package org.infinispan.configuration.cache; import static org.infinispan.configuration.cache.PersistenceConfiguration.PASSIVATION; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.Builder; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils; import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.AttributeSet; import; import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Configuration for cache stores. * */ public class PersistenceConfigurationBuilder extends AbstractConfigurationChildBuilder implements Builder<PersistenceConfiguration> { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PersistenceConfigurationBuilder.class); private final List<StoreConfigurationBuilder<?,?>> stores = new ArrayList<StoreConfigurationBuilder<?,?>>(2); private final AttributeSet attributes; protected PersistenceConfigurationBuilder(ConfigurationBuilder builder) { super(builder); attributes = PersistenceConfiguration.attributeDefinitionSet(); } public PersistenceConfigurationBuilder passivation(boolean b) { attributes.attribute(PASSIVATION).set(b); return this; } /** * If true, data is only written to the cache store when it is evicted from memory, a phenomenon * known as 'passivation'. Next time the data is requested, it will be 'activated' which means * that data will be brought back to memory and removed from the persistent store. This gives you * the ability to 'overflow' to disk, similar to swapping in an operating system. <br /> * <br /> * If false, the cache store contains a copy of the contents in memory, so writes to cache result * in cache store writes. This essentially gives you a 'write-through' configuration. */ boolean passivation() { return attributes.attribute(PASSIVATION).get(); } /** * Adds a cache loader which uses the specified builder class to build its configuration */ public <T extends StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>> T addStore(Class<T> klass) { try { Constructor<T> constructor = klass.getDeclaredConstructor(PersistenceConfigurationBuilder.class); T builder = constructor.newInstance(this); this.stores.add(builder); return builder; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CacheConfigurationException("Could not instantiate loader configuration builder '" + klass.getName() + "'", e); } } /** * Adds a cache loader which uses the specified builder instance to build its configuration * * @param builder an instance of {@link StoreConfigurationBuilder} */ public StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?> addStore(StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?> builder) { this.stores.add(builder); return builder; } /** * Adds a cluster cache loader */ public ClusterLoaderConfigurationBuilder addClusterLoader() { ClusterLoaderConfigurationBuilder builder = new ClusterLoaderConfigurationBuilder(this); this.stores.add(builder); return builder; } /** * Adds a single file cache store */ public SingleFileStoreConfigurationBuilder addSingleFileStore() { SingleFileStoreConfigurationBuilder builder = new SingleFileStoreConfigurationBuilder(this); this.stores.add(builder); return builder; } /** * Removes any configured stores from this builder. */ public PersistenceConfigurationBuilder clearStores() { this.stores.clear(); return this; } @Override public void validate() { boolean isLocalCache = builder.clustering().create().cacheMode().equals(CacheMode.LOCAL); int numFetchPersistentState = 0; for (StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?> b : stores) { b.validate(); StoreConfiguration storeConfiguration = b.create(); if (storeConfiguration.shared() && storeConfiguration.singletonStore().enabled()) { throw log.singletonStoreCannotBeShared(storeConfiguration.getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (!storeConfiguration.shared() && storeConfiguration.transactional() && !isLocalCache) { throw log.clusteredTransactionalStoreMustBeShared(storeConfiguration.getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (storeConfiguration.async().enabled() && storeConfiguration.transactional()) { throw log.transactionalStoreCannotBeAsync(storeConfiguration.getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (storeConfiguration.fetchPersistentState()) numFetchPersistentState++; } if (numFetchPersistentState > 1) throw log.onlyOneFetchPersistentStoreAllowed(); // If we have a store we have to guarantee the reaper expiration thread is enabled if (!stores.isEmpty()) { boolean reaperEnabled = builder.expiration().reaperEnabled(); long wakeupInterval = builder.expiration().wakeupInterval(); if (!reaperEnabled || wakeupInterval < 0) { builder.expiration().enableReaper(); if (wakeupInterval < 0) { log.debug("Store present and expiration reaper wakeup was less than 0 - explicitly enabling and setting " + "wakeup interval to 1 minute."); builder.expiration().wakeUpInterval(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } else { log.debug("Store present however expiration reaper was not enabled - explicitly enabling."); } } } } @Override public void validate(GlobalConfiguration globalConfig) { for (StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?> b : stores) { b.validate(globalConfig); } } @Override public PersistenceConfiguration create() { List<StoreConfiguration> stores = new ArrayList<StoreConfiguration>(this.stores.size()); for (StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?> loader : this.stores) stores.add(loader.create()); return new PersistenceConfiguration(attributes.protect(), stores); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public PersistenceConfigurationBuilder read(PersistenceConfiguration template) {; clearStores(); for (StoreConfiguration c : template.stores()) { Class<? extends StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>> builderClass = getBuilderClass(c); StoreConfigurationBuilder builder = this.addStore(builderClass);; } return this; } private Class<? extends StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>> getBuilderClass(StoreConfiguration c) { Class<? extends StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>> builderClass = (Class<? extends StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>>) ConfigurationUtils.builderForNonStrict(c); if (builderClass == null) { builderClass = CustomStoreConfigurationBuilder.class; } return builderClass; } public List<StoreConfigurationBuilder<?, ?>> stores() { return stores; } @Override public String toString() { return "PersistenceConfigurationBuilder [stores=" + stores + ", attributes=" + attributes + "]"; } }