package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Class that takes care of converting an svg file to a png file using the * command line version of apache batik. * * @author Harald Barsnes */ public class SplashScreen { /** * Constructor. Requires three arguments, 1) the target folder of the tool * with the figure to convert, 2) the jar file folder of the tool with the * figure to convert, and 3) the figure file name (without .svg or .png). * * @param args the arguments: 1) target folder, 2) jar file folder, 3) * figure file name (without .svg or .png) */ public SplashScreen(String args[]) { // get the locations and the figure file names String targetFolder = args[0]; // target folder String jarFolder = args[1]; // jar file folder String svgFileName = args[2]; // splash screen file name (without svg/png) // set the locations needed String splashScreenLocation = targetFolder + "/classes/" + svgFileName + ".svg"; String splashScreenEndLocation = jarFolder + "/resources/conf/" + svgFileName + ".png"; String pomFileFolder = targetFolder.substring(0, targetFolder.length() - "target".length()); String splashScreenCodePath = pomFileFolder + "splashscreen/"; // build the command line ArrayList process_name_array = new ArrayList(); process_name_array.add("java"); process_name_array.add("-jar"); process_name_array.add("batik-rasterizer.jar"); process_name_array.add("-dpi"); process_name_array.add("60000"); process_name_array.add("-h"); process_name_array.add("2200"); process_name_array.add("-d"); process_name_array.add(splashScreenEndLocation); process_name_array.add(splashScreenLocation); // execute the command line ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(process_name_array); File(splashScreenCodePath)); try { Process p = pb.start(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } /** * The main method. Use in the pom file starting the process. * * @param args the arguments: 1) target folder, 2) jar file folder, 3) * figure file name (without .svg or .png) */ public static void main(String args[]) { new SplashScreen(args); } }