package org.infinispan.jcache; import static org.infinispan.jcache.RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.ObjectNameType.CONFIGURATION; import static org.infinispan.jcache.RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.ObjectNameType.STATISTICS; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.cache.Cache; import javax.cache.CacheException; import javax.cache.CacheManager; import javax.cache.configuration.CacheEntryListenerConfiguration; import javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration; import javax.cache.configuration.Configuration; import javax.cache.configuration.Factory; import javax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration; import javax.cache.expiry.Duration; import javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy; import javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader; import javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter; import javax.cache.integration.CompletionListener; import; import javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor; import javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult; import; import org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException; import org.infinispan.commons.api.BasicCache; import org.infinispan.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.infinispan.commons.util.ReflectionUtil; import org.infinispan.jcache.logging.Log; public abstract class AbstractJCache<K, V> implements Cache<K, V> { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractJCache.class, Log.class); private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); protected final MutableConfiguration<K, V> configuration; protected final ExpiryPolicy expiryPolicy; protected final AbstractJCacheNotifier<K, V> notifier; private final CacheManager cacheManager; protected CacheLoader<K, V> jcacheLoader; protected CacheWriter<? super K, ? super V> jcacheWriter; private final CacheMXBean mxBean; public AbstractJCache(MutableConfiguration<K, V> configuration, CacheManager cacheManager, AbstractJCacheNotifier<K, V> notifier) { this.configuration = configuration; this.cacheManager = cacheManager; this.notifier = notifier; this.expiryPolicy = configuration.getExpiryPolicyFactory().create(); this.mxBean = new RIDelegatingCacheMXBean<K, V>(this); } protected void addConfigurationListeners() { for (CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> r : configuration.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations()) notifier.addListener(r, this, notifier); } @Override public <C extends Configuration<K, V>> C getConfiguration(Class<C> clazz) { if (clazz.isInstance(configuration)) return clazz.cast(configuration); throw log.configurationClassNotSupported(clazz); } public AbstractJCache<K, V> checkNotNull(Object obj, String name) { if (obj == null) { throw log.parameterMustNotBeNull(name); } return this; } protected void setCacheLoader(CompleteConfiguration<K, V> c) { // Plug user-defined cache loader into adaptor Factory<CacheLoader<K, V>> cacheLoaderFactory = c.getCacheLoaderFactory(); if (cacheLoaderFactory != null) { jcacheLoader = cacheLoaderFactory.create(); addCacheLoaderAdapter(jcacheLoader); } } protected void setCacheWriter(CompleteConfiguration<K, V> c) { // Plug user-defined cache writer into adaptor Factory<CacheWriter<? super K, ? super V>> cacheWriterFactory = c.getCacheWriterFactory(); if (cacheWriterFactory != null) { jcacheWriter = cacheWriterFactory.create(); addCacheWriterAdapter(jcacheWriter); } } protected abstract void addCacheLoaderAdapter(CacheLoader<K, V> cacheLoader); protected abstract void addCacheWriterAdapter(CacheWriter<? super K, ? super V> cacheWriter); protected void setListenerCompletion(CompletionListener listener) { if (listener != null) listener.onCompletion(); } protected void setListenerException(CompletionListener listener, Throwable t) { if (listener != null) { if (t instanceof Exception) listener.onException((Exception) t); else listener.onException(new CacheException(t)); } } protected List<K> filterLoadAllKeys(Set<? extends K> keys, boolean replaceExistingValues, boolean cacheEvict) { if (trace) log.tracef("Before filtering, keys to load: %s", keys); // Filter null keys out and keys to be overridden optionally final List<K> keysToLoad = new ArrayList<K>(); for (K key : keys) { if (key == null) throw log.parameterMustNotBeNull("Key"); // Evict from memory if value needs to be replaced (instead of flag) if (cacheEvict && replaceExistingValues && containsKey(key)) evict(key); if (replaceExistingValues || !containsKey(key)) keysToLoad.add(key); } if (trace) log.tracef("After filtering, keys to load: %s", keysToLoad); return keysToLoad; } protected Map<K, V> loadAllKeys(List<K> keysToLoad) { try { return jcacheLoader.loadAll(keysToLoad); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.launderCacheLoaderException(e); } } protected void loadAllFromJCacheLoader(Set<? extends K> keys, boolean replaceExistingValues, final CompletionListener listener, BasicCache<K, V> cache, BasicCache<K, V> createCheckCache) { final List<K> keysToLoad = filterLoadAllKeys(keys, replaceExistingValues, false); if (keysToLoad.isEmpty()) { setListenerCompletion(listener); return; } try { Map<K, V> loaded = loadAllKeys(keysToLoad); Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> it = loaded.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<K, V> entry =; if (entry.getValue() == null) it.remove(); } for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : loaded.entrySet()) { K loadedKey = entry.getKey(); V loadedValue = entry.getValue(); put(cache, createCheckCache, loadedKey, loadedValue, false); } setListenerCompletion(listener); } catch (Throwable t) { setListenerException(listener, t); } } protected <T> T processEntryProcessor(MutableJCacheEntry<K, V> mutable, EntryProcessor<K, V, T> entryProcessor, Object[] arguments) { try { return entryProcessor.process(mutable, arguments); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.launderEntryProcessorException(e); } } protected abstract AbstractJCache<K, V> checkNotClosed(); protected AbstractJCache<K, V> verifyKeys(Set<? extends K> keys) { // spec required if (keys == null || keys.contains(null)) throw new NullPointerException("keys is null or keys contains a null: " + keys); return this; } @Override public <T> Map<K, EntryProcessorResult<T>> invokeAll( Set<? extends K> keys, EntryProcessor<K, V, T> entryProcessor, Object... arguments) { checkNotClosed().checkNotNull(entryProcessor, "entryProcessor").verifyKeys(keys); Map<K, EntryProcessorResult<T>> map = new HashMap<K, EntryProcessorResult<T>>(keys.size()); for (K key : keys) { EntryProcessorResult<T> result; try { T t = invoke(key, entryProcessor, arguments); result = t == null ? null : new SuccessEntryProcessorResult<T>(t); } catch (Throwable t) { result = new FailureEntryProcessorResult<T>(t); } if (result != null) map.put(key, result); } return map; } protected abstract void evict(K key); protected V put(BasicCache<K, V> cache, BasicCache<K, V> createCheckCache, K key, V value, boolean isPutIfAbsent) { // Use a separate cache reference to check whether entry is created or // not. A separate reference allows for listener notifications to be // skipped selectively. V prev = createCheckCache.get(key); boolean isCreated = prev == null; // If putIfAbsent and entry already present, skip early if (!isCreated && isPutIfAbsent) return prev; V ret; Duration ttl = isCreated ? Expiration.getExpiry(expiryPolicy, Expiration.Operation.CREATION) : Expiration.getExpiry(expiryPolicy, Expiration.Operation.UPDATE); try { if (ttl == null || ttl.isEternal()) { ret = isPutIfAbsent ? cache.putIfAbsent(key, value) : cache.put(key, value); } else if (ttl.equals(Duration.ZERO)) { // TODO: Can this be avoided? // Special case for ZERO because the Infinispan remove() // implementation returns true if entry was expired in the removal // (since it was previously stored). JSR-107 TCK expects that if // ZERO is passed, the entry is not stored and removal returns false. // So, if entry is created, do not store it in the cache. // If the entry is modified, explicitly remove it. if (!isCreated) ret = cache.remove(key); else ret = null; } else { long duration = ttl.getDurationAmount(); TimeUnit timeUnit = ttl.getTimeUnit(); ret = isPutIfAbsent ? cache.putIfAbsent(key, value, duration, timeUnit) : cache.put(key, value, duration, timeUnit); } return ret; } catch (CacheListenerException e) { throw Exceptions.launderCacheListenerException(e); } } protected void updateTTLForAccessed(BasicCache<K, V> cache, K key, V value) { Duration ttl = Expiration.getExpiry(expiryPolicy, Expiration.Operation.ACCESS); if (ttl != null) { if (ttl.equals(Duration.ZERO)) { // TODO: Expiry of 0 does not seem to remove entry when next accessed. // Hence, explicitly removing the entry. cache.remove(key); } else { // The expiration policy could potentially return different values // every time, so don't think we can rely on maxIdle. long durationAmount = ttl.getDurationAmount(); TimeUnit timeUnit = ttl.getTimeUnit(); cache.put(key, value, durationAmount, timeUnit); } } } protected boolean replace(BasicCache<K, V> cache, BasicCache<K, V> existsCheckCache, K key, V oldValue, V value, boolean isConditional) { checkNotNull(value, "value"); if (isConditional) { // Even if replace fails, values have to be validated (required by TCK) checkNotNull(oldValue, "oldValue"); } V current = existsCheckCache.get(key); if (current != null) { if (isConditional && !current.equals(oldValue)) { updateTTLForAccessed(cache, key, value); return false; } Duration ttl = Expiration.getExpiry(expiryPolicy, Expiration.Operation.UPDATE); if (ttl == null || ttl.isEternal()) { return isConditional ? cache.replace(key, oldValue, value) : cache.replace(key, value) != null; } else if (ttl.equals(Duration.ZERO)) { // TODO: Can this be avoided? // Remove explicitly return cache.remove(key) != null; } else { long duration = ttl.getDurationAmount(); TimeUnit timeUnit = ttl.getTimeUnit(); return isConditional ? cache.replace(key, oldValue, value, duration, timeUnit) : cache.replace(key, value, duration, timeUnit) != null; } } return false; } protected V replace(BasicCache<K, V> cache, K key, V value) { checkNotNull(value, "value"); boolean exists = cache.containsKey(key); if (exists) { Duration ttl = Expiration.getExpiry(expiryPolicy, Expiration.Operation.UPDATE); if (ttl == null || ttl.isEternal()) { return cache.replace(key, value); } else if (ttl.equals(Duration.ZERO)) { // TODO: Can this be avoided? // Remove explicitly return cache.remove(key); } else { long duration = ttl.getDurationAmount(); TimeUnit timeUnit = ttl.getTimeUnit(); return cache.replace(key, value, duration, timeUnit); } } return null; } protected boolean remove(BasicCache<K, V> cache, K key, V oldValue) { V current = cache.get(key); if (current != null && !current.equals(oldValue)) { updateTTLForAccessed(cache, key, current); return false; } return cache.remove(key, oldValue); } @Override public CacheManager getCacheManager() { return cacheManager; } //TODO: these were initially package-level protected abstract MBeanServer getMBeanServer(); //TODO: these were initially package-level protected Object getCacheMXBean() { return mxBean; } //TODO: these were initially package-level protected abstract Object getCacheStatisticsMXBean(); //TODO: was package-level initially public void setManagementEnabled(boolean enabled) { configuration.setManagementEnabled(enabled); if (enabled) RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.registerCacheObject(this, CONFIGURATION); else RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.unregisterCacheObject(this, CONFIGURATION); } //TODO: was package-level initially public void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled) { configuration.setStatisticsEnabled(enabled); if (enabled) RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.registerCacheObject(this, STATISTICS); else RIMBeanServerRegistrationUtility.unregisterCacheObject(this, STATISTICS); } protected abstract void addListener(AbstractJCacheListenerAdapter<K, V> listenerAdapter); protected abstract void removeListener(AbstractJCacheListenerAdapter<K, V> listenerAdapter); @Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> clazz) { return ReflectionUtil.unwrap(this, clazz); } protected void addCacheEntryListenerConfiguration( CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> listenerCfg) { if (listenerCfg == null) { throw new NullPointerException("CacheEntryListenerConfiguration can't be null"); } boolean alreadyExists = false; for (CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<? super K, ? super V> c : configuration.getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations()) { if (c.equals(listenerCfg)) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { configuration.addCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(listenerCfg); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A CacheEntryListenerConfiguration can " + "be registered only once"); } } protected void removeCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> listenerCfg) { configuration.removeCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(listenerCfg); } protected boolean statisticsEnabled() { return getConfiguration(CompleteConfiguration.class).isStatisticsEnabled(); } }