package org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.FilterCallback; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.FilterSubscription; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.Matcher; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.ObjectFilter; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.aggregation.FieldAccumulator; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.logging.Log; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.predicateindex.MatcherEvalContext; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.ConstantBooleanExpr; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.FullTextVisitor; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser.IckleParsingResult; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser.IckleParser; import org.infinispan.objectfilter.impl.syntax.parser.ObjectPropertyHelper; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.Query; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.impl.BaseQuery; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * @author * @since 7.0 */ //todo [anistor] make package local public abstract class BaseMatcher<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId extends Comparable<AttributeId>> implements Matcher { private static final Log log = Logger.getMessageLogger(Log.class, BaseMatcher.class.getName()); private final ReentrantReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Lock read = readWriteLock.readLock(); private final Lock write = readWriteLock.writeLock(); private final Map<TypeMetadata, FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>> filtersByType = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<TypeMetadata, FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>> deltaFiltersByType = new HashMap<>(); protected final ObjectPropertyHelper<TypeMetadata> propertyHelper; protected BaseMatcher(ObjectPropertyHelper<TypeMetadata> propertyHelper) { this.propertyHelper = propertyHelper; } public ObjectPropertyHelper<TypeMetadata> getPropertyHelper() { return propertyHelper; } /** * Executes the registered filters and notifies each one of them whether it was satisfied or not by the given * instance. * * @param userContext an optional user provided object to be passed to matching subscribers along with the matching * instance; can be {@code null} * @param eventType on optional event type discriminator that is matched against the even type specified when the * filter was registered; can be {@code null} * @param instance the object to test against the registered filters; never {@code null} */ @Override public void match(Object userContext, Object eventType, Object instance) { if (instance == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("instance cannot be null"); } read.lock(); try { MatcherEvalContext<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> ctx = startMultiTypeContext(false, userContext, eventType, instance); if (ctx != null) { // try to match ctx.process(ctx.getRootNode()); // notify ctx.notifySubscribers(); } } finally { read.unlock(); } } @Override public void matchDelta(Object userContext, Object eventType, Object instanceOld, Object instanceNew, Object joiningEvent, Object updatedEvent, Object leavingEvent) { if (instanceOld == null && instanceNew == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("instances cannot be both null"); } read.lock(); try { MatcherEvalContext<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> ctx1 = null; MatcherEvalContext<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> ctx2 = null; if (instanceOld != null) { ctx1 = startMultiTypeContext(true, userContext, eventType, instanceOld); if (ctx1 != null) { // try to match ctx1.process(ctx1.getRootNode()); } } if (instanceNew != null) { ctx2 = startMultiTypeContext(true, userContext, eventType, instanceNew); if (ctx2 != null) { // try to match ctx2.process(ctx2.getRootNode()); } } if (ctx1 != null) { // notify ctx1.notifyDeltaSubscribers(ctx2, joiningEvent, updatedEvent, leavingEvent); } else if (ctx2 != null) { // notify ctx2.notifyDeltaSubscribers(null, leavingEvent, updatedEvent, joiningEvent); } } finally { read.unlock(); } } @Override public ObjectFilter getObjectFilter(Query query) { return getObjectFilter(((BaseQuery) query).getQueryString(), null); } @Override public ObjectFilter getObjectFilter(String queryString) { return getObjectFilter(queryString, null); } @Override public ObjectFilter getObjectFilter(String queryString, List<FieldAccumulator> acc) { final IckleParsingResult<TypeMetadata> parsingResult = IckleParser.parse(queryString, propertyHelper); disallowGroupingAndAggregations(parsingResult); // if the query is a contradiction just return an ObjectFilter that rejects everything if (parsingResult.getWhereClause() == ConstantBooleanExpr.FALSE) { return new RejectObjectFilter<>(null, parsingResult); } final MetadataAdapter<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> metadataAdapter = createMetadataAdapter(parsingResult.getTargetEntityMetadata()); // if the query is a tautology or there is no query at all and there is no sorting or projections just return a special instance that accepts anything // in case we have sorting and projections we cannot take this shortcut because the computation of projections or sort projections is a bit more involved if ((parsingResult.getWhereClause() == null || parsingResult.getWhereClause() == ConstantBooleanExpr.TRUE) && parsingResult.getSortFields() == null && parsingResult.getProjectedPaths() == null) { return new AcceptObjectFilter<>(null, this, metadataAdapter, parsingResult); } FieldAccumulator[] accumulators = acc != null ? acc.toArray(new FieldAccumulator[acc.size()]) : null; return new ObjectFilterImpl<>(this, metadataAdapter, parsingResult, accumulators); } @Override public ObjectFilter getObjectFilter(FilterSubscription filterSubscription) { FilterSubscriptionImpl<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> filterSubscriptionImpl = (FilterSubscriptionImpl<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>) filterSubscription; ObjectFilter objectFilter = getObjectFilter(filterSubscriptionImpl.getQueryString()); return filterSubscriptionImpl.getNamedParameters() != null ? objectFilter.withParameters(filterSubscriptionImpl.getNamedParameters()) : objectFilter; } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(Query query, FilterCallback callback, Object... eventType) { return registerFilter(query, callback, false, eventType); } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(Query query, FilterCallback callback, boolean isDeltaFilter, Object... eventType) { BaseQuery baseQuery = (BaseQuery) query; return registerFilter(baseQuery.getQueryString(), baseQuery.getParameters(), callback, isDeltaFilter, eventType); } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(String queryString, FilterCallback callback, Object... eventType) { return registerFilter(queryString, callback, false, eventType); } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(String queryString, FilterCallback callback, boolean isDeltaFilter, Object... eventType) { return registerFilter(queryString, null, callback, isDeltaFilter, eventType); } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(String queryString, Map<String, Object> namedParameters, FilterCallback callback, Object... eventType) { return registerFilter(queryString, namedParameters, callback, false, eventType); } @Override public FilterSubscription registerFilter(String queryString, Map<String, Object> namedParameters, FilterCallback callback, boolean isDeltaFilter, Object... eventType) { IckleParsingResult<TypeMetadata> parsingResult = IckleParser.parse(queryString, propertyHelper); disallowGroupingAndAggregations(parsingResult); disallowFullText(parsingResult); Map<TypeMetadata, FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>> filterMap = isDeltaFilter ? deltaFiltersByType : filtersByType; write.lock(); try { FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> filterRegistry = filterMap.get(parsingResult.getTargetEntityMetadata()); if (filterRegistry == null) { filterRegistry = new FilterRegistry<>(createMetadataAdapter(parsingResult.getTargetEntityMetadata()), true); filterMap.put(filterRegistry.getMetadataAdapter().getTypeMetadata(), filterRegistry); } return filterRegistry.addFilter(queryString, namedParameters, parsingResult.getWhereClause(), parsingResult.getProjections(), parsingResult.getProjectedTypes(), parsingResult.getSortFields(), callback, isDeltaFilter, eventType); } finally { write.unlock(); } } private void disallowFullText(IckleParsingResult<TypeMetadata> parsingResult) { if (parsingResult.getWhereClause() != null) { if (parsingResult.getWhereClause().acceptVisitor(FullTextVisitor.INSTANCE)) { throw log.getFiltersCannotUseFullTextSearchException(); } } } private void disallowGroupingAndAggregations(IckleParsingResult<TypeMetadata> parsingResult) { if (parsingResult.hasGroupingOrAggregations()) { throw log.getFiltersCannotUseGroupingOrAggregationException(); } } @Override public void unregisterFilter(FilterSubscription filterSubscription) { FilterSubscriptionImpl<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> filterSubscriptionImpl = (FilterSubscriptionImpl<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>) filterSubscription; Map<TypeMetadata, FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId>> filterMap = filterSubscription.isDeltaFilter() ? deltaFiltersByType : filtersByType; write.lock(); try { FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> filterRegistry = filterMap.get(filterSubscriptionImpl.getMetadataAdapter().getTypeMetadata()); if (filterRegistry != null) { filterRegistry.removeFilter(filterSubscription); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No filter was found for type " + filterSubscriptionImpl.getMetadataAdapter().getTypeMetadata()); } if (filterRegistry.getFilterSubscriptions().isEmpty()) { filterMap.remove(filterRegistry.getMetadataAdapter().getTypeMetadata()); } } finally { write.unlock(); } } /** * Creates a new {@link MatcherEvalContext} capable of dealing with multiple filters. The context is created only if * the given instance is recognized to be of a type that has some filters registered. If there are no filters, {@code * null} is returned to signal this condition and make the evaluation faster. This method must be called while * holding the internal write lock. * * @param isDelta indicates if this is a delta match of not * @param userContext an opaque value, possibly null, the is received from the caller and is to be handed to the * {@link FilterCallback} in case a match is detected * @param eventType on optional event type discriminator * @param instance the instance to filter; never {@code null} * @return the MatcherEvalContext or {@code null} if no filter was registered for the instance */ protected abstract MatcherEvalContext<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> startMultiTypeContext(boolean isDelta, Object userContext, Object eventType, Object instance); /** * Creates a new {@link MatcherEvalContext} capable of dealing with a single filter for a single type. The context is * created only if the given instance is recognized to be of a type that has some filters registered. If there are no * filters, {@code null} is returned to signal this condition and make the evaluation faster. This method must be * called while holding the internal write lock. * * @param userContext an opaque value, possibly null, the is received from the caller and is to be handed to the * {@link FilterCallback} in case a match is detected * @param instance the instance to filter; never {@code null} * @param metadataAdapter the metadata adapter of expected instance type * @return the MatcherEvalContext or {@code null} if no filter was registered for the instance */ protected abstract MatcherEvalContext<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> startSingleTypeContext(Object userContext, Object eventType, Object instance, MetadataAdapter<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> metadataAdapter); protected abstract MetadataAdapter<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> createMetadataAdapter(TypeMetadata entityType); protected final FilterRegistry<TypeMetadata, AttributeMetadata, AttributeId> getFilterRegistryForType(boolean isDeltaFilter, TypeMetadata entityType) { return isDeltaFilter ? deltaFiltersByType.get(entityType) : filtersByType.get(entityType); } /** * Decorates a matching instance before it is presented to the caller of the {@link ObjectFilter#filter(Object)}. * * @param instance never null * @return the converted/decorated instance */ protected Object convert(Object instance) { return instance; } }