package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.fm_index; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Protein; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_sequences.SequenceFactory.ProteinIterator; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcid; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.variants.amino_acids.*; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcidSequence; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.MassGap; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTMFactory; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.variants.AaSubstitutionMatrix; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.amino_acid_tags.Tag; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.amino_acid_tags.matchers.TagMatcher; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.PtmSettings; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.VariantMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideMapper; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideProteinMapping; import com.compomics.util.preferences.PeptideVariantsPreferences; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jsuffixarrays.*; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; /** * The FM index. * * @author Dominik Kopczynski * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class FMIndex implements PeptideMapper { /** * Semaphore for caching. */ static Semaphore cacheMutex = new Semaphore(1); /** * Sampled suffix array. */ private int[] suffixArrayPrimary = null; //private int[] suffixArrayReversed = null; /** * Wavelet tree for storing the burrows wheeler transform. */ public WaveletTree occurrenceTablePrimary = null; /** * Wavelet tree for storing the burrows wheeler transform reversed. */ public WaveletTree occurrenceTableReversed = null; /** * Less table for doing an update step according to the LF step. */ public int[] lessTablePrimary = null; /** * Less table for doing an update step according to the LF step reversed. */ public int[] lessTableReversed = null; /** * Length of the indexed string (all concatenated protein sequences). */ public int indexStringLength = 0; /** * Every 2^samplingShift suffix array entry will be sampled. */ private final int samplingShift = 3; /** * Mask of fast modulo operations. */ private final int samplingMask = (1 << samplingShift) - 1; /** * Bit shifting for fast multiplying / dividing operations. */ private final int sampling = 1 << samplingShift; /** * Storing the starting positions of the protein sequences. */ private int[] boundaries = null; /** * List of all accession IDs in the FASTA file. */ private String[] accessions = null; /** * List of all amino acid masses. */ private double[] aaMasses = null; /** * List of all indexes for valid amino acid masses */ private int[] aaMassIndexes = null; /** * List of all indexes for valid amino acid masses */ private int numMasses = 0; /** * List of all amino acid masses. */ private String[] modifictationLabels = null; /** * List of all amino acid masses. */ private boolean[] modificationFlags = null; /** * If true, variable modifications are included. */ private boolean withVariableModifications = false; private ArrayList<String> fmodc = null; // @TODO: add JavaDoc private ArrayList<Double> fmodcMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] fmodcaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] fmodcaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> fmodn = null; private ArrayList<Double> fmodnMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] fmodnaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] fmodnaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> fmodcp = null; private ArrayList<Double> fmodcpMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] fmodcpaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] fmodcpaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> fmodnp = null; private ArrayList<Double> fmodnpMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] fmodnpaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] fmodnpaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> vmodc = null; private ArrayList<Double> vmodcMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] vmodcaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] vmodcaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> vmodn = null; private ArrayList<Double> vmodnMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] vmodnaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] vmodnaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> vmodcp = null; private ArrayList<Double> vmodcpMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] vmodcpaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] vmodcpaaMass = null; private ArrayList<String> vmodnp = null; private ArrayList<Double> vmodnpMass = null; private ArrayList<String>[] vmodnpaa = null; private ArrayList<Double>[] vmodnpaaMass = null; private boolean hasCTermDirectionPTM = false; private boolean hasNTermDirectionPTM = false; private boolean hasPTMatTerminus = false; private boolean hasFixedPTM_CatTerminus = false; private boolean hasFixedPTM_NatTerminus = false; double negativePTMMass = 0; /** * Either search with one maximal number of variants or use an upper limit * for every variant (insertion / deletion / substitution) */ boolean genericVariantMatching = true; /** * Number of allowed variant operations. */ int maxNumberVariants = 0; /** * Number of allowed insertion operations. */ int maxNumberInsertions = 0; /** * Number of allowed deletion operations. */ int maxNumberDeletions = 0; /** * Number of allowed substitution operations. */ int maxNumberSubstitutions = 0; /** * Allowed substitutions. */ boolean[][] substitutionMatrix = null; /** * Precision for the masses in lookup table. */ double lookupMultiplier = 10000; /** * Lookup tolerance mass. */ double lookupTolerance = 0.02; /** * Maximum mass for lookup table. */ double lookupMaxMass = 800; /** * Mass lookup table. */ long[] lookupMasses = null; /** * Returns the position of a value in the array or if not found the position * of the closest smaller value. * * @param array the array * @param key the key * @return he position of a value in the array or if not found the position * of the closest smaller value */ private static int binarySearch(int[] array, int key) { int low = 0; int mid = 0; int high = array.length - 1; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) >> 1; if (array[mid] <= key) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } if (mid > 0 && key < array[mid]) { mid -= 1; } return mid; } // @TODO: add javadoc public long getAllocatedBytes() { return occurrenceTablePrimary.getAllocatedBytes() + occurrenceTableReversed.getAllocatedBytes() + indexStringLength; } /** * Constructor. If PTM settings are provided the index will contain * modification information, ignored if null. * * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @param displayProgress if true, the progress is displayed * @param ptmSettings contains modification parameters for identification * @param peptideVariantsPreferences contains all parameters for variants */ public FMIndex(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean displayProgress, PtmSettings ptmSettings, PeptideVariantsPreferences peptideVariantsPreferences) { // load all variant preferences maxNumberVariants = peptideVariantsPreferences.getnVariants(); genericVariantMatching = !peptideVariantsPreferences.getUseSpecificCount(); maxNumberInsertions = peptideVariantsPreferences.getnAaInsertions(); maxNumberDeletions = peptideVariantsPreferences.getnAaDeletions(); maxNumberSubstitutions = peptideVariantsPreferences.getnAaSubstitutions(); substitutionMatrix = new boolean[128][128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 128; ++j) { substitutionMatrix[i][j] = false; } } AaSubstitutionMatrix aaSubstitutionMatrix = peptideVariantsPreferences.getAaSubstitutionMatrix(); for (int aa = 'A'; aa <= 'Z'; ++aa) { if (!aaSubstitutionMatrix.getOriginalAminoAcids().contains((char) aa)) { continue; } HashSet<Character> substitutions = aaSubstitutionMatrix.getSubstitutionAminoAcids((char) aa); if (substitutions.isEmpty()) { continue; } Iterator<Character> substitutionAAIterator = substitutions.iterator(); while (substitutionAAIterator.hasNext()) { int subAA =; substitutionMatrix[aa][subAA] = true; } } // load all ptm preferences if (ptmSettings != null) { // create masses table and modifications int[] modificationCounts = new int[128]; for (int i = 0; i < modificationCounts.length; ++i) { modificationCounts[i] = 0; } ArrayList<String> variableModifications = ptmSettings.getVariableModifications(); ArrayList<String> fixedModifications = ptmSettings.getFixedModifications(); PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance(); int hasVariableModification = 0; // check which amino acids have variable modificatitions for (String modification : variableModifications) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification); ArrayList<Character> targets; switch (ptm.getType()) { case PTM.MODAA: if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]++; hasVariableModification = Math.max(hasVariableModification, modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]); withVariableModifications = true; break; case PTM.MODC: if (vmodc == null) { vmodc = new ArrayList<String>(); vmodcMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; } vmodc.add(modification); vmodcMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCAA: if (vmodcaa == null) { vmodcaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodcaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } vmodcaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodcaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); vmodcaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); vmodcaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCP: if (vmodcp == null) { vmodcp = new ArrayList<String>(); vmodcpMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; } vmodcp.add(modification); vmodcpMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCPAA: if (vmodcpaa == null) { vmodcpaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodcpaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } vmodcpaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodcpaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); vmodcpaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); vmodcpaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODN: if (vmodn == null) { vmodn = new ArrayList<String>(); vmodnMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; } vmodn.add(modification); vmodnMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNAA: if (vmodnaa == null) { vmodnaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodnaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } vmodnaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodnaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); vmodnaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); vmodnaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNP: if (vmodnp == null) { vmodnp = new ArrayList<String>(); vmodnpMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; } vmodnp.add(modification); vmodnpMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNPAA: if (vmodnpaa == null) { vmodnpaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodnpaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } vmodnpaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { vmodnpaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); vmodnpaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); vmodnpaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; } } // create masses for all amino acids including modifications aaMasses = new double[128 * (1 + hasVariableModification)]; modifictationLabels = new String[128 * (1 + hasVariableModification)]; modificationFlags = new boolean[128 * (1 + hasVariableModification)]; for (int i = 0; i < aaMasses.length; ++i) { aaMasses[i] = -1; modifictationLabels[i] = null; modificationFlags[i] = false; } char[] aminoAcids = AminoAcid.getAminoAcids(); for (int i = 0; i < aminoAcids.length; ++i) { aaMasses[aminoAcids[i]] = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aminoAcids[i]).getMonoisotopicMass(); } // change masses for fixed modifications for (String modification : fixedModifications) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification); ArrayList<Character> targets; switch (ptm.getType()) { case PTM.MODAA: if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); aaMasses[targets.get(0)] += ptm.getMass(); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); modifictationLabels[targets.get(0)] = modification; modificationFlags[targets.get(0)] = true; break; case PTM.MODC: if (fmodc == null) { fmodc = new ArrayList<String>(); fmodcMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; hasFixedPTM_CatTerminus = true; } fmodc.add(modification); fmodcMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCAA: if (fmodcaa == null) { fmodcaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodcaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } fmodcaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodcaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; hasFixedPTM_CatTerminus = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); fmodcaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); fmodcaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCP: if (fmodcp == null) { fmodcp = new ArrayList<String>(); fmodcpMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; } fmodcp.add(modification); fmodcpMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODCPAA: if (fmodcpaa == null) { fmodcpaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodcpaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } fmodcpaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodcpaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasCTermDirectionPTM = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); fmodcpaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); fmodcpaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODN: if (fmodn == null) { fmodn = new ArrayList<String>(); fmodnMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; hasFixedPTM_NatTerminus = true; } fmodn.add(modification); fmodnMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNAA: if (fmodnaa == null) { fmodnaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodnaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } fmodnaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodnaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; hasPTMatTerminus = true; hasFixedPTM_NatTerminus = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); fmodnaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); fmodnaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNP: if (fmodnp == null) { fmodnp = new ArrayList<String>(); fmodnpMass = new ArrayList<Double>(); hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; } fmodnp.add(modification); fmodnpMass.add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; case PTM.MODNPAA: if (fmodnpaa == null) { fmodnpaa = (ArrayList<String>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodnpaa[i] = new ArrayList<String>(); } fmodnpaaMass = (ArrayList<Double>[]) new ArrayList[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { fmodnpaaMass[i] = new ArrayList<Double>(); } hasNTermDirectionPTM = true; } if (ptm.getPattern().length() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); fmodnpaa[targets.get(0)].add(modification); fmodnpaaMass[targets.get(0)].add(ptm.getMass()); negativePTMMass = Math.min(negativePTMMass, ptm.getMass()); break; } } // add masses for variable modifications for (int i = 0; i < modificationCounts.length; ++i) { modificationCounts[i] = 0; } for (String modification : variableModifications) { PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification); if (ptm.getType() == PTM.MODAA) { ArrayList<Character> targets = ptm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget(); aaMasses[128 * (1 + modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]) + targets.get(0)] = aaMasses[targets.get(0)] + ptm.getMass(); modifictationLabels[128 * (1 + modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]) + targets.get(0)] = modification; modificationFlags[128 * (1 + modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]) + targets.get(0)] = true; modificationCounts[targets.get(0)]++; } } } else { // create masses for all amino acids aaMasses = new double[128]; for (int i = 0; i < aaMasses.length; ++i) { aaMasses[i] = -1; } char[] aminoAcids = AminoAcid.getAminoAcids(); for (int i = 0; i < aminoAcids.length; ++i) { aaMasses[aminoAcids[i]] = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(aminoAcids[i]).getMonoisotopicMass(); } } ArrayList<Integer> aaMassVector = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < aaMasses.length; ++i) { if (aaMasses[i] > 0) { aaMassVector.add(i); } } aaMassIndexes = new int[aaMassVector.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < aaMassVector.size(); ++i) { aaMassIndexes[i] = aaMassVector.get(i); } numMasses = aaMassVector.size(); SequenceFactory sf = SequenceFactory.getInstance(); boolean deNovo = true; // @TODO: change it for de novo int maxProgressBar = 6 + ((deNovo) ? 4 : 0); if (waitingHandler != null && displayProgress && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(maxProgressBar ); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(0); } // reading all proteins in a first pass to get information about number and total length indexStringLength = 1; long indexStringLengthLong = 1L; int numProteins = 0; try { ProteinIterator pi = sf.getProteinIterator(false); while (pi.hasNext()) { if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } Protein currentProtein = pi.getNextProtein(); int proteinLen = currentProtein.getLength(); indexStringLengthLong += proteinLen; ++numProteins; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } indexStringLengthLong += Math.max(0, numProteins - 1); // delimiters between protein sequences indexStringLengthLong += 2; // last delimiter + sentinal if (indexStringLengthLong > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Database contains more amino acids than currently supported by the index (" + indexStringLengthLong + " amino acids found)."); } indexStringLength = (int) indexStringLengthLong; if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } byte[] T = new byte[indexStringLength]; T[0] = '/'; // adding delimiter at beginning T[indexStringLength - 2] = '/'; // adding delimiter at ending T[indexStringLength - 1] = '$'; // adding the sentinal //System.out.println("Num Proteins: " + numProteins); //System.out.println("Num AA: " + (indexStringLength - numProteins - 2)); boundaries = new int[numProteins + 1]; accessions = new String[numProteins]; boundaries[0] = 1; // reading proteins in a second pass to store their amino acid sequences and their accession numbers int tmpN = 0; int tmpNumProtein = 0; try { ProteinIterator pi = sf.getProteinIterator(false); while (pi.hasNext()) { if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } Protein currentProtein = pi.getNextProtein(); int proteinLen = currentProtein.getLength(); T[tmpN++] = '/'; // adding the delimiters System.arraycopy(currentProtein.getSequence().toUpperCase().getBytes(), 0, T, tmpN, proteinLen); tmpN += proteinLen; accessions[tmpNumProtein++] = currentProtein.getAccession(); boundaries[tmpNumProtein] = tmpN + 1; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } int[] T_int = new int[indexStringLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength; ++i) { T_int[i] = T[i]; } suffixArrayPrimary = (new DivSufSort()).buildSuffixArray(T_int, 0, indexStringLength); if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } T_int = null; // Prepare alphabet char[] sortedAas = new char[AminoAcid.getAminoAcids().length + 2]; System.arraycopy(AminoAcid.getAminoAcids(), 0, sortedAas, 0, AminoAcid.getAminoAcids().length); sortedAas[AminoAcid.getAminoAcids().length] = '$'; sortedAas[AminoAcid.getAminoAcids().length + 1] = '/'; Arrays.sort(sortedAas); long[] alphabet = new long[]{0, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < sortedAas.length; ++i) { alphabet[sortedAas[i] >> 6] |= 1L << (sortedAas[i] & 63); } // create Burrows-Wheeler-Transform byte[] bwt = new byte[indexStringLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength; ++i) { bwt[i] = (suffixArrayPrimary[i] != 0) ? T[suffixArrayPrimary[i] - 1] : T[indexStringLength - 1]; } if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } // sampling suffix array int[] sampledSuffixArray = new int[((indexStringLength + 1) >> samplingShift) + 1]; int sampledIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength; i += sampling) { if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { return; } sampledSuffixArray[sampledIndex++] = suffixArrayPrimary[i]; } suffixArrayPrimary = sampledSuffixArray; if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } // creating the occurrence table and less table for backward search over forward text occurrenceTablePrimary = new WaveletTree(bwt, alphabet, waitingHandler, numMasses, hasPTMatTerminus); lessTablePrimary = occurrenceTablePrimary.createLessTable(); if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } bwt = null; if (deNovo) { // create inversed text for inversed index byte[] TReversed = new byte[indexStringLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength - 1; ++i) { TReversed[indexStringLength - 2 - i] = T[i]; } TReversed[indexStringLength - 1] = '$'; if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } // create the inversed suffix array using at most 128 characters T_int = new int[indexStringLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength; ++i) { T_int[i] = TReversed[i]; } int[] suffixArrayReversed = (new DivSufSort()).buildSuffixArray(T_int, 0, indexStringLength); if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } // create inversed Burrows-Wheeler-Transform bwt = new byte[indexStringLength]; for (int i = 0; i < indexStringLength; ++i) { bwt[i] = (suffixArrayReversed[i] != 0) ? TReversed[suffixArrayReversed[i] - 1] : TReversed[indexStringLength - 1]; } if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } // create inversed less and occurrence table occurrenceTableReversed = new WaveletTree(bwt, alphabet, waitingHandler, numMasses, hasPTMatTerminus); lessTableReversed = occurrenceTableReversed.createLessTable(); if (displayProgress && waitingHandler != null && !waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } TReversed = null; } T = null; bwt = null; lookupMasses = new long[(((int) ((lookupMaxMass + lookupTolerance) * lookupMultiplier)) >>> 6) + 3]; for (int i = 0; i < lookupMasses.length; ++i) { lookupMasses[i] = 0L; } recursiveMassFilling(lookupMasses, lookupMultiplier, lookupTolerance, lookupMaxMass, 0., 0); } /** * Recursive function to compute all possible mass combinations up to a * given maximum limit * * @param lookupMasses mass lookup array * @param lookupMultiplier precision * @param lookupTolerance lookup tolerance * @param lookupMaxMass maximal mass for lookup strategy * @param mass current mass * @param pos current index of amino acid mass array */ void recursiveMassFilling(long[] lookupMasses, double lookupMultiplier, double lookupTolerance, double lookupMaxMass, double mass, int pos) { if (mass >= lookupMaxMass) { return; } if (mass > lookupTolerance) { int startMass = (int) ((mass - lookupTolerance) * lookupMultiplier); int endMass = (int) ((mass + lookupTolerance) * lookupMultiplier + 1); lookupMasses[startMass >>> 6] |= (~(0L)) << (startMass & 63); for (int p = (startMass >>> 6) + 1; p < (endMass >>> 6); ++p) { lookupMasses[p] = ~0L; } lookupMasses[endMass >>> 6] |= (~(0L)) >>> (64 - (endMass & 63)); } for (int i = pos; i < aaMassIndexes.length; ++i) { recursiveMassFilling(lookupMasses, lookupMultiplier, lookupTolerance, lookupMaxMass, mass + aaMasses[aaMassIndexes[i]], i); } } /** * Returns a list of all possible amino acids per position in the peptide * according to the sequence matching preferences. * * @param peptide the peptide * @param seqMatchPref the sequence matching preferences * @param numPositions the number of positions * @return a list of all possible amino acids per position in the peptide */ private ArrayList<String> createPeptideCombinations(String peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { ArrayList<String> combinations = new ArrayList<String>(); SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType sequenceMatchingType = seqMatchPref.getSequenceMatchingType(); if (sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.string) { for (int i = 0; i < peptide.length(); ++i) { combinations.add(peptide.substring(i, i + 1)); } } else if (sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.aminoAcid || sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids) { boolean indistinghuishable = sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids; for (int i = 0; i < peptide.length(); ++i) { String chars = peptide.substring(i, i + 1); char[] aaCombinations = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(peptide.charAt(i)).getCombinations(); for (int j = 0; j < aaCombinations.length; ++j) { chars += aaCombinations[j]; } if (peptide.charAt(i) == 'B' || peptide.charAt(i) == 'J' || peptide.charAt(i) == 'Z') { aaCombinations = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(peptide.charAt(i)).getSubAminoAcids(false); for (int j = 0; j < aaCombinations.length; ++j) { chars += aaCombinations[j]; } } if (indistinghuishable && (peptide.charAt(i) == 'I' || peptide.charAt(i) == 'L')) { switch (peptide.charAt(i)) { case 'I': chars += "L"; break; case 'L': chars += "I"; break; } } combinations.add(chars); } } return combinations; } /** * Returns a list of all possible amino acids per position in the peptide * according to the sequence matching preferences. * * @param tagComponents the tag components * @param seqMatchPref the sequence matching preferences * @return a list of all possible amino acids per position in the peptide */ private TagElement[] createPeptideCombinations(TagElement[] tagComponents, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { int numElements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tagComponents.length; ++i) { if (tagComponents[i].isMass) { ++numElements; } else { numElements += tagComponents[i].sequence.length(); } } TagElement[] combinations = new TagElement[numElements]; int combinationPosition = 0; SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType sequenceMatchingType = seqMatchPref.getSequenceMatchingType(); if (sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.string) { for (TagElement tagElement : tagComponents) { if (tagElement.isMass) { combinations[combinationPosition++] = new TagElement(true, "", tagElement.mass, 0); } else { for (int j = 0; j < tagElement.sequence.length(); ++j) { combinations[combinationPosition++] = new TagElement(false, tagElement.sequence.substring(j, j + 1), tagElement.mass, tagElement.xNumLimit); } } } } else if (sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.aminoAcid || sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids) { boolean indistinghuishable = sequenceMatchingType == SequenceMatchingPreferences.MatchingType.indistiguishableAminoAcids; for (TagElement tagElement : tagComponents) { if (!tagElement.isMass) { String subSequence = tagElement.sequence; for (int s = 0; s < subSequence.length(); ++s) { char amino = subSequence.charAt(s); String chars = String.valueOf(amino); char[] aaCombinations = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(amino).getCombinations(); for (int j = 0; j < aaCombinations.length; ++j) { chars += aaCombinations[j]; } if (amino == 'B' || amino == 'J' || amino == 'Z') { aaCombinations = AminoAcid.getAminoAcid(amino).getSubAminoAcids(false); for (int j = 0; j < aaCombinations.length; ++j) { chars += aaCombinations[j]; } } if (indistinghuishable && (amino == 'I' || amino == 'L')) { switch (amino) { case 'I': chars += "L"; break; case 'L': chars += "I"; break; } } combinations[combinationPosition++] = new TagElement(false, chars, tagElement.mass, tagElement.xNumLimit); } } else { combinations[combinationPosition++] = new TagElement(true, "", tagElement.mass, tagElement.xNumLimit); } } } return combinations; } /** * Method to get the text position using the sampled suffix array. * * @param index the position * @return the text position */ private int getTextPosition(int index) { int numIterations = 0; while (((index & samplingMask) != 0) && (index != 0)) { int[] aminoInfo = occurrenceTablePrimary.getCharacterInfo(index); index = lessTablePrimary[aminoInfo[0]] + aminoInfo[1]; ++numIterations; } int pos = suffixArrayPrimary[index >> samplingShift] + numIterations; return (pos < indexStringLength) ? pos : pos - indexStringLength; } /** * Main method for mapping a peptide with all variants against all * registered proteins in the experiment. This method is implementing the * backward search. * * @param peptide the peptide * @param seqMatchPref the sequence matching preferences * @return the protein mapping */ @Override public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMapping(String peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { if (maxNumberVariants > 0 || maxNumberDeletions > 0 || maxNumberInsertions > 0 || maxNumberSubstitutions > 0) { if (genericVariantMatching) { return getProteinMappingWithVariantsGeneric(peptide, seqMatchPref); } else { return getProteinMappingWithVariantsSpecific(peptide, seqMatchPref); } } else { return getProteinMappingWithoutVariants(peptide, seqMatchPref); } } /** * Exact mapping peptides against the proteome. * * @param peptide the peptide * @param seqMatchPref the sequence matching preferences * @return the mapping */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMappingWithoutVariants(String peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> allMatches = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(); String pep_rev = new StringBuilder(peptide).reverse().toString(); int lenPeptide = peptide.length(); ArrayList<String> combinations = createPeptideCombinations(pep_rev, seqMatchPref); int maxX = (int) (((seqMatchPref.getLimitX() != null) ? seqMatchPref.getLimitX() : 1) * lenPeptide); ArrayList<MatrixContent>[] backwardList = (ArrayList<MatrixContent>[]) new ArrayList[lenPeptide + 1]; int countX = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= lenPeptide; ++i) { backwardList[i] = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(10); if (i < lenPeptide && pep_rev.charAt(i) == 'X') { ++countX; } } if (countX <= maxX) { backwardList[0].add(new MatrixContent(indexStringLength - 1)); // L, R, char, previous content, num of X for (int j = 0; j < lenPeptide; ++j) { String combinationSequence = combinations.get(j); ArrayList<MatrixContent> cell = backwardList[j]; for (MatrixContent content : cell) { int leftIndexOld = content.left; int rightIndexOld = content.right; int numX = content.numX; for (int c = 0; c < combinationSequence.length(); ++c) { int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(c); int lessValue = lessTablePrimary[aminoAcid]; int[] range = occurrenceTablePrimary.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) { int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (newNumX > maxX) { continue; } backwardList[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newNumX)); } } } } // traceback for (MatrixContent content : backwardList[lenPeptide]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { currentPeptide += (char) currentContent.character; currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } int leftIndex = content.left; int rightIndex = content.right; for (int j = leftIndex; j <= rightIndex; ++j) { int pos = getTextPosition(j); int index = binarySearch(boundaries, pos); String accession = accessions[index]; PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, currentPeptide, pos - boundaries[index]); allMatches.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } /* for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches){ System.out.println(ppm.getPeptideSequence() + " " + ppm.getProteinAccession() + " " + ppm.getIndex()); }*/ return allMatches; } /** * Variant tolerant mapping peptides against the proteome. * * @param peptide the peptide * @param seqMatchPref the sequence match preferences * @return the mapping */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMappingWithVariantsGeneric(String peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> allMatches = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(); String pep_rev = new StringBuilder(peptide).reverse().toString(); int lenPeptide = peptide.length(); ArrayList<String> combinations = createPeptideCombinations(pep_rev, seqMatchPref); int xNumLimit = (int) (((seqMatchPref.getLimitX() != null) ? seqMatchPref.getLimitX() : 1) * lenPeptide); ArrayList<MatrixContent>[][] backwardMatrix = (ArrayList<MatrixContent>[][]) new ArrayList[maxNumberVariants + 1][lenPeptide + 1]; for (int k = 0; k <= maxNumberVariants; ++k) { for (int j = 0; j <= lenPeptide; ++j) { backwardMatrix[k][j] = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(10); } } int countX = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= lenPeptide; ++j) { if (j < lenPeptide && pep_rev.charAt(j) == 'X') { ++countX; } } if (countX <= xNumLimit) { backwardMatrix[0][0].add(new MatrixContent(indexStringLength - 1)); for (int k = 0; k <= maxNumberVariants; ++k) { ArrayList<MatrixContent>[] backwardList = backwardMatrix[k]; for (int j = 0; j < lenPeptide; ++j) { String combinationSequence = combinations.get(j); ArrayList<MatrixContent> cell = backwardList[j]; for (int i = 0; i < cell.size(); ++i) { MatrixContent content = cell.get(i); int leftIndexOld = content.left; int rightIndexOld = content.right; int numX = content.numX; int numVariants = content.numVariants; int length = content.length; for (int c = 0; c < combinationSequence.length(); ++c) { int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(c); int lessValue = lessTablePrimary[aminoAcid]; int[] range = occurrenceTablePrimary.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) { if (newNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } // match backwardList[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, numVariants, '-')); } if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants && c == 0) { // insertion if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants) { backwardMatrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, numVariants + 1, '*')); } // deletion and substitution int[][] setCharacter = occurrenceTablePrimary.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int errorAminoAcid = borders[0]; final int errorNewNumX = newNumX + ((errorAminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); final int errorLessValue = lessTablePrimary[errorAminoAcid]; final int errorLeftIndex = errorLessValue + borders[1]; final int errorRightIndex = errorLessValue + borders[2] - 1; if (errorNewNumX <= xNumLimit) { // deletion backwardMatrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, '*', content, errorNewNumX, length, numVariants + 1, Character.toChars(errorAminoAcid + 32)[0])); // substitution if (aminoAcid != errorAminoAcid) { backwardMatrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, aminoAcid, content, errorNewNumX, length + 1, numVariants + 1, (char) errorAminoAcid)); } } } } } } } } // traceback for (ArrayList<MatrixContent>[] backwardList : backwardMatrix) { for (MatrixContent content : backwardList[lenPeptide]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; String allVariants = ""; while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { //if (currentContent.character != '*') currentPeptide += (char) currentContent.character; allVariants += currentContent.variant; currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } int leftIndex = content.left; int rightIndex = content.right; String cleanPeptide = currentPeptide.replace("*", ""); for (int j = leftIndex; j <= rightIndex; ++j) { int pos = getTextPosition(j); int index = binarySearch(boundaries, pos); String accession = accessions[index]; int startPosition = pos - boundaries[index]; boolean newPeptide = true; for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches) { if (ppm.getProteinAccession().equals(accession) && ppm.getPeptideSequence().equals(cleanPeptide) && Math.abs(ppm.getIndex() - startPosition) <= maxNumberVariants) { newPeptide = false; break; } } if (newPeptide) { ArrayList<VariantMatch> variants = new ArrayList<VariantMatch>(); // adding variants and adjusting modification sites for (int l = 0, length = 0; l < allVariants.length(); ++l) { int edit = allVariants.charAt(l); ++length; if (edit != '-') { if (edit == '*') { // insertion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Insertion(peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('A' <= edit && edit <= 'Z') { // substitution variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Substitution((char) edit, peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('a' <= edit && edit <= 'z') { // deletion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Deletion((char) (edit - 32)), "-", length)); --length; } } } PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, cleanPeptide, startPosition, null, variants); allMatches.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } } } /* for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches){ System.out.println(ppm.getPeptideSequence() + " " + ppm.getProteinAccession() + " " + ppm.getIndex() + " " + ppm.getVariantMatches().size() + "e"); } */ return allMatches; } /** * Variant tolerant mapping peptides against the proteome. * * @param peptide the peptide * @param seqMatchPref the sequence matching preferences * @return the mapping */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMappingWithVariantsSpecific(String peptide, SequenceMatchingPreferences seqMatchPref) { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> allMatches = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(); String pep_rev = new StringBuilder(peptide).reverse().toString(); int lenPeptide = peptide.length(); ArrayList<String> combinations = createPeptideCombinations(pep_rev, seqMatchPref); int xNumLimit = (int) (((seqMatchPref.getLimitX() != null) ? seqMatchPref.getLimitX() : 1) * lenPeptide); int numErrors = maxNumberDeletions + maxNumberInsertions + maxNumberSubstitutions; LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][] backwardMatrix = (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][]) new LinkedList[numErrors + 1][lenPeptide + 1]; for (int k = 0; k <= numErrors; ++k) { for (int j = 0; j <= lenPeptide; ++j) { backwardMatrix[k][j] = new LinkedList<MatrixContent>(); } } int countX = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= lenPeptide; ++j) { if (j < lenPeptide && pep_rev.charAt(j) == 'X') { ++countX; } } if (countX <= xNumLimit) { backwardMatrix[0][0].add(new MatrixContent(indexStringLength - 1)); for (int k = 0; k <= numErrors; ++k) { LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] backwardList = backwardMatrix[k]; for (int j = 0; j < lenPeptide; ++j) { String combinationSequence = combinations.get(j); LinkedList<MatrixContent> cell = backwardList[j]; while (!cell.isEmpty()) { MatrixContent content = cell.pop(); int leftIndexOld = content.left; int rightIndexOld = content.right; int numX = content.numX; int length = content.length; int numDeletions = content.numSpecificVariants[0]; int numInsertions = content.numSpecificVariants[1]; int numSubstitutions = content.numSpecificVariants[2]; for (int c = 0; c < combinationSequence.length(); ++c) { int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(c); int lessValue = lessTablePrimary[aminoAcid]; int[] range = occurrenceTablePrimary.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) { if (newNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } // match backwardList[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, '-')); } if (c == 0) { // insertion if (numInsertions < maxNumberInsertions) { backwardMatrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions + 1, numSubstitutions}, '*')); } // deletion and substitution int[][] setCharacter = occurrenceTablePrimary.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int errorAminoAcid = borders[0]; final int errorNewNumX = newNumX + ((errorAminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); final int errorLessValue = lessTablePrimary[errorAminoAcid]; final int errorLeftIndex = errorLessValue + borders[1]; final int errorRightIndex = errorLessValue + borders[2] - 1; if (errorNewNumX <= xNumLimit) { // deletion if (numDeletions < maxNumberDeletions) { backwardMatrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, '*', content, errorNewNumX, length, new int[]{numDeletions + 1, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, Character.toChars(errorAminoAcid + 32)[0])); } // substitution if (aminoAcid != errorAminoAcid && numSubstitutions < maxNumberSubstitutions && substitutionMatrix[errorAminoAcid][aminoAcid]) { backwardMatrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, aminoAcid, content, errorNewNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions + 1}, (char) errorAminoAcid)); } } } } } } } } // traceback for (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] backwardList : backwardMatrix) { for (MatrixContent content : backwardList[lenPeptide]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; String allVariants = ""; while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { //if (currentContent.character != '*') currentPeptide += (char) currentContent.character; allVariants += currentContent.variant; currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } int leftIndex = content.left; int rightIndex = content.right; String cleanPeptide = currentPeptide.replace("*", ""); for (int j = leftIndex; j <= rightIndex; ++j) { int pos = getTextPosition(j); int index = binarySearch(boundaries, pos); String accession = accessions[index]; int startPosition = pos - boundaries[index]; boolean newPeptide = true; for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches) { if (ppm.getProteinAccession().equals(accession) && ppm.getPeptideSequence().equals(cleanPeptide) && Math.abs(ppm.getIndex() - startPosition) <= numErrors) { newPeptide = false; break; } } if (newPeptide) { ArrayList<VariantMatch> variants = new ArrayList<VariantMatch>(); // adding variants and adjusting modification sites for (int l = 0, length = 0; l < allVariants.length(); ++l) { int edit = allVariants.charAt(l); ++length; if (edit != '-') { if (edit == '*') { // insertion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Insertion(peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('A' <= edit && edit <= 'Z') { // substitution variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Substitution((char) edit, peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('a' <= edit && edit <= 'z') { // deletion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Deletion((char) (edit - 32)), "-", length)); --length; } } } PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, cleanPeptide, startPosition, null, variants); allMatches.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } } } /* for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches){ System.out.println(ppm.getPeptideSequence() + " " + ppm.getProteinAccession() + " " + ppm.getIndex() + " " + ppm.getVariantMatches().size() + "e"); } */ return allMatches; } @Override public void emptyCache() { // No cache here } @Override public void close() throws IOException, SQLException { // No open connection here } /** * Adding modifications for backward search suggestions. * * @param setCharacter the set characters */ private void addModifications(int[][] setCharacter) { int maxNum = setCharacter[numMasses][0]; for (int i = 0; i < maxNum; ++i) { int pos = 128 + setCharacter[i][0]; while (pos < aaMasses.length && aaMasses[pos] != -1) { setCharacter[setCharacter[numMasses][0]++] = new int[]{setCharacter[i][0], setCharacter[i][1], setCharacter[i][2], pos}; pos += 128; } } } /** * Mapping the tag elements to the reference text. * * @param combinations the combinations * @param matrix the matrix * @param matrixFinished the finished matrix * @param less the less array * @param occurrence the wavelet tree * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance */ private void mappingSequenceAndMasses(TagElement[] combinations, LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] matrix, int[] less, WaveletTree occurrence, double massTolerance) { for (int j = 0; j < combinations.length; ++j) { LinkedList<MatrixContent> content = matrix[j]; TagElement combination = combinations[j]; while (!content.isEmpty()) { MatrixContent cell = content.removeFirst(); final int length = cell.length; final int leftIndexOld = cell.left; final int rightIndexOld = cell.right; final int numX = cell.numX; if (combination.isMass) { final double combinationMass = combination.mass; final double oldMass = cell.mass; int[][] setCharacter = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); if (withVariableModifications) { addModifications(setCharacter); } //for (Integer[] borders : setCharacter) { for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int aminoAcid = borders[0]; if (aminoAcid == '/') { continue; } final double newMass = oldMass + aaMasses[borders[3]]; if (newMass - massTolerance <= combinationMass) { final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int leftIndex = lessValue + borders[1]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + borders[2] - 1; int offset = (Math.abs(combinationMass - newMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - newMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { matrix[j + offset].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, newMass, length + 1, numX, borders[3])); } } } } else { final String combinationSequence = combination.sequence; final int xNumLimit = combination.xNumLimit; for (int i = 0; i < combinationSequence.length(); ++i) { final int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(i); final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrence.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; final int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (leftIndex <= rightIndex && newNumX <= xNumLimit) { matrix[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, 0, length + 1, newNumX, -1)); } } } } } } /** * Variant tolerant mapping the tag elements to the reference text with a * generic upper limit of variants. * * @param combinations the combinations * @param matrix the matrix * @param matrixFinished the finished matrix * @param less the less array * @param occurrence the wavelet tree * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance * @param numberEdits number of allowed edit operations */ private void mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsGeneric(TagElement[] combinations, LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][] matrix, int[] less, WaveletTree occurrence, double massTolerance) { final int lenCombinations = combinations.length; for (int k = 0; k <= maxNumberVariants; ++k) { LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] row = matrix[k]; for (int j = 0; j < lenCombinations; ++j) { TagElement combination = combinations[j]; LinkedList<MatrixContent> cell = row[j]; while (!cell.isEmpty()) { MatrixContent content = cell.removeFirst(); final int leftIndexOld = content.left; final int length = content.length; final int rightIndexOld = content.right; final int numVariants = content.numVariants; final int numX = content.numX; if (combination.isMass) { final double combinationMass = combination.mass; final double oldMass = content.mass; int[][] setCharacter = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); if (withVariableModifications) { addModifications(setCharacter); } for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int aminoAcid = borders[0]; if (aminoAcid == '/') { continue; } final double newMass = oldMass + aaMasses[borders[3]]; final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int leftIndex = lessValue + borders[1]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + borders[2] - 1; int offset = (Math.abs(combinationMass - newMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; if (newMass - massTolerance <= combinationMass) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - newMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { row[j + offset].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newMass, length + 1, numX, borders[3], numVariants, '-', null)); } } // variants if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants) { // deletion matrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, '*', content, oldMass, length, numX, -1, numVariants + 1, Character.toChars(aminoAcid + 32)[0], null)); // substitution for (int index : aaMassIndexes) { double aminoMass = oldMass + aaMasses[index]; int offsetSub = (Math.abs(combinationMass - aminoMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; int amino = index & 127; if (amino != aminoAcid && aminoMass < combinationMass + massTolerance) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - aminoMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { matrix[k + 1][j + offsetSub].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, amino, content, aminoMass, length + 1, numX, index, numVariants + 1, (char) aminoAcid, null)); } } } } } // insertion if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants) { for (int index : aaMassIndexes) { double aminoMass = oldMass + aaMasses[index]; int offsetDel = (Math.abs(combinationMass - aminoMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; int amino = index & 127; if (aminoMass < combinationMass + massTolerance) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - aminoMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { matrix[k + 1][j + offsetDel].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, amino, content, aminoMass, length + 1, numX, index, numVariants + 1, '*', null)); } } } } } else { // sequence mapping final String combinationSequence = combination.sequence; final int xNumLimit = combination.xNumLimit; for (int c = 0; c < combinationSequence.length(); ++c) { final int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(c); final int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (newNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrence.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; // match if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) { row[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, numVariants, '-')); } // variants if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants && c == 0) { // insertion if (numVariants < maxNumberVariants) { matrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, numVariants + 1, '*')); } // deletion and substitution int[][] setCharacterSeq = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); for (int b = 0; b < setCharacterSeq[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacterSeq[b]; final int errorAminoAcid = borders[0]; final int errorNewNumX = newNumX + ((errorAminoAcid != 'X') ? 0 : 1); if (errorNewNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } final int errorLessValue = less[errorAminoAcid]; final int errorLeftIndex = errorLessValue + borders[1]; final int errorRightIndex = errorLessValue + borders[2] - 1; // deletion matrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, '*', content, errorNewNumX, length, numVariants + 1, Character.toChars(errorAminoAcid + 32)[0])); // substitution if (aminoAcid != errorAminoAcid) { matrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, aminoAcid, content, errorNewNumX, length + 1, numVariants + 1, (char) errorAminoAcid)); } } } } } } } } } /** * Variant tolerant mapping the tag elements to the reference text with a * generic upper limit of variants. * * @param combinations the combinations * @param matrix the matrix * @param matrixFinished the finished matrix * @param less the less array * @param occurrence the wavelet tree * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance * @param numberEdits number of allowed edit operations */ private void mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsSpecific(TagElement[] combinations, LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][] matrix, int[] less, WaveletTree occurrence, double massTolerance) { final int lenCombinations = combinations.length; int maxNumberSpecificVariants = maxNumberDeletions + maxNumberInsertions + maxNumberSubstitutions; for (int k = 0; k <= maxNumberSpecificVariants; ++k) { LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] row = matrix[k]; for (int j = 0; j < lenCombinations; ++j) { TagElement combination = combinations[j]; LinkedList<MatrixContent> cell = row[j]; while (!cell.isEmpty()) { MatrixContent content = cell.removeFirst(); final int leftIndexOld = content.left; final int rightIndexOld = content.right; final int length = content.length; final int numDeletions = content.numSpecificVariants[0]; final int numInsertions = content.numSpecificVariants[1]; final int numSubstitutions = content.numSpecificVariants[2]; final int numX = content.numX; if (combination.isMass) { final double combinationMass = combination.mass; final double oldMass = content.mass; int[][] setCharacter = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); if (withVariableModifications) { addModifications(setCharacter); } for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int aminoAcid = borders[0]; if (aminoAcid == '/') { continue; } final double newMass = oldMass + aaMasses[borders[3]]; final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int leftIndex = lessValue + borders[1]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + borders[2] - 1; int offset = (Math.abs(combinationMass - newMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; if (newMass - massTolerance <= combinationMass) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - newMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { row[j + offset].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newMass, length + 1, numX, borders[3], new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, '-', null)); } } // variants if (numDeletions < maxNumberDeletions) { // deletion matrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, '*', content, oldMass, length, numX, -1, new int[]{numDeletions + 1, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, Character.toChars(aminoAcid + 32)[0], null)); } // substitution if (numSubstitutions < maxNumberSubstitutions) { for (int index : aaMassIndexes) { int amino = index & 127; // check allowed substitutions if (!substitutionMatrix[amino][aminoAcid]) { continue; } double aminoMass = oldMass + aaMasses[index]; int offsetSub = (Math.abs(combinationMass - aminoMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; if (amino != aminoAcid && aminoMass < combinationMass + massTolerance) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - aminoMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { matrix[k + 1][j + offsetSub].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, amino, content, aminoMass, length + 1, numX, index, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions + 1}, (char) aminoAcid, null)); } } } } } // insertion if (numInsertions < maxNumberInsertions) { for (int index : aaMassIndexes) { double aminoMass = oldMass + aaMasses[index]; int offsetDel = (Math.abs(combinationMass - aminoMass) <= massTolerance) ? 1 : 0; int amino = index & 127; if (aminoMass < combinationMass + massTolerance) { boolean add = true; double massDiff = combinationMass - aminoMass; int intMass = (int) (massDiff * lookupMultiplier); if (massDiff > lookupTolerance && massDiff < lookupMaxMass && (((lookupMasses[intMass >>> 6] >>> (intMass & 63)) & 1L) == 0)) { add = false; } if (add) { matrix[k + 1][j + offsetDel].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, amino, content, aminoMass, length + 1, numX, index, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions + 1, numSubstitutions}, '*', null)); } } } } } else { // sequence mapping final String combinationSequence = combination.sequence; final int xNumLimit = combination.xNumLimit; for (int c = 0; c < combinationSequence.length(); ++c) { final int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(c); final int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (newNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrence.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; // match if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) { row[j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, '-')); } // variants if (c == 0) { // insertion if (numInsertions < maxNumberInsertions) { matrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid, content, newNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions + 1, numSubstitutions}, '*')); } // deletion and substitution if (numDeletions < maxNumberDeletions || numSubstitutions < maxNumberSubstitutions) { int[][] setCharacterSeq = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); for (int b = 0; b < setCharacterSeq[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacterSeq[b]; final int errorAminoAcid = borders[0]; final int errorNewNumX = newNumX + ((errorAminoAcid != 'X') ? 0 : 1); if (errorNewNumX > xNumLimit) { continue; } final int errorLessValue = less[errorAminoAcid]; final int errorLeftIndex = errorLessValue + borders[1]; final int errorRightIndex = errorLessValue + borders[2] - 1; // deletion if (numDeletions < maxNumberDeletions) { matrix[k + 1][j].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, '*', content, errorNewNumX, length, new int[]{numDeletions + 1, numInsertions, numSubstitutions}, Character.toChars(errorAminoAcid + 32)[0])); } // substitution if (numSubstitutions < maxNumberSubstitutions && aminoAcid != errorAminoAcid && substitutionMatrix[errorAminoAcid][aminoAcid]) { matrix[k + 1][j + 1].add(new MatrixContent(errorLeftIndex, errorRightIndex, aminoAcid, content, errorNewNumX, length + 1, new int[]{numDeletions, numInsertions, numSubstitutions + 1}, (char) errorAminoAcid)); } } } } } } } } } } /** * Computing the mass of a peptide. * * @param peptide the peptide * @return the peptide mass */ double pepMass(String peptide) { double mass = 0; for (int i = 0; i < peptide.length(); ++i) { mass += aaMasses[peptide.charAt(i)]; } return mass; } /** * Mapping the tag elements to the reference text. * * @param combinations * @param matrix * @param matrixFinished * @param less * @param occurrence * @param massTolerance * @param CTermDirection */ private void mappingSequenceAndMasses(TagElement[] combinations, LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] matrix, int[] less, WaveletTree occurrence, double massTolerance, boolean CTermDirection) { final int lenCombinations = combinations.length; for (int k = 0; k < lenCombinations; ++k) { TagElement combination = combinations[k]; LinkedList<MatrixContent> content = matrix[k]; while (!content.isEmpty()) { MatrixContent cell = content.removeFirst(); final int length = cell.length; final int leftIndexOld = cell.left; final int rightIndexOld = cell.right; if (combination.isMass) { final double combinationMass = combination.mass; final double oldMass = cell.mass; int[][] setCharacter = occurrence.rangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld); if (withVariableModifications) { addModifications(setCharacter); } if (k == lenCombinations - 1) { for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int aminoAcid = borders[0]; if (aminoAcid != '/') { final double newMass = oldMass + aaMasses[borders[3]]; double massDiff = combinationMass - newMass; int lastAcid = aminoAcid; final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int leftIndex = lessValue + borders[1]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + borders[2] - 1; MatrixContent newCell = new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, newMass, length + 1, cell.numX, borders[3]); ModificationMatch modificationMatchEnd = null; ModificationMatch modificationMatchEndEnd = null; boolean endOfPeptide = false; // ptm at terminus handling ArrayList<String> fmodp = fmodcp; ArrayList<Double> fmodpMass = fmodcpMass; ArrayList<String>[] fmodpaa = fmodcpaa; ArrayList<Double>[] fmodpaaMass = fmodcpaaMass; ArrayList<String> vmodp = vmodcp; ArrayList<Double> vmodpMass = vmodcpMass; ArrayList<String>[] vmodpaa = vmodcpaa; ArrayList<Double>[] vmodpaaMass = vmodcpaaMass; boolean hasFixedPTM_atTerminus = hasFixedPTM_CatTerminus; if (!CTermDirection) { fmodp = fmodnp; fmodpMass = fmodnpMass; fmodpaa = fmodnpaa; fmodpaaMass = fmodnpaaMass; vmodp = vmodnp; vmodpMass = vmodnpMass; vmodpaa = vmodnpaa; vmodpaaMass = vmodnpaaMass; hasFixedPTM_atTerminus = hasFixedPTM_NatTerminus; } boolean hasFixed = false; // fixed aa defined peptide terminal modification if (fmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { hasFixed = true; for (int i = 0; i < fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++i) { double massDiffDiff = massDiff - fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length + 1); } if (!endOfPeptide && vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length + 1); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length + 1); } } } // variable undefined peptide terminal modifictation if (!endOfPeptide && vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length + 1); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), false, length + 1); } } } } } // fixed undefined peptide terminal modifictation if (fmodp != null && !endOfPeptide) { hasFixed = true; for (int i = 0; i < fmodp.size(); ++i) { double massDiffDiff = massDiff - fmodpMass.get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiff - fmodpMass.get(i)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(i), false, length + 1); } if (!endOfPeptide && vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(i), false, length + 1); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length + 1); } } } // variable undefined peptide terminal modifictation if (!endOfPeptide && vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(i), false, length + 1); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), false, length + 1); } } } } } if (!hasFixedPTM_atTerminus && !hasFixed && !endOfPeptide) { // without any peptide terminal modification if (Math.abs(massDiff) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; } // variable aa defined peptide terminal modification if (!endOfPeptide && vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++i) { if (Math.abs(massDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(i)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length + 1); } } } // variable undefined peptide terminal modifictation if (!endOfPeptide && vmodp != null) { for (int i = 0; i < vmodp.size(); ++i) { if (Math.abs(massDiff - vmodpMass.get(i)) < massTolerance) { endOfPeptide = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(i), false, length + 1); } } } } if (!endOfPeptide) { if (newMass - massTolerance + negativePTMMass <= combinationMass) { content.add(newCell); } } else if (modificationMatchEnd != null) { MatrixContent newEndCell = new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, '\0', newCell, 0, null, length + 1, 0, modificationMatchEnd, null, -1); if (modificationMatchEndEnd == null) { matrix[k + 1].add(newEndCell); } else { MatrixContent newEndEndCell = new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, '\0', newEndCell, 0, null, length + 1, 0, modificationMatchEndEnd, null, -1); matrix[k + 1].add(newEndEndCell); } } else { matrix[k + 1].add(newCell); } } else if (length > 1) { int lastAcid = cell.character; double massDiff = combinationMass - oldMass; ModificationMatch modificationMatchEnd = null; ModificationMatch modificationMatchEndEnd = null; // ptm at terminus handling ArrayList<String> fmod = fmodc; ArrayList<Double> fmodMass = fmodcMass; ArrayList<String>[] fmodaa = fmodcaa; ArrayList<Double>[] fmodaaMass = fmodcaaMass; ArrayList<String> vmod = vmodc; ArrayList<Double> vmodMass = vmodcMass; ArrayList<String>[] vmodaa = vmodcaa; ArrayList<Double>[] vmodaaMass = vmodcaaMass; ArrayList<String> fmodp = fmodcp; ArrayList<Double> fmodpMass = fmodcpMass; ArrayList<String>[] fmodpaa = fmodcpaa; ArrayList<Double>[] fmodpaaMass = fmodcpaaMass; ArrayList<String> vmodp = vmodcp; ArrayList<Double> vmodpMass = vmodcpMass; ArrayList<String>[] vmodpaa = vmodcpaa; ArrayList<Double>[] vmodpaaMass = vmodcpaaMass; if (!CTermDirection) { fmod = fmodn; fmodMass = fmodnMass; fmodaa = fmodnaa; fmodaaMass = fmodnaaMass; vmod = vmodn; vmodMass = vmodnMass; vmodaa = vmodnaa; vmodaaMass = vmodnaaMass; fmodp = fmodnp; fmodpMass = fmodnpMass; fmodpaa = fmodnpaa; fmodpaaMass = fmodnpaaMass; vmodp = vmodnp; vmodpMass = vmodnpMass; vmodpaa = vmodnpaa; vmodpaaMass = vmodnpaaMass; } // fixed aa defined protein terminal modification if (fmodaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fmodaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++i) { Double massDiffDiff = massDiff - fmodaaMass[lastAcid].get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length); } // variable aa defined protein terminal modification if (vmodaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } // variable undefined protein terminal modifictation if (vmod != null && modificationMatchEnd == null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmod.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(j), false, length); } } } // second ptm at peptide terminus boolean hasFixedPep = false; if (fmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), false, length); } } } if (fmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(j), false, length); } } } if (!hasFixedPep) { if (vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } if (vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), true, length); } } } } } } // fixed undefined protein terminal modifictation if (fmod != null && modificationMatchEnd == null) { for (int i = 0; i < fmod.size(); ++i) { Double massDiffDiff = massDiff - fmodMass.get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); } // variable aa defined protein terminal modification if (vmodaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiff - vmodaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } // variable undefined protein terminal modifictation if (vmod != null && modificationMatchEnd == null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmod.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiff - vmodMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(j), false, length); } } } // second ptm at peptide terminus boolean hasFixedPep = false; if (fmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), false, length); } } } if (fmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(j), false, length); } } } if (!hasFixedPep) { if (vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } if (vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), true, length); } } } } } } if (modificationMatchEnd == null) { // variable aa defined protein terminal modification if (vmodaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < vmodaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++i) { double massDiffDiff = massDiff - vmodaaMass[lastAcid].get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); } // second ptm at peptide terminus boolean hasFixedPep = false; if (fmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), false, length); } } } if (fmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(j), false, length); } } } if (!hasFixedPep) { if (vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } if (vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodaa[lastAcid].get(i), true, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), true, length); } } } } } } // variable undefined protein terminal modifictation if (vmod != null && modificationMatchEnd == null) { for (int i = 0; i < vmod.size(); ++i) { double massDiffDiff = massDiff - vmodMass.get(i); if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff) < massTolerance) { modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(i), false, length); } // second ptm at peptide terminus boolean hasFixedPep = false; if (fmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), false, length); } } } if (fmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < fmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - fmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(fmodp.get(j), false, length); } } } if (!hasFixedPep) { if (vmodpaa != null && lastAcid > 0 && vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpaaMass[lastAcid].get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodpaa[lastAcid].get(j), true, length); } } } if (vmodp != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vmodp.size(); ++j) { if (Math.abs(massDiffDiff - vmodpMass.get(j)) < massTolerance) { hasFixedPep = true; modificationMatchEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmod.get(i), false, length); modificationMatchEndEnd = new ModificationMatch(vmodp.get(j), true, length); } } } } } } } if (modificationMatchEnd != null) { MatrixContent newEndCell = new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, '\0', cell, 0, null, length, 0, modificationMatchEnd, null, -1); if (modificationMatchEndEnd == null) { matrix[k + 1].add(newEndCell); } else { MatrixContent newEndEndCell = new MatrixContent(leftIndexOld, rightIndexOld, '\0', newEndCell, 0, null, length, 0, modificationMatchEndEnd, null, -1); matrix[k + 1].add(newEndEndCell); } } } } } else { for (int b = 0; b < setCharacter[numMasses][0]; ++b) { int[] borders = setCharacter[b]; final int aminoAcid = borders[0]; if (aminoAcid == '/') { continue; } final double newMass = oldMass + aaMasses[borders[3]]; if (newMass - massTolerance <= combinationMass) { final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int leftIndex = lessValue + borders[1]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + borders[2] - 1; //ModificationMatch modificationMatch = modifictationFlags[borders[3]] ? new ModificationMatch(modifictationLabels[borders[3]], (borders[3] >= 128), pepLen) : null; if (combinationMass <= newMass + massTolerance) { matrix[k + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, 0, null, length + 1, 0, null, null, borders[3])); } else { content.add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, newMass, null, length + 1, 0, null, null, borders[3])); } } } } } else { final String combinationSequence = combination.sequence; final int xNumLimit = combination.xNumLimit; final int numX = cell.numX; for (int i = 0; i < combinationSequence.length(); ++i) { final int aminoAcid = combinationSequence.charAt(i); final int lessValue = less[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrence.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexOld - 1, rightIndexOld, aminoAcid); final int leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; final int rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; final int newNumX = numX + ((aminoAcid == 'X') ? 1 : 0); if (leftIndex <= rightIndex && newNumX <= xNumLimit) { matrix[k + 1].add(new MatrixContent(leftIndex, rightIndex, aminoAcid, cell, 0, length + 1, newNumX, -1)); } } } } } } /** * Mapping tags against the proteome. * * @param tag information about the identified peptide * @param tagMatcher the tag matcher * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance * @return the protein mapping * @throws IOException thrown if an IOException occurs * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if a ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException thrown if an SQLException occurs */ @Override public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMapping(Tag tag, TagMatcher tagMatcher, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, Double massTolerance) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { if (maxNumberVariants > 0 || maxNumberDeletions > 0 || maxNumberInsertions > 0 || maxNumberSubstitutions > 0) { return getProteinMappingWithVariants(tag, tagMatcher, sequenceMatchingPreferences, massTolerance); } else { return getProteinMappingWithoutVariants(tag, tagMatcher, sequenceMatchingPreferences, massTolerance); } } /** * Mapping tags against proteome without variants. * * @param tag the tag * @param tagMatcher the tag matcher * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance * @return the protein mapping * @throws IOException thrown if an IOException occurs * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if a ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException thrown if an SQLException occurs */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMappingWithoutVariants(Tag tag, TagMatcher tagMatcher, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, Double massTolerance) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> allMatches = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(); double xLimit = ((sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX() != null) ? sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX() : 1); // copying tags into own data structure int maxSequencePosition = -1; TagElement[] tagElements = new TagElement[tag.getContent().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tag.getContent().size(); ++i) { if (tag.getContent().get(i) instanceof MassGap) { tagElements[i] = new TagElement(true, "", tag.getContent().get(i).getMass(), 0); } else if (tag.getContent().get(i) instanceof AminoAcidSequence) { tagElements[i] = new TagElement(false, tag.getContent().get(i).asSequence(), 0., (int) (xLimit * tag.getContent().get(i).asSequence().length())); if (maxSequencePosition == -1 || tagElements[i].sequence.length() < tagElements[i].sequence.length()) { maxSequencePosition = i; } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported tag in tag mapping for FM-Index."); } } final boolean turned = (tagElements.length == 3 && tagElements[0].isMass && !tagElements[1].isMass && tagElements[2].isMass && tagElements[0].mass < tagElements[2].mass); TagElement[] refTagContent = null; int[] lessPrimary = null; int[] lessReversed = null; WaveletTree occurrencePrimary = null; WaveletTree occurrenceReversed = null; boolean hasCTermDirection = hasCTermDirectionPTM; boolean hasNTermDirection = hasNTermDirectionPTM; boolean towardsC = true; // turning complete tag content if tag set starts with a smaller mass than it ends if (turned) { refTagContent = new TagElement[tagElements.length]; for (int i = tagElements.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++j) { String sequenceReversed = (new StringBuilder(tagElements[i].sequence).reverse()).toString(); refTagContent[j] = new TagElement(tagElements[i].isMass, sequenceReversed, tagElements[i].mass, tagElements[i].xNumLimit); } lessReversed = lessTablePrimary; lessPrimary = lessTableReversed; occurrenceReversed = occurrenceTablePrimary; occurrencePrimary = occurrenceTableReversed; hasCTermDirection = hasNTermDirectionPTM; hasNTermDirection = hasCTermDirectionPTM; towardsC = false; } else { refTagContent = tagElements; lessPrimary = lessTablePrimary; lessReversed = lessTableReversed; occurrencePrimary = occurrenceTablePrimary; occurrenceReversed = occurrenceTableReversed; } ArrayList<MatrixContent> cached = isCached(refTagContent); if (cached != null && cached.isEmpty()) { return allMatches; } TagElement[] tagComponents = new TagElement[maxSequencePosition]; for (int i = maxSequencePosition - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++j) { String sequenceReversed = (new StringBuilder(refTagContent[i].sequence).reverse()).toString(); tagComponents[j] = new TagElement(refTagContent[i].isMass, sequenceReversed, refTagContent[i].mass, refTagContent[i].xNumLimit); } TagElement[] tagComponentsReverse = new TagElement[tagElements.length - maxSequencePosition]; for (int i = maxSequencePosition, j = 0; i < refTagContent.length; ++i, ++j) { tagComponentsReverse[j] = refTagContent[i]; } TagElement[] combinations = createPeptideCombinations(tagComponents, sequenceMatchingPreferences); TagElement[] combinationsReversed = createPeptideCombinations(tagComponentsReverse, sequenceMatchingPreferences); LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] matrixReversed = (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[]) new LinkedList[combinationsReversed.length + 1]; LinkedList<MatrixContent>[] matrix = (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[]) new LinkedList[combinations.length + 1]; ArrayList<MatrixContent> cachePrimary = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(); for (int i = 0; i <= combinationsReversed.length; ++i) { matrixReversed[i] = new LinkedList<MatrixContent>(); } for (int i = 0; i <= combinations.length; ++i) { matrix[i] = new LinkedList<MatrixContent>(); } if (cached != null) { for (MatrixContent matrixContent : cached) { matrix[0].add(matrixContent); } } else { matrixReversed[0].add(new MatrixContent(indexStringLength - 1)); } if (cached == null) { // Map Reverse if (!hasCTermDirection) { mappingSequenceAndMasses(combinationsReversed, matrixReversed, lessReversed, occurrenceReversed, massTolerance); } else { mappingSequenceAndMasses(combinationsReversed, matrixReversed, lessReversed, occurrenceReversed, massTolerance, towardsC); } // Traceback Reverse for (MatrixContent content : matrixReversed[combinationsReversed.length]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; int leftIndexFront = 0; int rightIndexFront = indexStringLength - 1; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { final int aminoAcid = currentContent.character; if (aminoAcid > 0) { currentPeptide += (char) currentContent.character; final int lessValue = lessPrimary[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrencePrimary.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexFront - 1, rightIndexFront, aminoAcid); leftIndexFront = lessValue + range[0]; rightIndexFront = lessValue + range[1] - 1; } if (currentContent.modification != null || currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (modificationFlags[currentContent.modificationPos]) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modifictationLabels[currentContent.modificationPos], currentContent.modificationPos >= 128, currentContent.length)); } } else { modifications.add(currentContent.modification); } } currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } String reversePeptide = (new StringBuilder(currentPeptide).reverse()).toString(); cachePrimary.add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexFront, rightIndexFront, reversePeptide.charAt(0), null, 0, reversePeptide, content.length, 0, null, modifications, -1)); } for (MatrixContent matrixContent : cachePrimary) { matrix[0].add(matrixContent); } cacheIt(refTagContent, cachePrimary); } if (!matrix[0].isEmpty()) { // Map towards NTerm if (!hasNTermDirection) { mappingSequenceAndMasses(combinations, matrix, lessPrimary, occurrencePrimary, massTolerance); } else { mappingSequenceAndMasses(combinations, matrix, lessPrimary, occurrencePrimary, massTolerance, !towardsC); } } // Traceback from NTerm for (MatrixContent content : matrix[combinations.length]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { if (currentContent.character != '\0') { currentPeptide += (char) currentContent.character; } if (currentContent.modification != null || currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (modificationFlags[currentContent.modificationPos]) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modifictationLabels[currentContent.modificationPos], currentContent.modificationPos >= 128, content.length - currentContent.length + 1)); } } else { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(currentContent.modification.getTheoreticPtm(), currentContent.modification.isVariable(), content.length - currentContent.modification.getModificationSite() + 1)); } } currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } int leftIndex = content.left; int rightIndex = content.right; for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : currentContent.modifications) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), modificationMatch.getModificationSite() + content.length - currentContent.length)); } String peptide = currentPeptide + currentContent.peptideSequence; if (turned) { leftIndex = 0; rightIndex = indexStringLength - 1; for (int p = 0; p < peptide.length(); ++p) { final int aminoAcid = peptide.charAt(p); final int lessValue = lessReversed[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrenceReversed.singleRangeQuery(leftIndex - 1, rightIndex, aminoAcid); leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; } for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : modifications) { modificationMatch.setModificationSite(peptide.length() - modificationMatch.getModificationSite() + 1); } peptide = (new StringBuilder(peptide).reverse()).toString(); } for (int j = leftIndex; j <= rightIndex; ++j) { int pos = getTextPosition(j); int index = binarySearch(boundaries, pos); String accession = accessions[index]; PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, peptide, pos - boundaries[index], modifications); allMatches.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } /* if (tag.getContent().size() == 3){ ArrayList<TagComponent> tc = tag.getContent(); for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches){ System.out.println(tc.get(0).getMass() + " " + tc.get(1).asSequence() + " " + tc.get(2).getMass() + " " + ppm.getPeptideSequence() + " " + ppm.getProteinAccession() + " " + ppm.getIndex()); } }*/ return allMatches; } /** * mapping tags against proteome with variants. * * @param tag the tag * @param tagMatcher the tag matcher * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param massTolerance the mass tolerance * @return the protein mapping * @throws IOException thrown if an IOException occurs * @throws InterruptedException thrown if an InterruptedException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if a ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException thrown if an SQLException occurs */ public ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> getProteinMappingWithVariants(Tag tag, TagMatcher tagMatcher, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, Double massTolerance) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> allMatches = new ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping>(); double xLimit = ((sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX() != null) ? sequenceMatchingPreferences.getLimitX() : 1); // copying tags into own data structure int maxSequencePosition = -1; TagElement[] tagElements = new TagElement[tag.getContent().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < tag.getContent().size(); ++i) { if (tag.getContent().get(i) instanceof MassGap) { tagElements[i] = new TagElement(true, "", tag.getContent().get(i).getMass(), 0); } else if (tag.getContent().get(i) instanceof AminoAcidSequence) { tagElements[i] = new TagElement(false, tag.getContent().get(i).asSequence(), 0., (int) (xLimit * tag.getContent().get(i).asSequence().length())); if (maxSequencePosition == -1 || tagElements[i].sequence.length() < tagElements[i].sequence.length()) { maxSequencePosition = i; } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported tag in tag mapping for FM-Index."); } } final boolean turned = (tagElements.length == 3 && tagElements[0].isMass && !tagElements[1].isMass && tagElements[2].isMass && tagElements[0].mass < tagElements[2].mass); TagElement[] refTagContent = null; int[] lessPrimary = null; int[] lessReversed = null; WaveletTree occurrencePrimary = null; WaveletTree occurrenceReversed = null; //boolean hasCTermDirection = hasCTermDirectionPTM; //boolean hasNTermDirection = hasNTermDirectionPTM; //boolean towardsC = true; // turning complete tag content if tag set starts with a smaller mass than it ends if (turned) { refTagContent = new TagElement[tagElements.length]; for (int i = tagElements.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++j) { String sequenceReversed = (new StringBuilder(tagElements[i].sequence).reverse()).toString(); refTagContent[j] = new TagElement(tagElements[i].isMass, sequenceReversed, tagElements[i].mass, tagElements[i].xNumLimit); } lessReversed = lessTablePrimary; lessPrimary = lessTableReversed; occurrenceReversed = occurrenceTablePrimary; occurrencePrimary = occurrenceTableReversed; //hasCTermDirection = hasNTermDirectionPTM; //hasNTermDirection = hasCTermDirectionPTM; //towardsC = false; } else { refTagContent = tagElements; lessPrimary = lessTablePrimary; lessReversed = lessTableReversed; occurrencePrimary = occurrenceTablePrimary; occurrenceReversed = occurrenceTableReversed; } ArrayList<MatrixContent> cached = isCached(refTagContent); if (cached != null && cached.isEmpty()) { return allMatches; } TagElement[] tagComponents = new TagElement[maxSequencePosition]; for (int i = maxSequencePosition - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++j) { String sequenceReversed = (new StringBuilder(refTagContent[i].sequence).reverse()).toString(); tagComponents[j] = new TagElement(refTagContent[i].isMass, sequenceReversed, refTagContent[i].mass, refTagContent[i].xNumLimit); } TagElement[] tagComponentsReverse = new TagElement[tagElements.length - maxSequencePosition]; for (int i = maxSequencePosition, j = 0; i < refTagContent.length; ++i, ++j) { tagComponentsReverse[j] = refTagContent[i]; } TagElement[] combinations = createPeptideCombinations(tagComponents, sequenceMatchingPreferences); TagElement[] combinationsReversed = createPeptideCombinations(tagComponentsReverse, sequenceMatchingPreferences); int numErrors = 1 + ((genericVariantMatching) ? maxNumberVariants : maxNumberDeletions + maxNumberInsertions + maxNumberSubstitutions); LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][] matrixReversed = (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][]) new LinkedList[numErrors][combinationsReversed.length + 1]; LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][] matrix = (LinkedList<MatrixContent>[][]) new LinkedList[numErrors][combinations.length + 1]; ArrayList<MatrixContent> cachePrimary = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(); // initializing both matrices for (int k = 0; k < numErrors; ++k) { for (int j = 0; j <= combinationsReversed.length; ++j) { matrixReversed[k][j] = new LinkedList<MatrixContent>(); } for (int j = 0; j <= combinations.length; ++j) { matrix[k][j] = new LinkedList<MatrixContent>(); } } // filling the matrices if (cached != null) { for (MatrixContent matrixContent : cached) { int error = genericVariantMatching ? matrixContent.numVariants : matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[0] + matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[1] + matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[2]; matrix[error][0].add(matrixContent); } } else { matrixReversed[0][0].add(new MatrixContent(indexStringLength - 1)); } if (cached == null) { // Map Reverse if (genericVariantMatching) { mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsGeneric(combinationsReversed, matrixReversed, lessReversed, occurrenceReversed, massTolerance); } else { mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsSpecific(combinationsReversed, matrixReversed, lessReversed, occurrenceReversed, massTolerance); } // Traceback Reverse for (int k = 0; k < numErrors; ++k) { for (MatrixContent content : matrixReversed[k][combinationsReversed.length]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; int leftIndexFront = 0; int rightIndexFront = indexStringLength - 1; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); String allVariants = ""; while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { int aminoAcidPep = currentContent.character; int aminoAcidProt = currentContent.character; int edit = currentContent.variant; boolean update = true; if (edit != '-') { if (edit == '*') { update = false; // insertion } else if ('A' <= edit && edit <= 'Z') { aminoAcidProt = edit; // substitution } else if ('a' <= edit && edit <= 'z') { aminoAcidProt = edit - 32; // deletion } } if (aminoAcidPep > 0) { currentPeptide += (char) aminoAcidPep; allVariants += (char) edit; if (update) { final int lessValue = lessPrimary[aminoAcidProt]; final int[] range = occurrencePrimary.singleRangeQuery(leftIndexFront - 1, rightIndexFront, aminoAcidProt); leftIndexFront = lessValue + range[0]; rightIndexFront = lessValue + range[1] - 1; } } if (currentContent.modification != null || currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (modificationFlags[currentContent.modificationPos]) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modifictationLabels[currentContent.modificationPos], currentContent.modificationPos >= 128, currentContent.length)); } } else { modifications.add(currentContent.modification); } } currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } String reversePeptide = (new StringBuilder(currentPeptide).reverse()).toString(); allVariants = (new StringBuilder(allVariants).reverse()).toString(); if (genericVariantMatching) { cachePrimary.add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexFront, rightIndexFront, reversePeptide.charAt(0), null, 0, reversePeptide, content.length, 0, null, modifications, -1, k, '\0', allVariants)); } else { cachePrimary.add(new MatrixContent(leftIndexFront, rightIndexFront, reversePeptide.charAt(0), null, 0, reversePeptide, content.length, 0, null, modifications, -1, new int[]{content.numSpecificVariants[0], content.numSpecificVariants[1], content.numSpecificVariants[2]}, '\0', allVariants)); } } } for (MatrixContent matrixContent : cachePrimary) { int error = genericVariantMatching ? matrixContent.numVariants : matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[0] + matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[1] + matrixContent.numSpecificVariants[2]; matrix[error][0].add(matrixContent); } cacheIt(refTagContent, cachePrimary); } if (genericVariantMatching) { mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsGeneric(combinations, matrix, lessPrimary, occurrencePrimary, massTolerance); } else { mappingSequenceAndMassesWithVariantsSpecific(combinations, matrix, lessPrimary, occurrencePrimary, massTolerance); } // Traceback from NTerm for (int k = 0; k < numErrors; ++k) { for (MatrixContent content : matrix[k][combinations.length]) { MatrixContent currentContent = content; String currentPeptide = ""; ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); String allVariants = ""; while (currentContent.previousContent != null) { int aminoAcid = currentContent.character; if (aminoAcid > 0) { currentPeptide += (char) aminoAcid; allVariants += (char) currentContent.variant; } if (currentContent.modification != null || currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (currentContent.modificationPos >= 0) { if (modificationFlags[currentContent.modificationPos]) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modifictationLabels[currentContent.modificationPos], currentContent.modificationPos >= 128, content.length - currentContent.length + 1)); } } else { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(currentContent.modification.getTheoreticPtm(), currentContent.modification.isVariable(), currentContent.modification.getModificationSite() + content.length - currentContent.length + 1)); } } currentContent = currentContent.previousContent; } int leftIndex = content.left; int rightIndex = content.right; for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : currentContent.modifications) { modifications.add(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), modificationMatch.getModificationSite() + content.length - currentContent.length)); } String peptide = currentPeptide + currentContent.peptideSequence; allVariants += currentContent.allVariants; ArrayList<VariantMatch> variants = new ArrayList<VariantMatch>(); if (turned) { leftIndex = 0; rightIndex = indexStringLength - 1; for (int p = 0; p < peptide.length(); ++p) { boolean update = true; int aminoAcid = peptide.charAt(p); int edit = allVariants.charAt(p); if (edit != '-') { if (edit == '*') { update = false; // insertion } else if ('A' <= edit && edit <= 'Z') { aminoAcid = edit; // substitution } else if ('a' <= edit && edit <= 'z') { aminoAcid = edit - 32; // deletion } } if (update) { final int lessValue = lessReversed[aminoAcid]; final int[] range = occurrenceReversed.singleRangeQuery(leftIndex - 1, rightIndex, aminoAcid); leftIndex = lessValue + range[0]; rightIndex = lessValue + range[1] - 1; } } for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : modifications) { modificationMatch.setModificationSite(peptide.length() - modificationMatch.getModificationSite() + 1); } allVariants = (new StringBuilder(allVariants).reverse()).toString(); peptide = (new StringBuilder(peptide).reverse()).toString(); } // adding variants and adjusting modification sites for (int i = 0, length = 0; i < allVariants.length(); ++i) { int edit = allVariants.charAt(i); ++length; if (edit != '-') { if (edit == '*') { // insertion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Insertion(peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('A' <= edit && edit <= 'Z') { // substitution variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Substitution((char) edit, peptide.charAt(length - 1)), "-", length)); } else if ('a' <= edit && edit <= 'z') { // deletion variants.add(new VariantMatch(new Deletion((char) (edit - 32)), "-", length)); --length; } } } String cleanPeptide = peptide.replace("*", ""); for (int j = leftIndex; j <= rightIndex; ++j) { int pos = getTextPosition(j); int index = binarySearch(boundaries, pos); String accession = accessions[index]; int startPosition = pos - boundaries[index]; boolean newPeptide = true; for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches) { if (ppm.getProteinAccession().equals(accession) && ppm.getPeptideSequence().equals(cleanPeptide) && Math.abs(ppm.getIndex() - startPosition) <= numErrors) { newPeptide = false; break; } } if (newPeptide) { PeptideProteinMapping peptideProteinMapping = new PeptideProteinMapping(accession, cleanPeptide, startPosition, modifications, variants); allMatches.add(peptideProteinMapping); } } } } /* if (tag.getContent().size() == 3){ ArrayList<TagComponent> tc = tag.getContent(); double tagmass = tc.get(0).getMass() + pepMass(tc.get(1).asSequence()) + tc.get(2).getMass(); for (PeptideProteinMapping ppm : allMatches){ System.out.println(tc.get(0).getMass() + " " + tc.get(1).asSequence() + " " + tc.get(2).getMass() + " " + ppm.getPeptideSequence() + " " + ppm.getProteinAccession() + " " + ppm.getIndex() + " | " + tagmass + " " + pepMass(ppm.getPeptideSequence())); } if (allMatches.isEmpty()){ } } */ return allMatches; } /** * Simplified class for tag elements. */ private class TagElement { boolean isMass; String sequence; double mass; int xNumLimit; /** * Constructor. * * @param isMass * @param sequence * @param mass * @param xNumLimit */ TagElement(boolean isMass, String sequence, double mass, int xNumLimit) { this.isMass = isMass; this.sequence = sequence; this.mass = mass; this.xNumLimit = xNumLimit; } } /** * Class for caching intermediate tag to proteome mapping results. */ private class CacheElement { Double massFirst; String sequence; Double massSecond; ArrayList<MatrixContent> cachedPrimary; /** * Constructor * * @param massFirst * @param sequence * @param massSecond * @param cachedPrimary */ public CacheElement(Double massFirst, String sequence, Double massSecond, ArrayList<MatrixContent> cachedPrimary) { this.sequence = sequence; this.massFirst = massFirst; this.massSecond = massSecond; this.cachedPrimary = cachedPrimary; } } /** * List of cached intermediate tag to proteome mapping results. */ private final LinkedList<CacheElement> cache = new LinkedList<CacheElement>(); /** * Adding intermediate tag to proteome mapping results into the cache. * * @param tagComponents * @return */ private ArrayList<MatrixContent> isCached(TagElement[] tagComponents) { if (tagComponents.length != 3 || !tagComponents[0].isMass || tagComponents[1].isMass || !tagComponents[2].isMass) { return null; } ArrayList<MatrixContent> cached = null; try { cacheMutex.acquire(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (CacheElement cacheElement : cache) { if (cacheElement.sequence.equals(tagComponents[1].sequence) && Math.abs(cacheElement.massSecond - tagComponents[2].mass) < 1e-5) { cached = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(cacheElement.cachedPrimary); break; } } cacheMutex.release(); return cached; } /** * Caching intermediate results of previous tag to proteome matches. * * @param tagComponents * @param cachedPrimary */ private void cacheIt(TagElement[] tagComponents, ArrayList<MatrixContent> cachedPrimary) { if (tagComponents.length != 3 || !tagComponents[0].isMass || tagComponents[1].isMass || !tagComponents[2].isMass) { return; } try { cacheMutex.acquire(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ArrayList<MatrixContent> cacheContentPrimary = new ArrayList<MatrixContent>(); for (MatrixContent matrixContent : cachedPrimary) { cacheContentPrimary.add(new MatrixContent(matrixContent)); } CacheElement cacheElement = new CacheElement(tagComponents[0].mass, tagComponents[1].sequence, tagComponents[2].mass, cacheContentPrimary); cache.addFirst(cacheElement); if (cache.size() > 50) { cache.removeLast(); } cacheMutex.release(); } }