread(new RunnableWrapper(r)); log.tracef("About to start thread '%s' as child of thread '%s'", t.getName(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); t.start(); return t; } protected Future<?> fork(Runnable r) { return defaultExecutorService.submit(new RunnableWrapper(r)); } protected <T> Future<T> fork(Runnable r, T result) { return defaultExecutorService.submit(new RunnableWrapper(r), result); } protected <T> Future<T> fork(Callable<T> c) { return defaultExecutorService.submit(new LoggingCallable<>(c)); } /** * Returns an executor service that can be used by tests which has it's lifecycle handled * by the test container itself. * @param <V> The desired type provided by the user of the CompletionService * @return The completion service that should be used by tests */ protected <V> CompletionService<V> completionService() { return new ExecutorCompletionService<>(defaultExecutorService); } /** * This should normally not be used, use the {@link AbstractInfinispanTest#completionService()} * method when an executor is required. Although if you want a limited set of threads this could * still be useful for something like {@link java.util.concurrent.Executors#newFixedThreadPool(int, java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory)} or * {@link java.util.concurrent.Executors#newSingleThreadExecutor(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory)} * @param prefix The prefix starting for the thread factory * @return A thread factory that will use the same naming schema as the other methods */ protected ThreadFactory getTestThreadFactory(final String prefix) { final String className = getClass().getSimpleName(); ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactory() { private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { String threadName = prefix + "-" + counter.incrementAndGet() + "," + className; Thread thread = new Thread(r, threadName); TestResourceTracker.addResource(AbstractInfinispanTest.this, new ThreadCleaner(thread)); return thread; } }; return threadFactory; } /** * This will run the various callables at approximately the same time by ensuring they all start before * allowing the callables to proceed. The callables may not be running yet at the offset of the return of * the completion service. * * This method doesn't allow distinction between which Future applies to which Callable. If that is required * it is suggested to use {@link AbstractInfinispanTest#completionService()} and retrieve the future * directly when submitting the Callable while also wrapping your callables in something like * {@link org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest.ConcurrentCallable} to ensure your callables will be invoked * at approximately the same time. * @param task1 First task to add - required to ensure at least 2 callables are provided * @param task2 Second task to add - required to ensure at least 2 callables are provided * @param tasks The callables to run * @param <V> The type of callables * @return The completion service that can be used to query when a callable completes */ protected <V> CompletionService<V> runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(Callable<? extends V> task1, Callable<? extends V> task2, Callable<? extends V>... tasks) { if (task1 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Task1 was not provided!"); } if (task2 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Task2 was not provided!"); } Callable[] callables = new Callable[tasks.length + 2]; int i = 0; callables[i++] = task1; callables[i++] = task2; for (Callable<? extends V> callable : tasks) { callables[i++] = callable; } return runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(callables); } /** * This will run the various callables at approximately the same time by ensuring they all start before * allowing the callables to proceed. The callables may not be running yet at the offset of the return of * the completion service. * * This method doesn't allow distinction between which Future applies to which Callable. If that is required * it is suggested to use {@link AbstractInfinispanTest#completionService()} and retrieve the future * directly when submitting the Callable while also wrapping your callables in something like * {@link org.infinispan.test.AbstractInfinispanTest.ConcurrentCallable} to ensure your callables will be invoked * at approximately the same time. * @param tasks The callables to run. Note the type isn't provided since it is difficult * @param <V> The type of callables * @return The completion service that can be used to query when a callable completes */ protected <V> CompletionService<V> runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(Callable[] tasks) { if (tasks.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided tasks array was empty"); } CompletionService<V> completionService = completionService(); CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(tasks.length); for (Callable task : tasks) { completionService.submit(new ConcurrentCallable<>(new LoggingCallable<V>(task), barrier)); } return completionService; } /** * This will run the various callables at approximately the same time by ensuring they all start before * allowing the callables to proceed. All callables will be ensure to completion else a TimeoutException will be thrown * @param task1 First task to add - required to ensure at least 2 callables are provided * @param task2 Second task to add - required to ensure at least 2 callables are provided * @param tasks The callables to run * @param <V> The type of callabels * @throws InterruptedException Thrown if this thread is interrupted * @throws ExecutionException Thrown if one of the callables throws any kind of Throwable. The * thrown Throwable will be wrapped by this exception * @throws TimeoutException If one of the callables doesn't complete within 10 seconds */ protected <V> void runConcurrently(Callable<? extends V> task1, Callable<? extends V> task2, Callable<? extends V>... tasks) throws InterruptedException,ExecutionException, TimeoutException { CompletionService<V> completionService = runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(task1, task2, tasks); waitForCompletionServiceTasks(completionService, tasks.length + 2); } /** * This will run the various callables at approximately the same time by ensuring they all start before * allowing the callables to proceed. All callables will be ensure to completion else a TimeoutException will be thrown * @param tasks The callables to run * @param <V> The type of callables * @throws InterruptedException Thrown if this thread is interrupted * @throws ExecutionException Thrown if one of the callables throws any kind of Throwable. The * thrown Throwable will be wrapped by this exception * @throws TimeoutException If one of the callables doesn't complete within 10 seconds */ protected <V> void runConcurrently(Callable<? extends V>[] tasks) throws InterruptedException,ExecutionException, TimeoutException { CompletionService<V> completionService = runConcurrentlyWithCompletionService(tasks); waitForCompletionServiceTasks(completionService, tasks.length); } /** * Waits for the desired numberOfTasks in the completion service to complete one at a time polling for each up to * 10 seconds. If one of the tasks produces an exception, the first one is rethrown wrapped in a ExecutionException * after all tasks have completed. * @param completionService The completion service that had tasks submitted to that total numberOfTasks * @param numberOfTasks How many tasks have been sent to the service * @throws InterruptedException If this thread is interruped while waiting for the tasks to complete * @throws ExecutionException Thrown if one of the tasks produces an exception. The first encounted exception will * be thrown * @throws TimeoutException If a task is not found to complete within 10 seconds of the previously completed or the * first task. */ protected void waitForCompletionServiceTasks(CompletionService<?> completionService, int numberOfTasks) throws InterruptedException,ExecutionException, TimeoutException { if (completionService == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Provided completionService cannot be null"); } if (numberOfTasks <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided numberOfTasks cannot be less than or equal to 0"); } // check for any errors ExecutionException exception = null; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTasks; i++) { try { Future<?> future = completionService.poll(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (future == null) { throw new TimeoutException("Concurrent task didn't complete within 10 seconds!"); } // No timeout since it is guaranteed to be done future.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { log.debug("Exception in concurrent task", e); if (exception == null) { exception = e; } } } // If there was an exception throw the last one if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } /** * This will run the callable at approximately the same time in different thrads by ensuring they all start before * allowing the callables to proceed. All callables will be ensure to completion else a TimeoutException will be thrown * * The callable itself should be thread safe since it will be invoked from multiple threads. * @param callable The callable to run multiple times * @param <V> The type of callable * @throws InterruptedException Thrown if this thread is interrupted * @throws ExecutionException Thrown if one of the callables throws any kind of Throwable. The * thrown Throwable will be wrapped by this exception * @throws TimeoutException If one of the callables doesn't complete within 10 seconds */ protected <V> void runConcurrently(Callable<V> callable, int invocationCount) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { if (callable == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Provided callable cannot be null"); } if (invocationCount <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided invocationCount cannot be less than or equal to 0"); } CompletionService<V> completionService = completionService(); CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(invocationCount); for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; ++i) { completionService.submit(new ConcurrentCallable<>(new LoggingCallable<>(callable), barrier)); } waitForCompletionServiceTasks(completionService, invocationCount); } /** * A callable that will first await on the provided barrier before calling the provided callable. * This is useful to have a better attempt at multiple threads ran at the same time, but still is * no guarantee since this is controlled by the thread scheduler. * @param <V> */ public final class ConcurrentCallable<V> implements Callable<V> { private final Callable<? extends V> callable; private final CyclicBarrier barrier; public ConcurrentCallable(Callable<? extends V> callable, CyclicBarrier barrier) { this.callable = callable; this.barrier = barrier; } @Override public V call() throws Exception { log.trace("About to wait on provided barrier"); try { barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); log.trace("Completed await on provided barrier"); } catch (InterruptedException | TimeoutException | BrokenBarrierException e) { log.tracef("Barrier await was broken due to exception", e); } return; } } public final class RunnableWrapper implements Runnable { final Runnable realOne; public RunnableWrapper(Runnable realOne) { this.realOne = realOne; } @Override public void run() { try { log.trace("Started fork runnable..");; log.debug("Exiting fork runnable."); } catch (Throwable e) { log.debug("Exiting fork runnable due to exception", e); throw e; } } } protected void eventually(Condition ec) { eventually(ec, 10000); } protected void eventually(String message, Condition ec) { eventually(message, ec, 10000, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } protected interface Condition { boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception; } private class LoggingCallable<T> implements Callable<T> { private final Callable<? extends T> c; public LoggingCallable(Callable<? extends T> c) { this.c = c; } @Override public T call() throws Exception { try { log.trace("Started fork callable.."); T result =; log.debug("Exiting fork callable."); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exiting fork callable due to exception", e); throw e; } } } public void safeRollback(TransactionManager transactionManager) { try { transactionManager.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { //ignored } } private class ThreadCleaner extends TestResourceTracker.Cleaner<Thread> { public ThreadCleaner(Thread thread) { super(thread); } @Override public void close() { if (ref.isAlive() && !ref.isInterrupted()) { log.warnf("There was a thread %s still alive after test completion - interrupted it", ref); ref.interrupt(); } } } }