package; import com.compomics.util.Util; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.AminoAcidSequence; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.spectrum_assumptions.PeptideAssumption; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.identification_parameters.SearchParameters; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.SpectrumMatch; import; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Charge; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.Spectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.personalization.ExperimentObject; import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences; import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This IdfileReader reads identifications from an mzIdentML result file. * * @author Harald Barsnes * @author Marc Vaudel */ public class MzIdentMLIdfileReader extends ExperimentObject implements IdfileReader { /** * Enum for the raw value to e-value conversion. */ public enum RawValueConversionType { noConversion, baseTwoPowerMinusValue, baseTenPowerMinusValue, baseTenPowerPlusValue, baseNaturalLogPowerMinusValue, oneMinusValue; } /** * List of software used to create this file according to the file. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> tempSoftwareVersions = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); /** * The list of software according to the scores found. */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> softwareVersions = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); /** * The mzIdentML file. */ private File mzIdentMLFile; /** * The name of the mzIdentML file. */ private String mzIdentMLFileName; /** * The mzIdentML unmarshaller. */ private MzIdentMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller; /** * The names of the fixed modifications. */ private ArrayList<SearchModification> fixedModifications; /** * A temporary peptide map used by the custom parser only. Key: peptide * id/ref, element: the peptide object. */ private HashMap<String, PeptideCustom> tempPeptideMap; /** * A temporary peptide evidence id to peptide ref map used by the custom * parser only. Key: peptide evidence id, element: the peptide ref. */ private HashMap<String, String> tempPeptideEvidenceMap; /** * A map of the spectrum file names. Key: spectrum id/ref, element: spectrum * file name. */ private HashMap<String, String> spectrumFileNameMap; /** * The list of fixed modifications extracted by the custom parser. */ private ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom> fixedModificationsCustomParser; /** * The sequence matching parameters. */ private SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences; /** * Set if the amino acid combinations are to be expanded. For example * replacing X's. */ private boolean expandAaCombinations; /** * Set if the custom parser are to be used. If false, the jmzidentml parser * is used. */ private boolean useCustomParser = true; /** * Boolean indicating whether the mzId file contains de novo tags. */ private boolean hasDenovoTags = false; /** * Default constructor for the purpose of instantiation. */ public MzIdentMLIdfileReader() { } /** * Constructor for an mzIdentML result file reader. * * @param mzIdentMLFile the mzIdentML file * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public MzIdentMLIdfileReader(File mzIdentMLFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { this(mzIdentMLFile, null); } /** * Constructor for an mzIdentML result file reader. * * @param mzIdentMLFile the mzIdentML file * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler * @throws FileNotFoundException if a FileNotFoundException occurs * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs */ public MzIdentMLIdfileReader(File mzIdentMLFile, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { this.mzIdentMLFile = mzIdentMLFile; mzIdentMLFileName = Util.getFileName(mzIdentMLFile); if (!useCustomParser) { if (mzIdentMLFile.length() < 10485760) { unmarshaller = new MzIdentMLUnmarshaller(mzIdentMLFile, true); } else { unmarshaller = new MzIdentMLUnmarshaller(mzIdentMLFile); } // get the software versions AnalysisSoftwareList analysisSoftwareList = unmarshaller.unmarshal(AnalysisSoftwareList.class); for (AnalysisSoftware software : analysisSoftwareList.getAnalysisSoftware()) { Param softwareNameObject = software.getSoftwareName(); String softwareName = softwareNameObject.getCvParam().getName(); if (softwareName == null) { softwareName = softwareNameObject.getUserParam().getName(); } String version = software.getVersion(); if (softwareName != null && version != null) { // only keep known software if (Advocate.getAdvocate(softwareName) != null) { ArrayList<String> versions = tempSoftwareVersions.get(softwareName); if (versions == null) { versions = new ArrayList<String>(); versions.add(version); tempSoftwareVersions.put(softwareName, versions); } else if (!versions.contains(version)) { versions.add(version); } } } } softwareVersions.putAll(tempSoftwareVersions); // get the list of fixed modifications fixedModifications = new ArrayList<SearchModification>(); SpectrumIdentificationProtocol spectrumIdentificationProtocol = unmarshaller.unmarshal(SpectrumIdentificationProtocol.class); ModificationParams modifications = spectrumIdentificationProtocol.getModificationParams(); if (modifications != null) { for (SearchModification tempMod : modifications.getSearchModification()) { if (tempMod.isFixedMod()) { fixedModifications.add(tempMod); } } } } } @Override public String getExtension() { return ".mzid"; } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { return getAllSpectrumMatches(waitingHandler, searchParameters, null, true); } @Override public LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> getAllSpectrumMatches(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, SearchParameters searchParameters, SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences, boolean expandAaCombinations) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, JAXBException { this.sequenceMatchingPreferences = sequenceMatchingPreferences; this.expandAaCombinations = expandAaCombinations; LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> result = new LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>(); if (useCustomParser) { // set the waiting handler max value if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(true); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(mzIdentMLFile)); int lineCounter = 0; String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { line = br.readLine(); lineCounter++; } br.close(); waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(lineCounter); } return parseFile(waitingHandler); } else { DataCollection dataCollection = unmarshaller.unmarshal(DataCollection.class); AnalysisData analysisData = dataCollection.getAnalysisData(); // Get the list of SpectrumIdentification elements List<SpectrumIdentificationList> spectrumIdList = analysisData.getSpectrumIdentificationList(); int spectrumIdentificationResultSize = 0; // find the number of psms to parse for (SpectrumIdentificationList spectrumIdElements : spectrumIdList) { spectrumIdentificationResultSize += spectrumIdElements.getSpectrumIdentificationResult().size(); } // set the waiting handler max value if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounterIndeterminate(false); waitingHandler.setMaxSecondaryProgressCounter(spectrumIdentificationResultSize); } // Reset the software versions to keep only the advocates which were used for scoring softwareVersions.clear(); // get the psms for (SpectrumIdentificationList spectrumIdElements : spectrumIdList) { for (SpectrumIdentificationResult spectrumIdentResult : spectrumIdElements.getSpectrumIdentificationResult()) { // get the spectrum title String spectrumTitle = null; for (CvParam cvParam : spectrumIdentResult.getCvParam()) { if (cvParam.getAccession().equalsIgnoreCase("MS:1000796") || cvParam.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("spectrum title")) { spectrumTitle = cvParam.getValue(); // remove any html from the title spectrumTitle = URLDecoder.decode(spectrumTitle, "utf-8"); } } // see if we can find the spectrum index String spectrumId = spectrumIdentResult.getSpectrumID(); Integer spectrumIndex = null; if (spectrumId != null && spectrumId.startsWith("index=")) { spectrumIndex = Integer.valueOf(spectrumId.substring(spectrumId.indexOf("=") + 1)); } // get the spectrum file name SpectraData spectraData = unmarshaller.unmarshal(SpectraData.class, spectrumIdentResult.getSpectraDataRef()); String spectrumFileName = new File(spectraData.getLocation()).getName(); // set up the yet empty spectrum match SpectrumMatch currentMatch = new SpectrumMatch(Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(spectrumFileName, spectrumTitle)); // set spectrum index, used if title is not provided if (spectrumIndex != null) { int spectrumNumber = spectrumIndex + 1; currentMatch.setSpectrumNumber(spectrumNumber); } // iterate and add the spectrum matches for (SpectrumIdentificationItem spectrumIdentItem : spectrumIdentResult.getSpectrumIdentificationItem()) { int rank = spectrumIdentItem.getRank(); String peptideReference = spectrumIdentItem.getPeptideRef(); // get the peptide mzIdentMLPeptide = unmarshaller.unmarshal(, peptideReference); String peptideSequence = mzIdentMLPeptide.getPeptideSequence(); // get the modifications ArrayList<ModificationMatch> utilitiesModifications = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); for (Modification modification : mzIdentMLPeptide.getModification()) { String accession = modification.getCvParam().get(0).getAccession(); // note: only the first ptm cv term is used int location = modification.getLocation(); double monoMassDelta = modification.getMonoisotopicMassDelta(); boolean fixed = false; for (SearchModification searchFixedModification : fixedModifications) { if (accession.equals(searchFixedModification.getCvParam().get(0).getAccession()) || searchFixedModification.getMassDelta() == monoMassDelta) { boolean allRules = true; List<SpecificityRules> specificityRules = searchFixedModification.getSpecificityRules(); if (specificityRules != null && !specificityRules.isEmpty()) { for (SpecificityRules specificityRule : specificityRules) { for (CvParam cvParam : specificityRule.getCvParam()) { if (cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1001189") || cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1002057")) { if (location != 0) { allRules = false; break; } } else if (cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1001190") || cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1002058")) { if (location != peptideSequence.length() + 1) { allRules = false; break; } } else if (cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1001875")) { // can we use this? } else if (cvParam.getAccession().equals("MS:1001876")) { // not a specificity rule but the scoring of the specificity } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specificity rule " + cvParam.getAccession() + " not recognized."); } } if (!allRules) { break; } } } if (allRules) { List<String> residues = searchFixedModification.getResidues(); if (residues == null || residues.isEmpty()) { fixed = true; break; } else { String aaAtLocation; if (location == 0) { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(0) + ""; } else if (location == peptideSequence.length() + 1) { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(location - 2) + ""; } else { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(location - 1) + ""; } for (String residue : residues) { if (residue.equals(aaAtLocation) || residue.equals(".")) { fixed = true; break; } } } } } if (fixed) { break; } } if (!fixed) { if (location == 0) { location = 1; // n-term ptm } else if (location == peptideSequence.length() + 1) { location -= 1; // c-term ptm } utilitiesModifications.add(new ModificationMatch(monoMassDelta + "@" + peptideSequence.charAt(location - 1), true, location)); } } // create the peptide Peptide peptide = new Peptide(peptideSequence, utilitiesModifications, true); // get the e-value and advocate HashMap<String, Double> scoreMap = getAccessionToEValue(spectrumIdentItem); EValueObject tempEValue = getEValue(scoreMap, spectrumIdentItem.getId()); Advocate advocate = tempEValue.getAdvocate(); Double eValue = tempEValue.getEValue(); Double rawScore = tempEValue.getRawScore(); // get the charge Charge peptideCharge = new Charge(Charge.PLUS, spectrumIdentItem.getChargeState()); // create the peptide assumption PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(peptide, rank, advocate.getIndex(), peptideCharge, eValue, mzIdentMLFileName); if (rawScore != null) { peptideAssumption.setRawScore(rawScore); } if (expandAaCombinations && AminoAcidSequence.hasCombination(peptideAssumption.getPeptide().getSequence())) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> previousModificationMatches = peptide.getModificationMatches(), newModificationMatches = null; if (previousModificationMatches != null) { newModificationMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(previousModificationMatches.size()); } for (StringBuilder expandedSequence : AminoAcidSequence.getCombinations(peptide.getSequence())) { Peptide newPeptide = new Peptide(expandedSequence.toString(), newModificationMatches, true); if (previousModificationMatches != null) { for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : previousModificationMatches) { newPeptide.addModificationMatch(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), modificationMatch.getModificationSite())); } } PeptideAssumption newAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(newPeptide, peptideAssumption.getRank(), peptideAssumption.getAdvocate(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationCharge(), peptideAssumption.getScore(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationFile()); if (rawScore != null) { newAssumption.setRawScore(rawScore); } currentMatch.addHit(advocate.getIndex(), newAssumption, false); } } else { currentMatch.addHit(advocate.getIndex(), peptideAssumption, false); } if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } waitingHandler.increaseSecondaryProgressCounter(); } result.add(currentMatch); } if (waitingHandler != null) { if (waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) { break; } } } } return result; } /** * Makes a score accession to score value map for the given * spectrumIdentificationItem. * * @param spectrumIdentItem the spectrum identification item * * @return a map of the score accession to score value of the given scores */ private HashMap<String, Double> getAccessionToEValue(SpectrumIdentificationItem spectrumIdentItem) { HashMap<String, Double> result = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (CvParam cvParam : spectrumIdentItem.getCvParam()) { String accession = cvParam.getAccession(); if (cvParam.getValue() != null) { try { Double eValue = new Double(cvParam.getValue()); result.put(accession, eValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore, not a number } } } return result; } /** * Returns the advocate. * * @return the advocate */ private Advocate getAdvocate() { for (String softwareName : tempSoftwareVersions.keySet()) { Advocate advocate = Advocate.getAdvocate(softwareName); if (advocate != null) { return advocate; } } for (String softwareName : tempSoftwareVersions.keySet()) { return Advocate.addUserAdvocate(softwareName); } return Advocate.genericMzId; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { mzIdentMLFile = null; unmarshaller = null; //unmarshaller.close(); // @TODO: close method is missing? } @Override public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getSoftwareVersions() { return softwareVersions; } @Override public HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>> getTagsMap() { return new HashMap<String, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>>(0); } @Override public void clearTagsMap() { // No tags yet } @Override public boolean hasDeNovoTags() { return hasDenovoTags; } /** * Main method for testing purposes only. * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { MzIdentMLIdfileReader temp = new MzIdentMLIdfileReader(); temp.parseFile(null); } /** * Parse the mzid file. * * @return the list of spectrum matches */ private LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> parseFile(WaitingHandler waitingHandler) { LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> result = new LinkedList<SpectrumMatch>(); try { // create the pull parser XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(System.getProperty(XmlPullParserFactory.PROPERTY_NAME), null); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); XmlPullParser parser = factory.newPullParser(); // create a reader for the input file BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(mzIdentMLFile)); // set the XML Pull Parser to read from this reader parser.setInput(br); // start the parsing int type =; tempPeptideMap = new HashMap<String, PeptideCustom>(); tempPeptideEvidenceMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); spectrumFileNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); fixedModificationsCustomParser = new ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom>(); // reset the software versions to keep only the advocates which were used for scoring softwareVersions.clear(); // get the analysis software, the spectra data,the peptides and the psms while (type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("AnalysisSoftware")) { parseSoftware(parser); } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("Peptide")) { parsePeptide(parser); } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("PeptideEvidence")) { parsePeptideEvidence(parser); } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("SpectraData")) { parseSpectraData(parser, spectrumFileNameMap); } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("ModificationParams")) { parseFixedPtms(parser); } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equals("SpectrumIdentificationResult")) { parsePsm(parser, result); } type =; if (waitingHandler != null) { waitingHandler.setSecondaryProgressCounter(parser.getLineNumber()); } } br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * Parse a peptide evidence object. * * @param parser the XML parser * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parsePeptideEvidence(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception { String peptideEvidenceId = null; String peptideRef = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { peptideEvidenceId = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("peptide_ref")) { peptideRef = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (peptideEvidenceId != null && peptideRef != null) { tempPeptideEvidenceMap.put(peptideEvidenceId, peptideRef); } } /** * Parse a peptide object. * * @param parser the XML parser * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parsePeptide(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception { String pepKey = parser.getAttributeValue(0); int type =; while (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG || !parser.getName().equals("PeptideSequence")) { type =; } type =; String peptideSequence = parser.getText().trim(); while (parser.getName() == null || (!parser.getName().equals("Peptide") && !parser.getName().equals("Modification"))) { type =; } ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom> modifications = new ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom>(); while (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("Modification")) { Integer location = null; Double monoMassDelta = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("monoisotopicMassDelta")) { monoMassDelta = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("location")) { location = Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } };; String accession = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("accession")) { // note that only the first ptm cv term is used accession = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (location == null || monoMassDelta == null || accession == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse PTM!"); } modifications.add(new SearchModificationCustom(accession, location, monoMassDelta));; while (parser.getName() == null || (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("cvParam"))) {; };; } tempPeptideMap.put(pepKey, new PeptideCustom(peptideSequence, modifications)); } /** * Parse a software object. * * @param parser the XML parser * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parseSoftware(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception { String softwareVersion = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("version")) { softwareVersion = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } }; while (parser.getName() == null || (parser.getName() != null && !parser.getName().equals("SoftwareName"))) {; }; if (parser.getName() == null) {; } String softwareName = null; if (parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { softwareName = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } } else if (parser.getName().equals("userParam")) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { softwareName = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } } if (softwareName != null && softwareVersion != null) { // only keep known software if (Advocate.getAdvocate(softwareName) != null) { ArrayList<String> versions = tempSoftwareVersions.get(softwareName); if (versions == null) { versions = new ArrayList<String>(); versions.add(softwareVersion); tempSoftwareVersions.put(softwareName, versions); } else if (!versions.contains(softwareVersion)) { versions.add(softwareVersion); } softwareVersions.put(softwareName, versions); } } softwareVersions.putAll(tempSoftwareVersions); } /** * Returns true of the given modification is to be considered as variable. * * @param accession the accession of the modification * @param location the location of the modification * @param monoMassDelta the delta mass of the modification * @param peptideSequence the peptide sequence of the modification */ private boolean isVariableModification(SearchModificationCustom modification, String peptideSequence) { boolean fixed = false; int peptidePtmLocation = modification.getLocation(); // check if the current modification is a fixed modification for (SearchModificationCustom fixedModification : fixedModificationsCustomParser) { // find the mass difference, needed if the cv term is not provided double massDifference = Math.abs(fixedModification.getMassDelta() - modification.getMassDelta()); // compare accession numbers (excluding MS:1001460 - unknown modification) and if not equal then compare the delta masses if ((modification.getAccession().equals(fixedModification.getAccession()) && !modification.getAccession().equals("MS:1001460")) || massDifference < 0.00001) { // @TODO: is there a better way of doing this..? boolean allRules = true; ArrayList<String> specificityRuleCvTerms = fixedModification.getModRuleCvTerms(); if (specificityRuleCvTerms != null && !specificityRuleCvTerms.isEmpty()) { for (String specificityRuleCvTerm : specificityRuleCvTerms) { if (specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1001189") || specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1002057")) { if (peptidePtmLocation != 0) { allRules = false; break; } } else if (specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1001190") || specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1002058")) { if (peptidePtmLocation != peptideSequence.length() + 1) { allRules = false; break; } } else if (specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1001875")) { // can we use this? } else if (specificityRuleCvTerm.equals("MS:1001876")) { // not a specificity rule but the scoring of the specificity } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specificity rule " + specificityRuleCvTerm + " not recognized."); } if (!allRules) { break; } } } else if (peptidePtmLocation == 0 || peptidePtmLocation == peptideSequence.length() + 1) { // no specificity rules, so the modification cannot be terminal (but can still be on the first or last residue) allRules = false; } if (allRules) { String residues = fixedModification.getResidues(); if (residues == null || residues.isEmpty()) { fixed = true; break; } else { char aaAtLocation; if (peptidePtmLocation == 0) { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(0); } else if (peptidePtmLocation == peptideSequence.length() + 1) { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(peptidePtmLocation - 2); } else { aaAtLocation = peptideSequence.charAt(peptidePtmLocation - 1); } for (char residue : residues.toCharArray()) { if (residue == aaAtLocation || residue == '.') { fixed = true; break; } } } } } if (fixed) { break; } } return !fixed; } /** * Parse the list of fixed modifications. * * @param parser the XML parser * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parseFixedPtms(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {;; if (parser.getName() != null && !parser.getName().equals("ModificationParams")) { while (parser.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("SearchModification")) { String residues = null; Double massDelta = null; boolean fixed = false; ArrayList<String> modRuleCvTerms = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> ptmCvTerms = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("residues")) { residues = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("massDelta")) { massDelta = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("fixedMod")) { fixed = Boolean.parseBoolean(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } };; if (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("SpecificityRules")) {; if (parser.getName() == null) { // no idea why this is needed for ms-gf+...; } while (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { if (parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { String accession = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("accession")) { accession = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } modRuleCvTerms.add(accession); };;; }; if (parser.getName() == null) { // don't get why this is needed for ms-gf+...; } } while (parser.getName() != null && (parser.getName().equals("cvParam") || parser.getName().equals("userParam"))) { if (parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { String accession = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("accession")) { accession = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (accession != null && !accession.equalsIgnoreCase("MS:1002504")) { // ignore MS:1002504 - modification index ptmCvTerms.add(accession); } };;; } if (fixed && !ptmCvTerms.isEmpty()) { for (String tempPtmCvTerm : ptmCvTerms) { fixedModificationsCustomParser.add(new SearchModificationCustom(tempPtmCvTerm, residues, massDelta, modRuleCvTerms)); } };; } } } /** * Parse a SpectraData element. * * @param parser the XML parser * @param spectrumFileNameMap the spectrum file name map * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parseSpectraData(XmlPullParser parser, HashMap<String, String> spectrumFileNameMap) throws Exception { String location = null; String id = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("location")) { location = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { id = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (location != null && id != null) { String fileName = location; if (location.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) { fileName = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else if (location.lastIndexOf("\\") != -1) { fileName = location.substring(location.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); } //String fileName = new File(new URI(location)).getName(); // @TODO: check if this work cross platform... (if it does the above code could be replaced) spectrumFileNameMap.put(id, fileName); } } /** * Parse a PSM object. * * @param parser the XML parser * @param result the list to add the extracted PSM to * @throws Exception thrown if an exception occurs */ private void parsePsm(XmlPullParser parser, LinkedList<SpectrumMatch> result) throws Exception { String spectraDataRef = null; String spectrumId = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("spectraData_ref")) { spectraDataRef = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("spectrumID")) { spectrumId = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (spectraDataRef == null || spectrumId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SpectrumIdentificationResult!"); } // see if we can find the spectrum index Integer spectrumIndex = null; if (spectrumId != null && spectrumId.startsWith("index=")) { // @TODO: support more index types spectrumIndex = Integer.valueOf(spectrumId.substring(spectrumId.indexOf("=") + 1)); } // get the spectrum file name String spectrumFileName = spectrumFileNameMap.get(spectraDataRef); // set up the yet empty spectrum match SpectrumMatch currentMatch = new SpectrumMatch(Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(spectrumFileName, "temp")); // set spectrum index, used if title is not provided if (spectrumIndex != null) { int spectrumNumber = spectrumIndex + 1; currentMatch.setSpectrumNumber(spectrumNumber); }; int type =; while (type != XmlPullParser.END_TAG && !parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { Integer rank = null; String peptideRef = null; Integer chargeState = null; String spectrumIdItemId = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("rank")) { rank = Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("peptide_ref")) { peptideRef = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("chargeState")) { chargeState = Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { spectrumIdItemId = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (rank == null || chargeState == null || spectrumIdItemId == null) { System.out.println("spectrumIdItemId: " + spectrumIdItemId); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SpectrumIdentificationItem!"); } type =; // read until we get to the peptide evidence references while (parser.getName() == null || (parser.getName() != null && !parser.getName().equals("PeptideEvidenceRef"))) { type =; } // see if we need to get the peptide reference from the peptide evidence element String peptideEvidenceRef = null; if (peptideRef == null) { if (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("PeptideEvidenceRef")) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("peptideEvidence_ref")) { peptideEvidenceRef = parser.getAttributeValue(0); break; } } type =; } } if (peptideRef == null && peptideEvidenceRef == null) { System.out.println("spectrumIdItemId: " + spectrumIdItemId); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SpectrumIdentificationItem!"); } // skip the (rest of) the peptide evidence references while (parser.getName() == null || (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("PeptideEvidenceRef"))) { type =; } // skip the fragmentation if (parser.getName().equals("Fragmentation")) {; while (parser.getName() == null || (parser.getName() != null && !parser.getName().equals("Fragmentation"))) {; }; type =; } HashMap<String, Double> eValueMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); while (parser.getName() != null && (parser.getName().equals("cvParam") || parser.getName().equals("userParam"))) { if (parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { String accession = null; Double value = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("accession")) { accession = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("value")) { try { value = Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore, not a number } } } if (value != null) { eValueMap.put(accession, value); } };; type =; } if (parser.getName().equals("SpectrumIdentificationItem") && type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {;; } else {;;; } // get the e-value EValueObject tempEValue = getEValue(eValueMap, spectrumIdItemId); Advocate advocate = tempEValue.getAdvocate(); Double eValue = tempEValue.getEValue(); Double rawScore = tempEValue.getRawScore(); // get the peptide reference if (peptideRef == null) { peptideRef = tempPeptideEvidenceMap.get(peptideEvidenceRef); } if (!tempPeptideMap.containsKey(peptideRef)) { System.out.println("spectrumIdItemId: " + spectrumIdItemId); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SpectrumIdentificationItem!"); } // get the peptide PeptideCustom tempPeptide = tempPeptideMap.get(peptideRef); // create a new peptide ArrayList<ModificationMatch> modMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(); for (SearchModificationCustom tempMod : tempPeptide.getModifications()) { if (isVariableModification(tempMod, tempPeptide.getPeptideSequence())) { // correct for terminal modifications int location = tempMod.getLocation(); if (location == 0) { location = 1; // n-term ptm } else if (location == tempPeptide.getPeptideSequence().length() + 1) { location -= 1; // c-term ptm } modMatches.add(new ModificationMatch(tempMod.getMassDelta() + "@" + tempPeptide.getPeptideSequence().charAt(location - 1), true, location)); } } Peptide peptide = new Peptide(tempPeptide.getPeptideSequence(), modMatches, true); // get the charge Charge peptideCharge = new Charge(Charge.PLUS, chargeState); // create the peptide assumption PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(peptide, rank, advocate.getIndex(), peptideCharge, eValue, mzIdentMLFileName); if (rawScore != null) { peptideAssumption.setRawScore(rawScore); } if (expandAaCombinations && AminoAcidSequence.hasCombination(peptideAssumption.getPeptide().getSequence())) { ArrayList<ModificationMatch> previousModificationMatches = peptide.getModificationMatches(), newModificationMatches = null; if (previousModificationMatches != null) { newModificationMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>(previousModificationMatches.size()); } for (StringBuilder expandedSequence : AminoAcidSequence.getCombinations(peptide.getSequence())) { Peptide newPeptide = new Peptide(expandedSequence.toString(), newModificationMatches, true); if (previousModificationMatches != null) { for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : previousModificationMatches) { newPeptide.addModificationMatch(new ModificationMatch(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm(), modificationMatch.isVariable(), modificationMatch.getModificationSite())); } } PeptideAssumption newAssumption = new PeptideAssumption(newPeptide, peptideAssumption.getRank(), peptideAssumption.getAdvocate(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationCharge(), peptideAssumption.getScore(), peptideAssumption.getIdentificationFile()); if (rawScore != null) { newAssumption.setRawScore(rawScore); } currentMatch.addHit(advocate.getIndex(), newAssumption, false); } } else { currentMatch.addHit(advocate.getIndex(), peptideAssumption, false); } } // get the spectrum title String spectrumTitle = null; while (parser.getName() != null && parser.getName().equals("cvParam")) { String accession = null; String name = null; String value = null; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = parser.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("accession")) { accession = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("value")) { value = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } else if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { name = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } if (accession != null && name != null && value != null) { if (accession.equalsIgnoreCase("MS:1000796") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("spectrum title")) { spectrumTitle = value; // remove any html from the title spectrumTitle = URLDecoder.decode(spectrumTitle, "utf-8"); } };;; } // update the spectrum key with the correct spectrum title if (spectrumTitle != null) { currentMatch.setKey(Spectrum.getSpectrumKey(spectrumFileName, spectrumTitle)); } result.add(currentMatch); } /** * Returns the e-value object for the given CV term, null if not found. * * @param scoreMap the score map * @param advocate the advocate * @param cvTerm the CV term to look for * @param rawValueConversionType the raw value conversion type * @return the e-value object for the given CV term, null if not found */ private EValueObject getEValueObject(HashMap<String, Double> scoreMap, Advocate advocate, String cvTerm, RawValueConversionType rawValueConversionType) { EValueObject eValueObject = null; Double eValue = scoreMap.get(cvTerm), rawScore = null; if (eValue != null) { // convert score to e-value if needed switch (rawValueConversionType) { case noConversion: // do nothing break; case baseTwoPowerMinusValue: eValue = Math.pow(2, -eValue); break; case baseTenPowerMinusValue: eValue = Math.pow(10, -eValue); break; case baseTenPowerPlusValue: eValue = Math.pow(10, eValue); break; case baseNaturalLogPowerMinusValue: eValue = Math.pow(Math.E, -eValue); break; case oneMinusValue: eValue = 1 - eValue; break; } // get the software version String name = advocate.getName(); if (!softwareVersions.containsKey(name)) { ArrayList<String> versions = tempSoftwareVersions.get(name); if (versions == null) { versions = new ArrayList<String>(); } softwareVersions.put(name, versions); } // create the e-value object eValueObject = new EValueObject(eValue, rawScore, advocate); } return eValueObject; } /** * Returns the extracted e-value details. * * @param scoreMap the map of the possible e-values * @param spectrumIdItemId the spectrum identification ID, only used if no * e-value is found * @return the extracted e-value details */ private EValueObject getEValue(HashMap<String, Double> scoreMap, String spectrumIdItemId) { String cvTerm; //TODO: select the "best" algorithm or include all? // MyriMatch cvTerm = "MS:1001589"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.myriMatch, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseNaturalLogPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1001590"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.myriMatch, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseNaturalLogPowerMinusValue); } // ms-gf+ cvTerm = "MS:1002052"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002053"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002056"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002055"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002054"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002049"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msgf, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // PEAKS cvTerm = "MS:1002448"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.peaks, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001950"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.peaks, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // X!Tandem cvTerm = "MS:1001330"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.xtandem, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001331"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.xtandem, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // OMSSA cvTerm = "MS:1001328"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.omssa, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001329"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.omssa, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // MS Amanda cvTerm = "MS:1002319"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msAmanda, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerPlusValue); } // Andromeda cvTerm = "MS:1002338"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.andromeda, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Comet cvTerm = "MS:1002255"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.comet, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002252"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.comet, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerPlusValue); } // Mascot cvTerm = "MS:1001172"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.mascot, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001171"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.mascot, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // PeptideShaker cvTerm = "MS:1002466"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.peptideShaker, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1002467"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.peptideShaker, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // Byonic cvTerm = "MS:1002262"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.byonic, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1002311"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.byonic, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1002265"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.byonic, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002309"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.byonic, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1002266"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.byonic, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerPlusValue); } // MS Fit cvTerm = "MS:1001501"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.msFit, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Phenyx cvTerm = "MS:1001396"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.phenyx, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001395"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.phenyx, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTwoPowerMinusValue); } // Profound cvTerm = "MS:1001499"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proFound, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1001498"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proFound, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTwoPowerMinusValue); } // ProteinLynx cvTerm = "MS:1001570"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinLynx, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerPlusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1001569"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinLynx, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // ProteinProspector cvTerm = "MS:1002045"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinProspector, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002044"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinProspector, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // ProteinScape cvTerm = "MS:1001503"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinScape, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001504"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinScape, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // Sequest cvTerm = "MS:1001154"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sequest, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001155"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sequest, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1001215"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sequest, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1002248"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sequest, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // SQID cvTerm = "MS:1001887"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sqid, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // Sonar cvTerm = "MS:1001502"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.sonar, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // SpectraST cvTerm = "MS:1001417"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.spectraST, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // SpectrumMill cvTerm = "MS:1001572"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.spectrumMill, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // ZCore cvTerm = "MS:1001952"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.zCore, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Percolator cvTerm = "MS:1001491"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.percolator, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001493"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.percolator, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } cvTerm = "MS:1001492"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.percolator, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } // Morpheus cvTerm = "MS:1002662"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.morpheus, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1002354"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.morpheus, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Protein Pilot cvTerm = "MS:1001166"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinPilot, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.baseTenPowerMinusValue); } cvTerm = "MS:1001167"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.proteinPilot, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Scaffold cvTerm = "MS:1001568"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, Advocate.scaffold, cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Generic q-value cvTerm = "MS:1002354"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, getAdvocate(), cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.noConversion); } // Generic probability/confidence cvTerm = "MS:1002357"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, getAdvocate(), cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.oneMinusValue); } // Generic probability/confidence cvTerm = "MS:1002352"; if (scoreMap.containsKey(cvTerm)) { return getEValueObject(scoreMap, getAdvocate(), cvTerm, RawValueConversionType.oneMinusValue); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No e-value found for SpectrumIdentificationItem with ID " + spectrumIdItemId + " in file " + mzIdentMLFileName + "."); } /** * The e-value details. */ private class EValueObject { /** * The e-value. */ private Double eValue; /** * The advocate. */ private Advocate advocate; /** * The raw score. */ private Double rawScore; /** * Create a new EValueObject. * * @param eValue the e-value * @param rawScore the raw score * @param advocate the advocate */ public EValueObject(Double eValue, Double rawScore, Advocate advocate) { this.eValue = eValue; this.rawScore = rawScore; this.advocate = advocate; } /** * Returns the e-value. * * @return the e-value */ public Double getEValue() { return eValue; } /** * Returns the raw score. * * @return the raw score */ public Double getRawScore() { return rawScore; } /** * Returns the advocate. * * @return the advocate */ public Advocate getAdvocate() { return advocate; } } /** * A modification extracted by the custom parser. */ private class SearchModificationCustom { /** * The accession. */ private String accession; /** * The residues. */ private String residues; /** * The mass delta. */ private double massDelta; /** * The specificity rule CV terms. */ private ArrayList<String> modRuleCvTerms; /** * The location of the modification. */ private int location; /** * Create a new SearchModificationCustom. * * @param accession the PTM accession * @param location the location * @param massDelta the mass delta */ public SearchModificationCustom(String accession, int location, Double massDelta) { this.accession = accession; this.location = location; this.massDelta = massDelta; } /** * Create a new SearchModificationCustom. * * @param accession the PTM accession * @param residues the residues * @param massDelta the mass delta * @param modRuleCvTerms the specificity rule CV terms */ public SearchModificationCustom(String accession, String residues, Double massDelta, ArrayList<String> modRuleCvTerms) { this.accession = accession; this.residues = residues; this.massDelta = massDelta; this.modRuleCvTerms = modRuleCvTerms; } /** * Returns the residues. * * @return the residues */ public String getResidues() { return residues; } /** * Returns the mass delta. * * @return the mass delta */ public double getMassDelta() { return massDelta; } /** * Returns the specificity rule CV terms. * * @return the specificity rule CV terms */ public ArrayList<String> getModRuleCvTerms() { return modRuleCvTerms; } /** * Returns the PTM accession. * * @return the PTM accession */ public String getAccession() { return accession; } /** * Returns the location. * * @return the location */ public int getLocation() { return location; } } /** * A peptide created by the custom parser. */ private class PeptideCustom { /** * The peptide sequence. */ private String peptideSequence; /** * The modifications. */ private ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom> modifications; /** * Create a new PeptideCustom object. * * @param peptideSequence the peptide sequence * @param modifications the modifications */ public PeptideCustom(String peptideSequence, ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom> modifications) { this.peptideSequence = peptideSequence; this.modifications = modifications; } /** * Returns the peptide sequence. * * @return the peptideSequence */ public String getPeptideSequence() { return peptideSequence; } /** * Returns the modifications. * * @return the modifications */ public ArrayList<SearchModificationCustom> getModifications() { return modifications; } } }