package org.infinispan.counter.logging; import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.ERROR; import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN; import org.infinispan.configuration.parsing.ParserScope; import org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException; import org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException; import org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterOutOfBoundsException; import org.infinispan.util.ByteString; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger; /** * range: 28001 - 29000 * * @author Pedro Ruivo * @since 9.0 */ @MessageLogger(projectCode = "ISPN") public interface Log extends org.infinispan.util.logging.Log { @Message(value = CounterOutOfBoundsException.FORMAT_MESSAGE, id = 28001) CounterOutOfBoundsException counterOurOfBounds(String bound); @Message(value = "The counter was deleted.", id = 28002) CounterException counterDeleted(); @Message(value = "The counter name is missing.", id = 28003) CounterConfigurationException missingCounterName(); @Message(value = "Invalid storage mode. It must be non-null", id = 28004) CounterConfigurationException invalidStorageMode(); @Message(value = "Invalid storage mode. PERSISTENT is not allowed without global state enabled in cache container.", id = 28005) CounterConfigurationException invalidPersistentStorageMode(); @Message(value = "Invalid number of owner. It must be higher than zero but it was %s", id = 28006) CounterConfigurationException invalidNumOwners(int value); @Message(value = "Invalid reliability mode. It must be non-null", id = 28007) CounterConfigurationException invalidReliabilityMode(); @Message(value = "Invalid initial value for counter. It must be between %s and %s (inclusive) but was %s", id = 28008) CounterConfigurationException invalidInitialValueForBoundedCounter(long lower, long upper, long value); @Message(value = "Invalid concurrency-level. It must be higher than zero but it was %s", id = 28009) CounterConfigurationException invalidConcurrencyLevel(int value); @LogMessage(level = WARN) @Message(value = "Unable to add(%s) to non-existing counter '%s'.", id = 28010) void noSuchCounterAdd(long value, ByteString counterName); @LogMessage(level = WARN) @Message(value = "Unable to reset non-existing counter '%s'.", id = 28011) void noSuchCounterReset(ByteString counterName); @LogMessage(level = WARN) @Message(value = "Interrupted while waiting for the counter manager caches.", id = 28012) void interruptedWhileWaitingForCaches(); @LogMessage(level = ERROR) @Message(value = "Exception while waiting for counter manager caches.", id = 28013) void exceptionWhileWaitingForCached(@Cause Throwable cause); @Message(value = "Invalid counter type. Expected=%s but got %s", id = 28014) CounterException invalidCounterType(String expected, String actual); @Message(value = "Unable to fetch counter manager caches.", id = 28015) CounterException unableToFetchCaches(); @Message(value = "Counter '%s' is not defined.", id = 28016) CounterException undefinedCounter(String name); @Message(value = "Duplicated counter name found. Counter '%s' already exists.", id = 28017) CounterConfigurationException duplicatedCounterName(String counter); @Message(value = "Metadata not found but counter exists. Counter=%s", id = 28018) IllegalStateException metadataIsMissing(ByteString counterName); @LogMessage(level = WARN) @Message(value = "Unable to compare-and-set(%d, %d) non-existing counter '%s'.", id = 28019) void noSuchCounterCAS(long expected, long value, ByteString counterName); @Message(value = "Invalid scope for tag <counter>. Expected CACHE_CONTAINER but was %s", id = 28020) CounterConfigurationException invalidScope(ParserScope scope); }