package com.compomics.util.protein_sequences_manager; import com.compomics.util.protein_sequences_manager.enums.SequenceInputType; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.FastaIndex; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory; import; import com.compomics.util.preferences.UtilitiesUserPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; /** * The protein sequences manager helps the user manage FASTA files. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class ProteinSequencesManager { /** * Name of the folder containing temporary files. */ public static final String TEMP_FOLDER = ".temp"; /** * Name of the folder containing UniProt files. */ public static final String UNIPROT_FOLDER = "uniprot"; /** * Name of the folder containing user FASTA files. */ public static final String USER_FOLDER = "user"; /** * Name of the folder containing DNA translated files. */ public static final String DNA_FOLDER = "dna"; /** * The list of databases loaded. */ private ArrayList<String> databaseNames; /** * Map of input types for every database name. */ private HashMap<String, SequenceInputType> databaseInputTypes; /** * Map of the index for every database: name - version - FastaIndex. */ private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, FastaIndex>> databaseIndexes; /** * The working folder. */ private File workingFolder; /** * Constructor. The Protein Sequences Manager folder must be set in the * utilities preferences before calling the constructor. */ public ProteinSequencesManager() { UtilitiesUserPreferences utilitiesUserPreferences = UtilitiesUserPreferences.loadUserPreferences(); workingFolder = utilitiesUserPreferences.getProteinSequencesManagerFolder(); if (workingFolder == null || !workingFolder.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Working folder not set."); } parseWorkingFolder(); } /** * Parses the databases found in the working folder. */ private void parseWorkingFolder() { databaseNames = new ArrayList<String>(); databaseInputTypes = new HashMap<String, SequenceInputType>(); databaseIndexes = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, FastaIndex>>(); parseSubFolder(getUniprotFolder(), SequenceInputType.uniprot); parseSubFolder(getUserFolder(), SequenceInputType.user); parseSubFolder(getDnaFolder(), SequenceInputType.dna); } /** * Parses a folder containing database folders and loads the content in the * maps. * * @param folder the folder to inspect * @param sequenceInputType the type of input */ private void parseSubFolder(File folder, SequenceInputType sequenceInputType) { if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); if (!folder.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to write into the working folder."); } return; } for (File fastaFolder : folder.listFiles()) { if (fastaFolder.isDirectory()) { String name = fastaFolder.getName(); boolean dbFound = false; for (File versionFolder : fastaFolder.listFiles()) { if (versionFolder.isDirectory()) { String version = versionFolder.getName(); FastaIndex fastaIndex = null; for (File subFile : versionFolder.listFiles()) { if (subFile.getName().endsWith(".cui")) { try { FastaIndex tempIndex = (FastaIndex) SerializationUtils.readObject(subFile); String correctedName = correctFastaName(tempIndex.getName()); if (correctedName.equals(name)) { File fastaFile = new File(versionFolder, tempIndex.getFileName()); if (fastaFile.exists()) { fastaIndex = tempIndex; } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } if (fastaIndex != null) { dbFound = true; databaseNames.add(fastaIndex.getName()); databaseInputTypes.put(name, sequenceInputType); HashMap<String, FastaIndex> fastaMap = databaseIndexes.get(name); if (fastaMap == null) { fastaMap = new HashMap<String, FastaIndex>(1); databaseIndexes.put(name, fastaMap); } fastaMap.put(version, fastaIndex); } else { // corrupted folder, delete Util.deleteDir(versionFolder); } } } if (!dbFound) { // corrupted folder, delete Util.deleteDir(fastaFolder); } } } } /** * Returns the folder where UniProt databases are stored. * * @return the folder where UniProt databases are stored */ public File getUniprotFolder() { return new File(workingFolder, UNIPROT_FOLDER); } /** * Returns the folder where user databases are stored. * * @return the folder where user databases are stored */ public File getUserFolder() { return new File(workingFolder, USER_FOLDER); } /** * Returns the folder where DNA databases are stored. * * @return the folder where DNA databases are stored */ public File getDnaFolder() { return new File(workingFolder, DNA_FOLDER); } /** * Adds a FASTA file to the working folder. * * @param fastaFile the FASTA file to add * @param sequenceInputType the type of input * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress and allowing * canceling the operation. * * @throws IOException exception thrown whenever an error occurred while * copying the file. */ public void addFastaFile(File fastaFile, SequenceInputType sequenceInputType, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws IOException { FastaIndex tempIndex = SequenceFactory.getFastaIndex(fastaFile, false, waitingHandler); if (!waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { String fastaName = tempIndex.getName(); File folder = getFolder(sequenceInputType); folder = new File(folder, fastaName); String version = tempIndex.getVersion(); folder = new File(folder, version); folder.mkdirs(); if (!folder.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to write into the working folder."); } String fileName = fastaFile.getName(); fileName = correctFastaName(fileName); File importedFile = new File(folder, fileName); Util.copyFile(fastaFile, importedFile); //add all user specifications to the new index FastaIndex newIndex = SequenceFactory.getFastaIndex(fastaFile, true, waitingHandler); newIndex.setName(tempIndex.getName()); newIndex.setAccessionParsingRule(tempIndex.getAccessionParsingRule()); newIndex.setDecoyTag(tempIndex.getDecoyTag()); newIndex.setDescription(tempIndex.getDescription()); newIndex.setMainDatabaseType(tempIndex.getMainDatabaseType()); newIndex.setVersion(tempIndex.getVersion()); SequenceFactory.writeIndex(newIndex, folder); // add fasta file to the mapping if (!databaseNames.contains(fastaName)) { databaseNames.add(fastaName); databaseInputTypes.put(fastaName, sequenceInputType); } HashMap<String, FastaIndex> databaseMap = databaseIndexes.get(fastaName); if (databaseMap == null) { databaseMap = new HashMap<String, FastaIndex>(1); databaseIndexes.put(fastaName, databaseMap); } databaseMap.put(version, newIndex); } } /** * Corrects the name of the given FASTA file. * * @param fastaName the name of the given FASTA file * * @return a corrected name for the given FASTA file */ public static String correctFastaName(String fastaName) { return fastaName.replaceAll(" ", "_"); } /** * Returns the folder to be used for the given input type. * * @param sequenceInputType the type of input * * @return the folder to be used for the given input type */ public File getFolder(SequenceInputType sequenceInputType) { switch (sequenceInputType) { case uniprot: return new File(workingFolder, UNIPROT_FOLDER); case user: return new File(workingFolder, USER_FOLDER); case dna: return new File(workingFolder, DNA_FOLDER); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Folder not implemented for input type " + sequenceInputType + "."); } } /** * Returns the temporary folder. * * @return the temporary folder */ public File getTempFolder() { return new File(workingFolder, TEMP_FOLDER); } /** * Returns the list of database names parsed from the working folder. * * @return the list of database names parsed from the working folder */ public ArrayList<String> getDatabaseNames() { return databaseNames; } /** * Returns the list of versions for the given database name as parsed from * the working folder. * * @param databaseName the name of the database of interest * * @return the list of versions for the given database name as parsed from * the working folder */ public ArrayList<String> getVersionsForDb(String databaseName) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(databaseIndexes.get(databaseName).keySet()); Collections.sort(result); return result; } /** * Returns the FASTA index of the given database name and version. * * @param databaseName the name of the database of interest * @param version the version of the database of interest * * @return the corresponding FASTA index */ public FastaIndex getFastaIndex(String databaseName, String version) { HashMap<String, FastaIndex> databaseMap = databaseIndexes.get(databaseName); if (databaseMap == null) { return null; } return databaseMap.get(version); } /** * Returns the input type of the given database. * * @param databaseName the name of the database * * @return the input type of the given database */ public SequenceInputType getInputType(String databaseName) { return databaseInputTypes.get(databaseName); } }