package org.infinispan.statetransfer; import static java.lang.String.valueOf; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertNotNull; import javax.transaction.Status; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.container.DataContainer; import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry; import org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey; import org.infinispan.test.MultipleCacheManagersTest; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.CleanupAfterMethod; import org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup; import; import; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Checks if the transactions are forward correctly to the new owners * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 6.0 */ @Test(groups = "functional", testName = "statetransfer.TxDuringStateTransferTest") @CleanupAfterMethod public class TxDuringStateTransferTest extends MultipleCacheManagersTest { private static final String INITIAL_VALUE = "v1"; private static final String FINAL_VALUE = "v2"; public void testPut() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.PUT); } public void testRemove() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.REMOVE); } public void testReplace() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.REPLACE); } public void testConditionalPut() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.CONDITIONAL_PUT); } public void testConditionalRemove() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.CONDITIONAL_REMOVE); } public void testConditionalReplace() throws Exception { performTest(Operation.CONDITIONAL_REPLACE); } @Override protected void createCacheManagers() throws Throwable { ConfigurationBuilder builder = getDefaultClusteredCacheConfig(CacheMode.DIST_SYNC, true); builder.transaction() .transactionManagerLookup(new EmbeddedTransactionManagerLookup()) .useSynchronization(false) .recovery().disable(); builder.clustering() .stateTransfer().fetchInMemoryState(true) .hash().numOwners(3); createClusteredCaches(4, builder); } private void performTest(Operation operation) throws Exception { assertClusterSize("Wrong number of caches.", 4); final Object key = new MagicKey(cache(0), cache(1), cache(2)); //init operation.init(cache(0), key); final EmbeddedTransactionManager transactionManager = (EmbeddedTransactionManager) tm(0); transactionManager.begin(); operation.perform(cache(0), key); final EmbeddedTransaction transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction(); transaction.runPrepare(); assertEquals("Wrong transaction status before killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus()); //now, we kill cache(1). the transaction is prepared in cache(1) and it should be forward to cache(3) killMember(1); assertEquals("Wrong transaction status after killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus()); transaction.runCommit(false); for (Cache<Object, Object> cache : caches()) { //all the caches are owner operation.check(cache, key, valueOf(address(cache))); } } private enum Operation { PUT, REMOVE, REPLACE, CONDITIONAL_PUT, CONDITIONAL_REMOVE, CONDITIONAL_REPLACE; public final void init(Cache<Object, Object> cache, Object key) { if (this != CONDITIONAL_PUT) { cache.put(key, INITIAL_VALUE); } } public final void perform(Cache<Object, Object> cache, Object key) { switch (this) { case PUT: cache.put(key, FINAL_VALUE); break; case REMOVE: cache.remove(key); break; case REPLACE: cache.replace(key, FINAL_VALUE); break; case CONDITIONAL_PUT: cache.putIfAbsent(key, FINAL_VALUE); break; case CONDITIONAL_REMOVE: cache.remove(key, INITIAL_VALUE); break; case CONDITIONAL_REPLACE: cache.replace(key, INITIAL_VALUE, FINAL_VALUE); break; } } public final void check(Cache<Object, Object> cache, Object key, String cacheAddress) { //all the caches are owner. So, check in data container. DataContainer dataContainer = cache.getAdvancedCache().getDataContainer(); if (this == REMOVE || this == CONDITIONAL_REMOVE) { assertFalse("Key was not removed in '" + cacheAddress + "'!", dataContainer.containsKey(key)); } else { InternalCacheEntry entry = dataContainer.get(key); assertNotNull("Cache '" + cacheAddress + "' does not contains entry!", entry); assertEquals("Cache '" + cacheAddress + "' has wrong value!", FINAL_VALUE, entry.getValue()); } } } }