package org.infinispan.stats; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.infinispan.commons.util.CollectionFactory; import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration; import org.infinispan.stats.container.ExtendedStatistic; import org.infinispan.stats.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.stats.percentiles.PercentileStatistic; import org.infinispan.transaction.LockingMode; import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction; import org.infinispan.util.TimeService; import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory; /** * Manages all the statistics for a single cache. All the statistics should be added in this class. * * @author Roberto Palmieri * @author Sebastiano Peluso * @author Diego Didona * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 6.0 */ public final class CacheStatisticManager { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CacheStatisticManager.class, Log.class); private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); /** * collects statistic for a remote transaction */ private final ConcurrentMap<GlobalTransaction, RemoteTransactionStatistics> remoteTransactionStatistics = CollectionFactory.makeConcurrentMap(); /** * collects statistic for a local transaction */ private final ConcurrentMap<GlobalTransaction, LocalTransactionStatistics> localTransactionStatistics = CollectionFactory.makeConcurrentMap(); /** * collects statistic for a cache */ private final CacheStatisticCollector cacheStatisticCollector; private final boolean isOptimisticLocking; private final TimeService timeService; public CacheStatisticManager(Configuration configuration, TimeService timeService) { this.timeService = timeService; this.isOptimisticLocking = configuration.transaction().lockingMode() == LockingMode.OPTIMISTIC; this.cacheStatisticCollector = new CacheStatisticCollector(timeService); } /** * Adds a value to a statistic. * * @param globalTransaction the global transaction in which the statistics was updated * @param local {@code true} if measurement occurred in a local context. */ public final void add(ExtendedStatistic stat, double value, GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { TransactionStatistics txs = getTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, local); if (txs == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf("Trying to add %s to %s but no transaction exist. Add to Cache Statistic", value, stat); } if (local) { cacheStatisticCollector.addLocalValue(stat, value); } else { cacheStatisticCollector.addRemoteValue(stat, value); } return; } txs.addValue(stat, value); } /** * Increments the statistic value. It is equivalent to {@code add(stat, 1, globalTransaction, local)}. * * @param globalTransaction the global transaction in which the statistics was updated * @param local {@code true} if measurement occurred in a local context. */ public final void increment(ExtendedStatistic stat, GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { TransactionStatistics txs = getTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, local); if (txs == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debugf("Trying to increment %s but no transaction exist. Add to Cache Statistic", stat); } if (local) { cacheStatisticCollector.addLocalValue(stat, 1); } else { cacheStatisticCollector.addRemoteValue(stat, 1); } return; } txs.addValue(stat, 1); } /** * Invoked when a {@link org.infinispan.commands.tx.PrepareCommand} is received for a transaction. * * @param globalTransaction the global transaction to be prepared. * @param local {@code true} if measurement occurred in a local context. */ public final void onPrepareCommand(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { //NB: If I want to give up using the InboundInvocationHandler, I can create the remote transaction //here, just overriding the handlePrepareCommand TransactionStatistics txs = getTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, local); if (txs == null) { log.prepareOnUnexistingTransaction(globalTransaction == null ? "null" : globalTransaction.globalId()); log.error("Trying to invoke onPrepareCommand() but no transaction is associated"); return; } txs.onPrepareCommand(); } /** * Sets the transaction outcome to commit or rollback, depending if the transaction has commit successfully or not * respectively. * * @param commit {@code true} if the transaction has committed successfully. * @param globalTransaction the terminated global transaction. * @param local {@code true} if measurement occurred in a local context. */ public final void setTransactionOutcome(boolean commit, GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { TransactionStatistics txs = getTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, local); if (txs == null) { log.outcomeOnUnexistingTransaction(globalTransaction == null ? "null" : globalTransaction.globalId(), commit ? "COMMIT" : "ROLLBACK"); return; } txs.setOutcome(commit); } /** * @return the current value of the statistic. If the statistic is not exported (via JMX), then the sum of the remote * and local value is returned. * @throws ExtendedStatisticNotFoundException * if the statistic is not found. */ public final double getAttribute(ExtendedStatistic stat) throws ExtendedStatisticNotFoundException { return cacheStatisticCollector.getAttribute(stat); } /** * @return the percentile og the statistic. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the percentile request is not in the correct bounds (]0,100[) */ public final double getPercentile(PercentileStatistic stat, int percentile) throws IllegalArgumentException { return cacheStatisticCollector.getPercentile(stat, percentile); } /** * Marks the transaction as a write transaction (instead of a read only transaction) * * @param local {@code true} if it is a local transaction. */ public final void markAsWriteTransaction(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { TransactionStatistics txs = getTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, local); if (txs == null) { log.markUnexistingTransactionAsWriteTransaction(globalTransaction == null ? "null" : globalTransaction.globalId()); return; } txs.markAsUpdateTransaction(); } /** * Signals the start of a transaction. * * @param local {@code true} if the transaction is local. */ public final void beginTransaction(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { if (local) { //Not overriding the InitialValue method leads me to have "null" at the first invocation of get() TransactionStatistics lts = createTransactionStatisticIfAbsent(globalTransaction, true); if (trace) { log.tracef("Local transaction statistic is already initialized: %s", lts); } } else { TransactionStatistics rts = createTransactionStatisticIfAbsent(globalTransaction, false); if (trace) { log.tracef("Using the remote transaction statistic %s for transaction %s", rts, globalTransaction); } } } /** * Signals the ending of a transaction. After this, no more statistics are updated for this transaction and the * values measured are merged with the cache statistics. * * @param local {@code true} if the transaction is local. * @param remote {@code true} if the transaction is remote. */ public final void terminateTransaction(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local, boolean remote) { TransactionStatistics txs = null; if (local) { txs = removeTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, true); } if (txs != null) { txs.terminateTransaction(); cacheStatisticCollector.merge(txs); txs = null; } if (remote) { txs = removeTransactionStatistic(globalTransaction, false); } if (txs != null) { txs.terminateTransaction(); cacheStatisticCollector.merge(txs); } } /** * Resets the cache statistics collected so far. */ public final void reset() { cacheStatisticCollector.reset(); } /** * @return {@code true} if it has some transaction pending, i.e., transaction in which the statistics can be * updated. */ public final boolean hasPendingTransactions() { log.debugf("Checking for pending transactions. local=%s, remote=%s", localTransactionStatistics.keySet(), remoteTransactionStatistics.keySet()); return !localTransactionStatistics.isEmpty() || !remoteTransactionStatistics.isEmpty(); } /** * @return a String with all the cache statistic values. */ public final String dumpCacheStatistics() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); cacheStatisticCollector.dumpTo(builder); return builder.toString(); } /** * Prints the cache statistics values to a {@link PrintStream}. */ public final void dumpCacheStatisticsTo(PrintStream stream) { cacheStatisticCollector.dumpTo(new PrintWriter(stream)); } private TransactionStatistics getTransactionStatistic(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { if (globalTransaction != null) { return local ? localTransactionStatistics.get(globalTransaction) : remoteTransactionStatistics.get(globalTransaction); } return null; } private TransactionStatistics removeTransactionStatistic(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { if (globalTransaction != null) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Removing %s statistic for %s", local ? "local" : "remote", globalTransaction.globalId()); } return local ? localTransactionStatistics.remove(globalTransaction) : remoteTransactionStatistics.remove(globalTransaction); } return null; } private TransactionStatistics createTransactionStatisticIfAbsent(GlobalTransaction globalTransaction, boolean local) { if (globalTransaction == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Global Transaction cannot be null"); } TransactionStatistics ts = local ? localTransactionStatistics.get(globalTransaction) : remoteTransactionStatistics.get(globalTransaction); if (ts != null) { return ts; } if (local) { if (trace) { log.tracef("Creating local statistic for %s", globalTransaction.globalId()); } LocalTransactionStatistics lts = new LocalTransactionStatistics(isOptimisticLocking, timeService); TransactionStatistics existing = localTransactionStatistics.putIfAbsent(globalTransaction, lts); return existing == null ? lts : existing; } else { if (trace) { log.tracef("Creating remote statistic for %s", globalTransaction.globalId()); } RemoteTransactionStatistics rts = new RemoteTransactionStatistics(timeService); TransactionStatistics existing = remoteTransactionStatistics.putIfAbsent(globalTransaction, rts); return existing == null ? rts : existing; } } }