package org.infinispan.integrationtests.cdijcache.interceptor.service; import static org.infinispan.cdi.common.util.Contracts.assertNotNull; import javax.cache.annotation.CacheKey; import javax.cache.annotation.CacheRemove; /** * @author Kevin Pollet <> (C) 2011 SERLI */ public class CacheRemoveEntryService { @CacheRemove public void removeEntry(String login) { assertNotNull(login, "login parameter must not be null"); } @CacheRemove(cacheName = "custom") public void removeEntryWithCacheName(String login) { assertNotNull(login, "login parameter must not be null"); } @CacheRemove(cacheName = "custom") public void removeEntryWithCacheKeyParam(@CacheKey String login, String unused) { assertNotNull(login, "login parameter must not be null"); } @CacheRemove(cacheName = "custom", afterInvocation = false) public void removeEntryBeforeInvocationWithException(String login) { assertNotNull(login, "login parameter must not be null"); } @CacheRemove(cacheName = "custom", cacheKeyGenerator = CustomCacheKeyGenerator.class) public void removeEntryWithCacheKeyGenerator(String login) { assertNotNull(login, "login parameter must not be null"); } }