package org.infinispan.eviction.impl; import static org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil.extractComponent; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import org.infinispan.Cache; import org.infinispan.commands.write.EvictCommand; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.CacheMode; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.container.DataContainer; import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry; import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContext; import org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManager; import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Stop; import org.infinispan.filter.KeyFilter; import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilter; import org.infinispan.interceptors.AsyncInterceptor; import org.infinispan.interceptors.AsyncInterceptorChain; import org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.CacheLoaderInterceptor; import org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.CacheWriterInterceptor; import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager; import org.infinispan.marshall.core.ExternalPojo; import org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata; import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.annotation.CacheEntriesEvicted; import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event.CacheEntriesEvictedEvent; import org.infinispan.persistence.dummy.DummyInMemoryStoreConfigurationBuilder; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.infinispan.test.fwk.TestCacheManagerFactory; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Tests manual eviction with concurrent read and/or write operation. This test has passivation disabled and the * eviction happens in the primary owner * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 6.0 */ @Test(groups = "functional", testName = "eviction.ManualEvictionWithSizeBasedAndConcurrentOperationsInPrimaryOwnerTest", singleThreaded = true) public class ManualEvictionWithSizeBasedAndConcurrentOperationsInPrimaryOwnerTest extends EvictionWithConcurrentOperationsTest { protected EmbeddedCacheManager otherCacheManager; @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void stopSecondCacheManager() { if (otherCacheManager != null) { otherCacheManager.getCache().stop(); otherCacheManager.stop(); otherCacheManager = null; } } @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void startSecondCacheManager() throws Exception { if (otherCacheManager == null) { otherCacheManager = createCacheManager(); } else {"Other cache manager should not be set!"); } Cache otherCache = otherCacheManager.getCache(); TestingUtil.waitForNoRebalance(cache, otherCache); } @Override public void testScenario1() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final AfterPassivationOrCacheWriter controller = new AfterPassivationOrCacheWriter().injectThis(cache); final Latch latch = new Latch(); controller.beforeEvict = () -> latch.blockIfNeeded(); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch latch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); latch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and it blocked before passivation assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", cache.get(key1)); //let the eviction continue and wait for put latch.disable(); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNotInMemory(key1, "v1"); } @Override public void testScenario2() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final Latch latch = new Latch(); replaceControlledDataContainer(latch); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch latch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); latch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and it blocked before passivation assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", cache.get(key1)); //let the eviction continue and wait for put latch.disable(); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNotInMemory(key1, "v1"); } @Override public void testScenario3() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final Latch latch = new Latch(); final SyncEvictionListener evictionListener = new SyncEvictionListener() { @CacheEntriesEvicted @Override public void evicted(CacheEntriesEvictedEvent event) { if (event.getEntries().containsKey(key1)) { latch.blockIfNeeded(); } } }; cache.addListener(evictionListener); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch latch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); latch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and the key is no longer in the map assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", cache.get(key1)); //let the eviction continue and wait for put latch.disable(); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertInMemory(key1, "v1"); } @Override public void testScenario4() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final Latch readLatch = new Latch(); final Latch writeLatch = new Latch(); final AtomicBoolean firstGet = new AtomicBoolean(false); final AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor afterEntryWrappingInterceptor = new AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor() .injectThis(cache); afterEntryWrappingInterceptor.beforeGet = () -> { if (firstGet.compareAndSet(false, true)) { readLatch.blockIfNeeded(); } }; final SyncEvictionListener evictionListener = new SyncEvictionListener() { @CacheEntriesEvicted @Override public void evicted(CacheEntriesEvictedEvent event) { if (event.getEntries().containsKey(key1)) { writeLatch.blockIfNeeded(); } } }; cache.addListener(evictionListener); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch readLatch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); writeLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and the key is no longer in the map Future<Object> get = fork(() -> cache.get(key1)); readLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the first read is blocked. it has check the data container and it didn't found any value //this second get should not block anywhere and it should fetch the value from persistence assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", cache.get(key1)); //let the eviction continue and wait for put writeLatch.disable(); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //let the second get continue readLatch.disable(); assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", get.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertInMemory(key1, "v1"); } @Override public void testScenario5() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final Latch readLatch = new Latch(); final Latch writeLatch = new Latch(); final AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor afterEntryWrappingInterceptor = new AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor() .injectThis(cache); afterEntryWrappingInterceptor.beforeGet = () -> readLatch.blockIfNeeded(); final SyncEvictionListener evictionListener = new SyncEvictionListener() { @CacheEntriesEvicted @Override public void evicted(CacheEntriesEvictedEvent event) { if (event.getEntries().containsKey(key1)) { writeLatch.blockIfNeeded(); } } }; cache.addListener(evictionListener); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch readLatch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); writeLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and the key is no longer in the map Future<Object> get = fork(() -> cache.get(key1)); readLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //let the eviction continue writeLatch.disable(); //the first read is blocked. it has check the data container and it didn't found any value //this second get should not block anywhere and it should fetch the value from persistence assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in put operation.", "v1", cache.put(key1, "v3")); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //let the get continue readLatch.disable(); assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v3", get.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertInMemory(key1, "v3"); } @Override public void testScenario6() throws Exception { final Object key1 = createSameHashCodeKey("key1"); initializeKeyAndCheckData(key1, "v1"); final Latch readLatch = new Latch(); final Latch writeLatch = new Latch(); final Latch writeLatch2 = new Latch(); final AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor afterEntryWrappingInterceptor = new AfterEntryWrappingInterceptor() .injectThis(cache); afterEntryWrappingInterceptor.beforeGet = () -> readLatch.blockIfNeeded(); afterEntryWrappingInterceptor.afterPut = () -> writeLatch2.blockIfNeeded(); final SyncEvictionListener evictionListener = new SyncEvictionListener() { @CacheEntriesEvicted @Override public void evicted(CacheEntriesEvictedEvent event) { if (event.getEntries().containsKey(key1)) { writeLatch.blockIfNeeded(); } } }; cache.addListener(evictionListener); //this will trigger the eviction of key1. key1 eviction will be blocked in the latch readLatch.enable(); Future<Void> evict = evictWithFuture(key1); writeLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //the eviction was trigger and the key is no longer in the map Future<Object> get = fork(() -> cache.get(key1)); readLatch.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //let the eviction continue writeLatch.disable(); Future<Object> put2 = fork(() -> cache.put(key1, "v3")); evict.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //wait until the 2nd put writes to persistence writeLatch2.waitToBlock(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //let the get continue readLatch.disable(); assertPossibleValues(key1, get.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS), "v1", "v3"); writeLatch2.disable(); assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key1 + " in get operation.", "v1", put2.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertInMemory(key1, "v3"); } @Override protected void configurePersistence(ConfigurationBuilder builder) { builder.persistence().passivation(false).addStore(DummyInMemoryStoreConfigurationBuilder.class) .storeName(storeName + storeNamePrefix.getAndIncrement()); } @Override protected EmbeddedCacheManager createCacheManager() throws Exception { ConfigurationBuilder builder = getDefaultStandaloneCacheConfig(false); builder.clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.DIST_SYNC) .hash().numOwners(2).numSegments(2); configurePersistence(builder); configureEviction(builder); return TestCacheManagerFactory.createClusteredCacheManager(builder); } protected Object createSameHashCodeKey(String name) { final Address address = cache.getAdvancedCache().getRpcManager().getAddress(); DistributionManager distributionManager = cache.getAdvancedCache().getDistributionManager(); int hashCode = 0; SameHashCodeKey key = new SameHashCodeKey(name, hashCode); while (!distributionManager.getPrimaryLocation(key).equals(address)) { hashCode++; key = new SameHashCodeKey(name, hashCode); } return key; } protected final Future<Void> evictWithFuture(final Object key) { return fork(() -> { cache.evict(key); return null; }); } private ControlledDataContainer replaceControlledDataContainer(final Latch latch) { DataContainer current = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, DataContainer.class); //noinspection unchecked ControlledDataContainer controlledDataContainer = new ControlledDataContainer(current); controlledDataContainer.beforeEvict = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { latch.blockIfNeeded(); } }; TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, DataContainer.class, controlledDataContainer, true); return controlledDataContainer; } public static class SameHashCodeKey implements Serializable, ExternalPojo { private final String name; private final int hashCode; public SameHashCodeKey(String name, int hashCode) { = name; this.hashCode = hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SameHashCodeKey that = (SameHashCodeKey) o; return name.equals(; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } private class ControlledDataContainer<K, V> implements DataContainer<K, V> { private final DataContainer<K, V> delegate; private volatile Runnable beforeEvict; private ControlledDataContainer(DataContainer<K, V> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public InternalCacheEntry<K, V> get(Object k) { return delegate.get(k); } @Override public InternalCacheEntry<K, V> peek(Object k) { return delegate.peek(k); } @Override public void put(K k, V v, Metadata metadata) { delegate.put(k, v, metadata); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object k) { return delegate.containsKey(k); } @Override public InternalCacheEntry<K, V> remove(Object k) { return delegate.remove(k); } @Override public int size() { return delegate.size(); } @Override public int sizeIncludingExpired() { return delegate.sizeIncludingExpired(); } @Override @Stop(priority = 999) public void clear() { delegate.clear(); } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return delegate.keySet(); } @Override public Collection<V> values() { return delegate.values(); } @Override public Set<InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> entrySet() { return delegate.entrySet(); } @Override public void evict(K key) { run(beforeEvict); delegate.evict(key); } @Override public InternalCacheEntry<K, V> compute(K key, ComputeAction<K, V> action) { return delegate.compute(key, action); } @Override public Iterator<InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> iterator() { return delegate.iterator(); } @Override public Iterator<InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> iteratorIncludingExpired() { return delegate.iteratorIncludingExpired(); } @Override public void executeTask(KeyFilter<? super K> filter, BiConsumer<? super K, InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> action) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void executeTask(KeyValueFilter<? super K, ? super V> filter, BiConsumer<? super K, InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> action) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private void run(Runnable runnable) { if (runnable == null) { return; }; } } private class AfterPassivationOrCacheWriter extends ControlledCommandInterceptor { volatile Runnable beforeEvict; volatile Runnable afterEvict; public AfterPassivationOrCacheWriter injectThis(Cache<Object, Object> injectInCache) { AsyncInterceptorChain chain = extractComponent(injectInCache, AsyncInterceptorChain.class); AsyncInterceptor interceptor = chain.findInterceptorExtending(CacheWriterInterceptor.class); if (interceptor == null) { interceptor = chain.findInterceptorExtending(CacheLoaderInterceptor.class); } if (interceptor == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not happen!"); } chain.addInterceptorAfter(this, interceptor.getClass()); return this; } @Override public Object visitEvictCommand(InvocationContext ctx, EvictCommand command) throws Throwable { return handle(ctx, command, beforeEvict, afterEvict); } } }