package com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.IdentificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.PeptideAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.SpectrumIdentificationAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.TagAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.proteintree.ProteinTree; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.amino_acid_tags.matchers.TagMatcher; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.protein_inference.PeptideProteinMapping; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; /** * This class models a spectrum match. * * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class SpectrumMatch extends IdentificationMatch { /** * The version UID for Serialization/Deserialization compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = 3227760855215444318L; /** * The index of the matched spectrum. */ private String spectrumKey; /** * Map of the identification algorithm assumption: advocate number > * score > assumptions. */ private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> assumptionsMap = null; /** * A tag assumptions map. advocate number > assumptions. */ private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<TagAssumption>>> tagAssumptionsMap = null; /** * The size of the keys used for the tag assumptions map. */ private int tagAssumptionsMapKeySize = -1; /** * The best peptide assumption. */ private PeptideAssumption bestPeptideAssumption; /** * The best tag assumption. */ private TagAssumption bestTagAsssumption; /** * The spectrum number in the mgf file. Will be used in case the spectrum * title does not match. */ private Integer spectrumNumber = null; /** * Constructor for the spectrum match. */ public SpectrumMatch() { } /** * Constructor for the spectrum match. * * @param spectrumKey the matched spectrumKey * @param assumption the matching assumption */ public SpectrumMatch(String spectrumKey, SpectrumIdentificationAssumption assumption) { int advocateId = assumption.getAdvocate(); if (assumptionsMap == null) { assumptionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>>(1); } assumptionsMap.put(advocateId, new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>()); assumptionsMap.get(advocateId).put(assumption.getScore(), new ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>()); assumptionsMap.get(advocateId).get(assumption.getScore()).add(assumption); this.spectrumKey = spectrumKey; } /** * Constructor for the spectrum match. * * @param spectrumKey the matched spectrum key */ public SpectrumMatch(String spectrumKey) { this.spectrumKey = spectrumKey; } /** * Getter for the best peptide assumption. * * @return the best peptide assumption for the spectrum */ public PeptideAssumption getBestPeptideAssumption() { return bestPeptideAssumption; } /** * Setter for the best peptide assumption. * * @param bestAssumption the best peptide assumption for the spectrum */ public void setBestPeptideAssumption(PeptideAssumption bestAssumption) { this.bestPeptideAssumption = bestAssumption; } /** * Getter for the best tag assumption. * * @return the best tag assumption for the spectrum */ public TagAssumption getBestTagAssumption() { return bestTagAsssumption; } /** * Setter for the best tag assumption. * * @param bestTagAsssumption the best tag assumption for the spectrum */ public void setBestTagAssumption(TagAssumption bestTagAsssumption) { this.bestTagAsssumption = bestTagAsssumption; } @Override public String getKey() { return spectrumKey; } /** * Return all assumptions for the specified search engine indexed by their * e-value. Null if none found. * * @param advocateId the desired advocate ID * * @return all assumptions */ public HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> getAllAssumptions(int advocateId) { if (assumptionsMap == null) { return null; } return assumptionsMap.get(advocateId); } /** * Return all assumptions for all identification algorithms as a list. Null * if none found. * * @return all assumptions */ public ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> getAllAssumptions() { if (assumptionsMap == null) { return null; } ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> result = new ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>(); for (HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> seMap : assumptionsMap.values()) { for (double eValue : seMap.keySet()) { result.addAll(seMap.get(eValue)); } } return result; } /** * Returns the assumptions map: advocate id > score > list of * assumptions. * * @return the assumptions map */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>> getAssumptionsMap() { return assumptionsMap; } /** * Removes all assumptions but the best ones from the spectrum map. */ public void removeAssumptions() { assumptionsMap = null; } /** * Add a first hit. * * @param otherAdvocateId the index of the new advocate * @param otherAssumption the new identification assumption * @param ascendingScore indicates whether the score is ascending when hits * get better */ public void addHit(int otherAdvocateId, SpectrumIdentificationAssumption otherAssumption, boolean ascendingScore) { if (assumptionsMap == null) { assumptionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>>(1); } HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>> advocateMap = assumptionsMap.get(otherAdvocateId); if (advocateMap == null) { advocateMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>>(1); assumptionsMap.put(otherAdvocateId, advocateMap); } double score = otherAssumption.getScore(); ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> assumptionList = advocateMap.get(score); if (assumptionList == null) { assumptionList = new ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption>(1); advocateMap.put(score, assumptionList); } assumptionList.add(otherAssumption); } @Override public MatchType getType() { return MatchType.Spectrum; } /** * Replaces the new key. The key of the PSM should always be the same as the * spectrum key it links to. * * @param newKey the new key */ public void setKey(String newKey) { this.spectrumKey = newKey; } /** * Returns the spectrum number in the spectrum file. Returns null if not * implemented (versions older than 3.4.17). 1 is the first spectrum. * * @return the spectrum number in the spectrum file */ public Integer getSpectrumNumber() { return spectrumNumber; } /** * Sets the spectrum number in the spectrum file. 1 is the first spectrum. * * @param spectrumNumber the spectrum number in the spectrum file */ public void setSpectrumNumber(Integer spectrumNumber) { this.spectrumNumber = spectrumNumber; } /** * Removes an assumption from the mapping. * * @param assumption the peptide assumption to remove */ public void removeAssumption(SpectrumIdentificationAssumption assumption) { if (assumptionsMap != null) { ArrayList<Integer> seToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int se : assumptionsMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<Double> eValueToRemove = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (double eValue : assumptionsMap.get(se).keySet()) { assumptionsMap.get(se).get(eValue).remove(assumption); if (assumptionsMap.get(se).get(eValue).isEmpty()) { eValueToRemove.add(eValue); } } for (double eValue : eValueToRemove) { assumptionsMap.get(se).remove(eValue); } if (assumptionsMap.get(se).isEmpty()) { seToRemove.add(se); } } for (int se : seToRemove) { assumptionsMap.remove(se); } } } /** * Indicates whether the spectrum match contains a peptide assumption from a * search engine. * * @return a boolean indicating whether the spectrum match contains an * assumption */ public boolean hasAssumption() { if (assumptionsMap == null) { return false; } for (int se : assumptionsMap.keySet()) { for (ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> assumptionsAtScore : assumptionsMap.get(se).values()) { if (!assumptionsAtScore.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Indicates whether the spectrum match contains a peptide assumption for * the given advocate (for example a search engine, see the Advocate class) * * @param advocateId The index of the advocate * @return a boolean indicating whether the spectrum match contains a * peptide assumption for the given advocate */ public boolean hasAssumption(int advocateId) { if (assumptionsMap == null) { return false; } if (assumptionsMap.containsKey(advocateId)) { for (ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> assumptionsAtEvalue : assumptionsMap.get(advocateId).values()) { if (!assumptionsAtEvalue.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Creates a peptide based spectrum match where peptide assumptions are * deduced from tag assumptions. The original tag assumption is added to the * peptide match as refinement parameter * * @param proteinTree the protein tree to use to map tags to peptides * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * @param massTolerance the MS2 mass tolerance to use * @param scoreInAscendingOrder boolean indicating whether the tag score is * in the ascending order; ie the higher the score, the better the match. * @param tagMatcher the tag matcher to use * @param ascendingScore indicates whether the score is ascending when hits * get better * * @return a new spectrum match containing the peptide assumptions made from * the tag assumptions. * * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs * @throws SQLException if an SQLException occurs * @throws ClassNotFoundException if a ClassNotFoundException occurs * @throws InterruptedException if an InterruptedException occurs */ public SpectrumMatch getPeptidesFromTags(ProteinTree proteinTree, TagMatcher tagMatcher, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, Double massTolerance, boolean scoreInAscendingOrder, boolean ascendingScore) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = new SpectrumMatch(spectrumKey); if (assumptionsMap == null) { return spectrumMatch; } for (int advocateId : assumptionsMap.keySet()) { int rank = 1; ArrayList<Double> scores = new ArrayList<Double>(assumptionsMap.get(advocateId).keySet()); if (scoreInAscendingOrder) { Collections.sort(scores); } else { Collections.sort(scores, Collections.reverseOrder()); } for (double score : scores) { ArrayList<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> originalAssumptions = assumptionsMap.get(advocateId).get(score); for (SpectrumIdentificationAssumption assumption : originalAssumptions) { if (assumption instanceof TagAssumption) { TagAssumption tagAssumption = (TagAssumption) assumption; ArrayList<PeptideProteinMapping> proteinMapping = proteinTree.getProteinMapping(tagAssumption.getTag(), tagMatcher, sequenceMatchingPreferences, massTolerance); for (Peptide peptide : PeptideProteinMapping.getPeptides(proteinMapping, sequenceMatchingPreferences)) { PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(peptide, rank, advocateId, assumption.getIdentificationCharge(), score, assumption.getIdentificationFile()); peptideAssumption.setRawScore(score); peptideAssumption.addUrParam(tagAssumption); spectrumMatch.addHit(advocateId, peptideAssumption, ascendingScore); } } } } } return spectrumMatch; } /** * Returns a map containing the tag assumptions of this spectrum assumptions * indexed by the beginning of the longest amino acid sequence. The * beginning of the sequence is made unique according to the sequence * matching preferences. * * @param keySize the size to use for the keys * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences * * @return a map containing the tag assumptions of this spectrum assumptions * indexed by the beginning of the longest amino acid sequence */ public HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<TagAssumption>>> getTagAssumptionsMap(int keySize, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) { if (tagAssumptionsMap == null || keySize != tagAssumptionsMapKeySize) { tagAssumptionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<TagAssumption>>>(assumptionsMap.size()); for (int advocate : assumptionsMap.keySet()) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<TagAssumption>> advocateMap = tagAssumptionsMap.get(advocate); if (advocateMap == null) { advocateMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<TagAssumption>>(); tagAssumptionsMap.put(advocate, advocateMap); } for (Collection<SpectrumIdentificationAssumption> spectrumIdentificationAssumptions : assumptionsMap.get(advocate).values()) { for (SpectrumIdentificationAssumption spectrumIdentificationAssumption : spectrumIdentificationAssumptions) { if (spectrumIdentificationAssumption instanceof TagAssumption) { TagAssumption tagAssumption = (TagAssumption) spectrumIdentificationAssumption; String longestSequence = tagAssumption.getTag().getLongestAminoAcidSequence(); if (longestSequence.length() < keySize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tag " + tagAssumption.getTag() + " cannot be indexed. Longest amino acid sequence " + longestSequence + " should be of length >= " + keySize + "."); } String subSequence = longestSequence.substring(0, keySize); ArrayList<TagAssumption> tagAssumptions = advocateMap.get(subSequence); if (tagAssumptions == null) { tagAssumptions = new ArrayList<TagAssumption>(); advocateMap.put(subSequence, tagAssumptions); } tagAssumptions.add(tagAssumption); } } } } tagAssumptionsMapKeySize = keySize; } return tagAssumptionsMap; } /** * Removes the tags assumptions map to free memory. */ public void removeTagAssumptionsMap() { tagAssumptionsMap = null; } }