package org.infinispan.functional; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache; import org.infinispan.commons.api.functional.EntryView.ReadWriteEntryView; import org.infinispan.commons.api.functional.FunctionalMap.ReadWriteMap; import org.infinispan.functional.impl.FunctionalMapImpl; import org.infinispan.functional.impl.ReadWriteMapImpl; import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * @author Krzysztof Sobolewski <> */ @Test(groups = "functional", testName = "functional.FunctionalDistributionTest") public class FunctionalDistributionTest extends AbstractFunctionalTest { public FunctionalDistributionTest() { numNodes = 4; // we want some non-owners and some secondary owners: numDistOwners = 2; /* * The potential problem arises in async mode: the non-primary owner * executes, then forwards to the primary owner, which executes and * forwards to all non-primary owners, including the originator, which * executes again. In sync mode this does not cause problems because the * second invocation on the originator happens before the first is * committed so it receives the same input data. Not so in async mode. */ isSync = false; } @BeforeClass @Override public void createBeforeClass() throws Throwable { super.createBeforeClass(); } public void testDistributionFromPrimaryOwner() throws InterruptedException { Object key = "testDistributionFromPrimaryOwner"; doTestDistribution(key, .map(cm -> cm.<Object, Integer>getCache(DIST).getAdvancedCache()) .filter(cache -> cache.getDistributionManager().getPrimaryLocation(key) .equals(cache.getRpcManager().getAddress())) .findAny() .get()); } public void testDistributionFromSecondaryOwner() throws InterruptedException { Object key = "testDistributionFromSecondaryOwner"; doTestDistribution(key, .map(cm -> cm.<Object, Integer>getCache(DIST).getAdvancedCache()) // owner... .filter(cache -> cache.getDistributionManager().getLocality(key).isLocal() // ...but not primary owner && !cache.getDistributionManager().getPrimaryLocation(key) .equals(cache.getRpcManager().getAddress())) .findAny() .get()); } public void testDistributionFromNonOwner() throws InterruptedException { Object key = "testDistributionFromNonOwner"; doTestDistribution(key, .map(cm -> cm.<Object, Integer>getCache(DIST).getAdvancedCache()) .filter(cache -> !cache.getDistributionManager().getLocality(key).isLocal()) .findAny() .get()); } private void doTestDistribution(Object key, AdvancedCache<Object, Integer> originator) throws InterruptedException { ReadWriteMap<Object, Integer> rw = ReadWriteMapImpl.create(FunctionalMapImpl.create(originator)); // with empty cache: iterate(key, rw, 1); // again: iterate(key, rw, 2); } private void iterate(Object key, ReadWriteMap<Object, Integer> rw, int expectedValue) throws InterruptedException { rw.eval(key, (Function<ReadWriteEntryView<Object, Integer>, Void> & Serializable) entry -> { // we need a small delay so that the value gets committed before the replication finishes: TestingUtil.sleepThread(10); return entry.set(entry.find().orElse(0) + 1); }).join(); // since we're in async mode, we need to wait before the replication finishes Thread.sleep(100); // TODO: find a better way? // we want to ensure that each of the owners executes the function only once: Assert.assertEquals( (Object) .map(cm -> cm.<Object, Integer>getCache(DIST).getAdvancedCache()) .filter(cache -> cache.getDistributionManager().getLocality(key).isLocal()) .map(cache -> cache.getDataContainer().get(key).getValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()), Collections.nCopies(numDistOwners, expectedValue)); } }